Is the US headed for 30 year 'mega-drought'

The individuals who made this crap up have not one indication of the ADO, PDO, PDWCR, ENSO cycles which DO cause things like this. Attributing this type of event to AGW is bull shit of the highest order. Their cult has lost the scientific battle now they throw shit at the wall hoping to scare others into acting against their own best self interests and giving up their freedoms for the lie.
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US scientists claim the chance of experiencing a 'mega-drought' - one that lasts more than 30 years - range from 20 to 50 percent in the American southwest, due to global warming.

Risk of 30 year mega-drought in southwest US has implications for Australia too - Bush Telegraph - ABC Radio National Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Gee don't thirty year mega droughts occur regularly, like, duh, every thirty years.

Survived the last two, will survive this one too.

Google "maps" and "drought". Ive posted many.....too tired to bother. Drought comes and goes. Always has......always will.

Who buys this shit? The same idiots who see late night cable advertisements for some stoopid new fangled product tailored for gullible assholes........they perk right up and call in to grab the Turbonator and fake TV's.....happy now.:2up:

Google "maps" and "drought". Ive posted many.....too tired to bother. Drought comes and goes. Always has......always will.
They'll curse the rain and claim a mega-flood is going to wipe out humanity as soon as the drought ends.

It's just hilarious.
Let me put it this way...


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30 years is a mega drought now? What does that make the ones that lasted for hundreds of years in the past?....Sooper Dooper Maxi Mega Droughts?
Why sure, Billy Boob. Nothing at all to back the claims. Just almost all of the scientists in the whole world. All the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and every major University in the world have policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

And what do you mewling skeptics have? Obese junkies on the radio, a undegreed ex-TV weatherman, and a fake British Lord. And those are your most qualified.
Why sure, Billy Boob. Nothing at all to back the claims. Just almost all of the scientists in the whole world. All the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and every major University in the world have policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

And what do you mewling skeptics have? Obese junkies on the radio, a undegreed ex-TV weatherman, and a fake British Lord. And those are your most qualified.
so old scrocks, when a person is on a trial, is that person convicted if 11 out of 12 say guilty?
US scientists claim the chance of experiencing a 'mega-drought' - one that lasts more than 30 years - range from 20 to 50 percent in the American southwest, due to global warming.

Risk of 30 year mega-drought in southwest US has implications for Australia too - Bush Telegraph - ABC Radio National Australian Broadcasting Corporation

This report from NOAA says that it isn't true.
The American Southwest has gotten more rain.
Climate Prediction Center - Expert Assessments United States Seasonal Drought Outlook Discussion

An active East Pacific hurricane season and a robust monsoon resulted in 90-day precipitation surpluses across most of Arizona, New Mexico, and southeast Colorado. According to the USDM since July 1, the coverage of severe to exceptional drought decreased from 76 to 38 percent in Arizona and 86 to 30 percent in New Mexico. Drought removal or improvement is forecast to continue across Arizona, New Mexico, and southeast Colorado due to enhanced odds for above-median precipitation forecast during NDJ. Forecast confidence for Arizona, New Mexico, and southeast Colorado is moderate.
Why sure, Billy Boob. Nothing at all to back the claims. Just almost all of the scientists in the whole world. All the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and every major University in the world have policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

And what do you mewling skeptics have? Obese junkies on the radio, a undegreed ex-TV weatherman, and a fake British Lord. And those are your most qualified.
Ok. So you have a logical fallacy. better than nothing..
He has the support of damn near every expert on the planet who are basing their conclusions on thousands of peer reviewed studies working with mountains of evidence. That's what he's got

You, you haven't got shit.

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