Is There A God?

God is good.
It is funny that you ask the poster you were replying to if he had studied the bible and then say to me "God is good."
I have studied the bible and one of the things that has, for years, perplexed me is bible believers ignoring that "god" commands them to not call him "god". He says there are many gods. How can you believe in something you have no full knowledge of?

I think that, if you recall, God did not say that in the Bible .... Jesus did. He wanted to make it clear that he was not the Father.

But, i suspect you are intentionally trying to get mired in minutiae, thus avoiding a more meaningful discussion of the larger principles. I suppose your next argument is going to be that God wants all adulterers killed, right?

So be it. (Oh, by the way, God is good is a translation of the Muslim 'Allahu Akbar")

More than 6,000 times his name was written in the original texts. In the Old and the New Testaments. Men/translators changed his name. He even said not call him Baal (Lord) yet people do that more than they call him by the name he is said to have commanded them to call him. Do you know the name?


That was the Jewish name for Him ... it led to the Jehovah name ... frankly, it's one of about 80 gazillion things He has been called.

There were no Jews in Exodus. Hebrew is not synonymous with Jew. Show me how Yahweh translates to Jehovah. It doesn't.
It is funny that you ask the poster you were replying to if he had studied the bible and then say to me "God is good."
I have studied the bible and one of the things that has, for years, perplexed me is bible believers ignoring that "god" commands them to not call him "god". He says there are many gods. How can you believe in something you have no full knowledge of?

I think that, if you recall, God did not say that in the Bible .... Jesus did. He wanted to make it clear that he was not the Father.

But, i suspect you are intentionally trying to get mired in minutiae, thus avoiding a more meaningful discussion of the larger principles. I suppose your next argument is going to be that God wants all adulterers killed, right?

So be it. (Oh, by the way, God is good is a translation of the Muslim 'Allahu Akbar")

More than 6,000 times his name was written in the original texts. In the Old and the New Testaments. Men/translators changed his name. He even said not call him Baal (Lord) yet people do that more than they call him by the name he is said to have commanded them to call him. Do you know the name?


That was the Jewish name for Him ... it led to the Jehovah name ... frankly, it's one of about 80 gazillion things He has been called.

There were no Jews in Exodus. Hebrew is not synonymous with Jew. Show me how Yahweh translates to Jehovah. It doesn't.

Ridiculously trivial ... I have no interest in going down the rabbit hole with you. If you want to return to the original premize of the OP, I'll be glad to do that. But, frankly, you have yet to show me that you have any particular expertise in the subject.
Obviously you have very little, if any, knowledge in the philosophies. Theology is a part of philosophy. So you don't study "...first in Philosophy, then in Religion." BTW, neither of those should have been capitalized.

You do not know my credentials, sir.
Obviously you are dumb as a post.

Reading philosophy does not make you a philosopher.
Quoting philosophers does not make you a philosopher.
Insulting people does not make you a philosopher.

Do you consider yourself a philosopher?

We all have some philosopher in us. But, few of us have the patience or desire to master it. If I were to define philosophy, as I understand it, I would say it is a search for wisdom.
I think that, if you recall, God did not say that in the Bible .... Jesus did. He wanted to make it clear that he was not the Father.

But, i suspect you are intentionally trying to get mired in minutiae, thus avoiding a more meaningful discussion of the larger principles. I suppose your next argument is going to be that God wants all adulterers killed, right?

So be it. (Oh, by the way, God is good is a translation of the Muslim 'Allahu Akbar")

More than 6,000 times his name was written in the original texts. In the Old and the New Testaments. Men/translators changed his name. He even said not call him Baal (Lord) yet people do that more than they call him by the name he is said to have commanded them to call him. Do you know the name?


That was the Jewish name for Him ... it led to the Jehovah name ... frankly, it's one of about 80 gazillion things He has been called.

There were no Jews in Exodus. Hebrew is not synonymous with Jew. Show me how Yahweh translates to Jehovah. It doesn't.

Ridiculously trivial ... I have no interest in going down the rabbit hole with you. If you want to return to the original premize of the OP, I'll be glad to do that. But, frankly, you have yet to show me that you have any particular expertise in the subject.

I don't believe I owe you anything.
I freely gave you the name of your god and you rejected it. There is no "rabbit hole" there.
I am the OP. Welcome to my thread.
More than 6,000 times his name was written in the original texts. In the Old and the New Testaments. Men/translators changed his name. He even said not call him Baal (Lord) yet people do that more than they call him by the name he is said to have commanded them to call him. Do you know the name?


That was the Jewish name for Him ... it led to the Jehovah name ... frankly, it's one of about 80 gazillion things He has been called.

There were no Jews in Exodus. Hebrew is not synonymous with Jew. Show me how Yahweh translates to Jehovah. It doesn't.

Ridiculously trivial ... I have no interest in going down the rabbit hole with you. If you want to return to the original premize of the OP, I'll be glad to do that. But, frankly, you have yet to show me that you have any particular expertise in the subject.

I don't believe I owe you anything.
I freely gave you the name of your god and you rejected it. There is no "rabbit hole" there.
I am the OP. Welcome to my thread.

An OP who creates a thread, not to encourage discussion, but rather, to inflict is inflated sense of self superiority, usually very quickly loses control of his thread.

You have made it clear that you are no longer interested in discussing faith --- rather, you want somebody to admire your academic muscles. So, as I promised, I'm outta here.

If you ever feel that you want to know God, to know faith, to know peace .. look me up.
Is there a god who has nothing better to do than wait around for me to covet my neighbour's wife so he can burn me? Ummm... no.

That was the Jewish name for Him ... it led to the Jehovah name ... frankly, it's one of about 80 gazillion things He has been called.

There were no Jews in Exodus. Hebrew is not synonymous with Jew. Show me how Yahweh translates to Jehovah. It doesn't.

Ridiculously trivial ... I have no interest in going down the rabbit hole with you. If you want to return to the original premize of the OP, I'll be glad to do that. But, frankly, you have yet to show me that you have any particular expertise in the subject.

I don't believe I owe you anything.
I freely gave you the name of your god and you rejected it. There is no "rabbit hole" there.
I am the OP. Welcome to my thread.

An OP who creates a thread, not to encourage discussion, but rather, to inflict is inflated sense of self superiority, usually very quickly loses control of his thread.

You have made it clear that you are no longer interested in discussing faith --- rather, you want somebody to admire your academic muscles. So, as I promised, I'm outta here.

If you ever feel that you want to know God, to know faith, to know peace .. look me up.
Got any proof of God? Nobody here does so far.
Got any proof of God? Nobody here does so far.

I see overwhelming evidence that the Laws of God are still in effect and in full force.

Every last person here who worships that which is not God - an edible triune god, a three in one mangod, a god obsessed with diet, fashion, and human sexuality, the god of a child rapist - whatever, has died and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead.

Take a good look around. What do you see?

I see dead people, walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know that they're dead......
Got any proof of God? Nobody here does so far.

I see overwhelming evidence that the Laws of God are still in effect and in full force.

Every last person here who worships that which is not God, (an edible triune god, a three in one mangod, a god obsessed with diet, fashion, and human sexuality, the god of a child rapist, whatever, has died and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead.

Take a good look around. What do you see?

I see dead people, walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know that they're dead......
Your long-winded post omitted to put forward any real proof. Please try again.
Got any proof of God? Nobody here does so far.

I see overwhelming evidence that the Laws of God are still in effect and in full force.

Every last person here who worships that which is not God, (an edible triune god, a three in one mangod, a god obsessed with diet, fashion, and human sexuality, the god of a child rapist, whatever, has died and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead.

Take a good look around. What do you see?

I see dead people, walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know that they're dead......
Your long-winded post omitted to put forward any real proof. Please try again.

Try to read more carefully. I did not claim to offer proof of God. I submitted evidence that the law of God is in effect.

Did you not notice that all of those good people of any religion who 'just believe' every irrational assertion about God without thinking very deeply about it have all lost their rational minds and are used and abused for life by unscrupulous charlatans?

When you are asking the faithful rational questions about their irrational faith and then you realize that no one is home, where do you think they are if not in the very place that the authors of scripture called the realm of the dead?

Who keeps them ignorant and in such captivity if not the types of people the authors of scripture defined as devils?

If you can't see what is right in front of you how do you expect to see proof of God?
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Nah, you can't prove God does not exist:
I definitely believe the lack of evidence of gods' existence is shown by its lack. Feel free to provide evidence of such existence in order to refute my claim. Or concede to being a fantasist.
Every scientist knows absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. The bottom line here is no one knows from whence the Universe came. If the science supported the Oscillating Universe theory, then it would be a stronger proof that nothing came before. Since the evidence indicates ours is a one-shot Universe with a definite beginning and a very cold, dead eventual end, then the question remains; What caused the Big Bang?

Scientifically answer this question with proof and I'll accept it. Until then, will you accept no one knows?:

That's what's cool about science. The answer is, "I don't know, let's find out," You're presumed response: "God," offers nothing. It offers no challenge to learn, to study, to experiment. It is a proclamation that is the end of all search for knowledge. Since we "know" "What happened here", there really is no need to research, or explore, is there? Whereas, the simple answer, "I don't know, let's find out," is an invitation to exploration, and discovery.
Correct since science is limited to the natural universe. Outside the natural universe is a different matter. You can declare you know there is or isn't a God(s), but it's beyond the realm of science to back up that declaration.

So again, agnosticism is the only logical position. Atheism and Theism are positions of belief.
Nah, you can't prove God does not exist:
I definitely believe the lack of evidence of gods' existence is shown by its lack. Feel free to provide evidence of such existence in order to refute my claim. Or concede to being a fantasist.
Every scientist knows absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. The bottom line here is no one knows from whence the Universe came. If the science supported the Oscillating Universe theory, then it would be a stronger proof that nothing came before. Since the evidence indicates ours is a one-shot Universe with a definite beginning and a very cold, dead eventual end, then the question remains; What caused the Big Bang?

Scientifically answer this question with proof and I'll accept it. Until then, will you accept no one knows?:

That's what's cool about science. The answer is, "I don't know, let's find out," You're presumed response: "God," offers nothing. It offers no challenge to learn, to study, to experiment. It is a proclamation that is the end of all search for knowledge. Since we "know" "What happened here", there really is no need to research, or explore, is there? Whereas, the simple answer, "I don't know, let's find out," is an invitation to exploration, and discovery.
Correct since science is limited to the natural universe. Outside the natural universe is a different matter. You can declare you know there is or isn't a God(s), but it's beyond the realm of science to back up that declaration.

So again, agnosticism is the only logical position. Atheism and Theism are positions of belief.
Got any proof of God? Nobody here does so far.

I see overwhelming evidence that the Laws of God are still in effect and in full force.

Every last person here who worships that which is not God, (an edible triune god, a three in one mangod, a god obsessed with diet, fashion, and human sexuality, the god of a child rapist, whatever, has died and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead.

Take a good look around. What do you see?

I see dead people, walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know that they're dead......
Your long-winded post omitted to put forward any real proof. Please try again.

Try to read more carefully. I did not claim to offer proof of God. I submitted evidence that the law of God is in effect.

Did you not notice that all of those good people of any religion who 'just believe' every irrational assertion about God without thinking very deeply about it have all lost their rational minds and are used and abused for life by unscrupulous charlatans?

When you are asking the faithful rational questions about their irrational faith and then you realize that no one is home, where do you think they are if not in the very place that the authors of scripture called the realm of the dead?

Who keeps them ignorant and in such captivity if not the types of people the authors of scripture defined as devils?

If you can't see what is right in front of you how do you expect to see proof of God?
What proof? That you think were all zombies? Brah, get a grip. Seriously. You have no proof.
Got any proof of God? Nobody here does so far.

I see overwhelming evidence that the Laws of God are still in effect and in full force.

Every last person here who worships that which is not God, (an edible triune god, a three in one mangod, a god obsessed with diet, fashion, and human sexuality, the god of a child rapist, whatever, has died and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead.

Take a good look around. What do you see?

I see dead people, walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know that they're dead......
Your long-winded post omitted to put forward any real proof. Please try again.

Try to read more carefully. I did not claim to offer proof of God. I submitted evidence that the law of God is in effect.

Did you not notice that all of those good people of any religion who 'just believe' every irrational assertion about God without thinking very deeply about it have all lost their rational minds and are used and abused for life by unscrupulous charlatans?

When you are asking the faithful rational questions about their irrational faith and then you realize that no one is home, where do you think they are if not in the very place that the authors of scripture called the realm of the dead?

Who keeps them ignorant and in such captivity if not the types of people the authors of scripture defined as devils?

If you can't see what is right in front of you how do you expect to see proof of God?
What proof? That you think were all zombies? Brah, get a grip. Seriously. You have no proof.

"We are all zombies? lol....The fact that what I said remains above your grasp is proof, generously provided by you, that there is a world above and a world below.
Got any proof of God? Nobody here does so far.

I see overwhelming evidence that the Laws of God are still in effect and in full force.

Every last person here who worships that which is not God, (an edible triune god, a three in one mangod, a god obsessed with diet, fashion, and human sexuality, the god of a child rapist, whatever, has died and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead.

Take a good look around. What do you see?

I see dead people, walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know that they're dead......
Your long-winded post omitted to put forward any real proof. Please try again.

Try to read more carefully. I did not claim to offer proof of God. I submitted evidence that the law of God is in effect.

Did you not notice that all of those good people of any religion who 'just believe' every irrational assertion about God without thinking very deeply about it have all lost their rational minds and are used and abused for life by unscrupulous charlatans?

When you are asking the faithful rational questions about their irrational faith and then you realize that no one is home, where do you think they are if not in the very place that the authors of scripture called the realm of the dead?

Who keeps them ignorant and in such captivity if not the types of people the authors of scripture defined as devils?

If you can't see what is right in front of you how do you expect to see proof of God?
What proof? That you think were all zombies? Brah, get a grip. Seriously. You have no proof.

"We are all zombies? lol....The fact that what I said remains above your grasp is proof, generously provided by you, that there is a world above and a world below.
You should google the word "proof". Then come back and try again.
I see overwhelming evidence that the Laws of God are still in effect and in full force.

Every last person here who worships that which is not God, (an edible triune god, a three in one mangod, a god obsessed with diet, fashion, and human sexuality, the god of a child rapist, whatever, has died and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead.

Take a good look around. What do you see?

I see dead people, walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know that they're dead......
Your long-winded post omitted to put forward any real proof. Please try again.

Try to read more carefully. I did not claim to offer proof of God. I submitted evidence that the law of God is in effect.

Did you not notice that all of those good people of any religion who 'just believe' every irrational assertion about God without thinking very deeply about it have all lost their rational minds and are used and abused for life by unscrupulous charlatans?

When you are asking the faithful rational questions about their irrational faith and then you realize that no one is home, where do you think they are if not in the very place that the authors of scripture called the realm of the dead?

Who keeps them ignorant and in such captivity if not the types of people the authors of scripture defined as devils?

If you can't see what is right in front of you how do you expect to see proof of God?
What proof? That you think were all zombies? Brah, get a grip. Seriously. You have no proof.

"We are all zombies? lol....The fact that what I said remains above your grasp is proof, generously provided by you, that there is a world above and a world below.
You should google the word "proof". Then come back and try again.

Ha ha.

I have shown you new things, hidden things that have never been seen or heard before.

Don't think I haven't noticed you walking away with something heavy in your pockets...ingrate.

You really have no idea what can be seen from this vantage.....

The only way for you to have the proof is to ascend to where I am.
Last edited:
Your long-winded post omitted to put forward any real proof. Please try again.

Try to read more carefully. I did not claim to offer proof of God. I submitted evidence that the law of God is in effect.

Did you not notice that all of those good people of any religion who 'just believe' every irrational assertion about God without thinking very deeply about it have all lost their rational minds and are used and abused for life by unscrupulous charlatans?

When you are asking the faithful rational questions about their irrational faith and then you realize that no one is home, where do you think they are if not in the very place that the authors of scripture called the realm of the dead?

Who keeps them ignorant and in such captivity if not the types of people the authors of scripture defined as devils?

If you can't see what is right in front of you how do you expect to see proof of God?
What proof? That you think were all zombies? Brah, get a grip. Seriously. You have no proof.

"We are all zombies? lol....The fact that what I said remains above your grasp is proof, generously provided by you, that there is a world above and a world below.
You should google the word "proof". Then come back and try again.

Ha ha.

I have shown you new things, hidden things that have never been seen or heard before.

Don't think I haven't noticed you walking away with something heavy in your pockets...ingrate.

You really have no idea what can be seen from this vantage.....

The only way for you to have the proof is to ascend to where I am.
You sound like you're in an insane asylum. Don't forget to take your meds.
Try to read more carefully. I did not claim to offer proof of God. I submitted evidence that the law of God is in effect.

Did you not notice that all of those good people of any religion who 'just believe' every irrational assertion about God without thinking very deeply about it have all lost their rational minds and are used and abused for life by unscrupulous charlatans?

When you are asking the faithful rational questions about their irrational faith and then you realize that no one is home, where do you think they are if not in the very place that the authors of scripture called the realm of the dead?

Who keeps them ignorant and in such captivity if not the types of people the authors of scripture defined as devils?

If you can't see what is right in front of you how do you expect to see proof of God?
What proof? That you think were all zombies? Brah, get a grip. Seriously. You have no proof.

"We are all zombies? lol....The fact that what I said remains above your grasp is proof, generously provided by you, that there is a world above and a world below.
You should google the word "proof". Then come back and try again.

Ha ha.

I have shown you new things, hidden things that have never been seen or heard before.

Don't think I haven't noticed you walking away with something heavy in your pockets...ingrate.

You really have no idea what can be seen from this vantage.....

The only way for you to have the proof is to ascend to where I am.
You sound like you're in an insane asylum. Don't forget to take your meds.

Yeah, Im hunkered down in a straitjacket deep behind enemy lines typing with my tongue in the doctors office while he's being distracted by a sudden influx of loonies. ...

Did you say Meds? Thanks for the reminder!

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