Isn't this a great way to porn your kids out with


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
This is supposed to be an educational playground for children....thoughts?

Jesus this is the sickest bs , which those who aren't seeing it within planned parenthood will think it is sick and gross. It is sick, the point is planned parenthood basically sexualizes your kids using this same bs.
They show cute little pictures of the male-female parts. They ( Planned Parenthood) tell where it goes where to put it.
Yet the same tredny fkn liberals love planned parenthood teaching their kids just the right way to get it on.
They don't see it that way they have been indoctrinated to the thought of " Teaching your kids how not to get pregnant lmfao... man you don't even know what you don't know.

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Sad situation this nation is in, but hopefully it will find itself again soon. Tragic is what it all is. Teaching the little ones to sin constitutes a huge sin. It is better that one take a talent and place it around the neck, and then sink oneself to the bottom of the sea. It's that bad for such a person or people.

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