Is This The Best The Left Can Do?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
The other day a Lib told me: "We have not yet even begun to fight!"

Yeah, right. Now I see how the vulgar Left is fighting back. Over the Thanksgiving Holiday the president was on his way on the highway in his motorcade and one of these Leftists tried to pull his red van into the path between other cars in the presidential motorcade. Police quickly pulled the man over as he made vulgar gestures and shouted expletives to the Police. The motorcade continued on unabated. Hope that jackass enjoys his time being interrogated by the FBI, CIA and getting a record (and probably charges he will have to answer) to follow himself around the rest of his life.

Another time, a lady leftist government employee cyclist gave the President's motorcade the finger as the motorcade went by. She was summarily fired from her job.

Two down, only a few more million to go.

Next step in the Leftist agenda to fight the Trump Administration in winning back the White House:
Mooning the motorcade as it leaves for Mar-A-Logo.
This is no joke. My wife is a professor and she says conversations about Trump are continually getting more vulgar and more angry. She still has not told any of her faculty peers she voted for Trump. She showed me some of their FB posts and I can't blame her. That is the sad state of America brought to you by your anti American Liberal "Resistance" movement.
Trump has the left unhinged. The liberal media has fired multiple broadsides at Trump and Trump just gives them the finger while the American people laugh and create videos mocking CNN as fake news. The left don't know whether to shit or go blind :laugh:
This is no joke. My wife is a professor and she says conversations about Trump are continually getting more vulgar and more angry. She still has not told any of her faculty peers she voted for Trump. She showed me some of their FB posts and I can't blame her. That is the sad state of America brought to you by your anti American Liberal "Resistance" movement.

I've said it before, Mike and I'll say it again: the greatest threat to America is not Russia, ISIS or even North Korea, it is the Radical Left. Used to be we had two different ways of accomplishing the same goals; today, they aren't even the same goals, and the Democratic Party is in name only and has nothing to do with democracy. I honestly believe your wife would be in danger if she told her coworkers she supported Trump.

But look at the bright side! The nation is FULL of like people intimidated / afraid to voice disagreement with the Fascist Left: so just as with 2016, millions upon millions either stay silent or feign support of the Democratic Party, then go to the poll and vote for a Constitutional Republic.
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2018 will be very interesting. If anything, the Democrats have lurched even further Left than they were in 2016. From what I see the message is "Democrats are the Party of Immigrant Rights, tearing down War Monuments, whining about Hillary's loss and undermining the President. Vote for us!" Looks like an awesome platform....for the GOP.
This is no joke. My wife is a professor and she says conversations about Trump are continually getting more vulgar and more angry. She still has not told any of her faculty peers she voted for Trump. She showed me some of their FB posts and I can't blame her. That is the sad state of America brought to you by your anti American Liberal "Resistance" movement.

I've said it before, Mike and I'll say it again: the greatest threat to America is not Russia, ISIS or even North Korea, it is the Radical Left. Used to be we had two different ways of accomplishing the same goals; today, they aren't even the same goals, and the Democratic Party is in name only and has nothing to do with democracy. I honestly believe your wife would be in danger if she told her coworkers she supported Trump.

But look at the bright side! The nation is FULL of like people intimidated / afraid to voice disagreement with the Fascist Left: so just as with 2016, millions upon millions either stay silent or feign support of the Democratic Party, then go to the poll and vote for a Constitutional Republic.

Very true. The left vents their anger by burning down their towns, police cars, attacking people and stopping speaking engagements. The right takes their anger out at the polls.

Rush is right once again. The goal of the MSM is to make the leftist movement look much larger than it really is, kind of like what a peacock does by fanning it's feathers when an adversary comes along.

The thought process is that if people believe that's the way the majority of the country feels, more will jump on the bandwagon to be on the side that's winning. I think that since they believe the left is a growing majority, many will just sit home on election night figuring the problem is already taken care of.
Look at you guys using words like "vulgar" and "angry" to describe your political opposition. Here's a new word for your vocabulary lesson today: "irony".

Let's use it in a sentence. "Donald Trump is easily the most vulgar President of our time and his angry followers support him and criticize his opposition as vulgar and angry, in spite of the irony of those claims.
Trump has the left unhinged. The liberal media has fired multiple broadsides at Trump and Trump just gives them the finger while the American people laugh and create videos mocking CNN as fake news. The left don't know whether to shit or go blind :laugh:

The left is in shambles because of

President Donald J. Trump...

He has made fools of them at every juncture.....

The left wing media has lied to the left wing

nut job suckers at every turn and they keep

feeding them bullshit like we got him now....

Trump is no doubt a two termer.....

I can't wait till they start catching their hair

on fire and jumping out of buildings.

I love the smell of roasting liberals....
The other day a Lib told me: "We have not yet even begun to fight!"

Yeah, right. Now I see how the vulgar Left is fighting back. Over the Thanksgiving Holiday the president was on his way on the highway in his motorcade and one of these Leftists tried to pull his red van into the path between other cars in the presidential motorcade. Police quickly pulled the man over as he made vulgar gestures and shouted expletives to the Police. The motorcade continued on unabated. Hope that jackass enjoys his time being interrogated by the FBI, CIA and getting a record (and probably charges he will have to answer) to follow himself around the rest of his life.

Another time, a lady leftist government employee cyclist gave the President's motorcade the finger as the motorcade went by. She was summarily fired from her job.

Two down, only a few more million to go.

Next step in the Leftist agenda to fight the Trump Administration in winning back the White House:
Mooning the motorcade as it leaves for Mar-A-Logo.

in case you ain't noticed El Dorko, the conservatives are fighting Trump 10x harder than the left is.

who the fuck was it in congress that killed repeal/replace ... DUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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