Isn't it funny how the most anti-gun politicians are the heaviest armed?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
174,000 rounds.

That is the number of hollow point bullets the Social Security Administration purchased last week.

You may be wondering what part of delivering social security checks to grandma involves hundreds of thousands of rounds of deadly ammunition.

This ammo purchase resupplies the stockpiles for the federal government’s too numerous to count law enforcement agencies.

Agencies you never would have known existed, let alone have a need for an armed police force, are piling up ammo to enforce laws you’ve probably never heard of.

Our government is so big and intrudes into so many areas of our lives that it requires a domestic law enforcement apparatus that consumes hundreds of thousands of rounds per year just to keep its agents firearms qualified.

This ammo isn’t even being used to fight crime!

These ammo purchases are symptoms of a bloated government whose bureaucratic tentacles wrap themselves around nearly every decision we make.
The social security administration is the most anti gun?

Where did your twisted illogic come up with that one?

Just how many guns does the SSA have?

Link please.

It is not that I don't trust what you post it is just that I don't trust what you post.
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Most Americans have been conditioned by the liberal media to ignore federal law-enforcement atrocities. The entrapment of Randy Weaver by the ATF and the subsequent atrocity commonly known as "the siege at Ruby Ridge" during the republican first George Bush administration was turned into a victory for federal law-enforcement by the liberal media. The same bunch of crazy cowboy cops went on to try for the Hollywood Oscar for capturing the quirky head of a long standing religious compound in Waco Texas. /They could have captured David Korsch in the local 7-11 but that wasn't dramatic enough for the federal cops. The cammo clad federal cops jumped out of an unmarked vehicle in front of the Branch Dividian building brandishing automatic weapons one morning. Nobody knows who fired the first shot but the end result was attack helicopters and tanks with poison gas and the incineration of 80 men women and children by the hands of the federal police and authorized by the attorney general. Bill Clinton hid out for a couple of days until he found out (to his surprise?) that the liberal media supported the atrocity. Nobody would have supported such an attack on Iraqi civilians but it was OK as long as a democrat was in the white house.
The social security administration is the most anti gun?

Where did your twisted illogic come up with that one?

Just how many guns does the SSA have?

Link please.

It is not that I don't trust what you post it is just that I don't trust what you post.

The SSA is controlled by the Obama Administration stupid. Of course, you already know that, but you assholes have to change the conversation, twist the story, and lie because your on the wrong side of the facts.
Probably the most radical anti-gun idiot liberal in the world is mayor Bloomberg. Yet, for some odd reason, he is surrounded by a heavily armed security detail. This begs two questions if you ask me:

1.) If guns are so bad, why doesn't he disarm his security detail? You'd think a man who feels so strongly about the dangers of firearms would be paralyzed with fear being surrounded so closely by that many guns.

2.) Does mayor Bloomberg feel his life is exponentially more important than that of his bosses (ie the people of NY who elected him). I think the overwhelmingly obvious answer is YES. The question is, why? Why does he feel his life is so important and the lives of people he answers to are so expendable?

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