Israel and apartheid

Back when S. Africia was an apartheid state and no country would do business with them.

There was only one nation that would back them and sell them weapons.

That was the fascist state of Israel.
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told ya, Jos.

You do not know what apartheid is, either, dopey dope. LOL

You are in the Retards Club.


you are not even semi-interesting anymore, little chosen boy. We already know that your selective standard regarding the application of apartheid policies is filtered by your ethnic common denominator. So, run along little boy. Your opinion of what does or does not count is about as convincing as a Nazi summer camp councilor.
told ya, Jos.

You do not know what apartheid is, either, dopey dope. LOL

You are in the Retards Club.


you are not even semi-interesting anymore, little chosen boy. We already know that your selective standard regarding the application of apartheid policies is filtered by your ethnic common denominator. So, run along little boy. Your opinion of what does or does not count is about as convincing as a Nazi summer camp councilor.

Hey, shithead, you don't know what apartheid is. Now, go to your room. You're grounded. LOL
You do not know what apartheid is, either, dopey dope. LOL

You are in the Retards Club.


you are not even semi-interesting anymore, little chosen boy. We already know that your selective standard regarding the application of apartheid policies is filtered by your ethnic common denominator. So, run along little boy. Your opinion of what does or does not count is about as convincing as a Nazi summer camp councilor.

Hey, shithead, you don't know what apartheid is. Now, go to your room. You're grounded. LOL

have I driven you to repeat MY insults already??!?!?!


you've been served, little boy. Now go run and cry to your mother.
Back when S. Africia was an apartheid state and no country would do business with them.

There was only one nation that would back them and sell them weapons.

That was the fascist state of Israel.

LOL. You don't even know what apartheid is, dumbass. And, you know nothing about Israel, fool.
I am well-versed in what apartheid is, .
If you are as you claim ¨well versed¨ then post your idea of what is Apartheid is and how it differs from the current Israeli policy, if however you find yourself unable to post any coherent argument please feel free to post another Ad hominem for all to see
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Back when S. Africia was an apartheid state and no country would do business with them.

There was only one nation that would back them and sell them weapons.

That was the fascist state of Israel.

LOL. You don't even know what apartheid is, dumbass. And, you know nothing about Israel, fool.

let's see if we can make this little schmuck say the same thing ONE MORE TIME!

[ame=]YouTube - Daft Punk - One More Time[/ame]
Back when S. Africia was an apartheid state and no country would do business with them.

There was only one nation that would back them and sell them weapons.

That was the fascist state of Israel.

LOL. You don't even know what apartheid is, dumbass. And, you know nothing about Israel, fool.

let's see if we can make this little schmuck say the same thing ONE MORE TIME!

Tell us what apartheid is, numbnuts. LOL. You don't know, either.
As someone more informed about apartheid than most, combined with personal insights into Israeli society, I can state with authority there is no apartheid in Israel. Indeed, Israel is one of the most free countries in the world, particularly, among the apartheid Arab Muslim countries.
Israel has roads that run thru west bank lands and is for use by only israelis

Do you belive Israel is just another Apartheid state, similer to the former regime in South Africa?

Israel is as bad as was South Africa and the USA when it comes to race. They segregate and humiliate the Palistinian people who are the true OWNERS of Israel.

The PLO will rise again and destroy the Jew occupiers of their land.

Long live the PLO, and long live Arafat's memory !
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As someone more informed about apartheid than most, combined with personal insights into Israeli society, I can state with authority there is no apartheid in Israel. Indeed, Israel is one of the most free countries in the world, particularly, among the apartheid Arab Muslim countries.

ooook, jew.



Israel has roads that run thru west bank lands and is for use by only israelis

Do you belive Israel is just another Apartheid state, similer to the former regime in South Africa?

Israel is as bad as was South Africa and the USA when it comes to race. They segregate and humiliate the Palistinian people who are the true OWNERS of Israel.

The PLO will rise again and destroy the Jew occupiers of their land.

Long live the PLO, and long live Arafat's memory !

You're a clueless idiot. Arabic is a national language in Israel, where Arabs are in the highest positions in the government, the judiciary and the military. There is an Arab justice of the Israeli Supreme Court. There are Arabic road signs in Israel. There are Arab newspapers, Arab businesses. Arab landowners. Arabs have the vote in Israel as well as every freedom, right and liberty accorded all Israelis.

No such things existed in apartheid South Africa among the black population

You are a moron.
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