Islam is not inherently evil

It's the action not the words that constitute evil or good.

One can be taught all kinds of shit and never commit an evil act, just as one can be taught nothing but so called good things and commit an evil act.

The words that describe a philosophy are just that; words.

Where do Islamic terrorsts get their ideas from?

Where did the Knights of the Crusade get their ideas from? They killed countless people.

Killing in the name of religion is evil.

So if the murderous Knights of the Crusade got their marching orders from their religion then by your definition that religion, specifically Christianity is evil.

You don't know what the crusades were about. You're confused.
It's the action not the words that constitute evil or good.

Nonsense. Ideas are good or evil. Action is a consequence of ideas. Words in a book can be and often are, very evil.

One can be taught all kinds of shit and never commit an evil act, just as one can be taught nothing but so called good things and commit an evil act.

Evil is an idea, which can be conveyed verbally, through books and through images.

The words that describe a philosophy are just that; words.

Words are the most effective means to spread evil. Mein Kampf, The Communist Manifesto, The Koran....

I've read Mein Kampf and did not have the urge to become a Nazi.

None of the words in those manuscripts are in themselves evil. Ideas are ephemeral and in themselves are not good nor evil.

A book can sit on a shelf for centuries but until one carries out the ideas there no evil is present.

I can imagine countless ways to torture someone but if I never actually harm anyone I am not evil.
It's the action not the words that constitute evil or good.

One can be taught all kinds of shit and never commit an evil act, just as one can be taught nothing but so called good things and commit an evil act.

The words that describe a philosophy are just that; words.

Where do Islamic terrorsts get their ideas from?

Where did the Knights of the Crusade get their ideas from? They killed countless people.

Killing in the name of religion is evil.

So if the murderous Knights of the Crusade got their marching orders from their religion then by your definition that religion, specifically Christianity is evil.

Bullshit, defending your home and religion is not evil, people to often forget that Cristians endured 500 years of unprovoked Muslim attacks before the first Crusade was even called.
It's the action not the words that constitute evil or good.

Nonsense. Ideas are good or evil. Action is a consequence of ideas. Words in a book can be and often are, very evil.

One can be taught all kinds of shit and never commit an evil act, just as one can be taught nothing but so called good things and commit an evil act.

Evil is an idea, which can be conveyed verbally, through books and through images.

The words that describe a philosophy are just that; words.

Words are the most effective means to spread evil. Mein Kampf, The Communist Manifesto, The Koran....

You forgot the Bible, the Talmud and several others
Where do Islamic terrorsts get their ideas from?

Where did the Knights of the Crusade get their ideas from? They killed countless people.

Killing in the name of religion is evil.

So if the murderous Knights of the Crusade got their marching orders from their religion then by your definition that religion, specifically Christianity is evil.

You don't know what the crusades were about. You're confused.

The Moors invading Spain?

Yeah great reason for a holy war. :eusa_hand:
Where do Islamic terrorsts get their ideas from?

Where did the Knights of the Crusade get their ideas from? They killed countless people.

Killing in the name of religion is evil.

So if the murderous Knights of the Crusade got their marching orders from their religion then by your definition that religion, specifically Christianity is evil.

Bullshit, defending your home and religion is not evil, people to often forget that Cristians endured 500 years of unprovoked Muslim attacks before the first Crusade was even called.

Largely because they were too busy killing each other.
Where do Islamic terrorsts get their ideas from?

Where did the Knights of the Crusade get their ideas from? They killed countless people.

Killing in the name of religion is evil.

So if the murderous Knights of the Crusade got their marching orders from their religion then by your definition that religion, specifically Christianity is evil.

You don't know what the crusades were about. You're confused.

The Crusades were nothing but a series of religious wars sanctioned by the Catholic Church.

Agents of the church killed people. Hence the church is evil.

Actions define good and evil and the Christian religion has a long history of torture and murder.
Where did the Knights of the Crusade get their ideas from? They killed countless people.

Killing in the name of religion is evil.

So if the murderous Knights of the Crusade got their marching orders from their religion then by your definition that religion, specifically Christianity is evil.

You don't know what the crusades were about. You're confused.

The Moors invading Spain?

Yeah great reason for a holy war. :eusa_hand:

WRONG! It was about 500 years of Muslims killing Byzantine Christians and taking there land.
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So clearly by that logic "all" christians get the idea to bomb abortion clinics from the Bible.

Thereby making both the bible and Christianity inherently evil.

Don't be stupid, where in the bible does it say to murder non-believers, rape, pillage, lie etc

Well Deuteronomy 13:12-15 for the killing.

Lying is covered too. I don't have the chapet and verse handy but google is your friend.

If you are going to go on about taqiyya as a reason to lie rememebr that it is to be used only in the most dire of times when death is near.

Additionally you seem to be overlooking the treatment teh Koran mentions about "the people of the book" which would be Jews and Christians seeing as they all worship the same god and all.

No, they don't worship the same God. That is a lie. If they worship the same God, then why does the Quran instruct to not make friends with Christians or Jews?
Where did the Knights of the Crusade get their ideas from? They killed countless people.

Killing in the name of religion is evil.

So if the murderous Knights of the Crusade got their marching orders from their religion then by your definition that religion, specifically Christianity is evil.

You don't know what the crusades were about. You're confused.

The Crusades were nothing but a series of religious wars sanctioned by the Catholic Church.

Agents of the church killed people. Hence the church is evil.

Actions define good and evil and the Christian religion has a long history of torture and murder.

That's a lie. The Crusaders were sent to beat back the hordes of muslims who were demanding tax and murdering Christians and taking land.
I've read Mein Kampf and did not have the urge to become a Nazi.

That's nice. 50 million others accepted the ideas and acted on them, unleashing horrific evil from those words.

None of the words in those manuscripts are in themselves evil.

Utter nonsense. Those words, when put into practice, result in death, misery, slavery and despair.

Ideas are ephemeral and in themselves are not good nor evil.

Ignorantly absurd.

A book can sit on a shelf for centuries but until one carries out the ideas there no evil is present.

The words represent ideas, certain ideas are evil.

The Warlord Muhammad was illiterate, he enslaved Jews to fabricate the Koran in his image. Muhammad was an evil man, shear evil, and the ideas that were adopted into the Koran reflect the evil that is Muhammad.

I can imagine countless ways to torture someone but if I never actually harm anyone I am not evil.

The idea of torture is an evil idea; should you manifest the idea in action, then pain, misery and death are the result.
You don't know what the crusades were about. You're confused.

The Crusades were nothing but a series of religious wars sanctioned by the Catholic Church.

Agents of the church killed people. Hence the church is evil.

Actions define good and evil and the Christian religion has a long history of torture and murder.

That's a lie. The Crusaders were sent to beat back the hordes of muslims who were demanding tax and murdering Christians and taking land.

The crusades were a war over a bit of land just like any other war.

Just because the pope sanctioned killing and handed out indulgences does not make it any less evil.
I've read Mein Kampf and did not have the urge to become a Nazi.

That's nice. 50 million others accepted the ideas and acted on them, unleashing horrific evil from those words.

None of the words in those manuscripts are in themselves evil.

Utter nonsense. Those words, when put into practice, result in death, misery, slavery and despair.

Ignorantly absurd.

A book can sit on a shelf for centuries but until one carries out the ideas there no evil is present.

The words represent ideas, certain ideas are evil.

The Warlord Muhammad was illiterate, he enslaved Jews to fabricate the Koran in his image. Muhammad was an evil man, shear evil, and the ideas that were adopted into the Koran reflect the evil that is Muhammad.

I can imagine countless ways to torture someone but if I never actually harm anyone I am not evil.

The idea of torture is an evil idea; should you manifest the idea in action, then pain, misery and death are the result.

An idea is not in itself evil nor good.

The action makes it so.

I can think evil things all night and then tend to the sick and needy all day.

Would I be called good or evil when I die?
For 500 years Muslims raped and enslaved Christian women, taxed Christian men for no reason and took their land away only to murder them in cold blood because they "were" Christian before the first Crusade was called to stop the Muslim menace. If this isn't a testament to Christian faith and tolerance what is?
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The Crusades were nothing but a series of religious wars sanctioned by the Catholic Church.

Based on the Muslim invasion of Europe.

Agents of the church killed people. Hence the church is evil.

But of course the invading Muslims were good.

Actions define good and evil and the Christian religion has a long history of torture and murder.

The Catholic church certainly does. Difference is that no one excuses or condones the actions of the Catholics, not the way you excuse the Muslims.
Don't be stupid, where in the bible does it say to murder non-believers, rape, pillage, lie etc

Well Deuteronomy 13:12-15 for the killing.

Lying is covered too. I don't have the chapet and verse handy but google is your friend.

If you are going to go on about taqiyya as a reason to lie rememebr that it is to be used only in the most dire of times when death is near.

Additionally you seem to be overlooking the treatment teh Koran mentions about "the people of the book" which would be Jews and Christians seeing as they all worship the same god and all.

No, they don't worship the same God. That is a lie. If they worship the same God, then why does the Quran instruct to not make friends with Christians or Jews?

Uhh it doesn't it tells followers to be respectful of people of the book.

It is not a lie, all three religions worship the same god. I would suggest you learn a bit more about it before you start calling people liars.
Well Deuteronomy 13:12-15 for the killing.

Lying is covered too. I don't have the chapet and verse handy but google is your friend.

If you are going to go on about taqiyya as a reason to lie rememebr that it is to be used only in the most dire of times when death is near.

Additionally you seem to be overlooking the treatment teh Koran mentions about "the people of the book" which would be Jews and Christians seeing as they all worship the same god and all.

No, they don't worship the same God. That is a lie. If they worship the same God, then why does the Quran instruct to not make friends with Christians or Jews?

Uhh it doesn't it tells followers to be respectful of people of the book.

It is not a lie, all three religions worship the same god. I would suggest you learn a bit more about it before you start calling people liars.

I suggest you learn a bit more about it before you open your mouth and tell someone else too.
The Crusades were nothing but a series of religious wars sanctioned by the Catholic Church.

Based on the Muslim invasion of Europe.

Agents of the church killed people. Hence the church is evil.

But of course the invading Muslims were good.
Actions define good and evil and the Christian religion has a long history of torture and murder.

The Catholic church certainly does. Difference is that no one excuses or condones the actions of the Catholics, not the way you excuse the Muslims.

To the Bolded - Of course they were not good. However, at that time in history they were doing what the europeans did in the 1500's onward. It was the first world invading the third world.

Earopeans were poor dirty and little more than savages before the crusades.

Their tools and weapons were of inferior quailty their math and science did not really even exist.

Most of what made europe great were stolen from the Middle East during the crusades.

The Middle east had the advantage from teh time of early settlement of humans so at that point in history . . .they happened to be on top. Like europe was and like we are(well more or less).

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