Islam Is A False Religion

the operative word is HONEST---no one who has been around
muslims can be so densely ignorant as surada claims to be

You get what you give. If you're profane and hateful that's what you get in return.
You get what you give. If you're profane and hateful that's what you get in return.
People in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones. It's an ill wind
that bodes no good. Little Jack Horner, sat in the corner..............
surada said:
You get what you give. If you're profane and hateful that's what you get in return.

for those who do not understand---Surada is justifying the Armenian genocide---the starvation siege by Nigerian muslims
upon Nigerian christians that left more than a million christian
babies dead in the dust (circa 1970) and the murder of more than a million East Pakistan hindus by starvation siege (circa 1970),
the enslavement of Sudanese christian children ( circa 1980) --all
contemporary in the past approx CENTURY-----and 14 centuries
of attack, pillage, rape and oppression ----and most of all the
PROUD MUSLIM VICTORY of October 7, 2023---as she dances
on the dead bodies of TENS OF MILLIONS OF INFANTS for the glory of her "RELIGION"
surada said:
You get what you give. If you're profane and hateful that's what you get in return.

for those who do not understand---Surada is justifying the Armenian genocide---the starvation siege by Nigerian muslims
upon Nigerian christians that left more than a million christian
babies dead in the dust (circa 1970) and the murder of more than a million East Pakistan hindus by starvation siege (circa 1970),
the enslavement of Sudanese christian children ( circa 1980) --all
contemporary in the past approx CENTURY-----and 14 centuries
of attack, pillage, rape and oppression ----and most of all the
PROUD MUSLIM VICTORY of October 7, 2023---as she dances
on the dead bodies of TENS OF MILLIONS OF INFANTS for the glory of her "RELIGION"
Islam is a disgraceful abomination.
surada said:
You get what you give. If you're profane and hateful that's what you get in return.

for those who do not understand---Surada is justifying the Armenian genocide---the starvation siege by Nigerian muslims
upon Nigerian christians that left more than a million christian
babies dead in the dust (circa 1970) and the murder of more than a million East Pakistan hindus by starvation siege (circa 1970),
the enslavement of Sudanese christian children ( circa 1980) --all
contemporary in the past approx CENTURY-----and 14 centuries
of attack, pillage, rape and oppression ----and most of all the
PROUD MUSLIM VICTORY of October 7, 2023---as she dances
on the dead bodies of TENS OF MILLIONS OF INFANTS for the glory of her "RELIGION"

Boy, you're a nasty piece of work.
Boy, you're a nasty piece of work.
you abhor history----the denials are already in ---the
"OCTOBER 7, 2023 DENIAL" Cyber-buddies---it you can
make it to a mosque on the coming Fridays--do so---mosques
attended by muslims from Southeast Asia use ENGLISH for
educational purposes
you abhor history----the denials are already in ---the
"OCTOBER 7, 2023 DENIAL" Cyber-buddies---it you can
make it to a mosque on the coming Fridays--do so---mosques
attended by muslims from Southeast Asia use ENGLISH for
educational purposes

It's horrible. Innocent people are paying a terrible price for your ambitions. Of course you are quite safe stateside.
It's horrible. Innocent people are paying a terrible price for your ambitions. Of course you are quite safe stateside.
what are my ambitions? Read the koran---the ambitions of
young adult muslim men---like those who invaded the homes
of sleeping children in order to INCINERATE them with blow
torches is JANNAH and an eternity of 72 whories ---and--
to put a smile on the face of UM MUJAHADAD---and some
money in her pocket
Nope. Muhammad was just a man. Circumcision was an old Egyptian practice. There's nothing special about it. Muslim baby boys are circumcised.

If it's not important,
don't obfuscate - answer the question.

Muslims claim Mooohammad was a man,
but then deify him, referring in angelic terms.

Circumcision is much earlier practice than Egypt,
practiced by many civilizations on several continents.
If there's nothing special about it, why Muslims circumcise?

The G-d of Abraham commanded all his prophets circumcised,
if Mooohammad told people to "return to the G-d of Abraham",
then he failed, and the bad example of what he required of others.

Simple question -

do Muslims follow the teachings

of an illiterate, uncircumcised man?
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Nope. Muhammad was just a man. Circumcision was an old Egyptian practice. There's nothing special about it. Muslim baby boys are circumcised.
surada blows it again---circumcision for muslim boys is generally NOT done in infancy----it varies but generally when
the child is about 12. Saudi arabia---being a progressive
country has recognized that jews do it a lot better than do muslims and have consulted Jewish experts in the procedure---to avoid those RAGGED EDGES---the program relates to the fact that studies indicate that jewish male circumcision turns out to be more protective against transmission of STD than does muslim circumcision. Muhummad was a ruthless imperialist
war-lord---his followers exceeded his barbarism. Oct. 7 was a
lesson in Islam. Read the koran
If it's not important,
don't obfuscate - answer the question.

Muslims claim Mooohammad was a man,
but then deify him, referring in angelic terms.

Circumcision is much earlier practice than Egypt,
practiced by many civilizations on several continents.
If there's nothing special about it, why Muslims circumcise?

The G-d of Abraham commanded all his prophets circumcised,
if Mooohammad told people to "return to the G-d of Abraham",
then he failed, and the bad example of what he required of others.

Simple question -

do Muslims follow the teachings

of an illiterate, uncircumcised man?
According to the islamo nazi history of the world. MUHUMMAD was born without a foreskin---magically
not that I know---something they say---uhm DRASH?

What they say doesn't make sense, it's blind conformity.
Islam is not about people who dare to think on their own.

Mooohammad allowed himself to "marry" his followers' wives for several days,
now, some Mooslims say it's forbidden, but they're supposed to follow his example.
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