Is This True....Beginning Dec. 18th Twitter Will Start Banning Us For Other Sites We Visit???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Apparently Twitter is about to practice an Draconian form of censorship.....banning accounts for other sites they visit.....:disbelief:


Twitter to neo-Nazis: you have until December 18

Twitter to neo-Nazis: you have until December 18
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Remember, remember the 18th of December.
Image: Getty Images for Thurgood Marshall College Fund
By Kerry Flynn7 hours ago
Twitter is cracking down on hate speech and not just by looking at its own site.
In what amounts to a major shift in Twitter policy, the company announced on Friday that it will be monitoring user's behavior "on and off the platform" and will suspend a user's account if they affiliate with violent organizations, according to an update to Twitter's Help Center on Friday.
SEE ALSO: Inside the reckoning of the alt-right on Twitter
"You also may not affiliate with organizations that — whether by their own statements or activity both on and off the platform — use or promote violence against civilians to further their causes," the update reads.
Twitter isn't taking action immediately. Rather, it's given users until December 18, 2017 when it will then begin enforcing the rule. The month-long wait is due to regulations in the European Union that require companies to inform users of a new policy change 30 days prior to enforcement.
The Dec. 18 deadline also applies to using "hateful images or symbols" in profile images or profile headers. Twitter will also monitor for hate speech in usernames, display names, and profile bios.
This new rule closes a loophole that Twitter's critics had long pointed out: That known white supremacists and others affiliated with hate groups could still use the platform to send a sanitized version of their message and use their followers to bolster their overall profile.

Twitter Safety ‎@TwitterSafety
Replying to @TwitterSafety

We’ve updated our rules around abuse and hateful conduct as well as violence and physical harm. These changes will be enforced starting December 18. Read our updated rules here:

4:00 PM - Nov 17, 2017

The Twitter Rules
We believe that everyone should have the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers. In order to protect the experience and safety of people who use Twitter,

It's unclear how exactly Twitter will prioritize taking action and how much will come from user reports versus its own monitoring.
"The updates to the rules today will be enforced starting December 18. We'll also have more details on these policies to share that day," a Twitter spokesperson wrote in an emailed statement.
These changes comes amid aggressive moves by Twitter to curb abuse and harassment on the site after more than a decade of essentially letting the abusers operate freely.
Over the last week, Twitter has taken action against the accounts of white supremacists. Twitter permanently banned Tim "Treadstone" Gionet, a prominent alt-right troll more widely known as Baked Alaska, earlier this week. It also removed the verification badges of Jason Kessler, one of the organizers of the racist Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, and of alt-right activist Richard Spencer.
Twitter's decision to monitor users off site sparked concern from free speech advocates such as Andrew Torba, founder of social network Gab. "This is a scary precedent to set," he wrote in an email to Mashable. "Rules like this will only force dissidents and those who are speaking truth to power to silence themselves or risk being silenced by Twitter."​
Apparently Twitter is about to practice an Draconian form of censorship.....banning accounts for other sites they visit.....:disbelief:


Twitter to neo-Nazis: you have until December 18

Twitter to neo-Nazis: you have until December 18
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Remember, remember the 18th of December.
Image: Getty Images for Thurgood Marshall College Fund
By Kerry Flynn7 hours ago
Twitter is cracking down on hate speech and not just by looking at its own site.
In what amounts to a major shift in Twitter policy, the company announced on Friday that it will be monitoring user's behavior "on and off the platform" and will suspend a user's account if they affiliate with violent organizations, according to an update to Twitter's Help Center on Friday.
SEE ALSO: Inside the reckoning of the alt-right on Twitter
"You also may not affiliate with organizations that — whether by their own statements or activity both on and off the platform — use or promote violence against civilians to further their causes," the update reads.
Twitter isn't taking action immediately. Rather, it's given users until December 18, 2017 when it will then begin enforcing the rule. The month-long wait is due to regulations in the European Union that require companies to inform users of a new policy change 30 days prior to enforcement.
The Dec. 18 deadline also applies to using "hateful images or symbols" in profile images or profile headers. Twitter will also monitor for hate speech in usernames, display names, and profile bios.
This new rule closes a loophole that Twitter's critics had long pointed out: That known white supremacists and others affiliated with hate groups could still use the platform to send a sanitized version of their message and use their followers to bolster their overall profile.

Twitter Safety ‎@TwitterSafety
Replying to @TwitterSafety

We’ve updated our rules around abuse and hateful conduct as well as violence and physical harm. These changes will be enforced starting December 18. Read our updated rules here:

4:00 PM - Nov 17, 2017

The Twitter Rules
We believe that everyone should have the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers. In order to protect the experience and safety of people who use Twitter,

It's unclear how exactly Twitter will prioritize taking action and how much will come from user reports versus its own monitoring.
"The updates to the rules today will be enforced starting December 18. We'll also have more details on these policies to share that day," a Twitter spokesperson wrote in an emailed statement.
These changes comes amid aggressive moves by Twitter to curb abuse and harassment on the site after more than a decade of essentially letting the abusers operate freely.
Over the last week, Twitter has taken action against the accounts of white supremacists. Twitter permanently banned Tim "Treadstone" Gionet, a prominent alt-right troll more widely known as Baked Alaska, earlier this week. It also removed the verification badges of Jason Kessler, one of the organizers of the racist Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, and of alt-right activist Richard Spencer.
Twitter's decision to monitor users off site sparked concern from free speech advocates such as Andrew Torba, founder of social network Gab. "This is a scary precedent to set," he wrote in an email to Mashable. "Rules like this will only force dissidents and those who are speaking truth to power to silence themselves or risk being silenced by Twitter."​
Yes, it’s true. Commence shitting your pants immediately.
Apparently Twitter is about to practice an Draconian form of censorship.....banning accounts for other sites they visit.....:disbelief:


Twitter to neo-Nazis: you have until December 18

Twitter to neo-Nazis: you have until December 18
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Remember, remember the 18th of December.
Image: Getty Images for Thurgood Marshall College Fund
By Kerry Flynn7 hours ago
Twitter is cracking down on hate speech and not just by looking at its own site.
In what amounts to a major shift in Twitter policy, the company announced on Friday that it will be monitoring user's behavior "on and off the platform" and will suspend a user's account if they affiliate with violent organizations, according to an update to Twitter's Help Center on Friday.
SEE ALSO: Inside the reckoning of the alt-right on Twitter
"You also may not affiliate with organizations that — whether by their own statements or activity both on and off the platform — use or promote violence against civilians to further their causes," the update reads.
Twitter isn't taking action immediately. Rather, it's given users until December 18, 2017 when it will then begin enforcing the rule. The month-long wait is due to regulations in the European Union that require companies to inform users of a new policy change 30 days prior to enforcement.
The Dec. 18 deadline also applies to using "hateful images or symbols" in profile images or profile headers. Twitter will also monitor for hate speech in usernames, display names, and profile bios.
This new rule closes a loophole that Twitter's critics had long pointed out: That known white supremacists and others affiliated with hate groups could still use the platform to send a sanitized version of their message and use their followers to bolster their overall profile.

Twitter Safety ‎@TwitterSafety
Replying to @TwitterSafety

We’ve updated our rules around abuse and hateful conduct as well as violence and physical harm. These changes will be enforced starting December 18. Read our updated rules here:

4:00 PM - Nov 17, 2017

The Twitter Rules
We believe that everyone should have the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers. In order to protect the experience and safety of people who use Twitter,

It's unclear how exactly Twitter will prioritize taking action and how much will come from user reports versus its own monitoring.
"The updates to the rules today will be enforced starting December 18. We'll also have more details on these policies to share that day," a Twitter spokesperson wrote in an emailed statement.
These changes comes amid aggressive moves by Twitter to curb abuse and harassment on the site after more than a decade of essentially letting the abusers operate freely.
Over the last week, Twitter has taken action against the accounts of white supremacists. Twitter permanently banned Tim "Treadstone" Gionet, a prominent alt-right troll more widely known as Baked Alaska, earlier this week. It also removed the verification badges of Jason Kessler, one of the organizers of the racist Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, and of alt-right activist Richard Spencer.
Twitter's decision to monitor users off site sparked concern from free speech advocates such as Andrew Torba, founder of social network Gab. "This is a scary precedent to set," he wrote in an email to Mashable. "Rules like this will only force dissidents and those who are speaking truth to power to silence themselves or risk being silenced by Twitter."​

What I don't get, mudwhistle
if conservatives are really so big into owning their own programs instead of relying on govt or on liberal media
why don't they buy out and own their own social media giants?

I think Mark Levin was pushing his own TV programming
and Newsmax had its own channel streaming at a local bank

I know some guys trying to expand the BLAZE to include
local shows like the facebook independent live streams
that Liberty Eagle or Talk America Network picks up and promotes.

What's really sad to me is hearing the conservatives sound like
whiny victims. WTF - how can you complain about snowflakes
when you can't even tell with the whining and crying going on both sides of the fence these days?
When a company censors, in general another will try and take it's place. Before we think it's impossible for this to happen, consider all of the social media before twitter, and even before facebook that are no longer used very often if at all.

How are they so concerned with this but not with ISIS who have used their services for years and actually recruited and directed through social media software? Let people speak their minds and make it the responsibility of the users to block or delete them from their lists, not for the company do decide on others behalf.

A quick google brought this article from last year:

New alternatives to Twitter, Google, Facebook rapidly emerging: These sites won't censor you

New alternatives to Twitter, Google, Facebook rapidly emerging: These sites won't censor you
and yet antifa is on twitter.....

antifa is not white supremacy, so it's cool with Twitter.

and yet antifa is on twitter.....

antifa is not white supremacy, so it's cool with Twitter.

Looks like bunch of white faces in that photo

They might be the most powerful white surpremist group in the country.

Let them speak, I will shut them out or try and educate them if I feel some of them have more sense than emotion. As long as they aren't encouraging violence or directly engaging in it as ANTIFA has in the past, they should speak their minds.
I'm proud to say that I'm not on Twitter, and I've never ever been to that site in my entire life. I have plenty to say so any website with a character-limit doesn't interest me regardless of any other factors. Isn't ironic that social media is the Internet's biggest exercise in anti-American censorship? Thanks to the PC-devoted liberals behind the scenes with them.
:desk: Hate sites like church sites, and crosses around the neck.....
:piss2:you twitter. My right to privacy, freedom, and choice far outweigh a tweet that I have yet to make...

And now we are seeing what ICANN really means. Thanks UN/globalist Obama for giving the globe authority over our freedom...
And no one even asked, "Why"?
:desk: Hate sites like church sites, and crosses around the neck.....
:piss2:you twitter. My right to privacy, freedom, and choice far outweigh a tweet that I have yet to make...

And now we are seeing what ICANN really means. Thanks UN/globalist Obama for giving the globe authority over our freedom...
And no one even asked, "Why"?
Twitter is trying to come up with protocols that will identify terrorist crap when there are billions of tweets a day. Nothing is perfect, but for heavens sake, no one is going to kick you off Twitter for being on a church site, unless its a radical about to bomb the government church.
When a company censors, in general another will try and take it's place. Before we think it's impossible for this to happen, consider all of the social media before twitter, and even before facebook that are no longer used very often if at all.

How are they so concerned with this but not with ISIS who have used their services for years and actually recruited and directed through social media software? Let people speak their minds and make it the responsibility of the users to block or delete them from their lists, not for the company do decide on others behalf.

A quick google brought this article from last year:

New alternatives to Twitter, Google, Facebook rapidly emerging: These sites won't censor you

New alternatives to Twitter, Google, Facebook rapidly emerging: These sites won't censor you

If you're in to this sort of thing, try Gab.

These Fascist organizations are creating the enemy they claim to hate.
Last edited:
Apparently Twitter is about to practice an Draconian form of censorship.....banning accounts for other sites they visit.....:disbelief:


Twitter to neo-Nazis: you have until December 18

Twitter to neo-Nazis: you have until December 18
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Remember, remember the 18th of December.
Image: Getty Images for Thurgood Marshall College Fund
By Kerry Flynn7 hours ago
Twitter is cracking down on hate speech and not just by looking at its own site.
In what amounts to a major shift in Twitter policy, the company announced on Friday that it will be monitoring user's behavior "on and off the platform" and will suspend a user's account if they affiliate with violent organizations, according to an update to Twitter's Help Center on Friday.
SEE ALSO: Inside the reckoning of the alt-right on Twitter
"You also may not affiliate with organizations that — whether by their own statements or activity both on and off the platform — use or promote violence against civilians to further their causes," the update reads.
Twitter isn't taking action immediately. Rather, it's given users until December 18, 2017 when it will then begin enforcing the rule. The month-long wait is due to regulations in the European Union that require companies to inform users of a new policy change 30 days prior to enforcement.
The Dec. 18 deadline also applies to using "hateful images or symbols" in profile images or profile headers. Twitter will also monitor for hate speech in usernames, display names, and profile bios.
This new rule closes a loophole that Twitter's critics had long pointed out: That known white supremacists and others affiliated with hate groups could still use the platform to send a sanitized version of their message and use their followers to bolster their overall profile.

Twitter Safety ‎@TwitterSafety
Replying to @TwitterSafety

We’ve updated our rules around abuse and hateful conduct as well as violence and physical harm. These changes will be enforced starting December 18. Read our updated rules here:

4:00 PM - Nov 17, 2017

The Twitter Rules
We believe that everyone should have the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers. In order to protect the experience and safety of people who use Twitter,

It's unclear how exactly Twitter will prioritize taking action and how much will come from user reports versus its own monitoring.
"The updates to the rules today will be enforced starting December 18. We'll also have more details on these policies to share that day," a Twitter spokesperson wrote in an emailed statement.
These changes comes amid aggressive moves by Twitter to curb abuse and harassment on the site after more than a decade of essentially letting the abusers operate freely.
Over the last week, Twitter has taken action against the accounts of white supremacists. Twitter permanently banned Tim "Treadstone" Gionet, a prominent alt-right troll more widely known as Baked Alaska, earlier this week. It also removed the verification badges of Jason Kessler, one of the organizers of the racist Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, and of alt-right activist Richard Spencer.
Twitter's decision to monitor users off site sparked concern from free speech advocates such as Andrew Torba, founder of social network Gab. "This is a scary precedent to set," he wrote in an email to Mashable. "Rules like this will only force dissidents and those who are speaking truth to power to silence themselves or risk being silenced by Twitter."​

What I don't get, mudwhistle
if conservatives are really so big into owning their own programs instead of relying on govt or on liberal media
why don't they buy out and own their own social media giants?

I think Mark Levin was pushing his own TV programming
and Newsmax had its own channel streaming at a local bank

I know some guys trying to expand the BLAZE to include
local shows like the facebook independent live streams
that Liberty Eagle or Talk America Network picks up and promotes.

What's really sad to me is hearing the conservatives sound like
whiny victims. WTF - how can you complain about snowflakes
when you can't even tell with the whining and crying going on both sides of the fence these days?
I think you miss the point.....nobody should be an advocate for any side.
Oh, and shove the whining BS up your ass.
You know that this is wrong.
After a year of you conks bitching about the electoral college....shove it, bitch.
One credit you have to give Youtube comment sections (as opposed to Youtube's PC liberal powers that be): the comments sections are generally an un-moderated free-for-all. Youtube comment threads can have the most extravagant, Joan-Rivers-magnitude-swearing flame wars you'll ever see on the Internet, yet the comments themselves don't get censored. Unless the video itself is censored, in which case the comment thread also goes bye-bye to data heaven. Irretrievable by us mere mortals, I'm afraid.
:desk: Hate sites like church sites, and crosses around the neck.....
:piss2:you twitter. My right to privacy, freedom, and choice far outweigh a tweet that I have yet to make...

And now we are seeing what ICANN really means. Thanks UN/globalist Obama for giving the globe authority over our freedom...
And no one even asked, "Why"?
Twitter is trying to come up with protocols that will identify terrorist crap when there are billions of tweets a day. Nothing is perfect, but for heavens sake, no one is going to kick you off Twitter for being on a church site, unless its a radical about to bomb the government church.

You don't give ICANN enough credit. Or time. They are just getting started. They will define hate speech for you. Any thing that doesn't agree with their agenda will be observed and documented.
Why was giving our web over to ICANN necessary or prudent?

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