Islamists kill dozens in Nigeria Christmas bombs

Geez. If someone deemed a racist kills, the alarms are sounded because of a hate crime and millions of people have the finger of blame pointed and are expected to answer for it. In some cases, just disagreeing with Obama brings on more outrage than the senseless murders of those innocent Christians in Nigeria.
It is the same thing when Obama bows down to the Saudi monarchy which rules Mecca which sends out religious justification for jihadi terrorism towards political aims.

Now I am not an American so it is not my place to single out US Presidents, whether Bush or Obama for backing the Saudi royals and the way they run Mecca and Islam.

No my duty as a Briton is to single out the UK government and our Prime Ministers and our Queen for doing deals with the Saudi kingdom.

So I have done my duty I hope.

So will you and other Americans now do your duty and condemn US presidents for not going to war against Saudi Arabia and other conservative anti-democratic monarchists or military dictatorship so-called "Islamic" rule?

When radical Muslims kill Christians and bomb their churches while other Muslims sit idly by and do not condemn it or express sympathy, suddenly it's just people killing people!

Terror doesn't just happen. It's planned for a long time, then carried out and the reasons don't begin to justify their actions.

Sadly, we're not proactive when it comes to prevention, and don't even react properly after attacks because we're too busy sticking our heads in the sand and being politically correct.

A entire religion was attacked because radicals deemed them infidels. They deem anyone outside of their faith as expendable and they do not value human life. Most in America are infidels, too, so by all means, let's just brush off these radical Muslims and pretend they are no threat.

If you don't insist that Muslims speak out against such atrocities, then I would expect you and others like you to refrain from demanding answers from Christians next time an abortion doctor is murdered. It's just people killing other people. No big deal, right?
I do insist that the officials of Islam in Mecca and on Arab and other muslim country state and independent broadcasting stations not just condemn but declare war against all "Islamic" terrorists from Al Qaeda onwards who have dragged the name of Islam into the mud.

But the fact is that not only don't the Saudi royals condemn such terrorism, they don't prosecute Saudis who donate to it, they broadcast pro-jihadi-terrorism clerics on their satellite TV and in fact the Saudi royals and allied government's sticky fingers are all over global jihadi terrorism.

The Saudi monarchy are the enemy and we had better face up to the fact that we in the democratic west are being betrayed by our own governments who are refusing to lead us into war.

And the same goes for the Islamo fascists in Iran - they also sponsor terrorists and need taking on and taking out - but I am not featuring them first here because Americans usually manage to blame the Iranians for the terrorism they sponsor whereas the central role of the Saudi royals is overlooked again and again by Western governments - which is deeply perverse considering most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis and half of the suicide bombers entering Iraq were from Saudi Arabia.

Come on USA. The free world is waiting for you to square up to those Saudi royals.
My impression of the Sauds is that they are a deeply divided nation. The Royal family there had 7 of its members murdered between 2000 and 2009 by extremists and their associates who went after the World Trade Center. The extremists even punish the new presidents, such as President Karzai in Afghanistan who has lost both family and people in his cabinets to rabid terrorists in his country.

America may have its share of dumb and dumber, but over there it's mean and meaner. Sometimes we don't know who's saving the world from worse elements than are already out there.
Thanks for replying to my post. I was beginning to think I was the invisible man here.

Well infighting and murder between Saudis or rivals to their throne is pretty much par for the course for absolute monarchy.

Only in neutered "constitutional" monarchies such as the UK's where most of the real power has been transferred to elected parliaments is the royal succession a done-deal from day one because any monarch who rocks the parliament's boat can be pressured by the political elite to abdicate as King Edward VIII was.

But wherever the Islamic monarchists practice absolute monarchy then it really matters who ends up king and with all the power so expect ruthless power-grabs and expect Saudi royals to be even more ruthless with people who don't share their practices of extremist absolute monarchy or their extremist version of Islam, people like most Americans or Christian Nigerians or Christians anywhere who dare not to bow down to their king.

(Bush and Obama excluded of course because recent US presidents seem happy to bow down to or hold hands with any Saudi monarch whose secret agents have attacked America.)

Yes "secret agents".

Please don't overlook the fact that the Saudi royals would plot murders of members of their own royal family which they would happily sacrifice to make it look like the Saudi royals on the throne were not 100% in agreement with the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the World Trade Center, the Pentagon etc.

For example, imagine a Saudi prince who dares to suggest "Hey let's become a constitutional monarchy. Let's have democratic elections!".

That's the Saudi prince who the Saudi absolute monarchists are going to ask their secret agents Al Qaeda to murder.

Killing the occasional Saudi royal, or staging "unsuccessful" attempts to kill a Saudi royal is military deception which thereby kills two birds with one stone
1. Removing any royal who is weakening in the face of the democratic pressures
2. Maintaining the big lie that the Saudi royals are somehow not the same as Al Qaeda by painting the royal family as "targets" and "victims" like the rest of us.

Expect deception in warfare. Don't be naive.

Deception is a large part of warfare and the Saudi monarchy is deceiving the western leaders about their complicity in terror, by using secret agents to afford themselves plausible deniability for terror attacks, just so as to escape the wrath of the west.

The Saudi royals are simply the most successful extremists who have made it to the top of the Islamic monarchy power tree. There are no moderates in dog-eat-dog Islamic absolute monarchy. They are all the enemy of democracy, republicanism and the United States of America.

If America and allies want Arabian allies we can really count on in the war on terror - good elements - then we are going to have to build them up from nothing and help them take power.

We are going to need to find Arabian intellectuals who support democracy and republicanism, most likely from exiles who have been educated in the west. We need to help them establish a republican revolutionary party with the aim to overthrow monarchy, as the Turks once did to the Ottoman empire and we need to help them win over the military in Arabia.

Only once the Arabian military are waging civil war for republican revolution would it be safe for "good elements" to set foot in Arabia where the Saudi police state now rules.

Good elements in Saudi Arabia would get their heads cut off as soon as they dare to show good. So quit deluding yourself looking for less "worse elements" where the Saudi state is extremely hostile to anything remotely good.

The US should start things off by taking over Arabian satellites and broadcasting our Arab republican friends from outside Arabia, beaming the message of republican democratic revolution against the monarchy into Arabs homes.

From America's standpoint, I'd say the worst problem we have right now is Iran which is going nuclear and announced its plans to send a fleet to America's coastal waters to create trouble. They have already engaged heavily in war by proxy when they sent IEDs to blow up our troops for intervening in Iraq, their mortal enemies.

Go figure.
OK well I knew Americans would know the Iranian enemy but remember that the Iraq mission was attacked from all its anti-democratic neighbours. Iranians, Saudis and Syrians were supporting their rival proxy terrorists trying to carve out lumps of Iraq to add to their sphere of influence.

The way not to deal with Iran is to build up the Saudi monarchy by selling it American-made weapons and European-made satellites to broadcast pro-Saudi, anti-Iranian propaganda.

You seem to be adopting the "set a thief to catch a thief" strategy.

This was tried by setting the thief Stalin to catch the thief Hitler and it left the world with a Soviet super-power.

If we do this with the Saudis to deal with the Iranians we are going to be left with an absolute monarchist Saudi super-power, which is already killing US soldiers in Afghanistan by backing their Taliban proxies, killed many US soldiers in Iraq and pretty soon if the US keeps going with its "build up the Saudis" strategy they will have nuclear weapons too.
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The situation in Nigeria is very explosive, these attacks on Christmas day are just an appetizer to whats to come, stay tuned.
whats your point? People killing people? Ok
Terror happens, did you have some sort of personal stake in the region or something?
I'm going to assume you didnt and just wanted to take a pop shot at Islam through these actions of some terrorists.

Geez. If someone deemed a racist kills, the alarms are sounded because of a hate crime and millions of people have the finger of blame pointed and are expected to answer for it. In some cases, just disagreeing with Obama brings on more outrage than the senseless murders of those innocent Christians in Nigeria.
It is the same thing when Obama bows down to the Saudi monarchy which rules Mecca which sends out religious justification for jihadi terrorism towards political aims.

Now I am not an American so it is not my place to single out US Presidents, whether Bush or Obama for backing the Saudi royals and the way they run Mecca and Islam.

No my duty as a Briton is to single out the UK government and our Prime Ministers and our Queen for doing deals with the Saudi kingdom.

So I have done my duty I hope.

So will you and other Americans now do your duty and condemn US presidents for not going to war against Saudi Arabia and other conservative anti-democratic monarchists or military dictatorship so-called "Islamic" rule?

When radical Muslims kill Christians and bomb their churches while other Muslims sit idly by and do not condemn it or express sympathy, suddenly it's just people killing people!

Terror doesn't just happen. It's planned for a long time, then carried out and the reasons don't begin to justify their actions.

Sadly, we're not proactive when it comes to prevention, and don't even react properly after attacks because we're too busy sticking our heads in the sand and being politically correct.

A entire religion was attacked because radicals deemed them infidels. They deem anyone outside of their faith as expendable and they do not value human life. Most in America are infidels, too, so by all means, let's just brush off these radical Muslims and pretend they are no threat.

If you don't insist that Muslims speak out against such atrocities, then I would expect you and others like you to refrain from demanding answers from Christians next time an abortion doctor is murdered. It's just people killing other people. No big deal, right?
I do insist that the officials of Islam in Mecca and on Arab and other muslim country state and independent broadcasting stations not just condemn but declare war against all "Islamic" terrorists from Al Qaeda onwards who have dragged the name of Islam into the mud.

But the fact is that not only don't the Saudi royals condemn such terrorism, they don't prosecute Saudis who donate to it, they broadcast pro-jihadi-terrorism clerics on their satellite TV and in fact the Saudi royals and allied government's sticky fingers are all over global jihadi terrorism.

The Saudi monarchy are the enemy and we had better face up to the fact that we in the democratic west are being betrayed by our own governments who are refusing to lead us into war.

And the same goes for the Islamo fascists in Iran - they also sponsor terrorists and need taking on and taking out - but I am not featuring them first here because Americans usually manage to blame the Iranians for the terrorism they sponsor whereas the central role of the Saudi royals is overlooked again and again by Western governments - which is deeply perverse considering most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis and half of the suicide bombers entering Iraq were from Saudi Arabia.

Come on USA. The free world is waiting for you to square up to those Saudi royals.

Well someone is squaring up to the Saudi's role in supporting terrorism. :eusa_clap:

Lloyd’s Sues Members of Saudi Royal Family for Funding Al-Qaeda in 9/11 Attacks
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Prince Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud
Leaders of Saudi Arabia are being sued by Lloyd’s insurance for playing a key role in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Lloyd’s has paid more than $215 million in claims filed by families of those killed in the attacks, and wants Saudi leaders to reimburse the company.

As far as the insurer is concerned, 9/11 never would have happened without “the sponsorship” of Saudi Arabia, which provided al-Qaeda with the means “to conceive, plan and execute the September 11th Attacks,” says the Lloyd’s lawsuit.

In addition to the Saudi government, defendants in the case are the Saudi High Commission for Relief of Bosnia & Herzegovina, the Saudi Joint Relief Committee for Kosovo and Chechnya (SJRC), the Saudi Red Crescent Society, National Commercial Bank, Al Rajhi Banking and Investment Company, Prince Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, Suleiman Abdel Aziz Al Rajhi (CEO of al Rajhi Bank), and Yassin Al Qadi (an employee of al Rajhi Bank and founder of the Muwaffaq Foundation). Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud is currently the Governor of Riyadh Province.

The SJRC is included because, according to Lloyd’s, the organization between 1998 and 2000 diverted more than $74 million to al-Qaeda members and loyalists. At that time the committee “was under the supervision and control of Saudi Interior Minister Prince Naif bin Abdul Aziz.”​

Now wouldn't it be refreshing to see Western leaders squaring up to the Saudi royals with that kind of backbone instead of grovelling down to make arms deals with them?


The Arms of Lloyd's

LLOYD'S website
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Geez. If someone deemed a racist kills, the alarms are sounded because of a hate crime and millions of people have the finger of blame pointed and are expected to answer for it. In some cases, just disagreeing with Obama brings on more outrage than the senseless murders of those innocent Christians in Nigeria.
It is the same thing when Obama bows down to the Saudi monarchy which rules Mecca which sends out religious justification for jihadi terrorism towards political aims.

Now I am not an American so it is not my place to single out US Presidents, whether Bush or Obama for backing the Saudi royals and the way they run Mecca and Islam.

No my duty as a Briton is to single out the UK government and our Prime Ministers and our Queen for doing deals with the Saudi kingdom.

So I have done my duty I hope.

So will you and other Americans now do your duty and condemn US presidents for not going to war against Saudi Arabia and other conservative anti-democratic monarchists or military dictatorship so-called "Islamic" rule?

When radical Muslims kill Christians and bomb their churches while other Muslims sit idly by and do not condemn it or express sympathy, suddenly it's just people killing people!

Terror doesn't just happen. It's planned for a long time, then carried out and the reasons don't begin to justify their actions.

Sadly, we're not proactive when it comes to prevention, and don't even react properly after attacks because we're too busy sticking our heads in the sand and being politically correct.

A entire religion was attacked because radicals deemed them infidels. They deem anyone outside of their faith as expendable and they do not value human life. Most in America are infidels, too, so by all means, let's just brush off these radical Muslims and pretend they are no threat.

If you don't insist that Muslims speak out against such atrocities, then I would expect you and others like you to refrain from demanding answers from Christians next time an abortion doctor is murdered. It's just people killing other people. No big deal, right?
I do insist that the officials of Islam in Mecca and on Arab and other muslim country state and independent broadcasting stations not just condemn but declare war against all "Islamic" terrorists from Al Qaeda onwards who have dragged the name of Islam into the mud.

But the fact is that not only don't the Saudi royals condemn such terrorism, they don't prosecute Saudis who donate to it, they broadcast pro-jihadi-terrorism clerics on their satellite TV and in fact the Saudi royals and allied government's sticky fingers are all over global jihadi terrorism.

The Saudi monarchy are the enemy and we had better face up to the fact that we in the democratic west are being betrayed by our own governments who are refusing to lead us into war.

And the same goes for the Islamo fascists in Iran - they also sponsor terrorists and need taking on and taking out - but I am not featuring them first here because Americans usually manage to blame the Iranians for the terrorism they sponsor whereas the central role of the Saudi royals is overlooked again and again by Western governments - which is deeply perverse considering most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis and half of the suicide bombers entering Iraq were from Saudi Arabia.

Come on USA. The free world is waiting for you to square up to those Saudi royals.

Well someone is squaring up to the Saudi's role in supporting terrorism. :eusa_clap:

Lloyd’s Sues Members of Saudi Royal Family for Funding Al-Qaeda in 9/11 Attacks
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Prince Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud Leaders of Saudi Arabia are being sued by Lloyd’s insurance for playing a key role in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Lloyd’s has paid more than $215 million in claims filed by families of those killed in the attacks, and wants Saudi leaders to reimburse the company.

As far as the insurer is concerned, 9/11 never would have happened without “the sponsorship” of Saudi Arabia, which provided al-Qaeda with the means “to conceive, plan and execute the September 11th Attacks,” says the Lloyd’s lawsuit.

In addition to the Saudi government, defendants in the case are the Saudi High Commission for Relief of Bosnia & Herzegovina, the Saudi Joint Relief Committee for Kosovo and Chechnya (SJRC), the Saudi Red Crescent Society, National Commercial Bank, Al Rajhi Banking and Investment Company, Prince Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, Suleiman Abdel Aziz Al Rajhi (CEO of al Rajhi Bank), and Yassin Al Qadi (an employee of al Rajhi Bank and founder of the Muwaffaq Foundation). Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud is currently the Governor of Riyadh Province.

The SJRC is included because, according to Lloyd’s, the organization between 1998 and 2000 diverted more than $74 million to al-Qaeda members and loyalists. At that time the committee “was under the supervision and control of Saudi Interior Minister Prince Naif bin Abdul Aziz.”​

Now wouldn't it be refreshing to see Western leaders squaring up to the Saudi royals with that kind of backbone instead of grovelling down to make arms deals with them?

The Saudis are so filthy rich with oil money and they have so much money and property in Western countries, which is why it is so hard to find a Western leader who will stand up to them, from what I understand Prince Bandar has a $100 million mansion for sale in Colorado.

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