Is There Any Name Men Can't Be Called???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
YouTube - Vance Gilbert "Old White Men"

If you think about it, white men are the most discriminated group in America.

Used to be we respected our elders. After all, they built this country. Now they're the butt of comedian's jokes. Say the wrong thing and you get called every name in the book. If you believe in Global Warming, or think that higher gas prices is a good thing, you get a pass. However, if you believe in God, believe in smaller government, and see the wrong that is happening in Washington and say something about it you're a target.

I was wondering if a derogatory name exists out there that is out of bounds for balding middle-aged conservative males. I don't think one exists.

I think the left has turned one of the bed-rocks of this country into a pariah. Just saying that I'm sure will draw accusations of racism. We'll see.
When a formerly-privileged group loses its privileged position and has to take its place as an equal along with those that were once looked down upon, it's perhaps natural for members of that group to feel put upon.

It's still irrational, though.
Answer to mud: none they cannot be, many they should not be.
YouTube - Vance Gilbert "Old White Men"

If you think about it, white men are the most discriminated group in America.

Used to be we respected our elders. After all, they built this country. Now they're the butt of comedian's jokes. Say the wrong thing and you get called every name in the book. If you believe in Global Warming, or think that higher gas prices is a good thing, you get a pass. However, if you believe in God, believe in smaller government, and see the wrong that is happening in Washington and say something about it you're a target.

I was wondering if a derogatory name exists out there that is out of bounds for balding middle-aged conservative males. I don't think one exists.

I think the left has turned one of the bed-rocks of this country into a pariah. Just saying that I'm sure will draw accusations of racism. We'll see.

Is this one of those "real men don't" questions? OK..Real men don't whine. Bitch ass punks whine..then bite the pillow.

A fully grown adult white man is supposed to be able to control himself. That includes the ability to choose his battles wisely. If you feel threatened when someone calls you a "name" you are required to turn in your man card immediately.
LOL, the wife has called me every name in the book, plus a few she invented just for me. Sometimes you gotta consider the source - she earned the right and I mighta messed up once or twice!
How about "Fighting Irish"?

OH wait, Irish people like being called tough and combative, don't they?

But the Sioux dislike that title. You know, the "Fighting Sioux".

I guess it is based on the perspective of the group, that is if something is considered an insult or not.
YouTube - Vance Gilbert "Old White Men"

If you think about it, white men are the most discriminated group in America.

Used to be we respected our elders. After all, they built this country. Now they're the butt of comedian's jokes. Say the wrong thing and you get called every name in the book. If you believe in Global Warming, or think that higher gas prices is a good thing, you get a pass. However, if you believe in God, believe in smaller government, and see the wrong that is happening in Washington and say something about it you're a target.

I was wondering if a derogatory name exists out there that is out of bounds for balding middle-aged conservative males. I don't think one exists.

I think the left has turned one of the bed-rocks of this country into a pariah. Just saying that I'm sure will draw accusations of racism. We'll see.

Is this one of those "real men don't" questions? OK..Real men don't whine. Bitch ass punks whine..then bite the pillow.

A fully grown adult white man is supposed to be able to control himself. That includes the ability to choose his battles wisely. If you feel threatened when someone calls you a "name" you are required to turn in your man card immediately.

So, if someone calls you a slut....

Or is this a 'only applies to conservatives' thing?
YouTube - Vance Gilbert "Old White Men"

If you think about it, white men are the most discriminated group in America.

Used to be we respected our elders. After all, they built this country. Now they're the butt of comedian's jokes. Say the wrong thing and you get called every name in the book. If you believe in Global Warming, or think that higher gas prices is a good thing, you get a pass. However, if you believe in God, believe in smaller government, and see the wrong that is happening in Washington and say something about it you're a target.

I was wondering if a derogatory name exists out there that is out of bounds for balding middle-aged conservative males. I don't think one exists.

I think the left has turned one of the bed-rocks of this country into a pariah. Just saying that I'm sure will draw accusations of racism. We'll see.

No. It's all fair game with you guys.
YouTube - Vance Gilbert "Old White Men"

If you think about it, white men are the most discriminated group in America.

Used to be we respected our elders. After all, they built this country. Now they're the butt of comedian's jokes. Say the wrong thing and you get called every name in the book. If you believe in Global Warming, or think that higher gas prices is a good thing, you get a pass. However, if you believe in God, believe in smaller government, and see the wrong that is happening in Washington and say something about it you're a target.

I was wondering if a derogatory name exists out there that is out of bounds for balding middle-aged conservative males. I don't think one exists.

I think the left has turned one of the bed-rocks of this country into a pariah. Just saying that I'm sure will draw accusations of racism. We'll see.

Is this one of those "real men don't" questions? OK..Real men don't whine. Bitch ass punks whine..then bite the pillow.

A fully grown adult white man is supposed to be able to control himself. That includes the ability to choose his battles wisely. If you feel threatened when someone calls you a "name" you are required to turn in your man card immediately.

So, if someone calls you a slut....

Or is this a 'only applies to conservatives' thing?

Calls ME a slut? Moi? With conviction? I guess I would have to give them props for credibility.

Calling a "conservative" man a slut? Wouldn't that depend on the sluttiness of the individual?

It really depends on who's definition of "conservative" you are working with though. That term has morphed all over the place in the last 40 years.

I personally don't care that a "personality" of the media call someone a name. My dislike of certain individuals goes deeper than that. Take someone like Karl Rove.. Or Dick Cheney.. I would put a razor to either of those pigs throats with little remorse..probably Limbaugh too. Evil people need to be removed from society. It is more about their whole body of work than about if they called an individual a name or not. Take a duesch like Bush... I don't wish harm on him... He has said a lot of distastefull things but he is just stupid. It is unfortunate we got suckered into voting for him as prez but that is water under the bridge. I voted for him myself.
Is this one of those "real men don't" questions? OK..Real men don't whine. Bitch ass punks whine..then bite the pillow.

A fully grown adult white man is supposed to be able to control himself. That includes the ability to choose his battles wisely. If you feel threatened when someone calls you a "name" you are required to turn in your man card immediately.

So, if someone calls you a slut....

Or is this a 'only applies to conservatives' thing?

Calls ME a slut? Moi? With conviction? I guess I would have to give them props for credibility.

Calling a "conservative" man a slut? Wouldn't that depend on the sluttiness of the individual?

It really depends on who's definition of "conservative" you are working with though. That term has morphed all over the place in the last 40 years.

I personally don't care that a "personality" of the media call someone a name. My dislike of certain individuals goes deeper than that. Take someone like Karl Rove.. Or Dick Cheney.. I would put a razor to either of those pigs throats with little remorse..probably Limbaugh too. Evil people need to be removed from society. It is more about their whole body of work than about if they called an individual a name or not. Take a duesch like Bush... I don't wish harm on him... He has said a lot of distastefull things but he is just stupid. It is unfortunate we got suckered into voting for him as prez but that is water under the bridge. I voted for him myself.

Well, the pun for Rush was obvious but I was just trying to point out the hypocrisy here. Not necessarily your hypocrisy but the general hypocrisy in not caring about one person gets called but viscerally attacking another person because they called another with their political ideology a slut. The entire thing is asinine. I don't care what people call others to be honest and have heard some of the most horrendous things on left wing radio stations but none of that really matters. There are people whose entire job revolves around saying shocking things, like Rush, and raging one way or the other is entirely pointless. Just don't listen.
A name that a man should not be called.

How about "Puny pecker"
Or, "Limpdick"
Or "Mr. Flaccid"

Or "Softer than butter"

Or "Dochebag"

We all now who made up those names, Feminist lesbians jealous of our "Manhood"!

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