Is USPO dying?


Nov 14, 2012
Uspoliticsonline, a political discussion forum I have been banned from by a guy, whose only utilization of the term democracy is in correlation with B-52 bombers, seems to be less active than I remember it. I miss the good old discussions, but that possibility has been destroyed by what they call a "swing to the right" there. It´s rather a swing to a political monoculture, where you cannot criticize. I felt it, when I wrote about the war in Libya. The war was a crime against humanity, but many of those fellow members jubilated as Libyan civilians died by NATO ammunition and were sure about their liberation. That was too much for me and I left the board for a while. It was not the same when I came back.

So, it was a great discussion forum, where arguments were valid, but now its the bullshit some members reduced it to. I made a last posting there which was surely useful to create some foam at the mentioned guy´s mouth and after some time (that lasted long, really) I got some advice via PM and this is how I came here! I have been at debatepolitics, but they love ball suckers more than freedom of opinion.

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