ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Believed to Have Been Killed, According to Report

One less Muslim shitbag on the planet.

Congrats Trump and good job to our Military men and women involved.

Fake news. Where's the proof? Just another Trump distraction.

Oh REALLY... you believed the kenyan killed OBL without EVER SEEING A BODY.

What's so different now?

OOOoooooh... that's right... you leftist bubble heads swallow EVERYTHING your democrat propaganda wing says like it's fresh jizz, but if it's something good being said about TRUMP, your TDS kicks in and you have a BRAIN ANEURYSM.

One less Muslim shitbag on the planet.

Congrats Trump and good job to our Military men and women involved.

Listening to the news right now, and this operation was planned far in advance. So while everyone was trashing the president for pulling troops out of Syria, he and his generals, AND Syria AND Turkey all had secret plans to take out this Baghdad rag head muslim shit stain. Many troops have already been moved back to strategic positions in the area.

Once again, Trump outsmarted all his detractors and the unhinged apoplectic democrats.

Just think of what President Trump could get done if the demtrash weren't concentrating their efforts to this 24/7, psychotic, demented, lunatic impeachment FARCE.
Wow is there something trump can’t do?
Shut his fucking trap on Twitter long enough for the Interwebs to fucking breath for a minute.
Just like a typical leftist shit bag... don't agree with what someone says, you want to SHUT THEM THE FUCK UP.

How NAZI of you...
You misunderstand. I'm not a leftist. I appreciate jitlers contribution to USMB. And you. It would be Hugely Greatly Wonderful, if DJT would just STFU on twitter.
We need air here in USMB chat rooms.
Great news.

Does this mean that ISIS is no longer a threat?
Here's the thing, fellas. DJT has been in office for nearly 4 years. What has he produced? He's supposed to be the consummate outsider but has proven to be nothing but the Swamp.
Wow is there something trump can’t do?
Shut his fucking trap on Twitter long enough for the Interwebs to fucking breath for a minute.
Just like a typical leftist shit bag... don't agree with what someone says, you want to SHUT THEM THE FUCK UP.

How NAZI of you...
You misunderstand. I'm not a leftist. I appreciate jitlers contribution to USMB. And you. It would be Hugely Greatly Wonderful, if DJT would just STFU on twitter.
We need air here in USMB chat rooms.
No, it wouldn't be hugely, greatly anything if the president quit tweeting.

It's one of the ONLY ways this president has of making an end run around the democrat propaganda wing, and post exactly what he wants to say, not what they said he said, or what they want him to say, or just lie about what he said. It's President Trump, first hand, no democrat BS inserted, and it also gives him a venue to fight back against the 24/7 trashing he gets from the left. I think he uses it BIGGLY BRILLIANTLY.

He needs to KEEP IT UP.
Wow is there something trump can’t do?
Shut his fucking trap on Twitter long enough for the Interwebs to fucking breath for a minute.
Just like a typical leftist shit bag... don't agree with what someone says, you want to SHUT THEM THE FUCK UP.

How NAZI of you...
You misunderstand. I'm not a leftist. I appreciate jitlers contribution to USMB. And you. It would be Hugely Greatly Wonderful, if DJT would just STFU on twitter.
We need air here in USMB chat rooms.

Ummm, yeah, you are a leftist.

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