
Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
Jews love "democracy" because, since Jews control the press, majority rule means Jews rule; they have us dancing like trained monkeys.

Just consider all the fools who now hate Russia. And they don't even know why. We have no trade disputes with Russia. No religious conflicts. No border disputes. We've never been at war with Russia, yet here we are, on the brink of war with Russia, a nuclear superpower. It's just like Orwell's 1984. One day the New York Times tells us to hate Russia, and the next day, we do.

Ask the average "well-informed" American who believes Russia is a threat what, exactly, it is that makes Russia such a threat. They'll mumble something about interfering in our election--a charge so laughably pathetic I sometimes wonder whether Haim Saban and George Soros and Sumner Redstone and Michael Eisner and the rest of the Jewish media moguls and billionaires have a secret gambling pool where they dare each other to get us to swallow ever more grotesque absurdities.

Hey, New York Times, I dare you to undo a decade of racial progress by making a martyr out of an 80 IQ 280 lb human waste of a better-off-dead thug and demonize white people, and white civic virtue in the same story. (NYT: Yer on!) Hey Washington Post, I dare you to ignite a war between the two largest most powerful white Christian countries over a $30k ad buy on the Internet--no, no, make it Facebook, haha, right Mark?--and get the battle to occur in Syria (which, remember, is part of the Promised Land for us Chosen).

The fact of the matter is: Jews have wreaked havoc in Russia. Without Jews, Bolshevism would have never happened and 66 million white Christian upper class Russians wouldn't have been branded "Alt-Right", er, "enemies of the people", and ruthlessly slaughtered by the alien race among them.

And here's why Jews hate Putin. The Jews (with the assistance of Larry Summers and some other Jewish academics from Harvard helping) were busy stripping Russia of every bit of wealth left in the wake of the collapse of the system they, themselves (with the help of Jewish money in the US and Sweden) , had enslaved Russia with. The drunk and weak Yeltsin was not a man capable of interfering with the looting, but he proved so pathetic he couldn't even keep up the role of a puppet, and so the Jewish oligarchs--the looters--picked a young, promising ethnic Russian fast-rising KGB agent to step in and keep the gravy train going--Vladimir Putin.

But they miscalculated. Putin was a patriot and a practicing Christian. Once in power, he turned on the oligarchs. Putin refused to betray his people. He betrayed the enemies of his people, the Jews, instead, and they have been gnashing their teeth with a white hot hatred ever since.

That's why the true Russian loves Putin, and why the Jews have all you idiot Americans hating him. And if you hate Trump you are even stupider. Trump may be our Putin, and that would explain the over-the-top attacks on Trumo in the press and the hatred so many Jews have for the unimpeachably pro-Israel president whose own grandkids are being raised Jewish.



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