Israel Ain't Fooling Around Anymore

Ok, then perhaps you are right in that they aren't targeted for censorship Shusha, yet merely part of the 'kill 'em all' mentality that would seem the IDF goal

Oh, please. As though the only two possible options is that Israel is killing every civilian as a policy or Israel is specifically targeting and killing journalists. There is a third option, you know. One where journalists, just like bakers, and farmers, and customer service reps, and nail technicians are part of the unfortunate and tragic consequences of war. We KNOW that journalists, because they are in the midst of the stories are more likely to be in close proximity to danger, and thus at a higher risk of death than others.

IF you want to make the argument that Israel is deliberately targeting journalists -- make that argument and back it up with evidence and facts and logic. You might even convince me.
IF you want to make the argument that Israel is deliberately targeting journalists -- make that argument and back it up with evidence and facts and logic. You might even convince me.
Any argument would need to rely on facts Shusha, and those facts would need to evidence an inordinate amount of killed and/or arrested journalists.

At this time i can not source any info either way

Any argument would need to rely on facts Shusha, and those facts would need to evidence an inordinate amount of killed and/or arrested journalists.

At this time i can not source any info either way

If your intent is not to make an argument, supported by facts and evidence, what was the purpose of posting about dead journalists?
Just admit that the reason there have been so many Gazans killed is because the HAMAS savages are hiding behind them and won’t let them leave.

You antisemites are SICK. Just admit t
A Garden Needs to Be Weeded Thoroughly

It's worse than that. All the Paleonasties are volunteering to be human shields. Israel must deport all these desert savages to the Sahara.
Zionists have murdered 20,000 Palestinians in a very short period. Jews will never be satisfied until the until the entire country is cleansed.
Ok, then perhaps you are right in that they aren't targeted for censorship Shusha, yet merely part of the 'kill 'em all' mentality that would seem the IDF goal


I strongly suspect that since IDF targets children "for fun"(1) they would certainly target anyone they perceived as a threat to MSM's pro Israel bias. (2)


(1). “Video Shows IDF Snipers Shooting Palestinian Children For Fun, But Facebook Won’t Let You Share It”

EXCERPT “Footage released on YouTube clearly shows Israeli soldiers firing live rounds at Palestinian children playing on a roof in Al Khalil, an area of Hebron in Occupied Palestine. An important piece of evidence attesting to the brutality of Israeli occupation. Yet, Facebook users have reported that the social media platform is preventing them from sharing the video.

Four soldiers lay on their chests on a rooftop. In the same shot, we see what appear to be two Palestinian children playing on a rooftop. One of the soldiers takes aim and shoots one of the Palestinians on the roof, clearly hitting him in the thigh.

The soldiers then celebrate. One imitates the flailing actions of the wounded Palestinian, while others shake the hand of the ‘successful’ sniper.

Facebook users attempting to share the video from the Scriptonite Daily Facebook page, reported being unable to share the video.”CONTINUED

(2). "Israeli politicians call for journalists in Gaza to be killed"​

EXCERPT "Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemns calls by Israeli politicians in the past 24 hours for journalists in Gaza to be killed. Prompted by unsubstantiated conjecture about the journalists’ integrity, the calls coincide with a disturbing amendment to Israel’s terrorism law. Targeting journalists is a war crime, RSF stresses." CONTINUED


THE FRAUD - 'luiza'

View attachment 876043

View attachment 876044

A lowly and cowardly personal attack on other Posters is no defense for Zionist genocide.

Additionally, the world quit listening to the relentless whining about faux "anti Semitism" and the Holocaust after Zionist terrorist gangs began their genocidal agenda against Palestine's native residents.

"Don’t be caught out by ‘the trick'"​

EXCERPTS "“Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic.....

And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is to justify everything we do to the Palestinians.”CONTINUED

Shulamit Aloni
With Cult Christianity due for a Time Out , it is nice to see the Freedom Fighters ahead on the majority of Judges cards .
The Child Killers are fast running out of ordnance and the Yemen inspired blocks on Red Sea ship / cargo movement have become a world problem . Huge problem for strategy less US (less)

Seems God is not impressed with Ethnic Cleansers and the Houthis and Hezbollah should make life for Civilans in Israel far more problematic as we move into the Cult Christian New Year .

Definitely Three Cheers for the glorious Fighting Allahu Akbars
ok, why do you think they're killing journalists TMT?

Journalists have no special status in a war zone, they are just civilians, and the closer they get to the fighting, the greater the likelihood they will be injured or killed. That's why International Humanitarian Law requires combatants to warn the civilian population to leave areas that will come under attack, which Israel does, but journalists are paid to stay close and document the fighting, so they are frequently in greater danger than other civilians.

There is no evidence the IDF is targeting journalists, but why are these journalists targeting Israel? A recent report from the Un claims 18% of Gaza infrastructure has been destroyed in the war, but a closer look at the statistics shows only about 9% has actually been destroyed or severely damaged, and about 9% has only been moderately damaged; that means about 82% to 91% of Gaza infrastructure remains relatively untouched by the war, if we are to believe the UN, yet we are inundated with videos and photographs of areas of utter devastation without any explanation that these images represent only a small part of Gaza, and we are told there are no safe places for civilians to go when according to the UN report, there clearly are; and we are told by the media that 19,000 Palestinians have been killed during the war without explaining that close to 10,000 of them were Hamas gunmen killed in battle and thousands of them were killed by thousands of failed terrorist rockets that have fallen on Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

So why have the "journalists" reporting on the war sent in such misleading reports? Perhaps it is because of the 68 journalists confirmed killed, 61 are Palestinians, and recent polls how that 72% of Palestinians support Hamas' Oct 7 massacre of Israeli civilians.

Journalists have no special status in a war zone, they are just civilians, and the closer they get to the fighting, the greater the likelihood they will be injured or killed. That's why International Humanitarian Law requires combatants to warn the civilian population to leave areas that will come under attack, which Israel does, but journalists are paid to stay close and document the fighting, so they are frequently in greater danger than other civilians.

There is no evidence the IDF is targeting journalists, but why are these journalists targeting Israel? A recent report from the Un claims 18% of Gaza infrastructure has been destroyed in the war, but a closer look at the statistics shows only about 9% has actually been destroyed or severely damaged, and about 9% has only been moderately damaged; that means about 82% to 91% of Gaza infrastructure remains relatively untouched by the war, if we are to believe the UN, yet we are inundated with videos and photographs of areas of utter devastation without any explanation that these images represent only a small part of Gaza, and we are told there are no safe places for civilians to go when according to the UN report, there clearly are; and we are told by the media that 19,000 Palestinians have been killed during the war without explaining that close to 10,000 of them were Hamas gunmen killed in battle and thousands of them were killed by thousands of failed terrorist rockets that have fallen on Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

So why have the "journalists" reporting on the war sent in such misleading reports? Perhaps it is because of the 68 journalists confirmed killed, 61 are Palestinians, and recent polls how that 72% of Palestinians support Hamas' Oct 7 massacre of Israeli civilians.

Journalists are targeting Israel because 90% of them are liberals and side with the Jew-hating Palestinians. Some of them might even be graduates of Harvard.
A lowly and cowardly personal attack on other Posters is no defense for Zionist genocide.

Additionally, the world quit listening to the relentless whining about faux "anti Semitism" and the Holocaust after Zionist terrorist gangs began their genocidal agenda against Palestine's native residents.

"Don’t be caught out by ‘the trick'"​

EXCERPTS "“Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic.....

And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is to justify everything we do to the Palestinians.”CONTINUED

Shulamit Aloni
Anti-Semitism Is Feralphilia

No matter what ignorant and shallow pundits bloviate, the establishment of a Jewish Homeland had nothing to do with the Holocaust. It has always been a decoy to the jihad begun shortly after World War One. In fact, the civilized world against Islam is World War Three. There's nothing cold war about the extermination of cold-blooded killers.
Journalists have no special status in a war zone, they are just civilians, and the closer they get to the fighting, the greater the likelihood they will be injured or killed. That's why International Humanitarian Law requires combatants to warn the civilian population to leave areas that will come under attack, which Israel does, but journalists are paid to stay close and document the fighting, so they are frequently in greater danger than other civilians.

There is no evidence the IDF is targeting journalists, but why are these journalists targeting Israel? A recent report from the Un claims 18% of Gaza infrastructure has been destroyed in the war, but a closer look at the statistics shows only about 9% has actually been destroyed or severely damaged, and about 9% has only been moderately damaged; that means about 82% to 91% of Gaza infrastructure remains relatively untouched by the war, if we are to believe the UN, yet we are inundated with videos and photographs of areas of utter devastation without any explanation that these images represent only a small part of Gaza, and we are told there are no safe places for civilians to go when according to the UN report, there clearly are; and we are told by the media that 19,000 Palestinians have been killed during the war without explaining that close to 10,000 of them were Hamas gunmen killed in battle and thousands of them were killed by thousands of failed terrorist rockets that have fallen on Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

So why have the "journalists" reporting on the war sent in such misleading reports? Perhaps it is because of the 68 journalists confirmed killed, 61 are Palestinians, and recent polls how that 72% of Palestinians support Hamas' Oct 7 massacre of Israeli civilians.

who to believe TMT?

who to believe TMT?

The question is not who to believe but what to believe. If you are not interested enough to gather and assess the verifiable facts for yourself, then you really don't have a sound basis for any opinion.

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