Is Wall Street America's One Common Enemy That Unites the Left and Right?

Is Wall Street America's One Common Enemy That Unites the Left and Right?

  • Yes. Of course.

    Votes: 13 37.1%
  • No. Don't be a whining socialist.

    Votes: 22 62.9%

  • Total voters
NYC spent $7MM on police overtime. Assuming there were 10,000 OWS losers (there were a few hundred) we could buy all 10,000 a one-way ticket for $700 each

Adios, Dickwads
it should unite them against the goverment.

IMHO thats what we pay for gov. for, to referee the game so to speak.

the gov. has imho- colluded with, provided weak oversight and tried to 'work as part of' Wall st. like partners, they are no such think nor should they be.

the hate wall st. thing is misdirected, and willfully so.

BUt you see, that's where it got misdirected.

We are in the worst recession in 80 years because the folks on Wall Street like our buddy Toro made a killing in real estate.

The Government- our government- was bought off by people, many of whom aren't even Americans. George Soros being the worst of the lot.

and when it all fell in, what happened. These guys went to Washington and got 700 billlion in bailouts...

SO I find it interesting that Toro whines about anyone pointing it out being "socialists", when if it was truly capitalist, "Too big to Fail" would have been allowed to fail.

Socialize risk, captialize benefits-

Anyone else see a problem with this?

TEA and OWS both see the problem, but through partisan lenses.
No, the left hates capitalism, free enterprise entrepreneurship and all the things which have made America to most successful nation in history with the world's most prosperous and largest middle class. the right on the other hand hate ONLY corporate crooks, and crony capitalists whose greed outstrips their good sense.


Capitalism without regulation is the Mafia or Enron.
Clearly, you aren't an American then. You are "the enemy."

Clearly. Because I recognize how dangerous Marxism is to a free society so, I'd give any one who believes Wall Street is the enemy a one way ticket to the Progressive Mecca of their choice

No one believes in Maxism anymore.

Except you.

The Democrat Party has openly embraced it as their economic model, making them to the left of the ChiComs and Vietnamese communists
No, the left hates capitalism, free enterprise entrepreneurship and all the things which have made America to most successful nation in history with the world's most prosperous and largest middle class. the right on the other hand hate ONLY corporate crooks, and crony capitalists whose greed outstrips their good sense.


Capitalism without regulation is the Mafia or Enron.

Here's the thing, though.

Even Bush felt the need to prosecute Enron. His justice department went after them. I personally thought they went too soft on Fastow and went after Ken Lay a bit too much. (Lay only came back in after Fastow and Skilling did all the shenanigans.)

Why hasn't Obama prosecuted anyone yet?
No, the left hates capitalism, free enterprise entrepreneurship and all the things which have made America to most successful nation in history with the world's most prosperous and largest middle class. the right on the other hand hate ONLY corporate crooks, and crony capitalists whose greed outstrips their good sense.

Clearly, you aren't an American then. You are "the enemy."

Clearly. Because I recognize how dangerous Marxism is to a free society so, I'd give any one who believes Wall Street is the enemy a one way ticket to the Progressive Mecca of their choice

No one believes in Maxism anymore.

Except you.

Not so.

According to a Rasmussen poll, 11% of Americans support a "Communistic" America.

This is 2% more than those who approve of Congress.
Boy, I really hurt your little feelings, didn't I, Toro.

That you guys aren't able to buy the GOP rank and file anymore.

Reality- The TEA Party movement started as an anti-Wall Street movement.

It started as anger over the huge bailouts that Wall Street got.

They where the loudest sure, but across the board i think 90% of america didnt want the bailouts.

Oh the rank and file can still be bought off and have. See the debate over fair taxes etc...

nice try


There is a difference between opposing the bailouts and viewing Wall Street as "the common enemy who unites the left and right." Big difference.
Boy, I really hurt your little feelings, didn't I, Toro.

That you guys aren't able to buy the GOP rank and file anymore.

Reality- The TEA Party movement started as an anti-Wall Street movement.

It started as anger over the huge bailouts that Wall Street got.

They where the loudest sure, but across the board i think 90% of america didnt want the bailouts.

Oh the rank and file can still be bought off and have. See the debate over fair taxes etc...

nice try

But the point is, they got the bailouts.

Risk was socialized. It wasn't just the big bankers who lost. It was all of us who had to pay on the bailouts. and the TEA movement was of the mind, "We ain't paying for this", and they've gotten their way on that part of it, at least.

Now, the thing is, I don't have a problem with the bailouts, I have a problem with the way they were administered. These jokers should not have gotten their bonuses, they should be spending time in a prison with an oversexed cell-mate. This wasn't done. Not by Bush and not by Obama.

And if you look at Obama's biggest contributers... no surprise, they are the very same Wall Street Titans who supported Bush and will support Romney.

Which is why nothing changes, I guess.

There is a difference between opposing the bailouts and viewing Wall Street as "the common enemy who unites the left and right." Big difference.

Well, given the fact that both left and right thought the bailouts were a terrible idea, but they got them anyway, and not a one of them has gone to prison for it, wouldn't you say they are the common enemy?

We've all suffered badly in this recession. We are all having a harder time of it. But these clowns are still living large, still doing the exact same kind of stuff...

When does someone get held accountable?

There is a difference between opposing the bailouts and viewing Wall Street as "the common enemy who unites the left and right." Big difference.

Well, given the fact that both left and right thought the bailouts were a terrible idea, but they got them anyway, and not a one of them has gone to prison for it, wouldn't you say they are the common enemy?

We've all suffered badly in this recession. We are all having a harder time of it. But these clowns are still living large, still doing the exact same kind of stuff...

When does someone get held accountable?

I don't blame people for being angry. The system should be reformed. But opposition to reform comes primarily from the Republican party, and the Democrat party proposes reforms that are often misguided.
No. You made me laugh.

Plus, I wanted to see if what you wrote is true.

It sure doesn't appear so.

Well, if you had worded the poll HONESTLY. Oh, wait, forgot who I was talking to...

I quoted you exactly in the title. Are you saying you were lying?

I was referring to the second choice.

Have you had these integrity problems all along?

Well, again, you say you think the system needs reform, and then you cheer for ROmney, one of the biggest crooks.

It's like saying you are against Organized crime and having a shrine to Al Capone.

There is a difference between opposing the bailouts and viewing Wall Street as "the common enemy who unites the left and right." Big difference.

Well, given the fact that both left and right thought the bailouts were a terrible idea, but they got them anyway, and not a one of them has gone to prison for it, wouldn't you say they are the common enemy?

We've all suffered badly in this recession. We are all having a harder time of it. But these clowns are still living large, still doing the exact same kind of stuff...

When does someone get held accountable?

I don't blame people for being angry. The system should be reformed. But opposition to reform comes primarily from the Republican party, and the Democrat party proposes reforms that are often misguided.

I agree that the Democrat's reforms are misguided, but the real problem isn't the laws, it's the enforcement.

I compare them to prostitution laws. It's strictly illegal, but unless someone finds a dead crackwhore on their lawn, nobody does much about it. And even then they only do the bare minimum.

The Crash of 2008 should have been a signal that we were going to crack down and crack down hard. Didn't happen, though. Madoff went to jail, but that was about it.
Well, if you had worded the poll HONESTLY. Oh, wait, forgot who I was talking to...

I quoted you exactly in the title. Are you saying you were lying?

I was referring to the second choice.

Have you had these integrity problems all along?

Well, again, you say you think the system needs reform, and then you cheer for ROmney, one of the biggest crooks.

It's like saying you are against Organized crime and having a shrine to Al Capone.

The second choice is a bias for your position. It dissuades people from voting for me. Like the poster above, leftists are less likely to vote for my position because they don't want to be labeled as "whiny."

But some posters sure sound like whiny liberals <cough> <cough> you <cough>.
I quoted you exactly in the title. Are you saying you were lying?

I was referring to the second choice.

Have you had these integrity problems all along?

Well, again, you say you think the system needs reform, and then you cheer for ROmney, one of the biggest crooks.

It's like saying you are against Organized crime and having a shrine to Al Capone.

The second choice is a bias for your position. It dissuades people from voting for me. Like the poster above, leftists are less likely to vote for my position because they don't want to be labeled as "whiny."

But some posters sure sound like whiny liberals <cough> <cough> you <cough>.

Guy, sorry, don't consider it to be a conservative opinion that the purpose of government is to help big corporations screw over the rest of us.

The only "socialists" I see are the ones on Wall Street who INSISTED that we had to bail them out because their firms were "too big to fail", and then insisted on continuing to live large on our dime. "Ah, thanks for the bailout, I'm moving your job to China!"

It reminds me of the old joke about the Soviet Premier who takes his mother and shows her all his big offices and mansions, and she is sullen. He asks, "What is it mother?"

"What are you going to do if the Communists get back into power?"

What are you going to do if the Conservatives get back into power, Toro?
I thought Al Qaida would be that one common enemy.

Unfortunately, many on the left weren't on board.

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