Israel Grants First Golan Heights Oil Drilling License To Dick Cheney-Linked Co


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Israel has granted a U.S. company the first license to explore for oil and gas in the occupied Golan Heights, John Reed of the Financial Times reports.

A local subsidiary of the New York-listed company Genie Energy — which is advised by former vice president Dick Cheney and whose shareholders include Jacob Rothschild and Rupert Murdoch — will now have exclusive rights to a 153-square mile radius in the southern part of the Golan Heights.

Read more: Israel Grants Golan Heights Oil License - Business Insider

Israel Grants Golan Heights Oil License - Business Insider
The zionists have no right to exploit natural resources in Palestine. They can pretent that they are part of the fucktarded Yahweh narrative, but really should be happy with that.
Most of the above would support the Hamas Oil company over the American based firm....just saying!

The zionists have no right to exploit natural resources in Palestine. They can pretent that they are part of the fucktarded Yahweh narrative, but really should be happy with that.
Somebody give him a couple of bucks, will ya?

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The zionists have no right to exploit natural resources in Palestine. They can pretent that they are part of the fucktarded Yahweh narrative, but really should be happy with that.

Hey dipstick Israel is in Palestine, or haven't you heard that the original Palestinians were the Jews...................................:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Massive Israel oil discovery...

Israel Oil Discovery: Massive Reserve Could Meet Domestic Demand, But Obstacles To Production Lie Ahead
October 07 2015 - A massive oil reserve has been discovered in the Golan Heights by an Israeli energy company, regional news outlets reported Wednesday. The find by Afek Oil and Gas, confirmed to be 10 times larger than the average oil field worldwide, could boost Israel’s relatively young oil industry and meet domestic energy demands.
"There is enormous excitement,” Yuval Bartov, the oil and gas chief geologist for Afek, told Channel 2 News, according to Globes. “It's a fantastic feeling. We came here thinking maybe yes or maybe no and now things are really happening." Israeli oil companies were searching for oil around the clock, with little success until the latest discovery. It was first announced last month, but the size of the find was only confirmed recently. Afek Oil and Gas is a subsidiary of American company Genie Energy. Since Israel’s founding, companies have drilled 530 exploratory wells in search for oil, but few of them have turned up commercially viable product, the Times of Israel reported.


A newly discovered oil reserve could provide Israel with billions of barrels of oil. Pictured: Eilat-Ashkelon Pipeline Co. oil storage containers on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon​

The recently discovered oil reserve was expected to provide billions of barrels of oil. However, given the current low price of oil, extraction will have to be inexpensive in order to make the field profitable. The reserve would bolster Israel’s oil industry. Noble Energy, an oil and gas exploration and production company based in Houston, announced the discovery of a gigantic natural gas field in the Mediterranean in 2010. Israel has since met much of its domestic needs and has also signed agreements to export its oil, including to neighboring Egypt.

The newly found reserve is not without controversy. Numerous environmental groups and residents of the Golan Heights are bitterly opposed to the drilling, expressing fears that it could damage the region’s landscape. When Afek first began exploration in the area late last year, environmentalists filed a petition against drilling that ultimately reached the High Court of Justice. The international community considers the Golan Heights occupied territory, further complicating oil production. Much of the Golan Heights was captured from Syria during the war in 1967, and Israel’s sovereignty over the region remains contested.

Israel Oil Discovery: Massive Reserve Could Meet Domestic Demand, But Obstacles To Production Lie Ahead
The zionists have no right to exploit natural resources in Palestine. They can pretent that they are part of the fucktarded Yahweh narrative, but really should be happy with that.

Hey dipstick Israel is in Palestine, or haven't you heard that the original Palestinians were the Jews...................................:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Hey Fruit Loop, the military equation just nullified the IDF...Can't wait to see Russians re-taking the Golan for Syria.
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The zionists have no right to exploit natural resources in Palestine. They can pretent that they are part of the fucktarded Yahweh narrative, but really should be happy with that.

Hey dipstick Israel is in Palestine, or haven't you heard that the original Palestinians were the Jews...................................:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Hey Fruit Loop, the military equation just nullified the IDF...Can't wait to see Russians re-taking the Golan for Syria.

What military equation as Russia has just bombed Iran. The world powers are calling for an exercise of the coast of Russian using nuclear weapons ( dummies ) against a threat from a communist nation. You need to keep up with current events. Russia has been warned about its actions in Syria and it knows it cant keep doing it and survive
The zionists have no right to exploit natural resources in Palestine. They can pretent that they are part of the fucktarded Yahweh narrative, but really should be happy with that.

Hey dipstick Israel is in Palestine, or haven't you heard that the original Palestinians were the Jews...................................:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Hey Fruit Loop, the military equation just nullified the IDF...Can't wait to see Russians re-taking the Golan for Syria.

What military equation as Russia has just bombed Iran. The world powers are calling for an exercise of the coast of Russian using nuclear weapons ( dummies ) against a threat from a communist nation. You need to keep up with current events. Russia has been warned about its actions in Syria and it knows it cant keep doing it and survive
lay off the fruit loops phoney, Russia has enough nukes to fry anyone it wants...Israel would be an appetizer.
The zionists have no right to exploit natural resources in Palestine. They can pretent that they are part of the fucktarded Yahweh narrative, but really should be happy with that.

Hey dipstick Israel is in Palestine, or haven't you heard that the original Palestinians were the Jews...................................:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Hey Fruit Loop, the military equation just nullified the IDF...Can't wait to see Russians re-taking the Golan for Syria.

What military equation as Russia has just bombed Iran. The world powers are calling for an exercise of the coast of Russian using nuclear weapons ( dummies ) against a threat from a communist nation. You need to keep up with current events. Russia has been warned about its actions in Syria and it knows it cant keep doing it and survive
lay off the fruit loops phoney, Russia has enough nukes to fry anyone it wants...Israel would be an appetizer.

Told you I don't eat fruit loops, they are banned in the UK. Russia may haver the nukes but could it defend against returned fire from every nuclear nation of Earth. If they wanted to take out Israel they would have done so 67 years ago, but they didn't and they have no intention of doing so now. They might take out Syria or Iran so they have a ready supply of Oil
The zionists have no right to exploit natural resources in Palestine. They can pretent that they are part of the fucktarded Yahweh narrative, but really should be happy with that.

Hey dipstick Israel is in Palestine, or haven't you heard that the original Palestinians were the Jews...................................:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Hey Fruit Loop, the military equation just nullified the IDF...Can't wait to see Russians re-taking the Golan for Syria.

What military equation as Russia has just bombed Iran. The world powers are calling for an exercise of the coast of Russian using nuclear weapons ( dummies ) against a threat from a communist nation. You need to keep up with current events. Russia has been warned about its actions in Syria and it knows it cant keep doing it and survive
lay off the fruit loops phoney, Russia has enough nukes to fry anyone it wants...Israel would be an appetizer.

Told you I don't eat fruit loops, they are banned in the UK. Russia may haver the nukes but could it defend against returned fire from every nuclear nation of Earth. If they wanted to take out Israel they would have done so 67 years ago, but they didn't and they have no intention of doing so now. They might take out Syria or Iran so they have a ready supply of Oil
No one is going to return fire for Israel, they may thank Russia.
Hey Fruit Loop, the military equation just nullified the IDF...Can't wait to see Russians re-taking the Golan for Syria.
Won't be hapening anytime soon with an apparent close coordination between russians and israelis. Happy waiting. On the other hand, arabs-muslims couldn't wait for Obama to bomb Israel, now they can't wait for Putin to bomb Israel. What's with those big brass ballz, that arab agitprop here says arabs have? Come and get it. But for now we see arabs-muslims conning others to fight their fights for them, of course.
Hey dipstick Israel is in Palestine, or haven't you heard that the original Palestinians were the Jews...................................:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Hey Fruit Loop, the military equation just nullified the IDF...Can't wait to see Russians re-taking the Golan for Syria.

What military equation as Russia has just bombed Iran. The world powers are calling for an exercise of the coast of Russian using nuclear weapons ( dummies ) against a threat from a communist nation. You need to keep up with current events. Russia has been warned about its actions in Syria and it knows it cant keep doing it and survive
lay off the fruit loops phoney, Russia has enough nukes to fry anyone it wants...Israel would be an appetizer.

Told you I don't eat fruit loops, they are banned in the UK. Russia may haver the nukes but could it defend against returned fire from every nuclear nation of Earth. If they wanted to take out Israel they would have done so 67 years ago, but they didn't and they have no intention of doing so now. They might take out Syria or Iran so they have a ready supply of Oil
No one is going to return fire for Israel, they may thank Russia.

Russia has already been warned about its actions and could face the might of the UN forces if they carry on attacking civilians
Israel's Oil...

Israel’s oil in Golan, Megiddo-Jezreel Valley
November 20, 2015 | Recently there have been reports that Afek Oil and Gas, a subsidiary of the American company Genie Energy, have discovered an oil bonanza in the Golan Heights “with the potential of billions of barrels.”
In an interview with Israel’s Channel 2 News, chief geologist Yuval Batov said the layer is 350 meters thick, which is 10 times larger than the average oil find worldwide, and “what’s important is to know that there’s oil in the rock, and this we know.” However, obstacles remain. The quality, quantity and cost-effectiveness of extraction are still unknown, and there has been resistance from environmental groups concerned about the impact of drilling. Moreover, many nations including the US do not recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and question her right to exploit the region.


Nonetheless, there is another potential oil bounty that is within Israel’s territory and has escaped much media attention—Zion Oil & Gas’s exploration of the Megiddo and Jezreel Valley. Texas-based Zion Oil has been drilling near Haifa since 2005 for potential 484 million barrels of oil, interestingly based on its CEO John Brown’s belief in 1981 that oil will be found near the foot of Asher in the Map of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. In 2004, geologists confirm Triassic oil and gas fields are indeed in the same region. Now, Zion Oil holds the Megiddo-Jezreel Petroleum Exploration License that comprises approximately 99,000 acres, and is proposing to drill about 26 miles south of the recent Genie oil discovery.


On 6 November, Zion Oil announced the public release of a resource assessment report, with estimated prospective recoverable oil volumes ranging from 20.7 million barrels to 234.6 million barrels of oil. If a discovery is made, the “best estimate” for recoverable hydrocarbons is at 69.7 million barrels. According to a December 2007 Jerusalem Post article, the Bible Scriptures that led John Brown back in the 1980s to believe there would be oil in Israel are from Deuteronomy 32:13, when Moses says “[God] would suckle him with honey from a stone, and oil from a flinty rock,” and Deuteronomy 33:24 with Moses blessing Asher “he shall be accepted by his brothers, and dip his foot in oil.”


Megiddo-Jazreel Valley license​

It is no surprise then that in a 7 October press release, Zion Oil noted Dr. Yuval Bartov from Afek saying, “the important thing is to know the oil is in the rock and that’s what we now know.” Add to this the offshore natural gas fields of Leviathan and Tamar in the Levantine basin, this newly discovered oil and gas bounty could enable Israel to become an important energy exporter and perhaps a ‘game changer’ in the Mediterranean energy market. Gold Meir once quipped “Moses dragged us for 40 years through the desert to bring us to the one place in the Middle East where there was no oil.” Now, it seems not only is there oil, but Moses pointed to it.

Israel’s oil in Golan, Megiddo-Jezreel Valley

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