Islam is a lot like nazism


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Islam is a lot like Nazism.
1. You have to believe in it.
2. It is political and a belief all rolled into one!
3. It forces disbelievers to conform or die.
4. It FORCES you to do things against your well.
5. People practicing it kill for it and blindly praise the leader(allah or HITLER).
6. Both are warrior cults.

For people that want to be free from it = sucks.
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Sounds exactly like Zionism too, except Zionism is racist. Fuck all middle east cults!
From 1985 to 1991, I was heavily involved in one of the largest cults, the Church Universal and Triumphant. The only real spokesman was Murray Steinman, and he summed it up best that trying to define them with pejorative remarks isn't productive.

People do the best with what they have. In my cult, everyone had complete freewill to do what they wanted. To say otherwise is a myth. Also, anyplace can be a cult. I've studied this a lot, and whatever activity participants engage, they follow their desires. How it's viewed is what's important.

A lot of people called us Nazis while I was in the cult, because the hand gestures, extending and holding our arms out in front of us to express love to the ascended masters, looked very close to a Nazi salute. These misconceptions stem from the inability of the those to get to know (anything) about the group.

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