ISIS Represents A Criminal Matter


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
He is the deal. Unless and until ISIS represents a nation state......or is clearly supported and promoted by a nation state, it is simply a criminal organization.

The fear mongering that is going on.....the stupid drumbeat toward the stuff of past mistakes. Had we treated Al Qaeda in such a manner.......we'd be way ahead of the fucking game. Instead.....we brought the big guns........and gained nothing.

I say we treat these assholes like we would any organized crime problem. Intelligence and police work. Pretending that we can combat crime with a military response is great for Haliburton and gives many USMB nutters a huge hard-on.....but is doesn't work.

ISIS is more of a threat to the nations of Iraq and Syria ( and Lebanon and Jordan and Palestine ) than they are to the United States.

Let's learn from our mistakes.
ISIS is a serious problem. We should fund and train another militant Islamic group in the area to fight them. No way it could backfire on us this time. :eusa_shifty:

Turkey s Support for ISIS Islamist Terrorists Middle East Forum
He is the deal. Unless and until ISIS represents a nation state......or is clearly supported and promoted by a nation state, it is simply a criminal organization.

The fear mongering that is going on.....the stupid drumbeat toward the stuff of past mistakes. Had we treated Al Qaeda in such a manner.......we'd be way ahead of the fucking game. Instead.....we brought the big guns........and gained nothing.

I say we treat these assholes like we would any organized crime problem. Intelligence and police work. Pretending that we can combat crime with a military response is great for Haliburton and gives many USMB nutters a huge hard-on.....but is doesn't work.

ISIS is more of a threat to the nations of Iraq and Syria ( and Lebanon and Jordan and Palestine ) than they are to the United States.

Let's learn from our mistakes.

And with the co-operation of other countries' intelligence and security services, the United States needn't combat criminal terrorists on its own.
The Islamic Caliphate is already larger than Belgium.

Treating this as a criminal matter makes as much sense a arresting and prosecuting the pilots who bombed Pearl Harbor.
He is the deal. Unless and until ISIS represents a nation state......or is clearly supported and promoted by a nation state, it is simply a criminal organization.

The fear mongering that is going on.....the stupid drumbeat toward the stuff of past mistakes. Had we treated Al Qaeda in such a manner.......we'd be way ahead of the fucking game. Instead.....we brought the big guns........and gained nothing.

I say we treat these assholes like we would any organized crime problem. Intelligence and police work. Pretending that we can combat crime with a military response is great for Haliburton and gives many USMB nutters a huge hard-on.....but is doesn't work.

ISIS is more of a threat to the nations of Iraq and Syria ( and Lebanon and Jordan and Palestine ) than they are to the United States.

Let's learn from our mistakes.

You act like they aren't a threat. Do you realize how much money and equipment they've stolen in their march through Iraq?
These guys are extremely well funded.
He is the deal. Unless and until ISIS represents a nation state......or is clearly supported and promoted by a nation state, it is simply a criminal organization.

The fear mongering that is going on.....the stupid drumbeat toward the stuff of past mistakes. Had we treated Al Qaeda in such a manner.......we'd be way ahead of the fucking game. Instead.....we brought the big guns........and gained nothing.

I say we treat these assholes like we would any organized crime problem. Intelligence and police work. Pretending that we can combat crime with a military response is great for Haliburton and gives many USMB nutters a huge hard-on.....but is doesn't work.

ISIS is more of a threat to the nations of Iraq and Syria ( and Lebanon and Jordan and Palestine ) than they are to the United States.

Let's learn from our mistakes.

You act like they aren't a threat. Do you realize how much money and equipment they've stolen in their march through Iraq?
These guys are extremely well funded.

Do I act like they aren't a threat? you have delusions of me acting like they aren't a threat?

Hey....if you listen closely, you can almost hear Rod Serling.
Your position is naive and your grasp of the facts is extremely limited. Im going to assume the people at the Department of Defense understand this threat much better than you.
He is the deal. Unless and until ISIS represents a nation state......or is clearly supported and promoted by a nation state, it is simply a criminal organization.

The fear mongering that is going on.....the stupid drumbeat toward the stuff of past mistakes. Had we treated Al Qaeda in such a manner.......we'd be way ahead of the fucking game. Instead.....we brought the big guns........and gained nothing.

I say we treat these assholes like we would any organized crime problem. Intelligence and police work. Pretending that we can combat crime with a military response is great for Haliburton and gives many USMB nutters a huge hard-on.....but is doesn't work.

ISIS is more of a threat to the nations of Iraq and Syria ( and Lebanon and Jordan and Palestine ) than they are to the United States.

Let's learn from our mistakes.

You act like they aren't a threat. Do you realize how much money and equipment they've stolen in their march through Iraq?
These guys are extremely well funded.

Do I act like they aren't a threat? you have delusions of me acting like they aren't a threat?

Hey....if you listen closely, you can almost hear Rod Serling.

First of all.....who's Rod Serling?
Second of all,there is noway in hell local law enforcement is going to be able to do shit. Unless of course you want to expand on the militarization of our local law enforcement.
Are you now a supporter of the DHS and the Patriot Act? The best way to stop these fuckers is to do it in Iraq,and with the National Guard on our borders since dipshit has let them grow to the point that they're a threat here.
He is the deal. Unless and until ISIS represents a nation state......or is clearly supported and promoted by a nation state, it is simply a criminal organization.

The fear mongering that is going on.....the stupid drumbeat toward the stuff of past mistakes. Had we treated Al Qaeda in such a manner.......we'd be way ahead of the fucking game. Instead.....we brought the big guns........and gained nothing.

I say we treat these assholes like we would any organized crime problem. Intelligence and police work. Pretending that we can combat crime with a military response is great for Haliburton and gives many USMB nutters a huge hard-on.....but is doesn't work.

ISIS is more of a threat to the nations of Iraq and Syria ( and Lebanon and Jordan and Palestine ) than they are to the United States.

Let's learn from our mistakes.

You act like they aren't a threat. Do you realize how much money and equipment they've stolen in their march through Iraq?
These guys are extremely well funded.

Do I act like they aren't a threat? you have delusions of me acting like they aren't a threat?

Hey....if you listen closely, you can almost hear Rod Serling.

First of all.....who's Rod Serling?
Second of all,there is noway in hell local law enforcement is going to be able to do shit. Unless of course you want to expand on the militarization of our local law enforcement.
Are you now a supporter of the DHS and the Patriot Act? The best way to stop these fuckers is to do it in Iraq,and with the National Guard on our borders since dipshit has let them grow to the point that they're a threat here.

Hello, strange person.

I said nothing about local law enforcement. You are really skilled at creating your own opposing arguments. It makes for a very tedious conversation, though.
He is the deal. Unless and until ISIS represents a nation state......or is clearly supported and promoted by a nation state, it is simply a criminal organization.

The fear mongering that is going on.....the stupid drumbeat toward the stuff of past mistakes. Had we treated Al Qaeda in such a manner.......we'd be way ahead of the fucking game. Instead.....we brought the big guns........and gained nothing.

I say we treat these assholes like we would any organized crime problem. Intelligence and police work. Pretending that we can combat crime with a military response is great for Haliburton and gives many USMB nutters a huge hard-on.....but is doesn't work.

ISIS is more of a threat to the nations of Iraq and Syria ( and Lebanon and Jordan and Palestine ) than they are to the United States.

Let's learn from our mistakes.

You act like they aren't a threat. Do you realize how much money and equipment they've stolen in their march through Iraq?
These guys are extremely well funded.

Do I act like they aren't a threat? you have delusions of me acting like they aren't a threat?

Hey....if you listen closely, you can almost hear Rod Serling.

First of all.....who's Rod Serling?
Second of all,there is noway in hell local law enforcement is going to be able to do shit. Unless of course you want to expand on the militarization of our local law enforcement.
Are you now a supporter of the DHS and the Patriot Act? The best way to stop these fuckers is to do it in Iraq,and with the National Guard on our borders since dipshit has let them grow to the point that they're a threat here.

Hello, strange person.

I said nothing about local law enforcement. You are really skilled at creating your own opposing arguments. It makes for a very tedious conversation, though.

You called it a criminal matter. So who exactly(name the alphabet group) should handle this problem?
He is the deal. Unless and until ISIS represents a nation state......or is clearly supported and promoted by a nation state, it is simply a criminal organization.

The fear mongering that is going on.....the stupid drumbeat toward the stuff of past mistakes. Had we treated Al Qaeda in such a manner.......we'd be way ahead of the fucking game. Instead.....we brought the big guns........and gained nothing.

I say we treat these assholes like we would any organized crime problem. Intelligence and police work. Pretending that we can combat crime with a military response is great for Haliburton and gives many USMB nutters a huge hard-on.....but is doesn't work.

ISIS is more of a threat to the nations of Iraq and Syria ( and Lebanon and Jordan and Palestine ) than they are to the United States.

Let's learn from our mistakes.

You act like they aren't a threat. Do you realize how much money and equipment they've stolen in their march through Iraq?
These guys are extremely well funded.

Do I act like they aren't a threat? you have delusions of me acting like they aren't a threat?

Hey....if you listen closely, you can almost hear Rod Serling.

First of all.....who's Rod Serling?
Second of all,there is noway in hell local law enforcement is going to be able to do shit. Unless of course you want to expand on the militarization of our local law enforcement.
Are you now a supporter of the DHS and the Patriot Act? The best way to stop these fuckers is to do it in Iraq,and with the National Guard on our borders since dipshit has let them grow to the point that they're a threat here.

Hello, strange person.

I said nothing about local law enforcement. You are really skilled at creating your own opposing arguments. It makes for a very tedious conversation, though.

You called it a criminal matter. So who exactly(name the alphabet group) should handle this problem?


You are boring me to death here.
The islamic state is a NATIONAL STATE. Just because the powers that be don't want to call it such, doesn't = it isn't so.

1. They hold territory
2. They have a powerful military and no one is powerful enough so far to take it from them.
3. They have a government
4. Laws

Try sending the fucking fbi and see what happens.
He is the deal. Unless and until ISIS represents a nation state......or is clearly supported and promoted by a nation state, it is simply a criminal organization.

The fear mongering that is going on.....the stupid drumbeat toward the stuff of past mistakes. Had we treated Al Qaeda in such a manner.......we'd be way ahead of the fucking game. Instead.....we brought the big guns........and gained nothing.

I say we treat these assholes like we would any organized crime problem. Intelligence and police work. Pretending that we can combat crime with a military response is great for Haliburton and gives many USMB nutters a huge hard-on.....but is doesn't work.

ISIS is more of a threat to the nations of Iraq and Syria ( and Lebanon and Jordan and Palestine ) than they are to the United States.

Let's learn from our mistakes.

You act like they aren't a threat. Do you realize how much money and equipment they've stolen in their march through Iraq?
These guys are extremely well funded.

Do I act like they aren't a threat? you have delusions of me acting like they aren't a threat?

Hey....if you listen closely, you can almost hear Rod Serling.

First of all.....who's Rod Serling?
Second of all,there is noway in hell local law enforcement is going to be able to do shit. Unless of course you want to expand on the militarization of our local law enforcement.
Are you now a supporter of the DHS and the Patriot Act? The best way to stop these fuckers is to do it in Iraq,and with the National Guard on our borders since dipshit has let them grow to the point that they're a threat here.

Hello, strange person.

I said nothing about local law enforcement. You are really skilled at creating your own opposing arguments. It makes for a very tedious conversation, though.

You called it a criminal matter. So who exactly(name the alphabet group) should handle this problem?


You are boring me to death here.

I noticed you dodged the question again. No surprise there....
The islamic state is a NATIONAL STATE. Just because the powers that be don't want to call it such, doesn't = it isn't so.

1. They hold land
2. They have a military holding it and no one is powerful enough so far to take it.
3. They have a government
4. Laws

Try sending the fucking fbi and see what happens.

I'm going to regret responding to you will surely say something stupid. But.....where is the capital city of this nation state? Where are the offices if it's leaders located?
The islamic state is a NATIONAL STATE. Just because the powers that be don't want to call it doesn't = it isn't so.

1. They hold land
2. They have a military holding it and no one is powerful enough so far to take it.
3. They have a government
4. Laws

Try sending the fucking fbi and see what happens.

American interests are not at stake. A Caliphate is going to come into existence sooner or later, so better it is these nutcases so as to destroy this Islamic dream once and for all. Do you see many countries today clamoring to adopt Communism? An ideology which fails sends a very powerful signal. An ideology which is suppressed can be kept alive for centuries in the fevered dreams of radicals.

This is a problem for the locals to deal with, not imperialistic America.
He is the deal. Unless and until ISIS represents a nation state......or is clearly supported and promoted by a nation state, it is simply a criminal organization.

The fear mongering that is going on.....the stupid drumbeat toward the stuff of past mistakes. Had we treated Al Qaeda in such a manner.......we'd be way ahead of the fucking game. Instead.....we brought the big guns........and gained nothing.

I say we treat these assholes like we would any organized crime problem. Intelligence and police work. Pretending that we can combat crime with a military response is great for Haliburton and gives many USMB nutters a huge hard-on.....but is doesn't work.

ISIS is more of a threat to the nations of Iraq and Syria ( and Lebanon and Jordan and Palestine ) than they are to the United States.

Let's learn from our mistakes.

You act like they aren't a threat. Do you realize how much money and equipment they've stolen in their march through Iraq?
These guys are extremely well funded.

Do I act like they aren't a threat? you have delusions of me acting like they aren't a threat?

Hey....if you listen closely, you can almost hear Rod Serling.

First of all.....who's Rod Serling?
Second of all,there is noway in hell local law enforcement is going to be able to do shit. Unless of course you want to expand on the militarization of our local law enforcement.
Are you now a supporter of the DHS and the Patriot Act? The best way to stop these fuckers is to do it in Iraq,and with the National Guard on our borders since dipshit has let them grow to the point that they're a threat here.

Hello, strange person.

I said nothing about local law enforcement. You are really skilled at creating your own opposing arguments. It makes for a very tedious conversation, though.

You called it a criminal matter. So who exactly(name the alphabet group) should handle this problem?


You are boring me to death here.

I noticed you dodged the question again. No surprise there....

You call "yep" a dodge?

Cue the theme song.
The islamic state is a NATIONAL STATE. Just because the powers that be don't want to call it such, doesn't = it isn't so.

1. They hold land
2. They have a military holding it and no one is powerful enough so far to take it.
3. They have a government
4. Laws

Try sending the fucking fbi and see what happens.

I'm going to regret responding to you will surely say something stupid. But.....where is the capital city of this nation state? Where are the offices if it's leaders located?

Capital is Ar-Raqqah - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Leader is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Because the world doesn't want to accept it..Certainly doesn't mean it isn't so.

Not all nation states are nice and to our liking.
He is the deal. Unless and until ISIS represents a nation state......or is clearly supported and promoted by a nation state, it is simply a criminal organization.

The fear mongering that is going on.....the stupid drumbeat toward the stuff of past mistakes. Had we treated Al Qaeda in such a manner.......we'd be way ahead of the fucking game. Instead.....we brought the big guns........and gained nothing.

I say we treat these assholes like we would any organized crime problem. Intelligence and police work. Pretending that we can combat crime with a military response is great for Haliburton and gives many USMB nutters a huge hard-on.....but is doesn't work.

ISIS is more of a threat to the nations of Iraq and Syria ( and Lebanon and Jordan and Palestine ) than they are to the United States.

Let's learn from our mistakes.

You act like they aren't a threat. Do you realize how much money and equipment they've stolen in their march through Iraq?
These guys are extremely well funded.

Do I act like they aren't a threat? you have delusions of me acting like they aren't a threat?

Hey....if you listen closely, you can almost hear Rod Serling.

First of all.....who's Rod Serling?
Second of all,there is noway in hell local law enforcement is going to be able to do shit. Unless of course you want to expand on the militarization of our local law enforcement.
Are you now a supporter of the DHS and the Patriot Act? The best way to stop these fuckers is to do it in Iraq,and with the National Guard on our borders since dipshit has let them grow to the point that they're a threat here.

Hello, strange person.

I said nothing about local law enforcement. You are really skilled at creating your own opposing arguments. It makes for a very tedious conversation, though.

You called it a criminal matter. So who exactly(name the alphabet group) should handle this problem?


You are boring me to death here.

I noticed you dodged the question again. No surprise there....

You call "yep" a dodge?

Cue the theme song.

Shouldnt you and your dog be in the bedroom with a jar of peanut butter?
It is Friday night after all.

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