Is US Federal Government Increasingly Hopstile to the American People?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Anonymous description of growing fascist power in US and globe
[ame=]We are Preparing for Massive Civil War, Says DHS Informant - YouTube[/ame]

Obama endorse indefinate detention of US citizens who have not committed a crime
[ame=]Obama Justifies FEMA imprisonment of civilians! - YouTube[/ame]

Who controls US government?
[ame=]Glenn Beck Exposes the Private Fed; Gets Fired by Fox - YouTube[/ame]

Obama signs Martial Law 8 Legal Holocaust Bill NDAA
Obama signs Martial Law 8 Legal Holocaust Bill NDAA End of Human Rights Ron Paul - YouTube.flv - YouTube

Christians being increasingly viewed as potential terrorists by leftwing feds

?Evangelical Christians? as potential terrorists

example of
Air Force cracking down on Christians | Fox News

Examples of local law enforcement refusing to cooperate with Federal agents committing illegal seizures.

[ame=]Sheriff Tony DeMeo - One - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Sheriff Tony DeMeo - Two - YouTube[/ame]

New Mexico Sheriffs Threaten To Arrest Obama?s Federal Agents If They Continue To Violate The U.S. Constitution. | Political Vel Craft

Tennessee Sheriffs Cracks Down On Obama Federal Agents Gone WIld: NDAA Nullified And Kidnapping Charges Against Feds.. | Political Vel Craft

Montana Bill Would Let Sheriffs Arrest FBI Agents for Arresting People | Mother Jones

Wyoming sheriffs put feds in their place | disinter

Sheriffs First
Accusations and Answers, Sheriffs First

Obama response:
Federal Framework Being Set Up To Arrest Sheriffs (Update)

an old Pro Ron Paul Summation of crisis we face that is still very meaningful (though Paul is no longer running for President)
[ame=]Ron Paul Incredible Video Twice Removed YouTube - YouTube[/ame]
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Yes, they are beginning to act like they are OUR MASTERS and not do as we the people say but RULE over us...

but this is what happens when you have a citizenry not ENGAGED in what their politicians are doing and just put in office and let them run over them with hardly a yawn from them..when this happens we don't have a government of we the people, we get a DICTATORSHIP...and we are damn near that now, when they think they can tell you what size soda you should have
Shit, that's been going on for a long time, hippies took care of Nixon, Agnew self imploded, what are you RWer's ever gonna do?
Shit, that's been going on for a long time, hippies took care of Nixon, Agnew self imploded, what are you RWer's ever gonna do?

Senator Erwin took care of Nixon, Agnew was an attempt to divert attention from the President, and Real Worlders are going to edumakate some people and turn this bad boy around at the ballot box.
Agnew resigned after being convicted of tax fraud in Maryland, hardly a diversion from Watergate which had not even occurred.
Shit, that's been going on for a long time, hippies took care of Nixon, Agnew self imploded, what are you RWer's ever gonna do?

Build IED's, and win whatever fights we can while you sit on your old ass and eat a drum stick. It's a matter of principle, not logic. Live for nothing or die for something.
Shit, that's been going on for a long time, hippies took care of Nixon, Agnew self imploded, what are you RWer's ever gonna do?

Build IED's, and win whatever fights we can while you sit on your old ass and eat a drum stick. It's a matter of principle, not logic. Live for nothing or die for something.

you go squid-billy
Agnew resigned after being convicted of tax fraud in Maryland, hardly a diversion from Watergate which had not even occurred.

You got your timelines skewed somehow.

Agnew resigned Oct 10, 73.

Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On March 23, 1973, Judge Sirica read the court a letter from Watergate burglar James McCord alleging perjury had been committed in the Watergate trial, and defendants had been pressured to remain silent. Trying to make them talk, Sirica gave Hunt and two burglars provisional sentences of up to 40 years. On March 28 on Nixon's orders, aide John Ehrlichman told attorney general Richard Kleindienst that nobody in the White House had prior knowledge of the burglary. On April 13, Magruder told U.S. attorneys that he had perjured himself during the burglars' trial, and implicated John Dean and John Mitchell.[8]

Two days later, Dean told Nixon that he had been cooperating with the U.S. attorneys. On that same day, U.S. attorneys told Nixon that Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Dean and other White House officials were implicated in the coverup.[8][18][19]

On April 30, Nixon asked for the resignation of H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman, two of his most influential aides, both of whom were indicted, convicted and ultimately sentenced to prison. He fired White House Counsel John Dean, who went on to testify before the Senate and became the key witness against the president. Writing from prison for New West and New York magazines in 1977, Ehrlichman claimed Nixon had offered him a large sum of money, which he declined.[20]

The President announced the resignations in an address to the American people:

In one of the most difficult decisions of my Presidency, I accepted the resignations of two of my closest associates in the White House, Bob Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, two of the finest public servants it has been my privilege to know. Because Attorney General Kleindienst, though a distinguished public servant, my personal friend for 20 years, with no personal involvement whatsoever in this matter has been a close personal and professional associate of some of those who are involved in this case, he and I both felt that it was also necessary to name a new Attorney General. The Counsel to the President, John Dean, has also resigned.

—Richard Nixon, [21]

On the same day, Nixon appointed a new attorney general, Elliot Richardson, and gave him authority to designate a special counsel for the Watergate investigation who would be independent of the regular Justice Department hierarchy. In May 1973, Richardson named Archibald Cox to the position.[8]

Senate Watergate hearings and revelation of the Watergate tapes[edit source]

Main article: Nixon White House tapes

See also: United States Senate Watergate Committee

On February 7, 1973, the United States Senate voted 77–0 to approve S.Res. 60 and establish a select committee to investigate Watergate, with Sam Ervin named chairman the next day.[8] The hearings held by the Senate committee, in which Dean and other former administration officials testified, were broadcast from May 17 to August 7, 1973. The three major networks of the time agreed to take turns covering the hearings live, each network thus maintaining coverage of the hearings every third day, starting with ABC on May 17 and ending with NBC on August 7. An estimated 85% of Americans with television sets tuned in to at least one portion of the hearings.[22]

On Friday, July 13, 1973, during a preliminary interview, deputy minority counsel Donald Sanders asked White House assistant Alexander Butterfield if there was any type of recording system in the White House.[23] Butterfield said he was reluctant to answer, but finally stated there was a new system in the White House that automatically recorded everything in the Oval Office, the Cabinet Room and others, as well as Nixon's private office in the Old Executive Office Building.

On Monday, July 16, 1973, in front of a live, televised audience, chief minority counsel Fred Thompson asked Butterfield whether he was "aware of the installation of any listening devices in the Oval Office of the President". Butterfield's revelation of the taping system transformed the Watergate investigation yet again. Cox immediately subpoenaed the tapes, as did the Senate, but Nixon refused to release them, citing his executive privilege as president, and ordered Cox to drop his subpoena. Cox refused.[24]
Is US Federal Government Increasingly Hopstile to the American People?


HOSTILE suggests the government doesn't.

Its like the mafia hit..nothing personal it's just bidness,

The MASTERS are increasingly busy, though.
They do not have the inclination or the time to pretend that we live in a democratic republic anymore.

They've got to subdue the rest of the world, now and don't time fto be gentle with us.

Once the Soviet and Chinese communists threat to their hegomony was gone their need for the American people to protect them was also gone.

Its been steadily downhill for US citizens ever since.

All this nation's population is fit for now is as HESSIANS to help the masters subdue and retain the world's resources.
This is what you get when democrats hold office. Democrats have considered Americans enemies for a long time, since the 60s. Now the results of radicalization are showing. It's reached critical mass with the election of the most radical anti American as president that could be found. When it gets so bad that the democrats need to be overthrown, perhaps Americans can get China and Russia to help them.
when your sugar daddy guberment labels you who they represent, hostage takers, terrorist, RACIST, etc

you better start taking note and see how HOSTILE they have become towards you...just because YOU THINK none of these names APPLIES to you and sit and do nothing....when you do something they don't like, YOU WILL BE NEXT...

the sad thing is we see our fellow countrymen and women stand up for them and go around call PEOPLE these same names...that is SAD and shows they love government and their PARTY over the people in this country
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Build IED's, and win whatever fights we can while you sit on your old ass and eat a drum stick.

So, who ya' planning on killing with those IEDs? You've taken it this far, so don't back down now.

One thing to remember, conservatives -- if you can't make it out to the SUV without getting winded, your warrior abilities are a bit limited. The revolution won't going far on a Hoveround Power Chair.
Build IED's, and win whatever fights we can while you sit on your old ass and eat a drum stick.

So, who ya' planning on killing with those IEDs? You've taken it this far, so don't back down now.

One thing to remember, conservatives -- if you can't make it out to the SUV without getting winded, your warrior abilities are a bit limited. The revolution won't going far on a Hoveround Power Chair.

Lol, yeah cause bin Laden go so far due to his physical heroics?

Don't be such a tard, leading a rebellion has nothing to do with the personal physical strength of the leadership at the top levels.

But no one is planning to do that except the hot heads and the wackjobs of either end of the spectrum. Speaking of capabilities in theory is all anyone is doing.
We are Preparing for Massive Civil War, Says DHS Informant

This would be the 2013 edition of OP Retard's Civil War proclamation series, this time government versus the people.
2015 was thread of Civil War involving blacks.
2017 is new thread of Civil War left vs. right.

Sorry OP, there is still no civil war in the US, you're stuck in your mundane loser existence pining away for one.

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