Is There a God? Or Gods?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
We have no scientific proof whatsoever that a deity exists. Or angels or demons.

Yet, from time immemorial, humans have displayed a belief in such beings. Everywhere human beings tread the sod, they have some form of belief. Some, like Christians, Jews, and Muslims are Monotheists who believe in one Supreme Being. And even among Christians, there is a belief in two other Gods, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. Many others, especially older societies are Polytheists who believe in many Gods. There is one thing in common with all of them. One God is superior to all the others. And those with multiple gods, each has an area of concern and many of them have faults similar to humans. But, almost all of them are humorless.

That's why I thoroughly enjoy the myths and beliefs of American Indians. The vast majority of them have deities who make jokes or even fall on their faces. Brother Coyote who continually gets in trouble but always gets out of it and never dies. And there is brave Brother Rabbit who fears nothing and always fights for the others. And, far before the arrival of Europeans had tales of a great flood and coming from The Land of Ice. And many have stories of the creation of the lands where they live.

So, what causes this? Why do humans need to turn to mythical beings outside of their physical realm who somehow are responsible for all their ills? Or miracles?

Could it be that such beings truly exist?

I'm an avid fan of science fiction having started reading it about the time I entered kindergarten. One of the thesis I remember was our solar system or universe being but one atom of a large molecule in another existence. Another was about highly advanced civilizations existing in which beings terraformed our planet and guided the creation of everything upon it, watching over it to view the course of their creation.

Could these beings be the Gods we have come to believe in?

And, what about the belief in Karma and the Resurrection? Why do so many believe in an existence beyond our current existence?

Another theme that has always interested me is that we were created like some insects that go through changes; a pupa changing into a chrysalis into a beautiful butterfly. Are we simply in the pupa stage? And how we act on this plane of existence determines whether we become a butterfly - or a moth?

So, are gods and angels and demons simply beings who have progressed beyond our plane of existence to a higher one? Or, could we be a breeding ground for advanced civilizations that no longer recreate physically?

Or a whole lot of other things?

And finally, there are those who believe in none of the above and are ready to support their beliefs by any means - to include denying all beliefs but their own. Atheists and agnostics who want to removal or destruction of all mythical beliefs. Why are they so virulent in their disbelief?

Okay, so what are my personal beliefs? First, I do not believe that man-made beliefs and structures are the final say in our existence and possible future. I think everyone has a right to believe what they wish without the interference of others or that their belief does not require them to belittle or even destroy anyone who does not agree with them. If sitting in a special building to listen to someone explain what you should believe is what turns you on - good for you. Go for it. The few times in my life when I felt close to something above and beyond myself were in the midst of places of such calm and beauty that my spirit felt beyond my existence. Muir Woods. Overlooking a spot on the rugged California Coast. A few others I'm not going to dig too deep for.

So, back to my original question. Is there a God? Or Gods?

To me, that's up to each individual to believe or disbelieve. I hope whatever that is, it gives you peace and a desire to live a better life to include respect for all of Creation and the creatures in it.

In other words, have a good life.

What do you believe? Without flaming please.



We have no scientific proof whatsoever that a deity exists. Or angels or demons.

Yet, from time immemorial, humans have displayed a belief in such beings. Everywhere human beings tread the sod, they have some form of belief. Some, like Christians, Jews, and Muslims are Monotheists who believe in one Supreme Being. And even among Christians, there is a belief in two other Gods, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. Many others, especially older societies are Polytheists who believe in many Gods. There is one thing in common with all of them. One God is superior to all the others. And those with multiple gods, each has an area of concern and many of them have faults similar to humans. But, almost all of them are humorless.

That's why I thoroughly enjoy the myths and beliefs of American Indians. The vast majority of them have deities who make jokes or even fall on their faces. Brother Coyote who continually gets in trouble but always gets out of it and never dies. And there is brave Brother Rabbit who fears nothing and always fights for the others. And, far before the arrival of Europeans had tales of a great flood and coming from The Land of Ice. And many have stories of the creation of the lands where they live.

So, what causes this? Why do humans need to turn to mythical beings outside of their physical realm who somehow are responsible for all their ills? Or miracles?

Could it be that such beings truly exist?

I'm an avid fan of science fiction having started reading it about the time I entered kindergarten. One of the thesis I remember was our solar system or universe being but one atom of a large molecule in another existence. Another was about highly advanced civilizations existing in which beings terraformed our planet and guided the creation of everything upon it, watching over it to view the course of their creation.

Could these beings be the Gods we have come to believe in?

And, what about the belief in Karma and the Resurrection? Why do so many believe in an existence beyond our current existence?

Another theme that has always interested me is that we were created like some insects that go through changes; a pupa changing into a chrysalis into a beautiful butterfly. Are we simply in the pupa stage? And how we act on this plane of existence determines whether we become a butterfly - or a moth?

So, are gods and angels and demons simply beings who have progressed beyond our plane of existence to a higher one? Or, could we be a breeding ground for advanced civilizations that no longer recreate physically?

Or a whole lot of other things?

And finally, there are those who believe in none of the above and are ready to support their beliefs by any means - to include denying all beliefs but their own. Atheists and agnostics who want to removal or destruction of all mythical beliefs. Why are they so virulent in their disbelief?

Okay, so what are my personal beliefs? First, I do not believe that man-made beliefs and structures are the final say in our existence and possible future. I think everyone has a right to believe what they wish without the interference of others or that their belief does not require them to belittle or even destroy anyone who does not agree with them. If sitting in a special building to listen to someone explain what you should believe is what turns you on - good for you. Go for it. The few times in my life when I felt close to something above and beyond myself were in the midst of places of such calm and beauty that my spirit felt beyond my existence. Muir Woods. Overlooking a spot on the rugged California Coast. A few others I'm not going to dig too deep for.

So, back to my original question. Is there a God? Or Gods?

To me, that's up to each individual to believe or disbelieve. I hope whatever that is, it gives you peace and a desire to live a better life to include respect for all of Creation and the creatures in it.

In other words, have a good life.

What do you believe? Without flaming please.
I understand what you say when you say that you don't believe that "man-made beliefs and structures are the final say in our existence and possible future."

So, tell me, how do you feel about "beliefs and structures" handed down TO man by God?
I don't know, but the newlywed wife next door thinks there is. I can hear her yelling OH GOD!!! late at night almost every night.
Yes, I believe in God. Experience childbirth, then tell me miracles do not happen. Give thanks and pray for safety and wisdom. You know how awesome God is? He loved me before I loved Him.
We have no scientific proof whatsoever that a deity exists. Or angels or demons.

Yet, from time immemorial, humans have displayed a belief in such beings. Everywhere human beings tread the sod, they have some form of belief. Some, like Christians, Jews, and Muslims are Monotheists who believe in one Supreme Being. And even among Christians, there is a belief in two other Gods, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. Many others, especially older societies are Polytheists who believe in many Gods. There is one thing in common with all of them. One God is superior to all the others. And those with multiple gods, each has an area of concern and many of them have faults similar to humans. But, almost all of them are humorless.

That's why I thoroughly enjoy the myths and beliefs of American Indians. The vast majority of them have deities who make jokes or even fall on their faces. Brother Coyote who continually gets in trouble but always gets out of it and never dies. And there is brave Brother Rabbit who fears nothing and always fights for the others. And, far before the arrival of Europeans had tales of a great flood and coming from The Land of Ice. And many have stories of the creation of the lands where they live.

So, what causes this? Why do humans need to turn to mythical beings outside of their physical realm who somehow are responsible for all their ills? Or miracles?

Could it be that such beings truly exist?

I'm an avid fan of science fiction having started reading it about the time I entered kindergarten. One of the thesis I remember was our solar system or universe being but one atom of a large molecule in another existence. Another was about highly advanced civilizations existing in which beings terraformed our planet and guided the creation of everything upon it, watching over it to view the course of their creation.

Could these beings be the Gods we have come to believe in?

And, what about the belief in Karma and the Resurrection? Why do so many believe in an existence beyond our current existence?

Another theme that has always interested me is that we were created like some insects that go through changes; a pupa changing into a chrysalis into a beautiful butterfly. Are we simply in the pupa stage? And how we act on this plane of existence determines whether we become a butterfly - or a moth?

So, are gods and angels and demons simply beings who have progressed beyond our plane of existence to a higher one? Or, could we be a breeding ground for advanced civilizations that no longer recreate physically?

Or a whole lot of other things?

And finally, there are those who believe in none of the above and are ready to support their beliefs by any means - to include denying all beliefs but their own. Atheists and agnostics who want to removal or destruction of all mythical beliefs. Why are they so virulent in their disbelief?

Okay, so what are my personal beliefs? First, I do not believe that man-made beliefs and structures are the final say in our existence and possible future. I think everyone has a right to believe what they wish without the interference of others or that their belief does not require them to belittle or even destroy anyone who does not agree with them. If sitting in a special building to listen to someone explain what you should believe is what turns you on - good for you. Go for it. The few times in my life when I felt close to something above and beyond myself were in the midst of places of such calm and beauty that my spirit felt beyond my existence. Muir Woods. Overlooking a spot on the rugged California Coast. A few others I'm not going to dig too deep for.

So, back to my original question. Is there a God? Or Gods?

To me, that's up to each individual to believe or disbelieve. I hope whatever that is, it gives you peace and a desire to live a better life to include respect for all of Creation and the creatures in it.

In other words, have a good life.

What do you believe? Without flaming please.
There is only one Creator of existence. He goes by "I am."
Yes, I believe in God. Experience childbirth, then tell me miracles do not happen. Give thanks and pray for safety and wisdom. You know how awesome God is? He loved me before I loved Him.

Yet he is willing to let you suffer for eternity if he doesn't bother to make himself known to you.
Yes, I believe in God. Experience childbirth, then tell me miracles do not happen. Give thanks and pray for safety and wisdom. You know how awesome God is? He loved me before I loved Him.

Yet he is willing to let you suffer for eternity if he doesn't bother to make himself known to you.
Haven't you suffered but learned something in the meantime? How can we have empathy if we don't experience disappointments ourselves. Those who suffere for eternity had the opportunity to have a relationship with God.

I also believe in reincarnation. God is so merciful he gives many another chance.
Spent many a night sailing from one base to another, and looking at the vast expanse, above and below me, made me think there is a god.

I've seen the smiles of children, and great grandchildren, and saw there is a god

I've seen people facing death, with no hope, smiling thru the pain

and knew there is a god.

Will I meet him?

His choice.
Spent many a night sailing from one base to another, and looking at the vast expanse, above and below me, made me think there is a god.

I've seen the smiles of children, and great grandchildren, and saw there is a god

I've seen people facing death, with no hope, smiling thru the pain

and knew there is a god.

Will I meet him?

His choice.
His? I think it just may be yours...
Not religious...but have no problem with the concept of higher intelligence that may have had a hand on our existence.
Call it God or ET, really makes no difference.
The universe is vast, ancient, seemingly infinite by our standards, and humans are an infant race just scratching at the beginnings of knowledge.
Even without religion I feel a sense of awe and insignificance when viewing the night sky and the endless constellations.
We may never know the answer, but no matter, all should enjoy life as it is a gift.
We have no scientific proof whatsoever that a deity exists. Or angels or demons.

Yet, from time immemorial, humans have displayed a belief in such beings. Everywhere human beings tread the sod, they have some form of belief. Some, like Christians, Jews, and Muslims are Monotheists who believe in one Supreme Being. And even among Christians, there is a belief in two other Gods, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. Many others, especially older societies are Polytheists who believe in many Gods. There is one thing in common with all of them. One God is superior to all the others. And those with multiple gods, each has an area of concern and many of them have faults similar to humans. But, almost all of them are humorless.

That's why I thoroughly enjoy the myths and beliefs of American Indians. The vast majority of them have deities who make jokes or even fall on their faces. Brother Coyote who continually gets in trouble but always gets out of it and never dies. And there is brave Brother Rabbit who fears nothing and always fights for the others. And, far before the arrival of Europeans had tales of a great flood and coming from The Land of Ice. And many have stories of the creation of the lands where they live.

So, what causes this? Why do humans need to turn to mythical beings outside of their physical realm who somehow are responsible for all their ills? Or miracles?

Could it be that such beings truly exist?

I'm an avid fan of science fiction having started reading it about the time I entered kindergarten. One of the thesis I remember was our solar system or universe being but one atom of a large molecule in another existence. Another was about highly advanced civilizations existing in which beings terraformed our planet and guided the creation of everything upon it, watching over it to view the course of their creation.

Could these beings be the Gods we have come to believe in?

And, what about the belief in Karma and the Resurrection? Why do so many believe in an existence beyond our current existence?

Another theme that has always interested me is that we were created like some insects that go through changes; a pupa changing into a chrysalis into a beautiful butterfly. Are we simply in the pupa stage? And how we act on this plane of existence determines whether we become a butterfly - or a moth?

So, are gods and angels and demons simply beings who have progressed beyond our plane of existence to a higher one? Or, could we be a breeding ground for advanced civilizations that no longer recreate physically?

Or a whole lot of other things?

And finally, there are those who believe in none of the above and are ready to support their beliefs by any means - to include denying all beliefs but their own. Atheists and agnostics who want to removal or destruction of all mythical beliefs. Why are they so virulent in their disbelief?

Okay, so what are my personal beliefs? First, I do not believe that man-made beliefs and structures are the final say in our existence and possible future. I think everyone has a right to believe what they wish without the interference of others or that their belief does not require them to belittle or even destroy anyone who does not agree with them. If sitting in a special building to listen to someone explain what you should believe is what turns you on - good for you. Go for it. The few times in my life when I felt close to something above and beyond myself were in the midst of places of such calm and beauty that my spirit felt beyond my existence. Muir Woods. Overlooking a spot on the rugged California Coast. A few others I'm not going to dig too deep for.

So, back to my original question. Is there a God? Or Gods?

To me, that's up to each individual to believe or disbelieve. I hope whatever that is, it gives you peace and a desire to live a better life to include respect for all of Creation and the creatures in it.

In other words, have a good life.

What do you believe? Without flaming please.

I went thru confirmation in the episcopal church when I was 12 years old. Growing up I always accepted the existence of god. However in college (major in Engineering) I began to question, overtime I became agnostic, concluding the existence of god can neither be proved nor disproved.

I have always been restropective and curious, so I naturally didn’t stop examining the “theory” of god or a supreme being. Years later I had a significant breakthrough in reasoning that suited me very well.

As the OP described, since man has existed as a thinking, loving, rational, self aware species, all cultures have held the belief of a supreme entity. I conclude, at least for now, that the fact that all human cultures have felt the existence of something beyond themselves means there must be something beyond human beings. If the sun did not emit light, but only warmth, we would not know there is a sun, but we would known there is a source of the warmth.
Science uses the word - proof, Religion - Faith. The existence or absence of God is unprovable. In God one can only believe or not believe, but the concept of "believing" for science is unacceptable, therefore, the question of God can not be solved by scientific methods
We have no scientific proof whatsoever that a deity exists. Or angels or demons.

Yet, from time immemorial, humans have displayed a belief in such beings. Everywhere human beings tread the sod, they have some form of belief. Some, like Christians, Jews, and Muslims are Monotheists who believe in one Supreme Being. And even among Christians, there is a belief in two other Gods, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. Many others, especially older societies are Polytheists who believe in many Gods. There is one thing in common with all of them. One God is superior to all the others. And those with multiple gods, each has an area of concern and many of them have faults similar to humans. But, almost all of them are humorless.

That's why I thoroughly enjoy the myths and beliefs of American Indians. The vast majority of them have deities who make jokes or even fall on their faces. Brother Coyote who continually gets in trouble but always gets out of it and never dies. And there is brave Brother Rabbit who fears nothing and always fights for the others. And, far before the arrival of Europeans had tales of a great flood and coming from The Land of Ice. And many have stories of the creation of the lands where they live.

So, what causes this? Why do humans need to turn to mythical beings outside of their physical realm who somehow are responsible for all their ills? Or miracles?

Could it be that such beings truly exist?

I'm an avid fan of science fiction having started reading it about the time I entered kindergarten. One of the thesis I remember was our solar system or universe being but one atom of a large molecule in another existence. Another was about highly advanced civilizations existing in which beings terraformed our planet and guided the creation of everything upon it, watching over it to view the course of their creation.

Could these beings be the Gods we have come to believe in?

And, what about the belief in Karma and the Resurrection? Why do so many believe in an existence beyond our current existence?

Another theme that has always interested me is that we were created like some insects that go through changes; a pupa changing into a chrysalis into a beautiful butterfly. Are we simply in the pupa stage? And how we act on this plane of existence determines whether we become a butterfly - or a moth?

So, are gods and angels and demons simply beings who have progressed beyond our plane of existence to a higher one? Or, could we be a breeding ground for advanced civilizations that no longer recreate physically?

Or a whole lot of other things?

And finally, there are those who believe in none of the above and are ready to support their beliefs by any means - to include denying all beliefs but their own. Atheists and agnostics who want to removal or destruction of all mythical beliefs. Why are they so virulent in their disbelief?

Okay, so what are my personal beliefs? First, I do not believe that man-made beliefs and structures are the final say in our existence and possible future. I think everyone has a right to believe what they wish without the interference of others or that their belief does not require them to belittle or even destroy anyone who does not agree with them. If sitting in a special building to listen to someone explain what you should believe is what turns you on - good for you. Go for it. The few times in my life when I felt close to something above and beyond myself were in the midst of places of such calm and beauty that my spirit felt beyond my existence. Muir Woods. Overlooking a spot on the rugged California Coast. A few others I'm not going to dig too deep for.

So, back to my original question. Is there a God? Or Gods?

To me, that's up to each individual to believe or disbelieve. I hope whatever that is, it gives you peace and a desire to live a better life to include respect for all of Creation and the creatures in it.

In other words, have a good life.

What do you believe? Without flaming please.

I went thru confirmation in the episcopal church when I was 12 years old. Growing up I always accepted the existence of god. However in college (major in Engineering) I began to question, overtime I became agnostic, concluding the existence of god can neither be proved nor disproved.

I have always been restropective and curious, so I naturally didn’t stop examining the “theory” of god or a supreme being. Years later I had a significant breakthrough in reasoning that suited me very well.

As the OP described, since man has existed as a thinking, loving, rational, self aware species, all cultures have held the belief of a supreme entity. I conclude, at least for now, that the fact that all human cultures have felt the existence of something beyond themselves means there must be something beyond human beings. If the sun did not emit light, but only warmth, we would not know there is a sun, but we would known there is a source of the warmth.
I had a similar path.
Yes, I believe in God. Experience childbirth, then tell me miracles do not happen. Give thanks and pray for safety and wisdom. You know how awesome God is? He loved me before I loved Him.

Yet he is willing to let you suffer for eternity if he doesn't bother to make himself known to you.
We are never to think of God's power in terms of what he could conceivably do by the exercise of what we may call sheer omnipotence which crushes all obstacles in its path. We are always to think of God's power in terms of his purpose. If what he did by sheer omnipotence defeated his purpose, then, however startling and impressive, it would be an expression of weakness, not of power. Indeed, a good definition of power is "ability to achieve purpose. Does it fulfill its purpose?

God's power is not put forward to get certain things done, but to get them done in a certain way, and with certain results in the lives of those who do them. Action which defeats purpose is weakness. Power is the ability to fulfill purpose. No one knows what it cost God to refrain from intervention.

“Religion’s Answer to the Problem of Evil”

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