Is the left capable of properly condemning deplorable activities?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
As we all know, George W. Bush was a huge liberal - he expanded government significantly (Department of Homeland Security), he spent like a drunken sailor ($4 billion of deficit spending in 8 years), and he pissed all over the U.S. Constitution (Patriot Act). However, because he had "Republican" behind his name, that's all liberals could see and they attacked relentlessly 24x7. Conversely, because Barack Obama has "Democrat" behind his name, they worship the ground he walks on.

Now we have Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta flat out admitting (in front of Congress) that President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton approved of the illegal operation to moves arms into terrorist hands. If George W. Bush did this, the wing-nuts on the left would be littering message boards with death threats against him. Now, can they show the slightest shred of integrity and condemn their "Dear Leader" when his actions are not only wrong/illegal, but when there is no question of his guilt?

Rand Paul exposes Obama admins gun running
Hillary Clinton was allegedly "shocked" when Sen. Rand Paul asked her about guns the United States government was smuggling to resistance groups fighting against Syria’s President Assad. Paul’s question was nothing new - the New York Times and other outlets had already uncovered it. Panetta even confirmed that Hillary herself approved the operation. Glenn explains why the entire Benghazi fallout is one big act by this administration. WATCH

Rand Paul on Benghazi attacks: ?Is admin. involved with running guns through Turkey to Syria?? ? Glenn Beck

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