Is the US above the law ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
John Bolton to castigate ICC in Washington speech

The US national security adviser, John Bolton, will adopt an aggressive posture against the international criminal court (ICC), threatening sanctions against its judges if they proceed with an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Americans in Afghanistan.

Bolton is to make the announcement to the Federalist Society, a conservative group, in Washington on Monday. It will be his first major address since joining Donald’s Trump White House.

“The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,” Bolton will say, according to a draft of his speech.

I dont think it is appropriate that only one side is brought to justice. Does the US have a process for dealing with its soldiers who commit atrocities ?
Law is a human concept and, thus, relative. Laws are made for those who can be made to conform. Who can force the U.S. to abide to anything it decides not to?
Law is a human concept and, thus, relative. Laws are made for those who can be made to conform. Who can force the U.S. to abide to anything it decides not to?
Impossible. The US does not have to conform to any civilised code.
But there must be internal controls to ensure appropriate behaviour ?
Obama committed War Crimes - he dragged the US into a 2nd Un-Constitutional Un-Authorized war by INVADING SYRIA.

Syria, in the middle of a civil war, never asked Obama for help and never gave him permission to send troops into his country. The Nobel Peace Prize Winner violated the Constitution - Specifically the War Powers A t - by by-passing Congress to send Troops into Syria, thus starting another war.

US troops are still there.

Ironic - Barry's anti-Colonialist father hated the US and wanted to see the US eliminated as a world power and world influence because of how the United States did EXACTLY what Barry did - invade another country with our provocation and occupy it

Barry wanted so much to be like his father that he changed his name; yet, by invading Syria Barry did what his father hated and opposed.

Way to go, Barry. You proved unworthy of a Nobel Peace Prize, violated the Constitution, committed a War Crime, and disappointed your father....all in one move.
John Bolton to castigate ICC in Washington speech

The US national security adviser, John Bolton, will adopt an aggressive posture against the international criminal court (ICC), threatening sanctions against its judges if they proceed with an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Americans in Afghanistan.

Bolton is to make the announcement to the Federalist Society, a conservative group, in Washington on Monday. It will be his first major address since joining Donald’s Trump White House.

“The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,” Bolton will say, according to a draft of his speech.

I dont think it is appropriate that only one side is brought to justice. Does the US have a process for dealing with its soldiers who commit atrocities ?

I read this article first thing this morning; frankly it makes me even prouder to be an American. We must not allow our own rule of law, Bill of Rights and Constitution and Military Justice System to be subject to the adjudication of international courts and laws. Never gonna happen sunshine; The birth and survival of the United States of America set many unique historical precedents in individual freedom, rule by and citizen equalization by law, all of which stood then as never before witnessed in history in defiance of Old World tyranny in the form of Monarchic Hegemony, the ancient European Feudal system, and the eternally born above the law European Nobility, and continue to stand now against external manipulation by their modern day equivalencies across the Atlantic.

While I realize this above the law in tone policy troubles you, Tommy, and can imagine why that is, America is a global lodestone of shining freedom, and the keystone in the arch of global civilization. She must not allow her policies to be judged, dictated or constrained from abroad, if she is to remain such a beacon for the rest of the world. If our American military justice system determines sufficient evidence of war crime, then under the UCMJ our courts and our courts alone must be the only authorities we allow to deliver justice in such cases.

Frankly, the thought of existing as a free man subject to the laws of other nations' cultures in a league of nations such as the EU, is quite disturbing to me.
USA only abides by USA made Law if they have any brains Tommy .
John Bolton to castigate ICC in Washington speech

The US national security adviser, John Bolton, will adopt an aggressive posture against the international criminal court (ICC), threatening sanctions against its judges if they proceed with an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Americans in Afghanistan.

Bolton is to make the announcement to the Federalist Society, a conservative group, in Washington on Monday. It will be his first major address since joining Donald’s Trump White House.

“The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,” Bolton will say, according to a draft of his speech.

I dont think it is appropriate that only one side is brought to justice. Does the US have a process for dealing with its soldiers who commit atrocities ?

yes----the US is neither Islamic nor Baathist or Nazi-----US military
officers and personnel who commit atrocities are subject to court-martial.
As to "sanctions" THEY ARE LEGAL You made no point
Is the US above the law ?

Yes, we certainly have the history that demonstrates that we believe we are.

The March, 2003 G. W. Bush Iraq War is likely the perfect example but there are other examples.
John Bolton to castigate ICC in Washington speech

The US national security adviser, John Bolton, will adopt an aggressive posture against the international criminal court (ICC), threatening sanctions against its judges if they proceed with an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Americans in Afghanistan.

Bolton is to make the announcement to the Federalist Society, a conservative group, in Washington on Monday. It will be his first major address since joining Donald’s Trump White House.

“The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,” Bolton will say, according to a draft of his speech.

I dont think it is appropriate that only one side is brought to justice. Does the US have a process for dealing with its soldiers who commit atrocities ?
It's called the UCMJ.
Is the US above the law ?

Yes, we certainly have the history that demonstrates that we believe we are.

The March, 2003 G. W. Bush Iraq War is likely the perfect example but there are other examples.

nothing unlawful about the attempt to quell the filth of Saddam and company. He should have caught a bullet to the head in the mid 1960s. He was a mass murderer
Law is a human concept and, thus, relative. Laws are made for those who can be made to conform. Who can force the U.S. to abide to anything it decides not to?
Impossible. The US does not have to conform to any civilised code.
But there must be internal controls to ensure appropriate behaviour ?

yes----and there are for the UNITES STATES ------sadly lacking under the filth of baathism, Arabism, and Aryan nationalism (both german and Iranian) -----not all that functional in other totalitarian sewers like
maoist china and ----japan----now and then and Korea----most of the time
John Bolton to castigate ICC in Washington speech

The US national security adviser, John Bolton, will adopt an aggressive posture against the international criminal court (ICC), threatening sanctions against its judges if they proceed with an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Americans in Afghanistan.

Bolton is to make the announcement to the Federalist Society, a conservative group, in Washington on Monday. It will be his first major address since joining Donald’s Trump White House.

“The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,” Bolton will say, according to a draft of his speech.

I dont think it is appropriate that only one side is brought to justice. Does the US have a process for dealing with its soldiers who commit atrocities ?
Is the US above the law ?

Yes, we certainly have the history that demonstrates that we believe we are.

The March, 2003 G. W. Bush Iraq War is likely the perfect example but there are other examples.
I think that this is a good example.
My Lai Massacre - Wikipedia
500 civilian casualties and just one conviction.
-------------------------------------- looks like only ONE could be PROVED to have done anything wrong Tommy . [ i didn't look at link]
Is the US above the law ?

Yes, we certainly have the history that demonstrates that we believe we are.

The March, 2003 G. W. Bush Iraq War is likely the perfect example but there are other examples.
I think that this is a good example.
My Lai Massacre - Wikipedia
500 civilian casualties and just one conviction.
-------------------------------------- looks like only ONE could be PROVED to have done anything wrong Tommy . [ i didn't look at link]
Well they reduced his sentence when the show had moved on. The US endorsed the massacre.
John Bolton to castigate ICC in Washington speech

The US national security adviser, John Bolton, will adopt an aggressive posture against the international criminal court (ICC), threatening sanctions against its judges if they proceed with an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Americans in Afghanistan.

Bolton is to make the announcement to the Federalist Society, a conservative group, in Washington on Monday. It will be his first major address since joining Donald’s Trump White House.

“The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,” Bolton will say, according to a draft of his speech.

I dont think it is appropriate that only one side is brought to justice. Does the US have a process for dealing with its soldiers who commit atrocities ?
The ICC does what we tell them to do or else........ Not quite but yeah that's our attitude. When The ICC decides to use our system of law to judge us and ours (on US territory) then we'll take them seriously until then we have the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) to deal criminal acts our soldiers may commit.
Having said that how many British soldiers (American and Soviet for that matter) were brought to trial for atrocities committed during WWII........? Based on today's European standards half of all the allied armies in WWII should be sitting in jail.......
John Bolton to castigate ICC in Washington speech

The US national security adviser, John Bolton, will adopt an aggressive posture against the international criminal court (ICC), threatening sanctions against its judges if they proceed with an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Americans in Afghanistan.

Bolton is to make the announcement to the Federalist Society, a conservative group, in Washington on Monday. It will be his first major address since joining Donald’s Trump White House.

“The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,” Bolton will say, according to a draft of his speech.

I dont think it is appropriate that only one side is brought to justice. Does the US have a process for dealing with its soldiers who commit atrocities ?

I read this article first thing this morning; frankly it makes me even prouder to be an American. We must not allow our own rule of law, Bill of Rights and Constitution and Military Justice System to be subject to the adjudication of international courts and laws. Never gonna happen sunshine; The birth and survival of the United States of America set many unique historical precedents in individual freedom, rule by and citizen equalization by law, all of which stood then as never before witnessed in history in defiance of Old World tyranny in the form of Monarchic Hegemony, the ancient European Feudal system, and the eternally born above the law European Nobility, and continue to stand now against external manipulation by their modern day equivalencies across the Atlantic.

While I realize this above the law in tone policy troubles you, Tommy, and can imagine why that is, America is a global lodestone of shining freedom, and the keystone in the arch of global civilization. She must not allow her policies to be judged, dictated or constrained from abroad, if she is to remain such a beacon for the rest of the world. If our American military justice system determines sufficient evidence of war crime, then under the UCMJ our courts and our courts alone must be the only authorities we allow to deliver justice in such cases.

Frankly, the thought of existing as a free man subject to the laws of other nations' cultures in a league of nations such as the EU, is quite disturbing to me.
A load of bs, rife with contradiction. A justification of moral degradation.

The US shows its ass to the world and proves without a doubt that the shining city on the hill is in need of a good cleaning.
John Bolton to castigate ICC in Washington speech

The US national security adviser, John Bolton, will adopt an aggressive posture against the international criminal court (ICC), threatening sanctions against its judges if they proceed with an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Americans in Afghanistan.

Bolton is to make the announcement to the Federalist Society, a conservative group, in Washington on Monday. It will be his first major address since joining Donald’s Trump White House.

“The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,” Bolton will say, according to a draft of his speech.

I dont think it is appropriate that only one side is brought to justice. Does the US have a process for dealing with its soldiers who commit atrocities ?
The ICC does what we tell them to do or else........ Not quite but yeah that's our attitude. When The ICC decides to use our system of law to judge us and ours (on US territory) then we'll take them seriously until then we have the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) to deal criminal acts our soldiers may commit.
Having said that how many British soldiers (American and Soviet for that matter) were brought to trial for atrocities committed during WWII........? Based on today's European standards half of all the allied armies in WWII should be sitting in jail.......
The winners never seem to be held to account. Having said that the Bloody Sunday enquiry is a step forward.
John Bolton to castigate ICC in Washington speech

The US national security adviser, John Bolton, will adopt an aggressive posture against the international criminal court (ICC), threatening sanctions against its judges if they proceed with an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Americans in Afghanistan.

Bolton is to make the announcement to the Federalist Society, a conservative group, in Washington on Monday. It will be his first major address since joining Donald’s Trump White House.

“The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,” Bolton will say, according to a draft of his speech.

I dont think it is appropriate that only one side is brought to justice. Does the US have a process for dealing with its soldiers who commit atrocities ?
The ICC does what we tell them to do or else........ Not quite but yeah that's our attitude. When The ICC decides to use our system of law to judge us and ours (on US territory) then we'll take them seriously until then we have the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) to deal criminal acts our soldiers may commit.
Having said that how many British soldiers (American and Soviet for that matter) were brought to trial for atrocities committed during WWII........? Based on today's European standards half of all the allied armies in WWII should be sitting in jail.......
The winners never seem to be held to account. Having said that the Bloody Sunday enquiry is a step forward.
Guess what, life's inherently unfair...... Get over it.......
Is the US above the law ?

Yes, we certainly have the history that demonstrates that we believe we are.

The March, 2003 G. W. Bush Iraq War is likely the perfect example but there are other examples.
I think that this is a good example.
My Lai Massacre - Wikipedia
500 civilian casualties and just one conviction.
-------------------------------------- looks like only ONE could be PROVED to have done anything wrong Tommy . [ i didn't look at link]
Well they reduced his sentence when the show had moved on. The US endorsed the massacre.
------------------------------ like i said , with 'mai lai' it looks like only one guy was PROVED to have done anything wrong , i guess Tommy .

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