Is this why no one is allowed to see the children?

If you see the pictures that have been leaked these people are being treated almost as bad as the Jews were in European concentration camps. That is the reason why they don't want us seeing them. It's a human rights public relations nightmare.

Link of the leaked Pics, I would like to decide for myself.
Illegal immigrants wearing Obama shoes?


"According to film director Dennis Michael Lynch some of the illegal immigrants pouring across the border from Central America may be wearing tennis shoes containing images that praise President Obama:"

Another phoney thread by the phony christer brigade
Illegal immigrants wearing Obama shoes?


"According to film director Dennis Michael Lynch some of the illegal immigrants pouring across the border from Central America may be wearing tennis shoes containing images that praise President Obama:"

Thats got to scare the crap out of conservatives or they planned it to make it look like the POTUS fault. Powerful image regardless of if its true or not.

Just like I thought

Apparently, as this insane theory goes, the Obama Administration has convinced tens of thousands of young immigrants to storm the border. President Obama will then provide them with asylum and eventually turn them all into American citizens. In turn, all of these newly turned citizens will become dedicated Democratic voters, helping to widen the gap between Democrats and Republicans and turn the country into the Socialist hellscape that Obama has always planned. Or something like that.

A couple of things here. First off, we are’t even sure that these photos are authentic. They were basically just forwarded to a conservative commentator and filmmaker who has already made two films critical of immigration reform and he posted them on his website. Even with his disclaimer that the photos could not be authenticated, two media sources decided to push his story and try to get it into the mainstream.
Last edited:
If you see the pictures that have been leaked these people are being treated almost as bad as the Jews were in European concentration camps. That is the reason why they don't want us seeing them. It's a human rights public relations nightmare.

Yea I just love it when the rightwing goyim bring up the concentration camps what their brother Christers sent to Jews to in Germany


If you see the pictures that have been leaked these people are being treated almost as bad as the Jews were in European concentration camps. That is the reason why they don't want us seeing them. It's a human rights public relations nightmare.

Yea I just love it when the rightwing goyim bring up the concentration camps what their brother Christers sent to Jews to in Germany



Hitler renounced Christianity Guno, after total power. Many Nazis were pagan:

Several books published by the Nazi party - including Die Gestaltung der Feste im Jahres- und Lebenslauf in der SS-Familie (The Celebrations in the Life of the SS Family) by Fritz Weitzel, as well as the SS Tante Friede - illustrate how the National Socialists regarded traditional Germanic heathenry as primitive superstition which needed reworking to better serve the state. Celebrating the traditional festivals like Jul and Sommersonnenwende were encouraged and recast into veneration of the Nazi state and Führer.[114]

The appropriation of "Germanic antiquity" by the Nazis was at first regarded with skepticism and sarcasm by British Scandophiles. W. H. Auden in his Letters from Iceland (1936) makes fun of the idea of Iceland as an "Aryan vestige",[115] but with the outbreak of World War II, Nordic romanticism in Britain became too much associated with the enemy's ideology to remain palatable, to the point that J. R. R. Tolkien, an ardent Septentrionalist, in 1941 found himself moved to state that he had a "burning private grudge ... against that ruddy little ignoramus Adolf Hitler" for "ruining, perverting, misapplying, and making for ever accursed, that noble northern spirit, a supreme contribution to Europe, which I have ever loved, and tried to present in its true light."[116]

The religions are all alike, no matter what they call themselves. They have no future- certianly none for the Germans. Facism, if it likes, may come to terms with the Church. So shall I. Why not? That will not prevent me from tearing up Christianity root and branch, and annihilating it in Germany.
13 up, 27 down

Illegal immigrants wearing Obama shoes?


"According to film director Dennis Michael Lynch some of the illegal immigrants pouring across the border from Central America may be wearing tennis shoes containing images that praise President Obama:"

Thats got to scare the crap out of conservatives or they planned it to make it look like the POTUS fault. Powerful image regardless of if its true or not.

Just like I thought

Apparently, as this insane theory goes, the Obama Administration has convinced tens of thousands of young immigrants to storm the border. President Obama will then provide them with asylum and eventually turn them all into American citizens. In turn, all of these newly turned citizens will become dedicated Democratic voters, helping to widen the gap between Democrats and Republicans and turn the country into the Socialist hellscape that Obama has always planned. Or something like that.

A couple of things here. First off, we are’t even sure that these photos are authentic. They were basically just forwarded to a conservative commentator and filmmaker who has already made two films critical of immigration reform and he posted them on his website. Even with his disclaimer that the photos could not be authenticated, two media sources decided to push his story and try to get it into the mainstream.

Strange there are many photos of the children, none indicate clean, new clothing. Yet this cr*ploa starts.
If you see the pictures that have been leaked these people are being treated almost as bad as the Jews were in European concentration camps. That is the reason why they don't want us seeing them. It's a human rights public relations nightmare.

Yea I just love it when the rightwing goyim bring up the concentration camps what their brother Christers sent to Jews to in Germany



Hitler renounced Christianity Guno, after total power. Many Nazis were pagan:

Several books published by the Nazi party - including Die Gestaltung der Feste im Jahres- und Lebenslauf in der SS-Familie (The Celebrations in the Life of the SS Family) by Fritz Weitzel, as well as the SS Tante Friede - illustrate how the National Socialists regarded traditional Germanic heathenry as primitive superstition which needed reworking to better serve the state. Celebrating the traditional festivals like Jul and Sommersonnenwende were encouraged and recast into veneration of the Nazi state and Führer.[114]

The appropriation of "Germanic antiquity" by the Nazis was at first regarded with skepticism and sarcasm by British Scandophiles. W. H. Auden in his Letters from Iceland (1936) makes fun of the idea of Iceland as an "Aryan vestige",[115] but with the outbreak of World War II, Nordic romanticism in Britain became too much associated with the enemy's ideology to remain palatable, to the point that J. R. R. Tolkien, an ardent Septentrionalist, in 1941 found himself moved to state that he had a "burning private grudge ... against that ruddy little ignoramus Adolf Hitler" for "ruining, perverting, misapplying, and making for ever accursed, that noble northern spirit, a supreme contribution to Europe, which I have ever loved, and tried to present in its true light."[116]

The religions are all alike, no matter what they call themselves. They have no future- certianly none for the Germans. Facism, if it likes, may come to terms with the Church. So shall I. Why not? That will not prevent me from tearing up Christianity root and branch, and annihilating it in Germany.
13 up, 27 down

And yet the Catholic Church helped Nazis escape Europe after the war.
Yea I just love it when the rightwing goyim bring up the concentration camps what their brother Christers sent to Jews to in Germany



Hitler renounced Christianity Guno, after total power. Many Nazis were pagan:

Several books published by the Nazi party - including Die Gestaltung der Feste im Jahres- und Lebenslauf in der SS-Familie (The Celebrations in the Life of the SS Family) by Fritz Weitzel, as well as the SS Tante Friede - illustrate how the National Socialists regarded traditional Germanic heathenry as primitive superstition which needed reworking to better serve the state. Celebrating the traditional festivals like Jul and Sommersonnenwende were encouraged and recast into veneration of the Nazi state and Führer.[114]

The appropriation of "Germanic antiquity" by the Nazis was at first regarded with skepticism and sarcasm by British Scandophiles. W. H. Auden in his Letters from Iceland (1936) makes fun of the idea of Iceland as an "Aryan vestige",[115] but with the outbreak of World War II, Nordic romanticism in Britain became too much associated with the enemy's ideology to remain palatable, to the point that J. R. R. Tolkien, an ardent Septentrionalist, in 1941 found himself moved to state that he had a "burning private grudge ... against that ruddy little ignoramus Adolf Hitler" for "ruining, perverting, misapplying, and making for ever accursed, that noble northern spirit, a supreme contribution to Europe, which I have ever loved, and tried to present in its true light."[116]

The religions are all alike, no matter what they call themselves. They have no future- certianly none for the Germans. Facism, if it likes, may come to terms with the Church. So shall I. Why not? That will not prevent me from tearing up Christianity root and branch, and annihilating it in Germany.
13 up, 27 down

And yet the Catholic Church helped Nazis escape Europe after the war.

Do you have a good link for that?
Show me some pictures I've only seen one and I'm not sure it was real nor am I sure this is real. This is what's out there. It could be more crap to fuel the fire.

But again it wouldn't surprise me that one person may have worn Obama shoes.

Illegal immigrants wearing Obama shoes?


"According to film director Dennis Michael Lynch some of the illegal immigrants pouring across the border from Central America may be wearing tennis shoes containing images that praise President Obama:"

Thats got to scare the crap out of conservatives or they planned it to make it look like the POTUS fault. Powerful image regardless of if its true or not.

Just like I thought

A couple of things here. First off, we are’t even sure that these photos are authentic. They were basically just forwarded to a conservative commentator and filmmaker who has already made two films critical of immigration reform and he posted them on his website. Even with his disclaimer that the photos could not be authenticated, two media sources decided to push his story and try to get it into the mainstream.

Strange there are many photos of the children, none indicate clean, new clothing. Yet this cr*ploa starts.
Show me some pictures I've only seen one and I'm not sure it was real nor am I sure this is real. This is what's out there. It could be more crap to fuel the fire.

But again it wouldn't surprise me that one person may have worn Obama shoes.

Thats got to scare the crap out of conservatives or they planned it to make it look like the POTUS fault. Powerful image regardless of if its true or not.

Just like I thought

Republicans Embrace Bizarre Conspiracy That Obama Is Behind Immigrant Surge

Strange there are many photos of the children, none indicate clean, new clothing. Yet this cr*ploa starts.
Last edited:
Hitler renounced Christianity Guno, after total power. Many Nazis were pagan:

Several books published by the Nazi party - including Die Gestaltung der Feste im Jahres- und Lebenslauf in der SS-Familie (The Celebrations in the Life of the SS Family) by Fritz Weitzel, as well as the SS Tante Friede - illustrate how the National Socialists regarded traditional Germanic heathenry as primitive superstition which needed reworking to better serve the state. Celebrating the traditional festivals like Jul and Sommersonnenwende were encouraged and recast into veneration of the Nazi state and Führer.[114]

The appropriation of "Germanic antiquity" by the Nazis was at first regarded with skepticism and sarcasm by British Scandophiles. W. H. Auden in his Letters from Iceland (1936) makes fun of the idea of Iceland as an "Aryan vestige",[115] but with the outbreak of World War II, Nordic romanticism in Britain became too much associated with the enemy's ideology to remain palatable, to the point that J. R. R. Tolkien, an ardent Septentrionalist, in 1941 found himself moved to state that he had a "burning private grudge ... against that ruddy little ignoramus Adolf Hitler" for "ruining, perverting, misapplying, and making for ever accursed, that noble northern spirit, a supreme contribution to Europe, which I have ever loved, and tried to present in its true light."[116]

The religions are all alike, no matter what they call themselves. They have no future- certianly none for the Germans. Facism, if it likes, may come to terms with the Church. So shall I. Why not? That will not prevent me from tearing up Christianity root and branch, and annihilating it in Germany.
13 up, 27 down

And yet the Catholic Church helped Nazis escape Europe after the war.

Do you have a good link for that?
Here's one ... you can probably find more.
And yet the Catholic Church helped Nazis escape Europe after the war.

Do you have a good link for that?
Here's one ... you can probably find more.

First Texan illegal border crossers:

I finf 'freerepubilc" supporting the ideas Catholics helped the Nazis, Catholics went to the camps:

When Hitler was installed as Führer, the Roman Catholic Church arranged for a treaty with Hitler - one in which (basically) Hitler promised to allow property owned by the Roman Catholic Church in Germany to remain in the possession of that church. The Church, in turn, publicly supported Hitler becoming leader of Germany. This treaty is called "The Concordat".

At the time, Hitler was newly-elected. He was not exterminating Jewish people. He had not yet begun to conquer Poland. He was - to all appearances - a typically ambitious leader with lots of empty promises and no evident sign of someone who would make an actual attempt to conquer the World.

Once WWII began, Hitler reneged on the agreement made with the Vatican.

Catholic priests, their 'corrider' at DACHAU:

Treatment of the Catholic priests at Dachau
And yet the Catholic Church helped Nazis escape Europe after the war.

Do you have a good link for that?
Here's one ... you can probably find more.

Your link doesn't exist, these DO:

Priest Barracks of Dachau Concentration Camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1998, Polish nationalists embarked upon a mission to put up 152 Christian crosses in honor of the Polish Catholic resistance fighters who were executed by the Nazis in a gravel pit behind Block 11 at the main Auschwitz concentration camp. This was their way of protesting Jewish demands, over the previous 10 years, that the 26-foot souvenir cross from a Mass, said by the Pope at Birkenau, be removed. The basic attitude of the Poles, as expressed to me, was "This is our country. You have your country and we have ours. If we want to put up a Catholic Cross in our country, we'll put it."

When I visited Auschwitz for the second time in October 2005, the 200 crosses that were put up in 1998 had long since been removed and peace had been restored.

Hitler's ideologues Goebbels, Himmler, Rosenberg and Bormann hoped to de-Christianize Germany, or at least distort its theology to their point of view.[10][11] The regime moved to close all Catholic institutions which were not strictly religious. Catholic schools were shut by 1939, the Catholic press by 1941.[12][13] Clergy, women and men religious, and lay leaders were targeted. During the course of Hitler's rule, thousands were arrested, often on trumped up charges of currency smuggling or "immorality".[14] Germany's senior cleric, Cardinal Bertram, developed an ineffectual protest system, leaving broader Catholic resistance to individual conscience. By 1937 the church hierarchy, which initially sought dètente, was highly disillusioned. Pius XI issued the Mit brennender Sorge encyclical. It condemned racism, accused the Nazis of violations of the Concordat and "fundamental hostility" to the church.[14] The regime responded by renewing its crackdown and propaganda against Catholics.[12] Despite violence against Catholic Poland, some German priests offered prayers for the German cause at the outbreak of war. Nevertheless, security chief Reinhard Heydrich soon orchestrated an intensification of restrictions on church activities. Expropriation of monasteries, convents and church properties surged from 1941. Bishop August von Galen's ensuing 1941 denunciation of Nazi euthanasia and defence of human rights roused rare popular dissent. The German bishops denounced Nazi policy towards the church in pastoral letters, calling it "unjust oppression".[15][16]

Rosenburg, the "#1 Jew Baiter" was a staunch PAGAN.

Rosenberg, Alfred
Chief Nazi Philosopher and Reichminister for the Eastern Occupied Territories

Hitler planned to eradicate Christianity, gradually. But Christians who spoke out, like Niemoller, went to the camps, as did millions of Polish Christians:

Of the 11 million people killed during the Holocaust, six million were Polish citizens. Three million were Polish Jews and another three million were Polish Christians. Most of the remaining victims were from other countries including Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Russia, Holland, France and even Germany.
Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust | Jewish Virtual Library
Do you have a good link for that?
Here's one ... you can probably find more.

Your link doesn't exist, these DO:

Priest Barracks of Dachau Concentration Camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1998, Polish nationalists embarked upon a mission to put up 152 Christian crosses in honor of the Polish Catholic resistance fighters who were executed by the Nazis in a gravel pit behind Block 11 at the main Auschwitz concentration camp. This was their way of protesting Jewish demands, over the previous 10 years, that the 26-foot souvenir cross from a Mass, said by the Pope at Birkenau, be removed. The basic attitude of the Poles, as expressed to me, was "This is our country. You have your country and we have ours. If we want to put up a Catholic Cross in our country, we'll put it."

When I visited Auschwitz for the second time in October 2005, the 200 crosses that were put up in 1998 had long since been removed and peace had been restored.

Hitler's ideologues Goebbels, Himmler, Rosenberg and Bormann hoped to de-Christianize Germany, or at least distort its theology to their point of view.[10][11] The regime moved to close all Catholic institutions which were not strictly religious. Catholic schools were shut by 1939, the Catholic press by 1941.[12][13] Clergy, women and men religious, and lay leaders were targeted. During the course of Hitler's rule, thousands were arrested, often on trumped up charges of currency smuggling or "immorality".[14] Germany's senior cleric, Cardinal Bertram, developed an ineffectual protest system, leaving broader Catholic resistance to individual conscience. By 1937 the church hierarchy, which initially sought dètente, was highly disillusioned. Pius XI issued the Mit brennender Sorge encyclical. It condemned racism, accused the Nazis of violations of the Concordat and "fundamental hostility" to the church.[14] The regime responded by renewing its crackdown and propaganda against Catholics.[12] Despite violence against Catholic Poland, some German priests offered prayers for the German cause at the outbreak of war. Nevertheless, security chief Reinhard Heydrich soon orchestrated an intensification of restrictions on church activities. Expropriation of monasteries, convents and church properties surged from 1941. Bishop August von Galen's ensuing 1941 denunciation of Nazi euthanasia and defence of human rights roused rare popular dissent. The German bishops denounced Nazi policy towards the church in pastoral letters, calling it "unjust oppression".[15][16]

Rosenburg, the "#1 Jew Baiter" was a staunch PAGAN.

Rosenberg, Alfred
Chief Nazi Philosopher and Reichminister for the Eastern Occupied Territories

Hitler planned to eradicate Christianity, gradually. But Christians who spoke out, like Niemoller, went to the camps, as did millions of Polish Christians:

Of the 11 million people killed during the Holocaust, six million were Polish citizens. Three million were Polish Jews and another three million were Polish Christians. Most of the remaining victims were from other countries including Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Russia, Holland, France and even Germany.
Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust | Jewish Virtual Library
Try this -

Click on the highlighted print, Did you mean: Ratlines (World War II aftermath), in the first line of the message you receive, it'll take you there.
Last edited:
[MENTION=15512]Dante[/MENTION] you are proving my point. I'm parroting things written in the press and on this board.

Your insults prove there is merit in what I'm pointing out. Or you just like to fight.

Oh and I'm not in an institution, yet. Lol

what is your point again? do you actually have one?

Dante cant i leave you anywhere without you getting someone pissed?....Misty is a nice girl and is asking legit take that 5 bucks i gave you and go back to Chuckie Cheese.....
Hitler renounced Christianity Guno, after total power. Many Nazis were pagan:

Several books published by the Nazi party - including Die Gestaltung der Feste im Jahres- und Lebenslauf in der SS-Familie (The Celebrations in the Life of the SS Family) by Fritz Weitzel, as well as the SS Tante Friede - illustrate how the National Socialists regarded traditional Germanic heathenry as primitive superstition which needed reworking to better serve the state. Celebrating the traditional festivals like Jul and Sommersonnenwende were encouraged and recast into veneration of the Nazi state and Führer.[114]

The appropriation of "Germanic antiquity" by the Nazis was at first regarded with skepticism and sarcasm by British Scandophiles. W. H. Auden in his Letters from Iceland (1936) makes fun of the idea of Iceland as an "Aryan vestige",[115] but with the outbreak of World War II, Nordic romanticism in Britain became too much associated with the enemy's ideology to remain palatable, to the point that J. R. R. Tolkien, an ardent Septentrionalist, in 1941 found himself moved to state that he had a "burning private grudge ... against that ruddy little ignoramus Adolf Hitler" for "ruining, perverting, misapplying, and making for ever accursed, that noble northern spirit, a supreme contribution to Europe, which I have ever loved, and tried to present in its true light."[116]

The religions are all alike, no matter what they call themselves. They have no future- certianly none for the Germans. Facism, if it likes, may come to terms with the Church. So shall I. Why not? That will not prevent me from tearing up Christianity root and branch, and annihilating it in Germany.
13 up, 27 down

And yet the Catholic Church helped Nazis escape Europe after the war.

Do you have a good link for that?

And priests and nuns murdered, and the churches sacked.

I find it interesting that today's progressives treat all utterances of Hitler as unquestionable truth. Telling, that.
What was the state religion of Germany under Hitler?


Mein Kampf replaced the bible in schools.

So come again? Hitler was a good Christian?

"Of the 11 million people killed during the Holocaust, six million were Polish citizens. Three million were Polish Jews and another three million were Polish Christians."

Every European country, even Germany, had those who did not believe in the Nazi ideology and who were willing to die for their beliefs. Perhaps no other group stood so firmly in their beliefs as the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Hitler felt particularly threatened by this strong group of Christians because they, from the very beginning, refused to recognize any God other than Jehovah.
When asked to sign documents of loyalty to the Nazi ideology, they refused. Jehovah’s Witnesses were forced to wear purple armbands and thousands were imprisoned as “dangerous” traitors because they refused to take a pledge of loyalty to the Third Reich. "

Hitler wanted not only to conquer all of Europe, but Hitler also wanted to create a new religion and to replace Jesus Christ as a person to be worshipped. Hitler expected his followers to worship the Nazi ideology. Since Catholic priests and Christian pastors were often influential leaders in their community, they were sought out by the Nazis very early. Thousands of Catholic priests and Christian pastors were forced into concentration camps. A special barracks was set up at Dachau, the camp near Munich, Germany, for clergymen. A few survived; some were executed, but most were allowed to die slowly of starvation or disease. "

Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust | Jewish Virtual Library

I get so tired of the revisionists who attempt to paint Hitler as a good Christian, while at the same time, attempting to re-invent the same system he used, here in the US.

They've even started proclaiming that Jesus was a Liberal, in order to lend their movement some authority with Christians. Just like Hitler did lip service (briefly) to Christianity.

Your link doesn't exist, these DO:

Priest Barracks of Dachau Concentration Camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1998, Polish nationalists embarked upon a mission to put up 152 Christian crosses in honor of the Polish Catholic resistance fighters who were executed by the Nazis in a gravel pit behind Block 11 at the main Auschwitz concentration camp. This was their way of protesting Jewish demands, over the previous 10 years, that the 26-foot souvenir cross from a Mass, said by the Pope at Birkenau, be removed. The basic attitude of the Poles, as expressed to me, was "This is our country. You have your country and we have ours. If we want to put up a Catholic Cross in our country, we'll put it."

When I visited Auschwitz for the second time in October 2005, the 200 crosses that were put up in 1998 had long since been removed and peace had been restored.

Hitler's ideologues Goebbels, Himmler, Rosenberg and Bormann hoped to de-Christianize Germany, or at least distort its theology to their point of view.[10][11] The regime moved to close all Catholic institutions which were not strictly religious. Catholic schools were shut by 1939, the Catholic press by 1941.[12][13] Clergy, women and men religious, and lay leaders were targeted. During the course of Hitler's rule, thousands were arrested, often on trumped up charges of currency smuggling or "immorality".[14] Germany's senior cleric, Cardinal Bertram, developed an ineffectual protest system, leaving broader Catholic resistance to individual conscience. By 1937 the church hierarchy, which initially sought dètente, was highly disillusioned. Pius XI issued the Mit brennender Sorge encyclical. It condemned racism, accused the Nazis of violations of the Concordat and "fundamental hostility" to the church.[14] The regime responded by renewing its crackdown and propaganda against Catholics.[12] Despite violence against Catholic Poland, some German priests offered prayers for the German cause at the outbreak of war. Nevertheless, security chief Reinhard Heydrich soon orchestrated an intensification of restrictions on church activities. Expropriation of monasteries, convents and church properties surged from 1941. Bishop August von Galen's ensuing 1941 denunciation of Nazi euthanasia and defence of human rights roused rare popular dissent. The German bishops denounced Nazi policy towards the church in pastoral letters, calling it "unjust oppression".[15][16]

Rosenburg, the "#1 Jew Baiter" was a staunch PAGAN.

Rosenberg, Alfred
Chief Nazi Philosopher and Reichminister for the Eastern Occupied Territories

Hitler planned to eradicate Christianity, gradually. But Christians who spoke out, like Niemoller, went to the camps, as did millions of Polish Christians:

Of the 11 million people killed during the Holocaust, six million were Polish citizens. Three million were Polish Jews and another three million were Polish Christians. Most of the remaining victims were from other countries including Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Russia, Holland, France and even Germany.
Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust | Jewish Virtual Library
Try this -

Click on the highlighted print, Did you mean: Ratlines (World War II aftermath), in the first line of the message you receive, it'll take you there.

Afterwards, a German priest, Anton Weber, the head of the Rome-based Society of Saint Raphael, traveled to Portugal, continuing to Argentina, to lay the groundwork for future Catholic immigration; this was to be a route which fascist exiles would exploit - the innocent origin of what would become the Vatican ratline".[3]without the knowledge of the Catholic Church.[3]

Thank you for this cite which states what I have stated.:D

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