Isn't it refreshing to have a President who puts America first?

Putting America first is the duty of all holding our government offices and I have absolutely no problem if Trump were to do would be his duty.

(It's who he puts SECOND that I have a problem with! Russia, over our EU and Aussie allies)
Why should there be a 2nd?
Blacks have had enough comfort in America, it's time to make whites comfortable too.
Yea right. Getting mowed down while unarmed by police, being pulled over more often, having fewer opportunities in this country, & putting up with racist assholes supported by Trump ain't comfort.

I have news. It is not a secret. Making America Great Again is just code for Making America White Again.

I thought you candy assed white supremacists had your lily white asses kicked enough in Charlottesville.
Or do you still cling to your protests and ideology that America is the source of all evil?
It is so nice to have a prez who isn't constantly telling us how stupid, wrong, paranoid, worthless we are.
And that is why Libs are sad, cuz they love being abused like a Heroin Addicted Street Whore.
Full of guilt and shame and begging to be punished.
Well, they will be. Hopefully not by their own masters, who kill them when they're finished with them.
Putting America first is the duty of all holding our government offices and I have absolutely no problem if Trump were to do would be his duty.

(It's who he puts SECOND that I have a problem with! Russia, over our EU and Aussie allies)
Care to back up your bullshit claim about Russia?
President Trump signs Russia sanctions bill
And what the fuck is your cock sucking infatuation with a Terrorist Coddling EU?

Manafort, Flynn, Trump Jr, Bannon, Secret meetings, lies about secret meetings, praising Putin, Defending Russian hacking,
But noooooo. This Russia thing is BS.

You people are dumber than shit.
Lefty calling America Racist when Blacks only make up 13% of the population and America was willing to give Obozo two terms, 8 years, and 10 years with a Super Majority, Majority and or The Presidency to get the things he promised to get done, done.

And he delivered NONE OF HIS PROMISES. NONE.

America has more Minority Millionaires than the entire rest of the world combined.
More Minority CEOS and Executives, Doctors, Scientists, YOU NAME IT.

BUT we are racist....cuz.....2018 MIDTERMS.
Explain this 10 years with a super majority?
Sure if you define America as rich, white, corporate leaders, then yes, our president puts America first.
huh? this doesn't make any sense. can you try again?

Sure let me try to put it in terms you can understand.

Trump does nothing for you, and everything he does is aimed towards enriching himself and fellow big business buddies.

Get it yet?
Sure if you define America as rich, white, corporate leaders, then yes, our president puts America first.

This warrants a petition to the board administration to give us a "LAME" button. One that can be clicked on minimum 5-times per shot.

I agree, it's lame that our President doesn't have the middle/working class best interests at heart.
Wow. Don't you think it is lame that you want a President that singles out groups of people instead of the best interests of all the people AND America?

If the middle class thrives, we all thrive. Pretty simple concept really, even you can understand it I'd imagine.
Sure if you define America as rich, white, corporate leaders, then yes, our president puts America first.

This warrants a petition to the board administration to give us a "LAME" button. One that can be clicked on minimum 5-times per shot.

I agree, it's lame that our President doesn't have the middle/working class best interests at heart.
so why did you vote for obummer twice?

Is this thread about Trump or Obama?
This thread is a great example of what happens when you don't take education seriously.
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Or do you still cling to your protests and ideology that America is the source of all evil?
It is so nice to have a prez who isn't constantly telling us how stupid, wrong, paranoid, worthless we are.

Here's the "Grabber in Chief" calling America "Killers on par with the Putin Regime".

"There are a lot of killers. We got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?

Or do you still cling to your protests and ideology that America is the source of all evil?
It is so nice to have a prez who isn't constantly telling us how stupid, wrong, paranoid, worthless we are.

Here's the "Grabber in Chief" calling America "Killers on par with the Putin Regime".

"There are a lot of killers. We got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?

Glad we have a President who is willing to affix blame to "both sides" as any FAIR MAN would try to do.

Fuck off Troll.

Aren't you due back in Syria to fight for The Caliphate, or are you now permanently stationed here to spout off enemy propaganda?
It's refreshing to have a president who doesn't daily tell us we must submit to criminals and depraved freaks of every description, and yield our worldly goods and even our lives to muslims, drug runners, and human traffickers he invited into the country to destroy us.
Blacks have had enough comfort in America, it's time to make whites comfortable too.
Yea right. Getting mowed down while unarmed by police, being pulled over more often, having fewer opportunities in this country, & putting up with racist assholes supported by Trump ain't comfort.

I have news. It is not a secret. Making America Great Again is just code for Making America White Again.

I thought you candy assed white supremacists had your lily white asses kicked enough in Charlottesville.

I don't want or need anyone making me comfortable. I'm willing to do it all myself. Perhaps blacks should try that instead of thinking affirmative action should help them.

I saw the candy assed protesters in Durham kick the ass of that defenseless statue they illegally pulled down. Real tough guys. It's not hard to tell why those cowards don't try that shit with someone that can fight back.
Sure if you define America as rich, white, corporate leaders, then yes, our president puts America first.
huh? this doesn't make any sense. can you try again?

Sure let me try to put it in terms you can understand.

Trump does nothing for you, and everything he does is aimed towards enriching himself and fellow big business buddies.

Get it yet?

So you want someone doing something for you. Aren't you capable of doing for yourself?
Sure if you define America as rich, white, corporate leaders, then yes, our president puts America first.
huh? this doesn't make any sense. can you try again?

Sure let me try to put it in terms you can understand.

Trump does nothing for you, and everything he does is aimed towards enriching himself and fellow big business buddies.

Get it yet?

So you want someone doing something for you. Aren't you capable of doing for yourself?

Let me guess, you're another "self-sustaining patriot" who collects social security and is on Medicare.
If the middle class thrives, we all thrive.

What policies do YOU think will make the middle class thrive? More welfare?

Do you really think the middle class will thrive less under Trump's policies than it did during the last eight years?

C'mon Brainiac, share your great wisdom with the rest of us.
Or do you still cling to your protests and ideology that America is the source of all evil?
It is so nice to have a prez who isn't constantly telling us how stupid, wrong, paranoid, worthless we are.

Here's the "Grabber in Chief" calling America "Killers on par with the Putin Regime".

"There are a lot of killers. We got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?

Glad we have a President who is willing to affix blame to "both sides" as any FAIR MAN would try to do.

Fuck off Troll.

Aren't you due back in Syria to fight for The Caliphate, or are you now permanently stationed here to spout off enemy propaganda?

Obviously you must defend anything the Great Grabby One utters regardless of how offense to the country it is.

Trolling that piece of shit with his own words and melting the frosting off Cupcakes like you, priceless.

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