Israel has national health ins and even pays for abortions


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
But they still advertise like they don't. From IFCJ, now deciding between medical care and food is something many seniors and the poor in the US have to worry about. I am suggesting keeping your charity in the US for Americans, because those in Israel do not need it.

Deciding between medical care and daily food is a harsh reality every day for Miryam. Living in Israel at 80 years old, Miryam is battling cancer but also has two disabled sons who need constant medical attention. Sadly, her meager pension is no match for her medical bills and expenses.

As a result, Miryam cannot afford food each day, much less the special foods needed to observe Passover with dignity and hope.

No one should have to do this — and certainly not a poor, elderly Jewish widow with disabled children! It is heartbreaking that without you, Jews like Miryam would go hungry, suffer alone in sickness, and be unable to provide for their families.

Fellowship friends like you have answered the prophet’s call to “comfort ye, comfort ye my people” (Isaiah 40:1, KJV) and now, with little time left before Passover, we must do everything we can for impoverished and elderly Jews like Miryam and who need God’s blessing.

An Impossible Decision to Make


In 1995, Israel passed a national health insurance (NHI) law, which provides for universal coverage. In addition to financing insurance, government provides financing for the public health service and is active in areas such as the control of communicable diseases, screening, health promotion and education, and environmental health, as well as the direct provision of various other services. It is also actively involved in the financial and quality regulation of key health system actors, including health plans, hospitals, and health care professionals.

Who is covered and how is insurance financed?

In 2015, national health expenditures accounted for 7.5 percent of GDP, a figure that has remained stable during the last two decades. In 2015, 62 percent of health expenditures were publicly financed, a share that is one of the lowest among Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) countries. (The Israeli figure is down from 63.5% in 2010 and 68% in 1995.)

Publicly financed health insurance: Israel’s NHI system automatically covers all citizens and permanent residents (aside from soldiers, who receive health care directly from the army).

Exemptions & Low-Income Protection
Quarterly out-of-pocket caps for drugs for the chronically ill, and age-, income- and health-status-related discounts; copayment exemptions for holocaust survivors; age-, income-, disability- and health-status-related exemptions on copayments for specialist consultations; reduced health tax (3% instead of 5%) for people with low incomes

Israel : International Health Care System Profiles
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But they still advertise like they don't. From IFCJ, now deciding between medical care and food is something many seniors and the poor in the US have to worry about. I am suggesting keeping your charity in the US for Americans, because those in Israel do not need it, unless you want to send it to the Palestinians.

Deciding between medical care and daily food is a harsh reality every day for Miryam. Living in Israel at 80 years old, Miryam is battling cancer but also has two disabled sons who need constant medical attention. Sadly, her meager pension is no match for her medical bills and expenses.

As a result, Miryam cannot afford food each day, much less the special foods needed to observe Passover with dignity and hope.

No one should have to do this — and certainly not a poor, elderly Jewish widow with disabled children! It is heartbreaking that without you, Jews like Miryam would go hungry, suffer alone in sickness, and be unable to provide for their families.

Fellowship friends like you have answered the prophet’s call to “comfort ye, comfort ye my people” (Isaiah 40:1, KJV) and now, with little time left before Passover, we must do everything we can for impoverished and elderly Jews like Miryam and who need God’s blessing.

An Impossible Decision to Make


In 1995, Israel passed a national health insurance (NHI) law, which provides for universal coverage. In addition to financing insurance, government provides financing for the public health service and is active in areas such as the control of communicable diseases, screening, health promotion and education, and environmental health, as well as the direct provision of various other services. It is also actively involved in the financial and quality regulation of key health system actors, including health plans, hospitals, and health care professionals.

Who is covered and how is insurance financed?

In 2015, national health expenditures accounted for 7.5 percent of GDP, a figure that has remained stable during the last two decades. In 2015, 62 percent of health expenditures were publicly financed, a share that is one of the lowest among Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) countries. (The Israeli figure is down from 63.5% in 2010 and 68% in 1995.)

Publicly financed health insurance: Israel’s NHI system automatically covers all citizens and permanent residents (aside from soldiers, who receive health care directly from the army).

Exemptions & Low-Income Protection
Quarterly out-of-pocket caps for drugs for the chronically ill, and age-, income- and health-status-related discounts; copayment exemptions for holocaust survivors; age-, income-, disability- and health-status-related exemptions on copayments for specialist consultations; reduced health tax (3% instead of 5%) for people with low incomes

Israel : International Health Care System Profiles

Penny, I have never sent one dime to Israel for charity. But since you think it's a terrible idea, I just might send some now.
Show me on this doll where the Jews touched you...

Coverage by publicly financed health insurance is near-universal—exceeding 95 percent of the population since 2011.5 The few permanent foreign residents are entitled to the same coverage benefits as citizens. Undocumented immigrants (there are very few) and visitors are not covered by publicly financed health insurance.
China : International Health Care System Profiles
Which has a billion more people than the US.
But they still advertise like they don't. From IFCJ, now deciding between medical care and food is something many seniors and the poor in the US have to worry about. I am suggesting keeping your charity in the US for Americans, because those in Israel do not need it, unless you want to send it to the Palestinians.

Deciding between medical care and daily food is a harsh reality every day for Miryam. Living in Israel at 80 years old, Miryam is battling cancer but also has two disabled sons who need constant medical attention. Sadly, her meager pension is no match for her medical bills and expenses.

As a result, Miryam cannot afford food each day, much less the special foods needed to observe Passover with dignity and hope.

No one should have to do this — and certainly not a poor, elderly Jewish widow with disabled children! It is heartbreaking that without you, Jews like Miryam would go hungry, suffer alone in sickness, and be unable to provide for their families.

Fellowship friends like you have answered the prophet’s call to “comfort ye, comfort ye my people” (Isaiah 40:1, KJV) and now, with little time left before Passover, we must do everything we can for impoverished and elderly Jews like Miryam and who need God’s blessing.

An Impossible Decision to Make


In 1995, Israel passed a national health insurance (NHI) law, which provides for universal coverage. In addition to financing insurance, government provides financing for the public health service and is active in areas such as the control of communicable diseases, screening, health promotion and education, and environmental health, as well as the direct provision of various other services. It is also actively involved in the financial and quality regulation of key health system actors, including health plans, hospitals, and health care professionals.

Who is covered and how is insurance financed?

In 2015, national health expenditures accounted for 7.5 percent of GDP, a figure that has remained stable during the last two decades. In 2015, 62 percent of health expenditures were publicly financed, a share that is one of the lowest among Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) countries. (The Israeli figure is down from 63.5% in 2010 and 68% in 1995.)

Publicly financed health insurance: Israel’s NHI system automatically covers all citizens and permanent residents (aside from soldiers, who receive health care directly from the army).

Exemptions & Low-Income Protection
Quarterly out-of-pocket caps for drugs for the chronically ill, and age-, income- and health-status-related discounts; copayment exemptions for holocaust survivors; age-, income-, disability- and health-status-related exemptions on copayments for specialist consultations; reduced health tax (3% instead of 5%) for people with low incomes

Israel : International Health Care System Profiles

Penny, I have never sent one dime to Israel for charity. But since you think it's a terrible idea, I just might send some now.

Go ahead, turn your back on Americans.
Healthcare in Israel - Wikipedia

Healthcare in Israel is universal and participation in a medical insurance plan is compulsory. All Israeli residents are entitled to basic health care as a fundamental right. The Israeli healthcare system is based on the National Health Insurance Law of 1995, which mandates all citizens resident in the country to join one of four official health insurance organizations, known as Kupat Holim (קופת חולים - "Sick Funds") which are run as not-for-profit organizations and are prohibited by law from denying any Israeli resident membership. Israelis can increase their medical coverage and improve their options by purchasing private health insurance.[1] In a survey of 48 countries in 2013, Israel's health system was ranked fourth in the world in terms of efficiency, and in 2014 it ranked seventh out of 51.[2] In 2015, Israel was ranked sixth-healthiest country in the world by Bloomberg rankings[3] and ranked eighth in terms of life expectancy.

That is not Single Payer overall. It's what I advocate for: An expansion of our already-functioning Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system. This includes a strong, innovative, competitive free market component.

Unfortunately, Bernie and the Democrats are lying about "Medicare for All". He wants to eliminate private insurance from the primary health care system.

Yes, let's go with Israel's system.
But they still advertise like they don't. From IFCJ, now deciding between medical care and food is something many seniors and the poor in the US have to worry about. I am suggesting keeping your charity in the US for Americans, because those in Israel do not need it, unless you want to send it to the Palestinians.

Deciding between medical care and daily food is a harsh reality every day for Miryam. Living in Israel at 80 years old, Miryam is battling cancer but also has two disabled sons who need constant medical attention. Sadly, her meager pension is no match for her medical bills and expenses.

As a result, Miryam cannot afford food each day, much less the special foods needed to observe Passover with dignity and hope.

No one should have to do this — and certainly not a poor, elderly Jewish widow with disabled children! It is heartbreaking that without you, Jews like Miryam would go hungry, suffer alone in sickness, and be unable to provide for their families.

Fellowship friends like you have answered the prophet’s call to “comfort ye, comfort ye my people” (Isaiah 40:1, KJV) and now, with little time left before Passover, we must do everything we can for impoverished and elderly Jews like Miryam and who need God’s blessing.

An Impossible Decision to Make


In 1995, Israel passed a national health insurance (NHI) law, which provides for universal coverage. In addition to financing insurance, government provides financing for the public health service and is active in areas such as the control of communicable diseases, screening, health promotion and education, and environmental health, as well as the direct provision of various other services. It is also actively involved in the financial and quality regulation of key health system actors, including health plans, hospitals, and health care professionals.

Who is covered and how is insurance financed?

In 2015, national health expenditures accounted for 7.5 percent of GDP, a figure that has remained stable during the last two decades. In 2015, 62 percent of health expenditures were publicly financed, a share that is one of the lowest among Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) countries. (The Israeli figure is down from 63.5% in 2010 and 68% in 1995.)

Publicly financed health insurance: Israel’s NHI system automatically covers all citizens and permanent residents (aside from soldiers, who receive health care directly from the army).

Exemptions & Low-Income Protection
Quarterly out-of-pocket caps for drugs for the chronically ill, and age-, income- and health-status-related discounts; copayment exemptions for holocaust survivors; age-, income-, disability- and health-status-related exemptions on copayments for specialist consultations; reduced health tax (3% instead of 5%) for people with low incomes

Israel : International Health Care System Profiles

Penny, I have never sent one dime to Israel for charity. But since you think it's a terrible idea, I just might send some now.
You ever pay US income tax ? Then you've indirectly sent an ASSLOAD of money to IsNtReal
Coverage by publicly financed health insurance is near-universal—exceeding 95 percent of the population since 2011.5 The few permanent foreign residents are entitled to the same coverage benefits as citizens. Undocumented immigrants (there are very few) and visitors are not covered by publicly financed health insurance.
China : International Health Care System Profiles
Which has a billion more people than the US.
Move to China.
Coverage by publicly financed health insurance is near-universal—exceeding 95 percent of the population since 2011.5 The few permanent foreign residents are entitled to the same coverage benefits as citizens. Undocumented immigrants (there are very few) and visitors are not covered by publicly financed health insurance.
China : International Health Care System Profiles
Which has a billion more people than the US.
Move to China.
If I was younger I would. I know a couple guys who moved there and are contracted with their govt as trail builders for mountain climbers. One is Tico, One Chileno and one Gringo. All are geologists and pro climbers. They also collect soil samples in certain areas for the govt to review for resources. They climb, backpack, bus, bullet train( you idiots wish) smoke weed and hit bars when in town. Street food, backpack shops, electronics, tools, rent a bike/moto/car all over (capitalists)No problems. They love it. 4-5 years now. They vacation in 'nam, Thailand, various small Islands. 10 year work visas.
But they still advertise like they don't. From IFCJ, now deciding between medical care and food is something many seniors and the poor in the US have to worry about. I am suggesting keeping your charity in the US for Americans, because those in Israel do not need it, unless you want to send it to the Palestinians.

Deciding between medical care and daily food is a harsh reality every day for Miryam. Living in Israel at 80 years old, Miryam is battling cancer but also has two disabled sons who need constant medical attention. Sadly, her meager pension is no match for her medical bills and expenses.

As a result, Miryam cannot afford food each day, much less the special foods needed to observe Passover with dignity and hope.

No one should have to do this — and certainly not a poor, elderly Jewish widow with disabled children! It is heartbreaking that without you, Jews like Miryam would go hungry, suffer alone in sickness, and be unable to provide for their families.

Fellowship friends like you have answered the prophet’s call to “comfort ye, comfort ye my people” (Isaiah 40:1, KJV) and now, with little time left before Passover, we must do everything we can for impoverished and elderly Jews like Miryam and who need God’s blessing.

An Impossible Decision to Make


In 1995, Israel passed a national health insurance (NHI) law, which provides for universal coverage. In addition to financing insurance, government provides financing for the public health service and is active in areas such as the control of communicable diseases, screening, health promotion and education, and environmental health, as well as the direct provision of various other services. It is also actively involved in the financial and quality regulation of key health system actors, including health plans, hospitals, and health care professionals.

Who is covered and how is insurance financed?

In 2015, national health expenditures accounted for 7.5 percent of GDP, a figure that has remained stable during the last two decades. In 2015, 62 percent of health expenditures were publicly financed, a share that is one of the lowest among Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) countries. (The Israeli figure is down from 63.5% in 2010 and 68% in 1995.)

Publicly financed health insurance: Israel’s NHI system automatically covers all citizens and permanent residents (aside from soldiers, who receive health care directly from the army).

Exemptions & Low-Income Protection
Quarterly out-of-pocket caps for drugs for the chronically ill, and age-, income- and health-status-related discounts; copayment exemptions for holocaust survivors; age-, income-, disability- and health-status-related exemptions on copayments for specialist consultations; reduced health tax (3% instead of 5%) for people with low incomes

Israel : International Health Care System Profiles

Penny, I have never sent one dime to Israel for charity. But since you think it's a terrible idea, I just might send some now.

Go ahead, turn your back on Americans.
Like the liberals do?

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