CDZ Is Trump Legit Or A Puppet Of The Elites???

Dale Smith

Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas
We will know soon enough based on his appointments and his recommendations for the SCOTUS. Is he just a continuation of the Bush, Clinton, Obama administrations and being directed by the CFR and the Royal Institute for International Affairs/ Chatham House? It won't take much time to see through him and I will be watching every step of the way. I left the partisan bullshit party loyalty affiliation a long time ago. Follow the Constitution and defend it and I'm good with doesn't need to be re-written, it doesn't need to be interpreted in order to appease. I don't see many gray lines in the document at all. The Bill of rights (not privileges) are self explanatory and the right to exist on this planet was never intended to be a usurped by those with more wealth to tell me what privileges I may enjoy....our rights are unalienable just so long as it doesn't infringe upon the freedoms and liberties of others.

Since this country became an incorporated entity owned by the central bankers, we have become debt slaves and our sweat equity pledged as collateral for a debt that we are not responsible for to a bank that creates and extends "credit" from nothing. It is high time for people to wake up and look around them and shelve the political tribalism to a political party of which both are owned by the very bankers that made you a debt slave. You want change? BE the change.......
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Well said Dale, thank you![/QUOTE

Thank you, Defcon....I know that with those like you, I am just preaching to the choir but it's always nice to get an "attaboy" from ya.
It was right to the point about the bankers and Constitution what does not need any interpretation. It is not a living document as the left tries to portray it and the provision for Amending it has been abused more than once.
Well said Dale, thank you![/QUOTE

Thank you, Defcon....I know that with those like you, I am just preaching to the choir but it's always nice to get an "attaboy" from ya.
It was right to the point about the bankers and Constitution what does not need any interpretation. It is not a living document as the left tries to portray it and the provision for Amending it has been abused more than once.

Anyone that would deregulate wall street and give all the wealth the top 1% are the elite.... smarter than you are. And, by the way, your beloved "regulation" of large financial institutions has only increased their earnings (at the expense of the consumer).
At this point? I'm not sure it really matters. The hour has already grown too late.

How To Defeat The Globalist System

How To Defeat The Globalist System
". . . So, the question is, if this array of tactics is going to be aimed at liberty proponents and free peoples within the U.S. in particular, with an increasing potential for things to become far worse in the near term, how do we fight back?


. . . The first step in fighting back in a 4th Gen war is to acknowledge that there is no easy way out. There is no way to change the corrupt system from within. There is no way to use politics and government to our advantage. Despite all the hopes activists have, Trump is not going to save you, or America. The Republican controlled House and Senate is not going to save us. There is nothing they could do even if they wanted to.

I will write in more detail on this in my next article, but actions such as shutting down the Fed alone are half measures that will actually exacerbate a crisis in the short term, rather than defuse one. A debt jubilee (another commonly mentioned false solution) is meaningless when the value of your world reserve currency on the global market is still destroyed in the process and your treasury bonds are no longer desirable. Pushing corporations to create a few thousand manufacturing jobs here and there is a drop in the bucket when considering the 95 million people no longer counted in the U.S. labor force on top of the millions still officially considered unemployed. There is no stopping the ongoing economic collapse from running its course. We will be required to take our medicine eventually, and this will happen sooner rather than later.

Here is what can be done, though, to mitigate the damage and fight back against the establishment…"

Conspiracy theory idiots.
I know infinitely more than you, snowflake.

Canadians are born and bred in the snow, A$$hat. I have no butthurt at all. I didn't elect a thin-skinned, orange baboon with manboobs, you did. Every day he holds office, TrumpleThinSkin embarasses himself and everyone who voted for him.

With every boneheaded, stupid, unConstititutional and/or illegal stunt he pulls, the clock ticks ever closer to his impeachment.

You know more than me! Because Info-Wars told you??? Or Breitbart?
If he is a puppet the puppet master and I think very much alike...
The final outcome is in flux.

When the global police state is ushered in, it won't be what you think it is. If you think Trump will be creating a vision of what you want the nation to look like, you are sadly mistaken.

The puppet masters don't give a shit about America or Americans. They don't care about little people and their problems.

They don't give a rats ass about Occupy or the Tea Party. They are looking for a way to destroy the Constitution, and everything it represents.

They operate on the Hegelian dialectic; Problem => Reaction => Solution.

If they can create the illusion to Americans that Trump is a Problem, perhaps they are hoping that they can provoke a Reaction. It seems they are doing a pretty fine job, and are already off to a good start.


Try to remember, the reality you are fed on TV, or that you hear on your radio, or that you read in the papers is an illusion.

I imagine, if things get bad enough, they will have the majority of Americans and the world begging to be put into chains by the time the final outcome and solution they have already planned is upon you before you know it.

I've actually heard a sizeable portion of the left endorse the idea that the first Amendment needs to be limited, and I've actually heard a sizeable portion of folks on the right endorse the idea that martial law might be a good idea. What if all you fools get what you want? BOTH!?

Folks that love freedom, sovereignty, the Bill of Rights and the rule of law would never be so impetus as to want and say something like; "puppet master and I think very much alike"

Unless you think it is cool to kill thousands or hundreds of thousands of innocent ignorant Americans to make millions and billions of dollars of profit for the elite few? I don't think that is true.

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Conspiracy theory idiots.
I know infinitely more than you, snowflake.

Canadians are born and bred in the snow, A$$hat. I have no butthurt at all. I didn't elect a thin-skinned, orange baboon with manboobs, you did. Every day he holds office, TrumpleThinSkin embarasses himself and everyone who voted for him.

With every boneheaded, stupid, unConstititutional and/or illegal stunt he pulls, the clock ticks ever closer to his impeachment.

You know more than me! Because Info-Wars told you??? Or Breitbart?

See, that is what worries me.

What if Trump didn't in fact win the election.

What if the left KNOWS he didn't.

There is every indication that the left knew that George Bush didn't win in 2000 or 2004. The establishment left did nothing, and for a very good reason. It is because they are all, when it comes right down to it, working towards the same goal.

You do know that Trump and the Clinton's are friends, right? Their interests are more aligned with each other than they are with yours. It doesn't matter what they say in public or to the press, it matters what they say to each other while they are at dinner together, or golfing together, etc.

All of these politicians have the same masters. Sure, one might be a white knight, and the other is a black rook. . . . .

But in the end, it really doesn't matter to any of us, we're all just pawns in the game.
Conspiracy theory idiots.
I know infinitely more than you, snowflake.

Canadians are born and bred in the snow, A$$hat. I have no butthurt at all. I didn't elect a thin-skinned, orange baboon with manboobs, you did. Every day he holds office, TrumpleThinSkin embarasses himself and everyone who voted for him.

With every boneheaded, stupid, unConstititutional and/or illegal stunt he pulls, the clock ticks ever closer to his impeachment.

You know more than me! Because Info-Wars told you??? Or Breitbart?
Conspiracy theory idiots.
I know infinitely more than you, snowflake.

Canadians are born and bred in the snow, A$$hat. I have no butthurt at all. I didn't elect a thin-skinned, orange baboon with manboobs, you did. Every day he holds office, TrumpleThinSkin embarasses himself and everyone who voted for him.

With every boneheaded, stupid, unConstititutional and/or illegal stunt he pulls, the clock ticks ever closer to his impeachment.

You know more than me! Because Info-Wars told you??? Or Breitbart?

Yeah, but eventually the meltdown always happens. Apparently you are butthurt and you care greatly or you wouldn't be spewing such angst. If you are truly Canadian, it's none of your business anyway. Canada has enough of their own problems to worry about and more are coming in the way of refugees. Have you purchased a burka and a prayer rug yet?.

Nothing Trump has done is un-constitutional at all and the fact that you don't understand that simply proves that I know more than you. I do not participate in the elections of the corporate entity that we refer to as "government" but I will proudly stand by what he has done in just two weeks by shutting down the TPP, getting the wall ready to put up and stopping the flow of refugees until the vetting process can be improved. I definitely approve of all three and his possible SCOTUS choice. If he keeps this up (and there is plenty of swamp draining to do)....we just might get our republic back. Bad news for the commie faction that are bitching a blue streak here about.

Any further questions, Ma'am??? I'm here to help.
He didn't win the election, and both sides know he didn't. The Russians helped him, and that is what worries me. It's not the global elites you have to worry about, it's the tin-pot dictators who want to rule the world.

Like Putin.
Conspiracy theory idiots.
I know infinitely more than you, snowflake.

Canadians are born and bred in the snow, A$$hat. I have no butthurt at all. I didn't elect a thin-skinned, orange baboon with manboobs, you did. Every day he holds office, TrumpleThinSkin embarasses himself and everyone who voted for him.

With every boneheaded, stupid, unConstititutional and/or illegal stunt he pulls, the clock ticks ever closer to his impeachment.

You know more than me! Because Info-Wars told you??? Or Breitbart?

See, that is what worries me.

What if Trump didn't in fact win the election.

What if the left KNOWS he didn't.

There is every indication that the left knew that George Bush didn't win in 2000 or 2004. The establishment left did nothing, and for a very good reason. It is because they are all, when it comes right down to it, working towards the same goal.

You do know that Trump and the Clinton's are friends, right? Their interests are more aligned with each other than they are with yours. It doesn't matter what they say in public or to the press, it matters what they say to each other while they are at dinner together, or golfing together, etc.

All of these politicians have the same masters. Sure, one might be a white knight, and the other is a black rook. . . . .

But in the end, it really doesn't matter to any of us, we're all just pawns in the game.

Trust me, I am all over this and I am watching this all closely. Yeah, I know that the Clintons and Trump were "friends" as far as their social circle of friends go and we might have been played for chumps....but I am going to judge him by his actions. It is very possible that there has been a coup where the white hats within the intelligence agencies have turned the tables on the globalists and Trump is the kind of leader that they can put out in front to turn the tide. Only time will tell but I have to say that I have been pleasantly surprised thus far. Like you, I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Always enjoy what you write...wish you wrote more but I understand why.....most of the leftard morons and neocons can't grasp it and I get the whole "casting pearls before swine" thing.
He didn't win the election, and both sides know he didn't. The Russians helped him, and that is what worries me. It's not the global elites you have to worry about, it's the tin-pot dictators who want to rule the world.

Like Putin.

Russia hijacked the voting machines??? Have you a link???? You are not talking about the leaked e-mails from Seth Rich that was given to the UK ambassador that was then passed on to Julian Assange that you are claiming was done by Russia, are ya?
Trump won overwhelmingly and if you take out the millions in voter fraud and votes for Trump that were either miscounted or not counted at all, it was a Reagan like landslide. I have no doubt that they will get to the bottom of this rigged election system soon and leftards will have even more crow to eat. Had it not been for the overwhelmingly HUGE turn-out for Trump even though the lamestream was giving out rigged-poll numbers to discourage Trump voters from even bothering because the media claimed that it was a forgone conclusion that the Hildebeast would win. What I find hilarious about those like you is that you are more pissed about whom may have leaked the e-mails than you are about the damning contents of them. You are more pissed at Project Veritas and their revelations of how DNC connected groups were going to commit voter fraud. Your leftard pals lost and they lost royally...your hope for a commie utopia has taken a huge hit......have you stocked up on Kleenix??

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