Israel does not target civilians?

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If Israel does not target civilians it is the ooops capital of the world as the vast majority of its victims are civilians.
If Israel does not target civilians it is the ooops capital of the world as the vast majority of its victims are civilians.
As this has been addressed so many times in various threads, there must be an issue with you that goes beyond mere ignorance and insensate Jooooooo hatreds.

Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians routinely launch attacks at Israel from residential / civilian areas that put civilians at risk.

What is it about Pal'istanian Islamic terrorism that you're still befuddled about?
If Israel does not target civilians it is the ooops capital of the world as the vast majority of its victims are civilians.

Nope as the Palestinians lose civilian status once they act as human shields. Read the Geneva conventions that explains it all
P F Tinmore, et al,

Interesting concept, but entirely wrong.

If Israel does not target civilians it is the ooops capital of the world as the vast majority of its victims are civilians.

It is actually kind of interesting.

The Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) commit two War Crimes that set the conditions for civilian casualties.

• First: RULE #23: The HoAP Locate of Targetable Military Objectives in the vicinity Densely Populated Areas; and, in close proximity of other Protected Activities. The HoAP do this to utilize the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain Targetable Military Objectives, or HoAP forces immune from Israeli Strikes. It is also related to the prohibition of human shields (RULE #97), as everything feasible must be done to separate Targetable Military Objectives from the civilian population, but in no event may civilians be used to shield Targetable Military Objectives. (Article 58(b) of Additional Protocol I)

• Second: RULE #24: The HoAP must removal of civilians and civilian Objects from the vicinity of Targetable Military Objectives. HoAP intentionally allow civilian persons and objects, under its control, to congregate in the vicinity of Targetable Military Objectives. (Article 58(a) of Additional Protocol I)

We are reminded that if the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) has to cancelled or suspended an attack because it is expected to cause ‘excessive incidental civilian casualties’ in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated, THEN the HoAP have committed a violation of RULE #97 (Human Shields). The intentional co-location of military objectives and civilians or persons hors de combat with the specific intent of trying to prevent the targeting of those military objectives.


As of January 2015, more than 26,000 Afghan civilians are estimated to have died violent deaths as a result of the war.

There have been approximately 165,000 Iraqi civilians killed by direct violence since the US invasion.
The actual number of civilians killed by direct and indirect war violence is unknown but likely much higher – in the hundreds of thousands.

Almost 57,000 Pakistanis – combatants and non-combatants – have been killed since 2001. Of these, about 21,500 are civilians.
Screen Shot 2015-12-01 at 10.24.38 AM.png

In the overall comparison, the civilian casualty figures are not that different from the casualties found in other wars. And the ratio of Israeli-to-Palestinian casualties is only about 1:3. This is well within the range of casualties previously considered as acceptable.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

Interesting concept, but entirely wrong.

If Israel does not target civilians it is the ooops capital of the world as the vast majority of its victims are civilians.

It is actually kind of interesting.

The Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) commit two War Crimes that set the conditions for civilian casualties.

• First: RULE #23: The HoAP Locate of Targetable Military Objectives in the vicinity Densely Populated Areas; and, in close proximity of other Protected Activities. The HoAP do this to utilize the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain Targetable Military Objectives, or HoAP forces immune from Israeli Strikes. It is also related to the prohibition of human shields (RULE #97), as everything feasible must be done to separate Targetable Military Objectives from the civilian population, but in no event may civilians be used to shield Targetable Military Objectives. (Article 58(b) of Additional Protocol I)

• Second: RULE #24: The HoAP must removal of civilians and civilian Objects from the vicinity of Targetable Military Objectives. HoAP intentionally allow civilian persons and objects, under its control, to congregate in the vicinity of Targetable Military Objectives. (Article 58(a) of Additional Protocol I)

We are reminded that if the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) has to cancelled or suspended an attack because it is expected to cause ‘excessive incidental civilian casualties’ in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated, THEN the HoAP have committed a violation of RULE #97 (Human Shields). The intentional co-location of military objectives and civilians or persons hors de combat with the specific intent of trying to prevent the targeting of those military objectives.


As of January 2015, more than 26,000 Afghan civilians are estimated to have died violent deaths as a result of the war.

There have been approximately 165,000 Iraqi civilians killed by direct violence since the US invasion.
The actual number of civilians killed by direct and indirect war violence is unknown but likely much higher – in the hundreds of thousands.

Almost 57,000 Pakistanis – combatants and non-combatants – have been killed since 2001. Of these, about 21,500 are civilians.

In the overall comparison, the civilian casualty figures are not that different from the casualties found in other wars. And the ratio of Israeli-to-Palestinian casualties is only about 1:3. This is well within the range of casualties previously considered as acceptable.

Most Respectfully,

The VOIJ (Vicious Occupying Israeli Jew) forces committed the serious war crimes that have been detailed in the UN, They were also accused of the serious war crime of child abduction this summer.

UN Adds Abduction of Children to War Crimes List Israel Dodged

The difference with other conflicts is that the Israeli Jews are ignoring the laws of belligerant occupation and committing war crimes.

The percentage of civilian deaths of 75% makes the VOIJ civilian death rate from 40-50% higher than in similar conflicts.

UN: 75 percent of Palestinian dead civilians
When we see a reliable account then folks might pay a bit more attention...

If a Palestinian told me that Day was bright and Night was dark, I'd ask for a second opinion...

As would most Americans with even an ounce of brains...
So what you are saying is if a person told you what you already know to be true you would disdcredit them because of your own bias and bigotry. Anyone who in on the Israeli side has no idea what a reliable source is.

Looks like they do

They don't target anyone who is not attempting to kill them. True fact.
But everybody in Israel is a target for Palestinians. Another true fact.
Here's the straight poop.

The wave of terror attacks against Jews in Israel receives broad support from the Palestinian street, and is fueled by daily incitement by the Palestinian leadership. Their goal: annihilate the Jewish State.

By: Bassam Tawil, The Gatestone Institute

As the current Palestinian campaign of terrorism against Israel is about to enter its third month, it is still not clear to many what the Palestinians are trying to achieve. The Palestinians cannot even agree on a name for their campaign. Some are referring to it as an “intifada,” while others are describing it as a “Habba Jamahiriya” [“popular puff,” or “flurry”].

The Palestinians also have not been able to agree on the motives behind the stabbing, shooting, firebombing and car-ramming attacks. Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly claimed during the past few weeks that the terrorists are setting out to kill Jews out of “despair and frustration” and the lack of a “political horizon.” But Abbas seems intentionally to be ignoring that it is he and his Palestinian Authority who are responsible — together with Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian factions — for the violence, as a result of their daily incitement against Israel.

Poll Shows Majority of Palestinians Seek the Destruction of Israel

Looks like they do

They don't target anyone who is not attempting to kill them. True fact.
But everybody in Israel is a target for Palestinians. Another true fact.
Here's the straight poop.

The wave of terror attacks against Jews in Israel receives broad support from the Palestinian street, and is fueled by daily incitement by the Palestinian leadership. Their goal: annihilate the Jewish State.

By: Bassam Tawil, The Gatestone Institute

As the current Palestinian campaign of terrorism against Israel is about to enter its third month, it is still not clear to many what the Palestinians are trying to achieve. The Palestinians cannot even agree on a name for their campaign. Some are referring to it as an “intifada,” while others are describing it as a “Habba Jamahiriya” [“popular puff,” or “flurry”].

The Palestinians also have not been able to agree on the motives behind the stabbing, shooting, firebombing and car-ramming attacks. Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly claimed during the past few weeks that the terrorists are setting out to kill Jews out of “despair and frustration” and the lack of a “political horizon.” But Abbas seems intentionally to be ignoring that it is he and his Palestinian Authority who are responsible — together with Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian factions — for the violence, as a result of their daily incitement against Israel.

Poll Shows Majority of Palestinians Seek the Destruction of Israel

Hmmm. The "United for Israel" website. Very neutral site. Way to go Hoss. You don't ever disappoint.

Looks like they do

They don't target anyone who is not attempting to kill them. True fact.
But everybody in Israel is a target for Palestinians. Another true fact.
Here's the straight poop.

The wave of terror attacks against Jews in Israel receives broad support from the Palestinian street, and is fueled by daily incitement by the Palestinian leadership. Their goal: annihilate the Jewish State.

By: Bassam Tawil, The Gatestone Institute

As the current Palestinian campaign of terrorism against Israel is about to enter its third month, it is still not clear to many what the Palestinians are trying to achieve. The Palestinians cannot even agree on a name for their campaign. Some are referring to it as an “intifada,” while others are describing it as a “Habba Jamahiriya” [“popular puff,” or “flurry”].

The Palestinians also have not been able to agree on the motives behind the stabbing, shooting, firebombing and car-ramming attacks. Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly claimed during the past few weeks that the terrorists are setting out to kill Jews out of “despair and frustration” and the lack of a “political horizon.” But Abbas seems intentionally to be ignoring that it is he and his Palestinian Authority who are responsible — together with Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian factions — for the violence, as a result of their daily incitement against Israel.

Poll Shows Majority of Palestinians Seek the Destruction of Israel

Hmmm. The "United for Israel" website. Very neutral site. Way to go Hoss. You don't ever disappoint.

Not to mention Gatestone. :bs1:
When we see a reliable account then folks might pay a bit more attention...

If a Palestinian told me that Day was bright and Night was dark, I'd ask for a second opinion...

As would most Americans with even an ounce of brains...
So what you are saying is if a person told you what you already know to be true you would disdcredit them because of your own bias and bigotry. Anyone who in on the Israeli side has no idea what a reliable source is.

No I would question their words because I know them to be wrong, and most probably propaganda lies. Like the alleged deaths of civilians that were shown by Al Jazeera to be terrorists and militia on their way to fight against Israel

Looks like they do

They don't target anyone who is not attempting to kill them. True fact.
But everybody in Israel is a target for Palestinians. Another true fact.
Here's the straight poop.

The wave of terror attacks against Jews in Israel receives broad support from the Palestinian street, and is fueled by daily incitement by the Palestinian leadership. Their goal: annihilate the Jewish State.

By: Bassam Tawil, The Gatestone Institute

As the current Palestinian campaign of terrorism against Israel is about to enter its third month, it is still not clear to many what the Palestinians are trying to achieve. The Palestinians cannot even agree on a name for their campaign. Some are referring to it as an “intifada,” while others are describing it as a “Habba Jamahiriya” [“popular puff,” or “flurry”].

The Palestinians also have not been able to agree on the motives behind the stabbing, shooting, firebombing and car-ramming attacks. Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly claimed during the past few weeks that the terrorists are setting out to kill Jews out of “despair and frustration” and the lack of a “political horizon.” But Abbas seems intentionally to be ignoring that it is he and his Palestinian Authority who are responsible — together with Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian factions — for the violence, as a result of their daily incitement against Israel.

Poll Shows Majority of Palestinians Seek the Destruction of Israel

Hmmm. The "United for Israel" website. Very neutral site. Way to go Hoss. You don't ever disappoint.

Not to mention Gatestone. :bs1:

Don't forget Mondoweis that now decrepit mouthpiece of conspiracy theorists that monte uses as "source documentation"
When we see a reliable account then folks might pay a bit more attention...

If a Palestinian told me that Day was bright and Night was dark, I'd ask for a second opinion...

As would most Americans with even an ounce of brains...
So what you are saying is if a person told you what you already know to be true you would disdcredit them because of your own bias and bigotry. Anyone who in on the Israeli side has no idea what a reliable source is.
A Riddle: You are at a crossroad on your way to town, you meet two people - a pathological liar and a trustworthy person, you can't tell which one is the liar and you are allowed to ask one question, what would you ask them to get back to town?

Looks like they do

They don't target anyone who is not attempting to kill them. True fact.
But everybody in Israel is a target for Palestinians. Another true fact.
Here's the straight poop.

The wave of terror attacks against Jews in Israel receives broad support from the Palestinian street, and is fueled by daily incitement by the Palestinian leadership. Their goal: annihilate the Jewish State.

By: Bassam Tawil, The Gatestone Institute

As the current Palestinian campaign of terrorism against Israel is about to enter its third month, it is still not clear to many what the Palestinians are trying to achieve. The Palestinians cannot even agree on a name for their campaign. Some are referring to it as an “intifada,” while others are describing it as a “Habba Jamahiriya” [“popular puff,” or “flurry”].

The Palestinians also have not been able to agree on the motives behind the stabbing, shooting, firebombing and car-ramming attacks. Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly claimed during the past few weeks that the terrorists are setting out to kill Jews out of “despair and frustration” and the lack of a “political horizon.” But Abbas seems intentionally to be ignoring that it is he and his Palestinian Authority who are responsible — together with Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian factions — for the violence, as a result of their daily incitement against Israel.

Poll Shows Majority of Palestinians Seek the Destruction of Israel

Hmmm. The "United for Israel" website. Very neutral site. Way to go Hoss. You don't ever disappoint.

Not to mention Gatestone. :bs1:

Why not mention Gatestone? The latest series of islamic terrorist attacks aimed at Israelis is identified in the Gatestone article.

The fawning praise for the Pal'istanian terrorists has continued from the Islamic terrorist syndicate headed by Abbas. The contrast in cultural / societal behavior that separates the cult of islamic fascism from Western based values could not be clearer.

In typical fashion, Abbas and various other islamic terrorists / Pal'istanian welfare cheats rattle on with overwrought cliche's and slogans about the "Zionist occupier" and how the Pal'istinians are the eternal victims (and they are - of their own incompetence and ineptitudes). But that's old news. The islamic terrorist end-game is to drive the Jews into the sea, and they say so in any number of pronouncements spoken and written. In essence, the only victimization "Pal'istinians" endure today, under the internal autonomy Israel has granted them within their zones, are fruits of "Pal'istinian" violence: specifically, violence directed at Israel, Israelis, and Jews generally. Nor is the world at large unaware of that.

Palestinian Messaging About Violence: Blame Israel, but Keep Control

As two weeks of stabbings and violent demonstrations in and around Jerusalem continue, along with sporadic mass breaches of the Gaza border, official Palestinian statements and media commentary are sending a dual message. Generally speaking, neither Palestinian Authority (PA) nor Hamas messages call for more violence in their own territory -- although Hamas does call for more murder of Jews in Jerusalem. But neither Palestinian government repudiates the violence; both praise its Palestinian perpetrators; and both blame Israel rather than their own people for it.

Looks like they do

They don't target anyone who is not attempting to kill them. True fact.
But everybody in Israel is a target for Palestinians. Another true fact.
Here's the straight poop.

The wave of terror attacks against Jews in Israel receives broad support from the Palestinian street, and is fueled by daily incitement by the Palestinian leadership. Their goal: annihilate the Jewish State.

By: Bassam Tawil, The Gatestone Institute

As the current Palestinian campaign of terrorism against Israel is about to enter its third month, it is still not clear to many what the Palestinians are trying to achieve. The Palestinians cannot even agree on a name for their campaign. Some are referring to it as an “intifada,” while others are describing it as a “Habba Jamahiriya” [“popular puff,” or “flurry”].

The Palestinians also have not been able to agree on the motives behind the stabbing, shooting, firebombing and car-ramming attacks. Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly claimed during the past few weeks that the terrorists are setting out to kill Jews out of “despair and frustration” and the lack of a “political horizon.” But Abbas seems intentionally to be ignoring that it is he and his Palestinian Authority who are responsible — together with Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian factions — for the violence, as a result of their daily incitement against Israel.

Poll Shows Majority of Palestinians Seek the Destruction of Israel

Hmmm. The "United for Israel" website. Very neutral site. Way to go Hoss. You don't ever disappoint.

Not to mention Gatestone. :bs1:

Why not mention Gatestone? The latest series of islamic terrorist attacks aimed at Israelis is identified in the Gatestone article.

The fawning praise for the Pal'istanian terrorists has continued from the Islamic terrorist syndicate headed by Abbas. The contrast in cultural / societal behavior that separates the cult of islamic fascism from Western based values could not be clearer.

In typical fashion, Abbas and various other islamic terrorists / Pal'istanian welfare cheats rattle on with overwrought cliche's and slogans about the "Zionist occupier" and how the Pal'istinians are the eternal victims (and they are - of their own incompetence and ineptitudes). But that's old news. The islamic terrorist end-game is to drive the Jews into the sea, and they say so in any number of pronouncements spoken and written. In essence, the only victimization "Pal'istinians" endure today, under the internal autonomy Israel has granted them within their zones, are fruits of "Pal'istinian" violence: specifically, violence directed at Israel, Israelis, and Jews generally. Nor is the world at large unaware of that.

Palestinian Messaging About Violence: Blame Israel, but Keep Control

As two weeks of stabbings and violent demonstrations in and around Jerusalem continue, along with sporadic mass breaches of the Gaza border, official Palestinian statements and media commentary are sending a dual message. Generally speaking, neither Palestinian Authority (PA) nor Hamas messages call for more violence in their own territory -- although Hamas does call for more murder of Jews in Jerusalem. But neither Palestinian government repudiates the violence; both praise its Palestinian perpetrators; and both blame Israel rather than their own people for it.

Occupiers always have problems with security.

It comes with the territory.

Looks like they do

They don't target anyone who is not attempting to kill them. True fact.
But everybody in Israel is a target for Palestinians. Another true fact.
Here's the straight poop.

The wave of terror attacks against Jews in Israel receives broad support from the Palestinian street, and is fueled by daily incitement by the Palestinian leadership. Their goal: annihilate the Jewish State.

By: Bassam Tawil, The Gatestone Institute

As the current Palestinian campaign of terrorism against Israel is about to enter its third month, it is still not clear to many what the Palestinians are trying to achieve. The Palestinians cannot even agree on a name for their campaign. Some are referring to it as an “intifada,” while others are describing it as a “Habba Jamahiriya” [“popular puff,” or “flurry”].

The Palestinians also have not been able to agree on the motives behind the stabbing, shooting, firebombing and car-ramming attacks. Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly claimed during the past few weeks that the terrorists are setting out to kill Jews out of “despair and frustration” and the lack of a “political horizon.” But Abbas seems intentionally to be ignoring that it is he and his Palestinian Authority who are responsible — together with Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian factions — for the violence, as a result of their daily incitement against Israel.

Poll Shows Majority of Palestinians Seek the Destruction of Israel

Hmmm. The "United for Israel" website. Very neutral site. Way to go Hoss. You don't ever disappoint.

Not to mention Gatestone. :bs1:

Why not mention Gatestone? The latest series of islamic terrorist attacks aimed at Israelis is identified in the Gatestone article.

The fawning praise for the Pal'istanian terrorists has continued from the Islamic terrorist syndicate headed by Abbas. The contrast in cultural / societal behavior that separates the cult of islamic fascism from Western based values could not be clearer.

In typical fashion, Abbas and various other islamic terrorists / Pal'istanian welfare cheats rattle on with overwrought cliche's and slogans about the "Zionist occupier" and how the Pal'istinians are the eternal victims (and they are - of their own incompetence and ineptitudes). But that's old news. The islamic terrorist end-game is to drive the Jews into the sea, and they say so in any number of pronouncements spoken and written. In essence, the only victimization "Pal'istinians" endure today, under the internal autonomy Israel has granted them within their zones, are fruits of "Pal'istinian" violence: specifically, violence directed at Israel, Israelis, and Jews generally. Nor is the world at large unaware of that.

Palestinian Messaging About Violence: Blame Israel, but Keep Control

As two weeks of stabbings and violent demonstrations in and around Jerusalem continue, along with sporadic mass breaches of the Gaza border, official Palestinian statements and media commentary are sending a dual message. Generally speaking, neither Palestinian Authority (PA) nor Hamas messages call for more violence in their own territory -- although Hamas does call for more murder of Jews in Jerusalem. But neither Palestinian government repudiates the violence; both praise its Palestinian perpetrators; and both blame Israel rather than their own people for it.

Occupiers always have problems with security.

It comes with the territory.

I see the issue you have. As a good muhammedan, you're confused by the term "occupier" as it applies to disputed territory. And yes, Israel, as does the world, has issues with security as it relates to Islamic terrorism.

How many more dead Pal'istanians will there be during this intifada-lite?
They don't target anyone who is not attempting to kill them. True fact.
But everybody in Israel is a target for Palestinians. Another true fact.
Here's the straight poop.

The wave of terror attacks against Jews in Israel receives broad support from the Palestinian street, and is fueled by daily incitement by the Palestinian leadership. Their goal: annihilate the Jewish State.

By: Bassam Tawil, The Gatestone Institute

As the current Palestinian campaign of terrorism against Israel is about to enter its third month, it is still not clear to many what the Palestinians are trying to achieve. The Palestinians cannot even agree on a name for their campaign. Some are referring to it as an “intifada,” while others are describing it as a “Habba Jamahiriya” [“popular puff,” or “flurry”].

The Palestinians also have not been able to agree on the motives behind the stabbing, shooting, firebombing and car-ramming attacks. Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly claimed during the past few weeks that the terrorists are setting out to kill Jews out of “despair and frustration” and the lack of a “political horizon.” But Abbas seems intentionally to be ignoring that it is he and his Palestinian Authority who are responsible — together with Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian factions — for the violence, as a result of their daily incitement against Israel.

Poll Shows Majority of Palestinians Seek the Destruction of Israel

Hmmm. The "United for Israel" website. Very neutral site. Way to go Hoss. You don't ever disappoint.
Not to mention Gatestone. :bs1:
Why not mention Gatestone? The latest series of islamic terrorist attacks aimed at Israelis is identified in the Gatestone article.

The fawning praise for the Pal'istanian terrorists has continued from the Islamic terrorist syndicate headed by Abbas. The contrast in cultural / societal behavior that separates the cult of islamic fascism from Western based values could not be clearer.

In typical fashion, Abbas and various other islamic terrorists / Pal'istanian welfare cheats rattle on with overwrought cliche's and slogans about the "Zionist occupier" and how the Pal'istinians are the eternal victims (and they are - of their own incompetence and ineptitudes). But that's old news. The islamic terrorist end-game is to drive the Jews into the sea, and they say so in any number of pronouncements spoken and written. In essence, the only victimization "Pal'istinians" endure today, under the internal autonomy Israel has granted them within their zones, are fruits of "Pal'istinian" violence: specifically, violence directed at Israel, Israelis, and Jews generally. Nor is the world at large unaware of that.

Palestinian Messaging About Violence: Blame Israel, but Keep Control

As two weeks of stabbings and violent demonstrations in and around Jerusalem continue, along with sporadic mass breaches of the Gaza border, official Palestinian statements and media commentary are sending a dual message. Generally speaking, neither Palestinian Authority (PA) nor Hamas messages call for more violence in their own territory -- although Hamas does call for more murder of Jews in Jerusalem. But neither Palestinian government repudiates the violence; both praise its Palestinian perpetrators; and both blame Israel rather than their own people for it.
Occupiers always have problems with security.

It comes with the territory.
I see the issue you have. As a good muhammedan, you're confused by the term "occupier" as it applies to disputed territory. And yes, Israel, as does the world, has issues with security as it relates to Islamic terrorism.

How many more dead Pal'istanians will there be during this intifada-lite?

There doesn't seem to be any confusion legally. Perhaps you are somewhat confused or have a case of cognitive dissonance.

Recalling in particular relevant United Nations resolutions affirming that Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, are illegal and an obstacle to peace and to economic and social development as well as those demanding the complete cessation of settlement activities..............................Gravely concerned at the commencement and continuation of construction by Israel, the occupying Power, of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem, which is in departure from the Armistice Line of 1949 (Green Line) and which has involved the confiscation and destruction of Palestinian land and resources, the disruption of the lives of thousands of protected civilians and the de facto annexation of large areas of territory, and underlining the unanimous opposition by the international community to the construction of that wall........"

Looks like they do

They don't target anyone who is not attempting to kill them. True fact.
But everybody in Israel is a target for Palestinians. Another true fact.
Here's the straight poop.

The wave of terror attacks against Jews in Israel receives broad support from the Palestinian street, and is fueled by daily incitement by the Palestinian leadership. Their goal: annihilate the Jewish State.

By: Bassam Tawil, The Gatestone Institute

As the current Palestinian campaign of terrorism against Israel is about to enter its third month, it is still not clear to many what the Palestinians are trying to achieve. The Palestinians cannot even agree on a name for their campaign. Some are referring to it as an “intifada,” while others are describing it as a “Habba Jamahiriya” [“popular puff,” or “flurry”].

The Palestinians also have not been able to agree on the motives behind the stabbing, shooting, firebombing and car-ramming attacks. Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly claimed during the past few weeks that the terrorists are setting out to kill Jews out of “despair and frustration” and the lack of a “political horizon.” But Abbas seems intentionally to be ignoring that it is he and his Palestinian Authority who are responsible — together with Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian factions — for the violence, as a result of their daily incitement against Israel.

Poll Shows Majority of Palestinians Seek the Destruction of Israel

Hmmm. The "United for Israel" website. Very neutral site. Way to go Hoss. You don't ever disappoint.

Not to mention Gatestone. :bs1:

Why not mention Gatestone? The latest series of islamic terrorist attacks aimed at Israelis is identified in the Gatestone article.

The fawning praise for the Pal'istanian terrorists has continued from the Islamic terrorist syndicate headed by Abbas. The contrast in cultural / societal behavior that separates the cult of islamic fascism from Western based values could not be clearer.

In typical fashion, Abbas and various other islamic terrorists / Pal'istanian welfare cheats rattle on with overwrought cliche's and slogans about the "Zionist occupier" and how the Pal'istinians are the eternal victims (and they are - of their own incompetence and ineptitudes). But that's old news. The islamic terrorist end-game is to drive the Jews into the sea, and they say so in any number of pronouncements spoken and written. In essence, the only victimization "Pal'istinians" endure today, under the internal autonomy Israel has granted them within their zones, are fruits of "Pal'istinian" violence: specifically, violence directed at Israel, Israelis, and Jews generally. Nor is the world at large unaware of that.

Palestinian Messaging About Violence: Blame Israel, but Keep Control

As two weeks of stabbings and violent demonstrations in and around Jerusalem continue, along with sporadic mass breaches of the Gaza border, official Palestinian statements and media commentary are sending a dual message. Generally speaking, neither Palestinian Authority (PA) nor Hamas messages call for more violence in their own territory -- although Hamas does call for more murder of Jews in Jerusalem. But neither Palestinian government repudiates the violence; both praise its Palestinian perpetrators; and both blame Israel rather than their own people for it.

Occupiers always have problems with security.

It comes with the territory.

Then it is time the arab muslim occupiers left and allowed the Jews to live in peace. Getting 2000 of their prized terrorists killed in reprisals to their terrorism comes with the territory
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