Is this the Mark Of The Beast?


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
This is interesting. A startup for a global identification system. If this ever became mandatory, it would be simple to then switch to a cashless society. Then no one would be able to buy or sell without this ID. This may be the precursor to the Mark of the Beast. It will use a smartphone, for now. But the technology already exist for RFID chips, as well as RFID tattoos, placed on the hand or the forehead.

Yoti aims to provide everyone with a biometric digital identity that works via a smartphone app
Yoti, a British start-up, is trying to establish a global identity system that protects users from both identity theft and having their data collected and exploited. All personal data remains within the Yoti ecosystem, where different elements – name, gender, date of birth etc – are encrypted and stored separately. Only the individual user can tie it all together.Yoti – derived from Your Own Trusted Identity – requires a smartphone, and there are apps for both Apple iOS and Android. The potential audience is in the billions.Yoti requires each user to create a digital identity. This involves providing biometric identifiers such as video and speech, plus an image of a government-backed identification document, such as a passport or a driving licence. Yoti discards these after the ID has been created. Yoti’s co-founder and CEO Robin Tombs says passport images are deleted after seven days.Users who have Android phones with NFC can read the chip in their digital passport. Tombs says Apple doesn’t allow this at the moment.If a company wants to verify a user, it presents them with a QR code that they can read with the Yoti app. They can verify their Yoti ID by entering a 5-digit pin or their biometrics: that is, by videoing themselves and by speaking random words displayed on the smartphone screen. If you’re holding your smartphone in the usual way, the video is easily captured: the app just turns on the front-facing camera.
The mark of the beast is figurative language for where your loyalty is at, God or godless state. Stop being ignorant.
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The mark of the beast is figurative language for where your loyalty is at, God or godless state. Stop being ignorant.
The Bible specifically states that the Mark of the Beast will be placed on the right hand or the forehead. It will be a physical mark. Stop being ignorant.
The mark of the beast is figurative language for where your loyalty is at, God or godless state. Stop being ignorant.
The Bible specifically states that the Mark of the Beast will be placed on the right hand or the forehead. It will be a physical mark. Stop being ignorant.
Can't buy anything unless you have the chip.
Makes sense.
Mark of the Beast?

Jesus Gawd .. your stupidity continueth.

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The mark of the beast is figurative language for where your loyalty is at, God or godless state. Stop being ignorant.
The Bible specifically states that the Mark of the Beast will be placed on the right hand or the forehead. It will be a physical mark. Stop being ignorant.
Can't buy anything unless you have the chip.
Makes sense.
Check this out. The technology already exists to implement it. This is an RFID tattoo. It's made with a special ink and can be read by a scanner. It will last for several weeks. Then you simply get another one.

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The mark of the beast is figurative language for where your loyalty is at, God or godless state. Stop being ignorant.
The Bible specifically states that the Mark of the Beast will be placed on the right hand or the forehead. It will be a physical mark. Stop being ignorant.
it is no coincidence that the only other time that number is used in the entire Bible is when detailing Solomons yearly stipend of 666 talents of gold, 25 tons, taken from the Temple treasury from the corrupt political/religious theocracy that he headed.

The mark of the beast on the forehead just represents what is foremost on the mind, submission to this corrupt system of worship and sacrifice which binds your hand, controls your actions, leaving an indelible mark.
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Check this out. The technology already exists to implement it. This is an RFID tattoo. It's made with a special ink and can be read by a scanner. It will last for several weeks. Then you simply get another one.


Don't you have a threesome scheduled with Alex Jones and a Pronghorn Sheep this evening? :)
The mark of the beast is ancient history.
The mark of the beast is figurative language for where your loyalty is at, God or godless state. Stop being ignorant.
The Bible specifically states that the Mark of the Beast will be placed on the right hand or the forehead. It will be a physical mark. Stop being ignorant.
it is no coincidence that the only other time that number is used in the entire Bible is when detailing Solomons yearly stipend of 666 talents of gold, 25 tons, taken from the Temple treasury from the corrupt political/religious theocracy that he headed.

The mark of the beast on the forehead just represents what is foremost on the mind, submission to this corrupt system of worship and sacrifice which binds your hand, controls your actions, leaving an indelible mark.
Revelation 13:16

And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,

Any questions?
The mark of the beast is figurative language for where your loyalty is at, God or godless state. Stop being ignorant.
The Bible specifically states that the Mark of the Beast will be placed on the right hand or the forehead. It will be a physical mark. Stop being ignorant.

A chip implant is not a physical mark. Dope, it's not a mark at all. These chips won't be implanted in on people's foreheads, "a mark on his forehead". They might not be even implanted on the hand. And, it's decades away before our government even has a chance of requiring them, which doesn't fit your antichrist doctrine that these events will happen any moment.

Revelation presents itself as a book of symbols. But, you're too stupid, illiterate, brainwashed, whatever, to see that. A mark on the hand and forehead is also treated symbolically throughout the Bible. For example:

For when Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let us go, the Lord killed all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man and the firstborn of animals. Therefore I sacrifice to the Lord all the males that first open the womb, but all the firstborn of my sons I redeem.’ It shall be a mark on your hand or frontlets between your eyes, for by a strong hand the Lord brought us out of Egypt.” - Exodus
The mark of the beast is ancient history.
The mark of the beast is figurative language for where your loyalty is at, God or godless state. Stop being ignorant.
The Bible specifically states that the Mark of the Beast will be placed on the right hand or the forehead. It will be a physical mark. Stop being ignorant.
it is no coincidence that the only other time that number is used in the entire Bible is when detailing Solomons yearly stipend of 666 talents of gold, 25 tons, taken from the Temple treasury from the corrupt political/religious theocracy that he headed.

The mark of the beast on the forehead just represents what is foremost on the mind, submission to this corrupt system of worship and sacrifice which binds your hand, controls your actions, leaving an indelible mark.
Revelation 13:16

And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,

Any questions?

When are you going to wipe that stain off your chin?
Check this out. The technology already exists to implement it. This is an RFID tattoo. It's made with a special ink and can be read by a scanner. It will last for several weeks. Then you simply get another one.


Don't you have a threesome scheduled with Alex Jones and a Pronghorn Sheep this evening? :)
Don't you have anything intelligent to say? I think it's time to add you to my ignore list. I do not suffer fools gladly.
The mark of the beast is figurative language for where your loyalty is at, God or godless state. Stop being ignorant.
The Bible specifically states that the Mark of the Beast will be placed on the right hand or the forehead. It will be a physical mark. Stop being ignorant.

A chip implant is not a physical mark. Dope, it's not a mark at all. These chips won't be implanted in on people's foreheads, "a mark on his forehead". They might not be even implanted on the hand. And, it's decades away before our government even has a chance of requiring them, which doesn't fit your antichrist doctrine that these events will happen any moment.

Revelation presents itself as a book of symbols. But, you're too stupid, illiterate, brainwashed, whatever, to see that. A mark on the hand and forehead is also treated symbolically throughout the Bible. For example:

For when Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let us go, the Lord killed all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man and the firstborn of animals. Therefore I sacrifice to the Lord all the males that first open the womb, but all the firstborn of my sons I redeem.’ It shall be a mark on your hand or frontlets between your eyes, for by a strong hand the Lord brought us out of Egypt.” - Exodus
That's nothing but your opinion. Why should I believe you?

And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. There is no reason to take this figuratively. It says that a certain person will require everyone to have this mark. That indicates that it is a physical mark.
The mark of the beast is ancient history.
The mark of the beast is figurative language for where your loyalty is at, God or godless state. Stop being ignorant.
The Bible specifically states that the Mark of the Beast will be placed on the right hand or the forehead. It will be a physical mark. Stop being ignorant.
it is no coincidence that the only other time that number is used in the entire Bible is when detailing Solomons yearly stipend of 666 talents of gold, 25 tons, taken from the Temple treasury from the corrupt political/religious theocracy that he headed.

The mark of the beast on the forehead just represents what is foremost on the mind, submission to this corrupt system of worship and sacrifice which binds your hand, controls your actions, leaving an indelible mark.
Revelation 13:16

And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,

Any questions?

When are you going to wipe that stain off your chin?
Another one for my ignore list. Have a nice day.
Yes, this is the mark of the beast. And it doesn't surprise me that it is a British company that is developing it.
And you know what? The people who are poo-pooing this thread are the same ones who will gladly accept the mark. So sad.
Don't you have anything intelligent to say? I think it's time to add you to my ignore list. I do not suffer fools gladly.

You do that - been reading your racist, xenophobic, conspiracy theory nonsense for years ..

Hopes are slim that you'll grasp anything resembling sanity in the near future.

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