ISIS is Trapped in Palmyra as the Syrian Army Closes-in on the city


Nov 14, 2012
Bad news for ISIS-Sally. Palmyra will be captured from ISIS soon.

"Over the last 72 hours, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) has proven to be ill-prepared for the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) latest offensive at the ancient city of Palmyra in the Homs Governorate’s eastern countryside.

This news was confirmed when an ISIS contingent frantically retreated from the Al-Qadri Farms in western Palmyra after a brief firefight with the Syrian Arab Army’s 550th Regiment and the 67th Brigade of the 18th Tank Division.

On Tuesday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade – in coordination with the 550th Regiment, the National Defense Forces (NDF) of Homs, Hezbollah, and Harakat Al-Nujaba (Iraqi paramilitary) – struck ISIS’ defensive positions at Al-Hayyal in southern Palmyra, killing several enemy combatants from the aforementioned terrorist group before advancing towards the southern district of this ancient city.

In addition to their advance at Al-Hayyal, the Syrian Armed Forces and their allies captured more territory along the Homs-Deir Ezzor Highway that leads to Palmyra’s western perimeter; this has paved the way for them to push towards the Qatari Royal Family’s villa that is now used by ISIS as training base for their new recruits.

With their recent success at the southern and western flanks of Palmyra, the Syrian Armed Forces are now in position to attack this ancient desert city from three different sides, while the Russian Air Force strikes the Palmyra Military Airport and the road leading to the east district."

ISIS is Trapped in Palmyra as the Syrian Army Closes-in on the city
I somehow doubt that all of ISIS is in Palmyra------not that I care-----isis // Syrian army--------six of one and half a dozen of the other------good that they are shooting
at each other
I somehow doubt that all of ISIS is in Palmyra------not that I care-----isis // Syrian army--------six of one and half a dozen of the other------good that they are shooting
at each other

well, that was the idea when the Zionists instigated the Syrian Civil War, wasn't it? Get the Arabs to kill each other.

Yes-----Zionists have been getting arabs to kill each other for the past 1400 years.
The person ALI ibn HUSSEIN -----the son-in-law of muhummad was actually a jew. He married Fartimah bint muhummad (he was a mossad agent at the time)
in order to create unrest and internecine hatred amongst the followers of muhummad------he faked his own death just to screw --muhummad's friend---------abu bakr, who also wanted to be king. The people who preferred ALI (Shiites) have been fighting the people who prefer abu bakr-----
for 14 centuries--------it is a jewish plot
Yes-----Zionists have been getting arabs to kill each other for the past 1400 years.
The person ALI ibn HUSSEIN -----the son-in-law of muhummad was actually a jew. He married Fartimah bint muhummad (he was a mossad agent at the time)
in order to create unrest and internecine hatred amongst the followers of muhummad------he faked his own death just to screw --muhummad's friend---------abu bakr, who also wanted to be king. The people who preferred ALI (Shiites) have been fighting the people who prefer abu bakr-----
for 14 centuries--------it is a jewish plot

wow, the Zionists don't ever take responsibility for anything, do they?

Hey, no one is killing each other in Syria over what happened 1400 years ago.

They are killing each other because the Zionists supported the FSA because they didn't like Assad.

Which opened enough chaos for Al Qaeda in Iraq to flee to Eastern Syria and become ISIL. Now they have half the country and threaten the west.
Yes-----Zionists have been getting arabs to kill each other for the past 1400 years.
The person ALI ibn HUSSEIN -----the son-in-law of muhummad was actually a jew. He married Fartimah bint muhummad (he was a mossad agent at the time)
in order to create unrest and internecine hatred amongst the followers of muhummad------he faked his own death just to screw --muhummad's friend---------abu bakr, who also wanted to be king. The people who preferred ALI (Shiites) have been fighting the people who prefer abu bakr-----
for 14 centuries--------it is a jewish plot

wow, the Zionists don't ever take responsibility for anything, do they?

Hey, no one is killing each other in Syria over what happened 1400 years ago.

They are killing each other because the Zionists supported the FSA because they didn't like Assad.

Which opened enough chaos for Al Qaeda in Iraq to flee to Eastern Syria and become ISIL. Now they have half the country and threaten the west.

How long have you been unconscious?. btw-----what do "the Zionists" have against ASSAD?
How long have you been unconscious?. btw-----what do "the Zionists" have against ASSAD?

You're kidding me, right?

AIPAC to deploy hundreds of lobbyists to push for Syria action - Diplomacy and Defense

The influential pro-Israel American Israel Public Affairs Committee will deploy hundreds of activists next week to win support in Congress for military action in Syria, amid an intense White House effort to convince wavering U.S. lawmakers to vote for limited strikes.

"We plan a major lobbying effort with about 250 activists in Washington to meet with their senators and representatives," an AIPAC source said on Saturday.

Congressional aides said they expected the meetings and calls on Tuesday, as President Barack Obama and officials from his administration make their case for missile strikes over the apparent use of chemical weapons by Syrian President Bashar Assad's government.

read more: AIPAC to deploy hundreds of lobbyists to push for Syria action - Diplomacy and Defense
How long have you been unconscious?. btw-----what do "the Zionists" have against ASSAD?

You're kidding me, right?

AIPAC to deploy hundreds of lobbyists to push for Syria action - Diplomacy and Defense

The influential pro-Israel American Israel Public Affairs Committee will deploy hundreds of activists next week to win support in Congress for military action in Syria, amid an intense White House effort to convince wavering U.S. lawmakers to vote for limited strikes.

"We plan a major lobbying effort with about 250 activists in Washington to meet with their senators and representatives," an AIPAC source said on Saturday.

Congressional aides said they expected the meetings and calls on Tuesday, as President Barack Obama and officials from his administration make their case for missile strikes over the apparent use of chemical weapons by Syrian President Bashar Assad's government.

read more: AIPAC to deploy hundreds of lobbyists to push for Syria action - Diplomacy and Defense

that's now------you claimed that the entire civil war in Syria was instigated by Zionists because Zionists hate Assad
that's now------you claimed that the entire civil war in Syria was instigated by Zionists because Zionists hate Assad

No, that was 2 years ago, when the Zionists tried to get us to fight another war for them. Thankfully, america FINALLY said no.

Here's Wesley Clark stating that the Zionists supported ISIS to fight Hezbollah.

Again, we need to get the fuck out of there and not support ANYONE.

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