Is This the Transformation You Wanted?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
BHO told you he wanted to transform America: How do you like the results?

1. Police are criminals; Criminals are victims.
2. Religious beliefs made subservient to political correctness.
3. Astronomical debt repayments just around the corner.
4. IRS used as a weapon against political opponents.
5. A completely politicized Justice Department.
6. Corruption/deceit at the highest levels of government.

Are ANY of you happy with these developments? Where do you think we will end up?
BHO told you he wanted to transform America: How do you like the results?

1. Police are criminals; Criminals are victims.
2. Religious beliefs made subservient to political correctness.
3. Astronomical debt repayments just around the corner.
4. IRS used as a weapon against political opponents.
5. A completely politicized Justice Department.
6. Corruption/deceit at the highest levels of government.

Are ANY of you happy with these developments? Where do you think we will end up?
Every one a laughable falsehood.
BHO told you he wanted to transform America: How do you like the results?

1. Police are criminals; Criminals are victims.
2. Religious beliefs made subservient to political correctness.
3. Astronomical debt repayments just around the corner.
4. IRS used as a weapon against political opponents.
5. A completely politicized Justice Department.
6. Corruption/deceit at the highest levels of government.

Are ANY of you happy with these developments? Where do you think we will end up?

1. I agree with you on this one...This is insanity and it needs to stop!
2. true...Freedom of speech!
3. And infrastructure, science, r&d and education isn't the cause of it!!! Our wars, our healthcare system, ssi and bank bail outs caused it. Learn what caused it and fix that!
4. Anyone within the Irs that does this needs to go to jail. This is wrong.
5. True...Sadly.
6. As a fiscal liberal it pains me to agree.
No, you claimed he lied: "Every one a laughable falsehood."
Had you asked him to support his claim without a counter claim, your argument works. After the counter claim, not so much

Back to ignore for you
BHO told you he wanted to transform America: How do you like the results?

1. Police are criminals; Criminals are victims.
2. Religious beliefs made subservient to political correctness.
3. Astronomical debt repayments just around the corner.
4. IRS used as a weapon against political opponents.
5. A completely politicized Justice Department.
6. Corruption/deceit at the highest levels of government.

Are ANY of you happy with these developments? Where do you think we will end up?

1. I agree with you on this one...This is insanity and it needs to stop!
2. true...Freedom of speech!
3. And infrastructure, science, r&d and education isn't the cause of it!!! Our wars, our healthcare system, ssi and bank bail outs caused it. Learn what caused it and fix that!
4. Anyone within the Irs that does this needs to go to jail. This is wrong.
5. True...Sadly.
6. As a fiscal liberal it pains me to agree.
Matt! I like you, bro, but have you ever completed a post without using the words, infrastructure, science, r&d?
It will end up with our Constitution being over ridden by the UN. That is the change. Brussels told us that Obama is their pick to run their world government and his success in changing America was his test run. He passed. Hillary will finish the job.

In December of 2006, Soros, who had previously hosted a fundraiser for Obama during the latter's 2004 Senate campaign, met with Obama in Soros's New York office. Just a few weeks later¯on January 16, 2007¯Obama announced that he would form a presidential exploratory committee and was contemplating a run for the White House. Within hours, Soros sent the senator a contribution of $2,100, the maximum amount allowable under campaign-finance laws. Later that week, the New York Daily News reported that Soros would support Obama rather than Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, though Soros pledged to back the New York senator were she to emerge as the nominee.1 But it was clear that Soros considered Obama to be the more electable candidate of the two. Most importantly, Obama's economic and political prescriptions for America were wholly accordant with those of Soros
BHO told you he wanted to transform America: How do you like the results?

1. Police are criminals; Criminals are victims.
2. Religious beliefs made subservient to political correctness.
3. Astronomical debt repayments just around the corner.
4. IRS used as a weapon against political opponents.
5. A completely politicized Justice Department.
6. Corruption/deceit at the highest levels of government.

Are ANY of you happy with these developments? Where do you think we will end up?
1) Police have been "pigs" since the 60s (they were hired thugs at their inception and then became corrupted cops)
The Early Days of American Law Enforcement
2) Religious beliefs get people killed
America as a Religious Refuge The Seventeenth Century Part 1 - Religion and the Founding of the American Republic Exhibitions Library of Congress
3) Astronomical debt has been happening since the development of the US
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding Annual
4) IRS is a weapon of mass destruction (snicker)
5) Duh and no shit--who do you think funds it?????
6) Also since the inception of Congress
Politics of the Gilded Age
History is grand
It will end up with our Constitution being over ridden by the UN. That is the change. Brussels told us that Obama is their pick to run their world government and his success in changing America was his test run. He passed. Hillary will finish the job.

In December of 2006, Soros, who had previously hosted a fundraiser for Obama during the latter's 2004 Senate campaign, met with Obama in Soros's New York office. Just a few weeks later¯on January 16, 2007¯Obama announced that he would form a presidential exploratory committee and was contemplating a run for the White House. Within hours, Soros sent the senator a contribution of $2,100, the maximum amount allowable under campaign-finance laws. Later that week, the New York Daily News reported that Soros would support Obama rather than Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, though Soros pledged to back the New York senator were she to emerge as the nominee.1 But it was clear that Soros considered Obama to be the more electable candidate of the two. Most importantly, Obama's economic and political prescriptions for America were wholly accordant with those of Soros
The UN has no power to make any nation-state do anything, much less something as powerful as over riding the Constitution. There will never be a world government became every nation will have to give up its sovereignty and do you really see the US, Israel, Germany, Russia, Iran, etc doing that? Stop being so gullible.
Every one a laughable falsehood.

You are a laughable dolt, but the list is pretty accurate.

Nixon was driven from office for the mere suggestion of using the IRS against political enemies - Obama is praised for actually doing it.
Obama did nothing of the sort. The IRS simply vetted tax exempt organizations to see if they were entitled to the exemption. Not a scintilla of evidence that there was any directive from the administration to the IRS.
Obama did nothing of the sort.

Yes, you are willing to lie for Obama, I understand.

A big part of leftism is the complete lack of ethics and integrity that you display.


Lois G. Lerner, the woman at the center of the Internal Revenue Service scandal over special scrutiny of conservative groups, specifically targeted tea party applications and directed that they be held up in 2011 in order to come up with an agency policy, according to several of Ms. Lerner’s emails released by a House committee Thursday.

In one 2011 email, Ms. Lerner specifically calls the tea party applications for tax-exempt status problematic, which seems to counter Democrats’ arguments that tea party groups weren’t targeted.

“Tea Party Matter very dangerous,” Ms. Lerner wrote in the 2011 email, saying that those applications could end up being the “vehicle to go to court” to get more clarity on a 2010 Supreme Court ruling on campaign finance rules.

Emails show IRS Lois Lerner specifically targeted tea party - Washington Times

The IRS simply vetted tax exempt organizations to see if they were entitled to the exemption. Not a scintilla of evidence that there was any directive from the administration to the IRS.

False, the IRS targeted enemies of Obama in an effort (successful) to corrupt the political process in America and influence the election in 2012.

You favour corruption when it serves your party, because you have utterly not integrity and only care about party.
No, you claimed he lied: "Every one a laughable falsehood."
Had you asked him to support his claim without a counter claim, your argument works. After the counter claim, not so much

Back to ignore for you
Odd how the right wing mind functions. He makes affirmative claims; claims that are not supported by any facts. I point out that his claims are false. Since he offered not facts, there are no facts to refute. Police are not treated like criminals unless, like the cop in Cincinnati, they commit crimes. Criminals are still treated like criminals. They get arrested; they get tried, if convicted, they get punished. His claim is asinine. As are the rest. Religious beliefs are not limited at all. Actions based on this beliefs can be. You can believe that it is appropriated to stone to death an adulterer based on your faith, but you cannot act on that belief. You can believe that it is immoral for people to be gay, but you cannot refuse them services you offer to the general public. Your beliefs are not affected. Our debt is smaller, in proportion to our GDP, that it was in the 1940's. We managed to grow out of that and we are in the process of growing out of this debt. I addressed the lies about the IRS. The Justice Department is not political. They just indicted a handful of Democratic politicians in Pennsylvania. And there is less corruption in this administration than in any in the last fifty years. No indictments, no convictions, no resignations for ethical violations. How many were there under Bush II or Reagan? Dozens.
Obama did nothing of the sort.

Yes, you are willing to lie for Obama, I understand.

A big part of leftism is the complete lack of ethics and integrity that you display.


Lois G. Lerner, the woman at the center of the Internal Revenue Service scandal over special scrutiny of conservative groups, specifically targeted tea party applications and directed that they be held up in 2011 in order to come up with an agency policy, according to several of Ms. Lerner’s emails released by a House committee Thursday.

In one 2011 email, Ms. Lerner specifically calls the tea party applications for tax-exempt status problematic, which seems to counter Democrats’ arguments that tea party groups weren’t targeted.

“Tea Party Matter very dangerous,” Ms. Lerner wrote in the 2011 email, saying that those applications could end up being the “vehicle to go to court” to get more clarity on a 2010 Supreme Court ruling on campaign finance rules.

Emails show IRS Lois Lerner specifically targeted tea party - Washington Times

The IRS simply vetted tax exempt organizations to see if they were entitled to the exemption. Not a scintilla of evidence that there was any directive from the administration to the IRS.

False, the IRS targeted enemies of Obama in an effort (successful) to corrupt the political process in America and influence the election in 2012.

You favour corruption when it serves your party, because you have utterly not integrity and only care about party.
So, lifelong Republican Lois Lerner, hired by the first George Bush investigated tea party groups, a political movement, because she thought they might be engaging in partisan politics and, therefore, not entitled to the tax exemption for non-partisan groups. That is called doing her job.
Obama did nothing of the sort.

Yes, you are willing to lie for Obama, I understand.

A big part of leftism is the complete lack of ethics and integrity that you display.


Lois G. Lerner, the woman at the center of the Internal Revenue Service scandal over special scrutiny of conservative groups, specifically targeted tea party applications and directed that they be held up in 2011 in order to come up with an agency policy, according to several of Ms. Lerner’s emails released by a House committee Thursday.

In one 2011 email, Ms. Lerner specifically calls the tea party applications for tax-exempt status problematic, which seems to counter Democrats’ arguments that tea party groups weren’t targeted.

“Tea Party Matter very dangerous,” Ms. Lerner wrote in the 2011 email, saying that those applications could end up being the “vehicle to go to court” to get more clarity on a 2010 Supreme Court ruling on campaign finance rules.

Emails show IRS Lois Lerner specifically targeted tea party - Washington Times

The IRS simply vetted tax exempt organizations to see if they were entitled to the exemption. Not a scintilla of evidence that there was any directive from the administration to the IRS.

False, the IRS targeted enemies of Obama in an effort (successful) to corrupt the political process in America and influence the election in 2012.

You favour corruption when it serves your party, because you have utterly not integrity and only care about party.
So, lifelong Republican Lois Lerner, hired by the first George Bush investigated tea party groups, a political movement, because she thought they might be engaging in partisan politics and, therefore, not entitled to the tax exemption for non-partisan groups. That is called doing her job.

She crossed the line when she gave tax information to FEC.
False, the IRS targeted enemies of Obama in an effort (successful) to corrupt the political process in America and influence the election in 2012.
The only thing that influenced the 2012 election was the success the President had in undoing much of the harm caused by the previous administration. That and the good sense of the American people to reject the right wing lies about their president.
BHO told you he wanted to transform America: How do you like the results?

1. Police are criminals; Criminals are victims.
2. Religious beliefs made subservient to political correctness.
3. Astronomical debt repayments just around the corner.
4. IRS used as a weapon against political opponents.
5. A completely politicized Justice Department.
6. Corruption/deceit at the highest levels of government.

Are ANY of you happy with these developments? Where do you think we will end up?

All of your conclusions are without factual support. As the person arguing that certain things exist and are the result of Obama's presidency, you have the burden of proof.

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