Isolationist does not work in today's world


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Anyone that believes we are self sufficient and can return to an isolationist policy is mentally unstable and a fool.

We must remain engaged with allies and others around the world. We must lend support to allies and trading partners to keep the world wide trade lanes open and flowing.

We are NOT an agricultural society and can not ignore the world. As for money aid to other Countries the amounts we give are not that big even all added together.
Wow, Sarge. For the first time ever, we agree.

Anyone who believes any country is self-sufficient can look at how those theories pan out - just look at North Korea today or Albania or China back in their commie phases. Nobody can make everything efficiently.
Anyone that believes we are self sufficient and can return to an isolationist policy is mentally unstable and a fool.

We must remain engaged with allies and others around the world. We must lend support to allies and trading partners to keep the world wide trade lanes open and flowing.

We are NOT an agricultural society and can not ignore the world. As for money aid to other Countries the amounts we give are not that big even all added together.

As long as your "engagement with allies" doesn't include fighting their wars for them and feeding their poor for them.
False. According to that premise, if the rest of the world disappeared tomorrow, if the U.S. were all that were left on the earth,

that we would perish. That is nonsense.
False. According to that premise, if the rest of the world disappeared tomorrow, if the U.S. were all that were left on the earth,

that we would perish. That is nonsense.

Do you EVER engage your brain? We do not produce enough raw materials of all the types needed to have a self sufficient economy. Assuming we could keep the gas flowing and the power grid running we could feed our people. But we can't do that.

If the rest of the world cut us off with in a short space of time we would have a massive die off and our life style would change drastically.

Some of you are just to stupid to believe.
Anyone that believes we are self sufficient and can return to an isolationist policy is mentally unstable and a fool.

We must remain engaged with allies and others around the world. We must lend support to allies and trading partners to keep the world wide trade lanes open and flowing.

We are NOT an agricultural society and can not ignore the world. As for money aid to other Countries the amounts we give are not that big even all added together.
I agree with your end but not your solution. We need to do these things, but we means the American people and American businesses. Our government needs to pull our military out of all foreign lands and stop meddling in their affairs. Just like their actions in this country, politicians act in the interest primarily of their own power not the interest of the American people and make these problems worse. The American people don't need our government to do this for us, we can figure out and act on our own interests perfectly fine.
Who is pushing we need to cut ourselves off from the rest of the world? Who, I have never seen a single person do this... Usually if someone wants to get the military out of every other country they are labeled an isolationist.
I still subscribe to Teddy Roosevelt's philosphy, "the business of America is business" and "speak softly but carry a big stick". Those words should apply in today's world as well.
False. According to that premise, if the rest of the world disappeared tomorrow, if the U.S. were all that were left on the earth,

that we would perish. That is nonsense.

Do you EVER engage your brain? We do not produce enough raw materials of all the types needed to have a self sufficient economy. Assuming we could keep the gas flowing and the power grid running we could feed our people. But we can't do that.

If the rest of the world cut us off with in a short space of time we would have a massive die off and our life style would change drastically.

Some of you are just to stupid to believe.

We have the resources to do it, but we don't utilize them. I agree that we would have a massive lifestyle change if the rest of the world cut us off. However, we do not need to be meddling with other country's businesses

I'm sure your the type that calls Ron Paul an isolationist
Just because being 100% isolationist in today's world isn't productive-doesn't mean we should be the world's police. That's what I have a problem with.
False. According to that premise, if the rest of the world disappeared tomorrow, if the U.S. were all that were left on the earth,

that we would perish. That is nonsense.

Do you EVER engage your brain? We do not produce enough raw materials of all the types needed to have a self sufficient economy. Assuming we could keep the gas flowing and the power grid running we could feed our people. But we can't do that.

If the rest of the world cut us off with in a short space of time we would have a massive die off and our life style would change drastically.

Some of you are just to stupid to believe.

lolol, so I guess you believe that 'blood for oil' is a worthy rationale. lolol
How many troops does Brazil have on foreign soil, defending their interests? How does Brazil manage to survive without being a world policeman?
Depends on what your definition of the term 'Isolationist' is. Free & Fair trade with the rest of the World is certainly a good thing. Anything more than that is usually not a good thing. The Foreign Aid issue really does need to be re-examined. The People should have much more say in how their money is spent. We should have a more neutral stance on Foreign Policy. Unfortunately we've become a nation that feels it needs to take a side in every conflict on this Earth. We feel we need to jump right into the middle of every conflict. This flawed mentality really has led to our Foreign Policy becoming a Lose/Lose scenario. We're either the "Evil Imperialist" or we're "Not doing Enough" all around the World. It's just a Lose/Lose for us at this point. I think it's time to wave bye bye to the failed World's Policeman & World's Referee policies for good. Time to bring all of our money & troops home. If that makes me 'Isolationist' than so be it.
Anyone that believes we are self sufficient and can return to an isolationist policy is mentally unstable and a fool.

We must remain engaged with allies and others around the world. We must lend support to allies and trading partners to keep the world wide trade lanes open and flowing.

We are NOT an agricultural society and can not ignore the world. As for money aid to other Countries the amounts we give are not that big even all added together.
So, tell me this: What do we do about the other-half o' the equation: GLOBAL GREED???
"....the year "1500 is when everything started, the time where Europe expands outside its borders and takes everything it can from Latin America, Africa, Asia -- the land and all the other resources."


......or, do we consider those intere$t$ "Too big to fail"???

Also,we just don't know if so-called "Isolationist" policies wont work in today's world. I say,lets it give it a shot. Lets find out if it does or doesn't work. We just can't say unless we try. I know some will refer to the past as proof "Isolationism" doesn't work but i think that's debatable too. I would love to see a new & fresh Foreign Policy approach. This World's Policeman & World's Referee stuff has definitely run its course. So "Isolationism?" Why not?
Why aren't we "self sufficient"? Ask the democrat party. At a time when the economic outlook isn't too good democrats want to double down and demonize the people who produce the goods and hire the people that make the economy work. Add the crazy global warming left wing dogma that keeps America in debt to the Mid East and tyrants like Hugo Chavez and you have a recipe for disaster. Factor in the monumental failures of the bureaucracies we used to call US "intelligence" and it's a wonder that we are in the game at all.
Anyone that believes we are self sufficient and can return to an isolationist policy is mentally unstable and a fool.

We must remain engaged with allies and others around the world. We must lend support to allies and trading partners to keep the world wide trade lanes open and flowing.

We are NOT an agricultural society and can not ignore the world. As for money aid to other Countries the amounts we give are not that big even all added together.

Six countries - the US, Canada, France, Australia, Argentina and Thailand - supply 90% of grain exports.[44] The United States controls almost half of world grain exports.
Agriculture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Globalist war mongers are the ones who appear to be the fools.

Care to name another product the greatest country in the world cannot produce?
What exactly do we need so bad from our so-called "allies" that we cannot roll up our sleaves and produce ourselves?
As long as we have to borrow money to keep the Government running we CAN'T AFFORD FOREIGN AID. Let the country's that need aid borrow their own money. No other country keeps troops posted all over the world, we don't need to either. We can have a complete fighting force any place we need one with the deployment of a carrier group. Station all the troops in our country and we will inject all the money going into foreign country's into our economy. We don't need a smaller military we just need them all stationed at home. Talk about a boost to the economy and jobs program.
Anyone that believes we are self sufficient and can return to an isolationist policy is mentally unstable and a fool.

We must remain engaged with allies and others around the world. We must lend support to allies and trading partners to keep the world wide trade lanes open and flowing.

We are NOT an agricultural society and can not ignore the world. As for money aid to other Countries the amounts we give are not that big even all added together.

We can get involved economically with other countries through trade, but as far as giving weapons and military aid I disagree, we don't need to police other countries and or contribute to the overthrow of leaders of sovereign countries who refuse to allow themselves to be exploited by us.

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