Is USMB hate speech?

So leftists, unlike the leftist media, schools and universities and other public venues, this board is allowing hate groups like the Republican party, libertarians and anarchists to freely voice our views. Hate speech like this isn't protected by the Constitution, right? That's what you keep telling us. Should it be shut down or at least regulated? Could it be saved when you take over and silence us?
It is hate speech.

Every time somebody quotes trump.

Every time some republican says "I'm not a racist but...".

Every time somebody says "libtards should leave the country/be imprisoned/killed.

Every time somebody says some variation of "Muslims are all evil" and/or advocates banning them.

Every time some republican says "they're gonna take out jobs and cost us billions of dollars living off the welfare system" (yes, I know that's contradictory but they don't)

The list goes on and on and on. Feel free to add your own examples.

Your straw men aside, you didn't answer the question. What should happen to USMB when you take over and can silence your opposition as you're working so hard to do now?
None of my comments were straw men.

I don't want to silence anyone. If I wasn't interested in changing people's viewpoint I'd be over at DU or something instead of here on a heavily tRump leaning forum.
Leftists cant abide the thought words you disagree with are spoken anywhere. On campuses you halt republican free speech when you could just not go
Ya'know, if you'd shut the fuck up for a while maybe somebody who actually wants to discuss things instead of insult people would post.
So leftists, unlike the leftist media, schools and universities and other public venues, this board is allowing hate groups like the Republican party, libertarians and anarchists to freely voice our views. Hate speech like this isn't protected by the Constitution, right? That's what you keep telling us. Should it be shut down or at least regulated? Could it be saved when you take over and silence us?

All speech is Constitutionally protected. That does not preclude penalties for damages precipitated by your speech.

For example, you can yell "Fire" in a crowded theater all you like. If people just sit there and laugh, there are no damages, ergo no penalty.

If they panic and people are injured, you're liable.
There are so many on here, though, that are really feeding the hatred and pushing both sides to worse extremes. I'm not sure it's all that helpful in the larger sense to let that go wild.

Including you
Pretty interesting you think that. Says a lot more about you than it does about me, imo.

How so? Do you say that to leftists who say trump is racist?
There was no US government in 1776, we were a colony. The Loyalists and Patriots was divided ideologically, those who supported the King, and those who sought self government.

I disagree that our President puts our country first. I'd implore you to watch his feet, not his lips. He has issued EO's which are not listed as a power of the president in Art II, though by tradition they have become grandfathered and have the force of law.

At the moment he has denied the Rights of the migrants in the Bill of Rights, amendments 4, 5, 6, 8 & 9.

Time will tell if he has violated other areas such as clause 7 (Emoluments) and 9 (His oath of office).

BTW, in the 1920's, were the "recent immigrants" jailed?

oK, change it to 1789 and read my post again.

people in our country illegally are not immigrants, they are criminals, they have no rights.

the immigrants in the 1920s came in legally, mostly through Ellis Island. your comparison is totally invalid

You're wrong (again), people here illegally have rights, read the Bill of Rights closely, they do not apply only to US Citizens. And, in doing so read section one of the 14th Amendment carefully, and you will see Trump's EO's are at best misguided.

Section one of the 14th amendment doesn't mention illegal aliens. Try again

Either you are a damn liar (likely) or unable to comprehend the written word. Hint: Read the last part which begins, "; nor shall any State deprive ANY PERSON of life, liberty or property without due process of law ...".

Don't try to spin this to not include the Federal Government, since the 9th and 10th articles in the Bill of Rights support this statement and my post.

We the people have that right, yes. Someone here illegally isnt a we

You have posted a perfect example of a hypocrite. You spin the 2nd A. to fit your narrative, and spin the 14th to fit your narrative.
So leftists, unlike the leftist media, schools and universities and other public venues, this board is allowing hate groups like the Republican party, libertarians and anarchists to freely voice our views. Hate speech like this isn't protected by the Constitution, right? That's what you keep telling us. Should it be shut down or at least regulated? Could it be saved when you take over and silence us?
It is hate speech.

Every time somebody quotes trump.

Every time some republican says "I'm not a racist but...".

Every time somebody says "libtards should leave the country/be imprisoned/killed.

Every time somebody says some variation of "Muslims are all evil" and/or advocates banning them.

Every time some republican says "they're gonna take out jobs and cost us billions of dollars living off the welfare system" (yes, I know that's contradictory but they don't)

The list goes on and on and on. Feel free to add your own examples.

Your straw men aside, you didn't answer the question. What should happen to USMB when you take over and can silence your opposition as you're working so hard to do now?
None of my comments were straw men.

I don't want to silence anyone. If I wasn't interested in changing people's viewpoint I'd be over at DU or something instead of here on a heavily tRump leaning forum.
Leftists cant abide the thought words you disagree with are spoken anywhere. On campuses you halt republican free speech when you could just not go
Ya'know, if you'd shut the fuck up for a while maybe somebody who actually wants to discuss things instead of insult people would post.

From the guy who calls anyone you dont agree with a nazi
No, they're here illegally Joe, they are illegal aliens. "Undocumented" is a euphemism. If you document them, they are still here illegally

So what? the law is dumb and unworkable, so I really don't care that people break it.

Undocumented workers are here for one reason... because there is work that Americans aren't willing to do and willing to pay them to do.

Nothing more
No, they're here illegally Joe, they are illegal aliens. "Undocumented" is a euphemism. If you document them, they are still here illegally

So what? the law is dumb and unworkable, so I really don't care that people break it.

Undocumented workers are here for one reason... because there is work that Americans aren't willing to do and willing to pay them to do.

Nothing more

So you finally admit that you're in favor of illegal immigration?
It doesn't get much hatier than USMB, at least online.

Then why the fuck are you still here?
Go easy on Mac. He doesn't hurt anybody and he's one of our more sane posters, regardless of what he believes. At least he's not foaming at the mouth like half these jackals.

JoeB is Mac's personal stalker, and such a foamer, himself, that only a complete idiot wouldn't have already noticed.
It is hate speech.

Every time somebody quotes trump.

Every time some republican says "I'm not a racist but...".

Every time somebody says "libtards should leave the country/be imprisoned/killed.

Every time somebody says some variation of "Muslims are all evil" and/or advocates banning them.

Every time some republican says "they're gonna take out jobs and cost us billions of dollars living off the welfare system" (yes, I know that's contradictory but they don't)

The list goes on and on and on. Feel free to add your own examples.

Your straw men aside, you didn't answer the question. What should happen to USMB when you take over and can silence your opposition as you're working so hard to do now?
None of my comments were straw men.

I don't want to silence anyone. If I wasn't interested in changing people's viewpoint I'd be over at DU or something instead of here on a heavily tRump leaning forum.
Leftists cant abide the thought words you disagree with are spoken anywhere. On campuses you halt republican free speech when you could just not go
Ya'know, if you'd shut the fuck up for a while maybe somebody who actually wants to discuss things instead of insult people would post.

From the guy who calls anyone you dont agree with a nazi
Only the neo-nazis.
Your straw men aside, you didn't answer the question. What should happen to USMB when you take over and can silence your opposition as you're working so hard to do now?
None of my comments were straw men.

I don't want to silence anyone. If I wasn't interested in changing people's viewpoint I'd be over at DU or something instead of here on a heavily tRump leaning forum.
Leftists cant abide the thought words you disagree with are spoken anywhere. On campuses you halt republican free speech when you could just not go
Ya'know, if you'd shut the fuck up for a while maybe somebody who actually wants to discuss things instead of insult people would post.

From the guy who calls anyone you dont agree with a nazi
Only the neo-nazis.

So the neo-nazis were fighting themselves in Charlottesville? Sure they were, Sport
None of my comments were straw men.

I don't want to silence anyone. If I wasn't interested in changing people's viewpoint I'd be over at DU or something instead of here on a heavily tRump leaning forum.
Leftists cant abide the thought words you disagree with are spoken anywhere. On campuses you halt republican free speech when you could just not go
Ya'know, if you'd shut the fuck up for a while maybe somebody who actually wants to discuss things instead of insult people would post.

From the guy who calls anyone you dont agree with a nazi
Only the neo-nazis.

So the neo-nazis were fighting themselves in Charlottesville? Sure they were, Sport
Are you functionally retarded or what? Only one side was neo-nazis, white supremacists, racists, clansmen, whatever choose.
When you have the leader of the free world advocating and supporting treason, violence, corruption and hate speech, what in the hell do you expect from its people?

If you're talking about Trump, he's abandoning the US's role as leader of the free world.

Arguably, America First is incompatible with world leadership.

But "America First" is perfectly compatible with world leadership, just not compatible with leadership of the free world. That's just the Mob Boss version of "leadership", and their abject surrender is reinforced by publicly expressed gratitude for His Leadership - see DHS secretary Nielsen for clues.

Someone is going to lead, and if you're not the lead dog, the view never changes. There are advantages to leadership. Would you prefer those advantages go to the Chinese or another entity?

So we are being told, and also, "Them Chinese are coming!!!"

But then, for the average Jane and Jack, what really are the advantages of leadership? For it seems to me, they're getting the shitty end of that particular stick every time, bearing the costs of leadership, and are then invited to base their sense of (white) supremacy on U.S. leadership. That, of course, has deleterious effects.

Methinks, the Trumpy is just one of these little suckers who thought leadership equals subjugation and unconditional surrender on a world scale, and it appears that forging that misconception into foreign policy legitimizes and, as a result, strengthens the Chinese / Russian leadership models.

All the while, talking loudly, insulting and denigrating all and sundry "not like us", while carrying an increasingly limp stick, enabled and encouraged needy little munchkins to crow about their supremacy (by identification). It should surprise no one that we have been seeing a surge in hate speech and other ugliness since the Trumpy's rise to power.
Leftists cant abide the thought words you disagree with are spoken anywhere. On campuses you halt republican free speech when you could just not go
Ya'know, if you'd shut the fuck up for a while maybe somebody who actually wants to discuss things instead of insult people would post.

From the guy who calls anyone you dont agree with a nazi
Only the neo-nazis.

So the neo-nazis were fighting themselves in Charlottesville? Sure they were, Sport
Are you functionally retarded or what? Only one side was neo-nazis, white supremacists, racists, clansmen, whatever choose.

Your deflection aside, I did "choose" the word, and that word was "fascist." Both sides were fascists. Another word they both were was "left." That had nothing to do with Republicans or conservatism or libertarianism. It was two extreme leftist groups beating up on each other.

Fascists are leftists, Holmes. It's about big government removing our choices that you support and I oppose
When you have the leader of the free world advocating and supporting treason, violence, corruption and hate speech, what in the hell do you expect from its people?

If you're talking about Trump, he's abandoning the US's role as leader of the free world.

Arguably, America First is incompatible with world leadership.

But "America First" is perfectly compatible with world leadership, just not compatible with leadership of the free world. That's just the Mob Boss version of "leadership", and their abject surrender is reinforced by publicly expressed gratitude for His Leadership - see DHS secretary Nielsen for clues.

Someone is going to lead, and if you're not the lead dog, the view never changes. There are advantages to leadership. Would you prefer those advantages go to the Chinese or another entity?

So we are being told, and also, "Them Chinese are coming!!!"

But then, for the average Jane and Jack, what really are the advantages of leadership? For it seems to me, they're getting the shitty end of that particular stick every time, bearing the costs of leadership, and are then invited to base their sense of (white) supremacy on U.S. leadership. That, of course, has deleterious effects.

Methinks, the Trumpy is just one of these little suckers who thought leadership equals subjugation and unconditional surrender on a world scale, and it appears that forging that misconception into foreign policy legitimizes and, as a result, strengthens the Chinese / Russian leadership models.

All the while, talking loudly, insulting and denigrating all and sundry "not like us", while carrying an increasingly limp stick, enabled and encouraged needy little munchkins to crow about their supremacy (by identification). It should surprise no one that we have been seeing a surge in hate speech and other ugliness since the Trumpy's rise to power.


Leadership allows one to set the agenda. I have to agree the US hasn't done a good job with that in the 21st Century.
Go easy on Mac. He doesn't hurt anybody and he's one of our more sane posters, regardless of what he believes. At least he's not foaming at the mouth like half these jackals.

Mac is a pompous ass and a liar. Frankly, I prefer the foaming at the mouth right winger, at least they are honest about what they are.

Mac is someone who tries to tie his racism up in a pretty package.
Leadership allows one to set the agenda. I have to agree the US hasn't done a good job with that in the 21st Century.

It would seem, "We're America, bitch!" isn't an agenda, eh?

Kidding aside: I find "setting the agenda" is overrated, since, in doubt, casino banksters & financial crash, little Kim & the nukes, failed or failing states & refugees, and global warming have ways to waddle on the world stage no matter what agenda-setters had in mind. So, it isn't terribly surprising that no one, really, did a good job with that in the 21st century.

Thinking about it, I find "leadership" overrated, the advantages thereof overrated, and the deleterious effects of the imperial presidency, up to and including the threatened destruction of the experiment with self-government, way underrated.
Ya'know, if you'd shut the fuck up for a while maybe somebody who actually wants to discuss things instead of insult people would post.

From the guy who calls anyone you dont agree with a nazi
Only the neo-nazis.

So the neo-nazis were fighting themselves in Charlottesville? Sure they were, Sport
Are you functionally retarded or what? Only one side was neo-nazis, white supremacists, racists, clansmen, whatever choose.

Your deflection aside, I did "choose" the word, and that word was "fascist." Both sides were fascists. Another word they both were was "left." That had nothing to do with Republicans or conservatism or libertarianism. It was two extreme leftist groups beating up on each other.

Fascists are leftists, Holmes. It's about big government removing our choices that you support and I oppose
Ah, your statement "two extreme leftists groups" confirms my diagnosis. You are functionally retarded.

You are also dismissed as irrelevant for making ridiculous claims.

Have a nice day.

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