Is the white race being exterminated, and what should be done about it?

Is the white race being exterminated, and what should be done about it?

  • Yes. We need to make interracial breeding between whites and non-whites illegal.

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Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
A. Yes. We need to exterminate non-white races.

B. Yes. We need to make interracial breeding between whites and non-whites illegal.

C. Yes. We need to round up all non-whites and send them back to third world countries.

D. Yes. Whites need to start fucking like rabbits to repopulate.

E. No. There is no problem and anyone that says otherwise is a loony bigot.
I'm surprised this didn't get more responses. I guess it's because you can see the names.
I'm surprised this didn't get more responses. I guess it's because you can see the names.

I made it that way because we all know the usual suspects that will vote for A thru D. The rest of the sane, rational people will vote E.
Numbers tell the real story: in about 1950, whites were nearly 90 percent of the American population. The only other group was blacks, and Indians/Native Americans in almost insignificant percentages.

Today, whites are about 2/3 of the population.

By 2042, the Census says we will be a minority.

We are already a minority in four states and D.C., a situation that only arose as of the 1990's.

Our percentage of the world population has dropped similarly. I think we are now down to about 8 percent from a high of about 40 percent.

Whatever else you think, there is no getting around the fact that being in the minority is not as good as being in the majority. Just ask blacks.


We are dying as a race.

Nothing could be more indicative of this than the fact that the overwhelming majority of whites either don't care or hysterically deny that this is happening. A person who's diagnosed with cancer -- but who has a will to live -- says, "OK, how can I beat this thing?" A person without a will to live shrugs his shoulders and lets the cancer take him.

Some of this is deliberate. Other ethnic and racial groups naturally would like to see their former oppressor killed off.

Some of this is self-inflicted. Whites today have zero to two kids, where their parents had three, and their grandparents had five. They don't get married, don't have babies, claim homosexuality or mental illness, and just die barren.

If this keeps up, we will exit this stage, permanently.

To me, being concerned about this is as natural as being concerned about your own life. "Who cares?" is a frequent challenge I get. Yet nobody would ever say "who cares?" to the question of whether YOU live or die. Why is it so different for your entire people?

I say we should live.

I say we should rise up and FIGHT to live.

Because nobody is going to give it to us.

Nobody is going to feel sorry for us.

If we are to survive as a people, we are going to have to get moving. Fucking like rabbits is certainly one of those movements. Getting married and staying married is another. Ignoring the Money-is-God religion is another. Valuing family, valuing race, valuing heritage --- it's all a cohesive whole. Recognize the pure poison that constitutes so much of the popular culture. Squeeze it from your pores. Fuck the materialism. Fuck the celebrity culture. Fuck Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Nancy Pelosi and Keith Olberman. All these people are clowns.

Look for wiser voices.

What's happening to my race? It's the question that drives my existence.

I believe I'm being driven by the right question.

Liberal v. conservative, yawn.

God v. No God, whatever.

Life vs. Death for Whites, you got my attention.

Can I get yours?
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Numbers tell the real story: in about 1950, whites were nearly 90 percent of the American population. The only other group was blacks, and Indians/Native Americans in almost insignificant percentages.

Today, whites are about 2/3 of the population.

By 2042, the Census says we will be a minority.

We are already a minority in four states and D.C., a situation that only arose as of the 1990's.

Our percentage of the world population has dropped similarly. I think we are now down to about 8 percent from a high of about 40 percent.

Whatever else you think, there is no getting around the fact that being in the minority is not as good as being in the majority. Just ask blacks.

But what are you going to do about it.

Whatever else you think, there is no getting around the fact that getting older is not as good as getting younger. Just ask old people.

But there is nothing that can be done about it.
But what are you going to do about it.

Advocate for whites.

Write to persuade folks that we do have a right to exist.

Network with like-minded whites to see what else we can do.

Work to change laws and policies that hurt whites, like open immigration and affirmative action.

I'm a lawyer. Right now, there's a case being decided by the Supreme Court involving white firefighters in New Haven, Connecticut who were denied promotions. I would like to work on cases like that. So, I am doing things in my life and career to position myself for that.
What's happening to my race? It's the question that drives my existence...Life vs. Death for Whites, you got my attention.

Can I get yours?

Sorry. It's not something that I give even an ounce of damn about.

If the white race slowly becomes the minority worldwide, it will become so well after I am dead.

If 100 years from now, or 200 years from now, all whites are in cages and are slaves...well that fuckin' sucks. Clearly the collective intelligence of the human race was not wise enough to learn from mistakes.

I will leave all of this for you to dwell on, and fester on, and go to your grave in angst that all the white people are going to die.

Personally, I don't care.
Who would want to live in a world without white people anyways.
What's happening to my race? It's the question that drives my existence...Life vs. Death for Whites, you got my attention.

Can I get yours?

Sorry. It's not something that I give even an ounce of damn about.

If the white race slowly becomes the minority worldwide, it will become so well after I am dead.

If 100 years from now, or 200 years from now, all whites are in cages and are slaves...well that fuckin' sucks. Clearly the collective intelligence of the human race was not wise enough to learn from mistakes.

I will leave all of this for you to dwell on, and fester on, and go to your grave in angst that all the white people are going to die.

Personally, I don't care.
White people are only about 6-7% of the worlds population, and your still alive.
There's no such thing as the "White" race. There are only various nations whose members typically have pale skin-- but I can safely say that those nations are, for the most part, being inundated with unassimilated immigrants from nations with darker skin, and those immigrants for their part have no interest in the cultural heritage of the nations they are invading.

So, can I vote C, D and E?

Since my nation is, both today and historically, made up of people with a wide variety of skintones, I don't have much interest in getting rid of people with darker skintones. But I do have a very strong interest in getting rid of unassimilated immigrants and people who do not share the cultural values of my people-- and I believe those who remain really should start reproducing like rabbits in order to keep their own numbers up.
The world will not be dominated by the middle of the 21st century by Europeans and European decendents.

We had a good run though, didn't we?

But the social/economic and technical advantages we had which gave us the hammer are now permeating the rest of the world.

Oh ...and the fact that we are no longer breeding fast enough to replace ourselves?

Well that doesn't help either, does it?

Now ask yourselves WHY White people are having less children?

If I proposed that the reason we are not breeding like our grandfathers is because of the myth of the individual and the personal greed that myth rationalizes would any of you understand what I was talking about?

I think few of you would.

I think we have been so steeped in that BIG LIE, that anyone who questions it is immediately assumed to be a communist or a socialist or something.

Our race has been taught that GREED is GOOD.

And bear with me here...

What is more expensive to our personal fulfillment than having children?

They cost a fortune, they interfer with our careers, they demand our time and a personal committment to something OTHER than ourseves.

So the less children one has, the more time and money one can spend on oneself.

The seeds of the destruction of the WHITE CULTURE, were, ironically, exactly the same philosophies which made the WHITE CULTURE dominate the rest of the world for roughtly the last 500 years.

The myth of the individual ALSO made our society more flexible, more productive, more creative AND more aggressive than other cultures.

But those days are done. Those philosophies, when brought to their final chapter make us TOO SELFISH to think in terms of our communities or our nations, or our race, either.

People who imagine that they are SELF MADE MEN do NOT go out of their way for the group.

They consider people who do dangerous collectivists.

But without some sense of COLLECTIVITY, no society can thrive.


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