Is the Republican Party in disarray?

We're seeing a hidden harm to the GOP created by Citizens United. The ruling allows the fabulously wealthy to put anti-government ideologues into office.

But anti-government ideologues have one huge weakness: since they don't believe in governance, they don't ever learn how to do it.

Thus, these ideologues are essentially governing incompetents. They don't understand how politics works, their policies are unrealistic pipe dreams, and they end up alienating those whom they work with.

The results? An IQ drop in terms of GOP effectiveness. With disarray as frosting on the fail cake.
Citizens United would not be a problem if so much power was not concentrated at the federal level.

The Left's constant demands to concentrate more and more power at the top just makes it all that much easier for special interests to capture it.

The more power you put in one place, the easier you make it to capture.

Why the retards have never figured this out is beyond me.

Some day in the not too distant future, the Left is going to be crying about the capture of ObamaCare by special interests. The retards will be angry, but it will never occur to them it is their own fault. They handed the power over our lives and our health on a silver platter.

The problem I have with the GOP's approach is that much of the 'power' they want to 'decentralized' are constitutional protections. They want the federal judiciary out of the constitutional guarantees game, with the issue sent exclusively to the State.

Where the States will strip citizens of their constitutional rights (at least those conservatives believe the people shouldn't be allowed to have) with these former rights turned into crimes.

The only time that conservatives prioritize the rights of the individual over the power of the with guns. In virtually every other context, they believe in the States' supremacy over the individual and their constitutional rights.

And many conservatives resent the federal judiciary preventing them from enacting that State dominance over constitutional rights.
The modern GOP is just as much in love with big federal government as the Left is. No doubt about it.

The creation of the Department of Fatherland Homeland Security and the Patriot Act should have removed all doubt from anyone's minds about that.

Oh, the GOP loves government *power*. What they seem to oppose most federal recognition of individual rights.

Unless its gun rights. Those they support. In pretty much every other regard, conservatives argue that the States should be able to strip citizens of rights if they believe they should.

Even their call for 'local control' is horseshit. As at the state level these same conservatives will advocate stripping cities and counties of the authority to regulate their own affairs.

Fracking, state education standards, gun laws, etc.

It seems to me that Republicans believe in very authoriatian government. With that authority wielded at the State level and with very few restrictions.

left-wingnuts have banned even CAKE SALES, large bottles of soda, guns(of course) are made MUCH HARDER TO PURCHASE............................ETC and a thousand other items. to see an idiot ranting about what the Right would or tries to ban is simply laughable

please stop making a fool of yourself

Where as democrats want to strip people of reproductive choice, strip them of clean water and air protections, criminalize consensual and private sexual behavior between adults, make voting more difficult for those that oppose them, and even determine what races can marry who.

But your concern is.....cake?

Citizens United would not be a problem if so much power was not concentrated at the federal level.

The Left's constant demands to concentrate more and more power at the top just makes it all that much easier for special interests to capture it.

The more power you put in one place, the easier you make it to capture.

Why the retards have never figured this out is beyond me.

Some day in the not too distant future, the Left is going to be crying about the capture of ObamaCare by special interests. The retards will be angry, but it will never occur to them it is their own fault. They handed the power over our lives and our health on a silver platter.

The problem I have with the GOP's approach is that much of the 'power' they want to 'decentralized' are constitutional protections. They want the federal judiciary out of the constitutional guarantees game, with the issue sent exclusively to the State.

Where the States will strip citizens of their constitutional rights (at least those conservatives believe the people shouldn't be allowed to have) with these former rights turned into crimes.

The only time that conservatives prioritize the rights of the individual over the power of the with guns. In virtually every other context, they believe in the States' supremacy over the individual and their constitutional rights.

And many conservatives resent the federal judiciary preventing them from enacting that State dominance over constitutional rights.
The modern GOP is just as much in love with big federal government as the Left is. No doubt about it.

The creation of the Department of Fatherland Homeland Security and the Patriot Act should have removed all doubt from anyone's minds about that.

Oh, the GOP loves government *power*. What they seem to oppose most federal recognition of individual rights.

Unless its gun rights. Those they support. In pretty much every other regard, conservatives argue that the States should be able to strip citizens of rights if they believe they should.

Even their call for 'local control' is horseshit. As at the state level these same conservatives will advocate stripping cities and counties of the authority to regulate their own affairs.

Fracking, state education standards, gun laws, etc.

It seems to me that Republicans believe in very authoriatian government. With that authority wielded at the State level and with very few restrictions.

left-wingnuts have banned even CAKE SALES, large bottles of soda, guns(of course) are made MUCH HARDER TO PURCHASE............................ETC and a thousand other items. to see an idiot ranting about what the Right would or tries to ban is simply laughable

please stop making a fool of yourself

Where as democrats want to strip people of reproductive choice, strip them of clean water and air protections, criminalize consensual and private sexual behavior between adults, make voting more difficult for those that oppose them, and even determine what races can marry who.

But your concern is.....cake?

Say hello to the Teapub Base

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left-wingnuts have banned even CAKE SALES, large bottles of soda, guns(of course) are made MUCH HARDER TO PURCHASE............................ETC and a thousand other items. to see an idiot ranting about what the Right would or tries to ban is simply laughable

please stop making a fool of yourself
The op must not have heard Trump's announcement speech

Trump kicked off on the issue of trade, jbs and the illegal immigration issue.

Trump set the barn on fire--and he is still tossing gasoline on that flame.
I really am trying to be objective with this.

The highest polling repub candidate for 2016 is a dumbass who, only like two weeks ago, even came up with real policy ideas to pitch to the American people. Regardless, prior to two weeks ago, this Neanderthal was maintaining broad support among republicans simply because he was a drama queen who likes to ruffle feathers for the sake of attention. Unfortunately for the republcans, Americans in a general election want a candidate who knows what the fuck he is talking about that has real policy ideas. I'll admit that I am surprised Trump has lasted this long in first place, but that only demonstrates how stupid republicans really are. They are dumber than I actually thought. However what's interesting about Trump is that he has embraced certain progressive issues like him and his class not paying enough in taxes. Can you imagine what the big time donors like the Koch Brothers are doing right now? They are shitting their pants over this guy. They've come to realize that they can't buy this election like they were hoping they could. They are completely wasting the near billion dollars they spent on it. Right now the guy who is leading republicans is not supported by egregious super pacs. He funds his own race. Think about this. Trump, who is a billionaire, is saying the rich do not pay their fair share of taxes. He is basically handing the democrats a victory with this kind of politics. People more and more are becoming fed up with how republcans coddle the rich. Establishment repubs are sure as hell never going to openly agree with this guy. If Trump makes it to the nomination, he will lose in a landslide. Why? Because he is an idiot that knows nothing about government administration or critical issues like foreign policy. Democrats would win regardless who ends up being the nominee. Any other GOP candidate will do nothing to embrace the issue of ridiculous income disparity between the poor and wealthy. People will inevitably turn to Bernie or Hillary (hopefully the former).

The second issue to bring up is the crisis the House is having in replacing Boehner. This party has become so fractured that they can't even unify on voting in a new leader. I can't wait to see how this turns out. I hope the party implodes. I hope the American people will wake the fuck up and realize that republicans ONLY care about protecting the interests of the 1%.

the candidacy in question indicates, per usual the contempt of the rabid right for our government. they have no interest in governing because they hate the government. they are drawn only to those candidates who express their derision... hence them supporting the braindead psycho palin.

trump, while not braindead by any means, expresses their hatred and bigotry.

they care about nothing else.
I'm trying to understand your point....
You seem to be rambling a bit...

try reading with comprehension.

your disagreement does not mean he is rambling.

But the op is rambling a bit.

Yes, he makes an interesting point about some of Trumps stances, but he is all over the place when concerning Trump.

His first Paragraph is really three
I really am trying to be objective with this.

The highest polling repub candidate for 2016 is a dumbass who, only like two weeks ago, even came up with real policy ideas to pitch to the American people. Regardless, prior to two weeks ago, this Neanderthal was maintaining broad support among republicans simply because he was a drama queen who likes to ruffle feathers for the sake of attention. Unfortunately for the republcans, Americans in a general election want a candidate who knows what the fuck he is talking about that has real policy ideas. I'll admit that I am surprised Trump has lasted this long in first place, but that only demonstrates how stupid republicans really are. They are dumber than I actually thought. However what's interesting about Trump is that he has embraced certain progressive issues like him and his class not paying enough in taxes. Can you imagine what the big time donors like the Koch Brothers are doing right now? They are shitting their pants over this guy. They've come to realize that they can't buy this election like they were hoping they could. They are completely wasting the near billion dollars they spent on it. Right now the guy who is leading republicans is not supported by egregious super pacs. He funds his own race. Think about this. Trump, who is a billionaire, is saying the rich do not pay their fair share of taxes. He is basically handing the democrats a victory with this kind of politics. People more and more are becoming fed up with how republcans coddle the rich. Establishment repubs are sure as hell never going to openly agree with this guy. If Trump makes it to the nomination, he will lose in a landslide. Why? Because he is an idiot that knows nothing about government administration or critical issues like foreign policy. Democrats would win regardless who ends up being the nominee. Any other GOP candidate will do nothing to embrace the issue of ridiculous income disparity between the poor and wealthy. People will inevitably turn to Bernie or Hillary (hopefully the former).

The second issue to bring up is the crisis the House is having in replacing Boehner. This party has become so fractured that they can't even unify on voting in a new leader. I can't wait to see how this turns out. I hope the party implodes. I hope the American people will wake the fuck up and realize that republicans ONLY care about protecting the interests of the 1%.

the candidacy in question indicates, per usual the contempt of the rabid right for our government. they have no interest in governing because they hate the government. they are drawn only to those candidates who express their derision... hence them supporting the braindead psycho palin.

trump, while not braindead by any means, expresses their hatred and bigotry.

they care about nothing else.
Spoken by someone who refers to those who think differently than she does as "the rabid right".

She not only lied (and got caught) about being an attorney....she is a hypocrite as well.
I really am trying to be objective with this.

The highest polling repub candidate for 2016 is a dumbass who, only like two weeks ago, even came up with real policy ideas to pitch to the American people. Regardless, prior to two weeks ago, this Neanderthal was maintaining broad support among republicans simply because he was a drama queen who likes to ruffle feathers for the sake of attention. Unfortunately for the republcans, Americans in a general election want a candidate who knows what the fuck he is talking about that has real policy ideas. I'll admit that I am surprised Trump has lasted this long in first place, but that only demonstrates how stupid republicans really are. They are dumber than I actually thought. However what's interesting about Trump is that he has embraced certain progressive issues like him and his class not paying enough in taxes. Can you imagine what the big time donors like the Koch Brothers are doing right now? They are shitting their pants over this guy. They've come to realize that they can't buy this election like they were hoping they could. They are completely wasting the near billion dollars they spent on it. Right now the guy who is leading republicans is not supported by egregious super pacs. He funds his own race. Think about this. Trump, who is a billionaire, is saying the rich do not pay their fair share of taxes. He is basically handing the democrats a victory with this kind of politics. People more and more are becoming fed up with how republcans coddle the rich. Establishment repubs are sure as hell never going to openly agree with this guy. If Trump makes it to the nomination, he will lose in a landslide. Why? Because he is an idiot that knows nothing about government administration or critical issues like foreign policy. Democrats would win regardless who ends up being the nominee. Any other GOP candidate will do nothing to embrace the issue of ridiculous income disparity between the poor and wealthy. People will inevitably turn to Bernie or Hillary (hopefully the former).

The second issue to bring up is the crisis the House is having in replacing Boehner. This party has become so fractured that they can't even unify on voting in a new leader. I can't wait to see how this turns out. I hope the party implodes. I hope the American people will wake the fuck up and realize that republicans ONLY care about protecting the interests of the 1%.
you start off with "I'm trying to be objective about this"....and within 2 sentences, you refer to the man as a dumbass and a Neanderthal.

What are 3?
I really am trying to be objective with this.

The highest polling repub candidate for 2016 is a dumbass who, only like two weeks ago, even came up with real policy ideas to pitch to the American people. Regardless, prior to two weeks ago, this Neanderthal was maintaining broad support among republicans simply because he was a drama queen who likes to ruffle feathers for the sake of attention. Unfortunately for the republcans, Americans in a general election want a candidate who knows what the fuck he is talking about that has real policy ideas. I'll admit that I am surprised Trump has lasted this long in first place, but that only demonstrates how stupid republicans really are. They are dumber than I actually thought. However what's interesting about Trump is that he has embraced certain progressive issues like him and his class not paying enough in taxes. Can you imagine what the big time donors like the Koch Brothers are doing right now? They are shitting their pants over this guy. They've come to realize that they can't buy this election like they were hoping they could. They are completely wasting the near billion dollars they spent on it. Right now the guy who is leading republicans is not supported by egregious super pacs. He funds his own race. Think about this. Trump, who is a billionaire, is saying the rich do not pay their fair share of taxes. He is basically handing the democrats a victory with this kind of politics. People more and more are becoming fed up with how republcans coddle the rich. Establishment repubs are sure as hell never going to openly agree with this guy. If Trump makes it to the nomination, he will lose in a landslide. Why? Because he is an idiot that knows nothing about government administration or critical issues like foreign policy. Democrats would win regardless who ends up being the nominee. Any other GOP candidate will do nothing to embrace the issue of ridiculous income disparity between the poor and wealthy. People will inevitably turn to Bernie or Hillary (hopefully the former).

The second issue to bring up is the crisis the House is having in replacing Boehner. This party has become so fractured that they can't even unify on voting in a new leader. I can't wait to see how this turns out. I hope the party implodes. I hope the American people will wake the fuck up and realize that republicans ONLY care about protecting the interests of the 1%.
you start off with "I'm trying to be objective about this"....and within 2 sentences, you refer to the man as a dumbass and a Neanderthal.

What are 3?
Oh right because you're a beacon of maturity and civility on this forum. Your hypocrisy is laughable.

My point about republicans is objective. What I call Trump is way besides the point. Maybe you should actually try refuting my point.
I really am trying to be objective with this.

The highest polling repub candidate for 2016 is a dumbass who, only like two weeks ago, even came up with real policy ideas to pitch to the American people. Regardless, prior to two weeks ago, this Neanderthal was maintaining broad support among republicans simply because he was a drama queen who likes to ruffle feathers for the sake of attention. Unfortunately for the republcans, Americans in a general election want a candidate who knows what the fuck he is talking about that has real policy ideas. I'll admit that I am surprised Trump has lasted this long in first place, but that only demonstrates how stupid republicans really are. They are dumber than I actually thought. However what's interesting about Trump is that he has embraced certain progressive issues like him and his class not paying enough in taxes. Can you imagine what the big time donors like the Koch Brothers are doing right now? They are shitting their pants over this guy. They've come to realize that they can't buy this election like they were hoping they could. They are completely wasting the near billion dollars they spent on it. Right now the guy who is leading republicans is not supported by egregious super pacs. He funds his own race. Think about this. Trump, who is a billionaire, is saying the rich do not pay their fair share of taxes. He is basically handing the democrats a victory with this kind of politics. People more and more are becoming fed up with how republcans coddle the rich. Establishment repubs are sure as hell never going to openly agree with this guy. If Trump makes it to the nomination, he will lose in a landslide. Why? Because he is an idiot that knows nothing about government administration or critical issues like foreign policy. Democrats would win regardless who ends up being the nominee. Any other GOP candidate will do nothing to embrace the issue of ridiculous income disparity between the poor and wealthy. People will inevitably turn to Bernie or Hillary (hopefully the former).

The second issue to bring up is the crisis the House is having in replacing Boehner. This party has become so fractured that they can't even unify on voting in a new leader. I can't wait to see how this turns out. I hope the party implodes. I hope the American people will wake the fuck up and realize that republicans ONLY care about protecting the interests of the 1%.
you start off with "I'm trying to be objective about this"....and within 2 sentences, you refer to the man as a dumbass and a Neanderthal.

What are 3?
Oh right because you're a beacon of maturity and civility on this forum. Your hypocrisy is laughable.

My point about republicans is objective. What I call Trump is way besides the point. Maybe you should actually try refuting my point.

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments..

Refuting far left religious dogma is pointless as you far left drones never learn..
My 2 cents says the Republican party made its mistake when it pandered to and climbed into bed with the religious right and as those numbers have advanced so has its radicalism. The methodology of religious doctrine does not allow compromise, strives for ideological purity and compels doctrine into law. We have witnessed this transformation in the manner where compromise is automatically rejected, people walk in lockstep, demand ideological compliance and reject things that spoil their worldview like gays, illegal immigrants, even Barack Obama. This concept of this ideological compliance has produced a rigid view of abortion, same sex marriage, climate change, support for Israel and government shutdowns among other things.

Doctrinal purity becomes the governing force, not political pragmatism and this has compelled the party line to come first before responsible governing. The irony of this belief is how it flies in the face of what the Founders of this country laid down and proscribed and how these fundamentalists actually beat their drums in praise of the constitution while rejecting it and demanding that parts of it be rewritten. The saddest part of this change is the complete lack of tolerance which is the basic element necessary to drive and maintain a pluralistic society.
the last witch hunt failed and the soon to be speaker doesn't even want the job. Who would? With the conservative freedom caucus its like herding cats
My 2 cents says the Republican party made its mistake when it pandered to and climbed into bed with the religious right and as those numbers have advanced so has its radicalism. The methodology of religious doctrine does not allow compromise, strives for ideological purity and compels doctrine into law. We have witnessed this transformation in the manner where compromise is automatically rejected, people walk in lockstep, demand ideological compliance and reject things that spoil their worldview like gays, illegal immigrants, even Barack Obama. This concept of this ideological compliance has produced a rigid view of abortion, same sex marriage, climate change, support for Israel and government shutdowns among other things.

Doctrinal purity becomes the governing force, not political pragmatism and this has compelled the party line to come first before responsible governing. The irony of this belief is how it flies in the face of what the Founders of this country laid down and proscribed and how these fundamentalists actually beat their drums in praise of the constitution while rejecting it and demanding that parts of it be rewritten. The saddest part of this change is the complete lack of tolerance which is the basic element necessary to drive and maintain a pluralistic society.
they've painted themselves into a corner.

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