Is there really a disparity of "rights" women have in the USA? Should women really feel slighted?


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
This is what all the protests we are seeing are about - correct?

can someone compile a list of what "rights" one group of Americans have that other groups do not?

hell, I am feeling charitable, so I'll start!

Women: the right to avoid selective service
Men: no right to avoid selective service

Women: know if you're getting laid the minute she walks into the bar
Men: don't know until 2 AM

Women: not held responsible for sexual actions while intoxicated
Men: held responsible for sexual actions while intoxicated

Women: The right to choose either to abort, or stick the father with 18 years of child support.
Men: No say in the above matter whatsoever, after making his sperm deposit.

AND, in an effort to be "inclusive" - I will throw one in that is not gender specific!

Leftist bakers: the right to choose who they sell to
Christian bakers: must sell to everyone

Can anyone think of any I have left off???

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