Is the GOP blackmailing Trump with his tax returns


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
since they refused to get them. He also said he would release them if he became Potus, so far nothing.

We can bet Mueller has them.
since they refused to get them. He also said he would release them if he became Potus, so far nothing.

We can bet Mueller has them.
I just got off the phone with Trump and he said they were still all locked up in an audit, but that he will release then next Sunday.
since they refused to get them. He also said he would release them if he became Potus, so far nothing.

We can bet Mueller has them.

He might not have them, but I'd be surprised if he does not.

I suspect Mueller is following the money.
In interviews, veteran federal prosecutors and legal scholars said that Mueller, who began his investigation only last week, has clear-cut authority to obtain the president’s tax returns—perhaps the most sensitive and sought-after government documents since the Pentagon Papers—from the IRS if Mueller suspects they might contain evidence of a crime. (Source)
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since they refused to get them. He also said he would release them if he became Potus, so far nothing.

We can bet Mueller has them.

He might not have them, but I'd be surprised if he does not.

I suspect Mueller is following the money.
in interviews, veteran federal prosecutors and legal scholars said that Mueller, who began his investigation only last week, has clear-cut authority to obtain the president’s tax returns—perhaps the most sensitive and sought-after government documents since the Pentagon Papers—from the IRS if Mueller suspects they might contain evidence of a crime. (Source)
Un-named sources, again?
since they refused to get them. He also said he would release them if he became Potus, so far nothing.

We can bet Mueller has them.

He might not have them, but I'd be surprised if he does not.

I suspect Mueller is following the money.
In interviews, veteran federal prosecutors and legal scholars said that Mueller, who began his investigation only last week, has clear-cut authority to obtain the president’s tax returns—perhaps the most sensitive and sought-after government documents since the Pentagon Papers—from the IRS if Mueller suspects they might contain evidence of a crime. (Source)

You posting a story from 8 months ago?
since they refused to get them. He also said he would release them if he became Potus, so far nothing.

We can bet Mueller has them.

He might not have them, but I'd be surprised if he does not.

I suspect Mueller is following the money.
In interviews, veteran federal prosecutors and legal scholars said that Mueller, who began his investigation only last week, has clear-cut authority to obtain the president’s tax returns—perhaps the most sensitive and sought-after government documents since the Pentagon Papers—from the IRS if Mueller suspects they might contain evidence of a crime. (Source)
/----/ "they might contain evidence of a crime." You think folks report their crimes on their tax returns? IF there was a crime Trump reported why didn't he IRS act on it before he ran for president? You dolt.
big dope.png
since they refused to get them. He also said he would release them if he became Potus, so far nothing.

We can bet Mueller has them.

He might not have them, but I'd be surprised if he does not.

I suspect Mueller is following the money.
In interviews, veteran federal prosecutors and legal scholars said that Mueller, who began his investigation only last week, has clear-cut authority to obtain the president’s tax returns—perhaps the most sensitive and sought-after government documents since the Pentagon Papers—from the IRS if Mueller suspects they might contain evidence of a crime. (Source)
/----/ "they might contain evidence of a crime." You think folks report their crimes on their tax returns? IF there was a crime Trump reported why didn't he IRS act on it before he ran for president? You dolt.
View attachment 170893
since they refused to get them. He also said he would release them if he became Potus, so far nothing.

We can bet Mueller has them.

He might not have them, but I'd be surprised if he does not.

I suspect Mueller is following the money.
In interviews, veteran federal prosecutors and legal scholars said that Mueller, who began his investigation only last week, has clear-cut authority to obtain the president’s tax returns—perhaps the most sensitive and sought-after government documents since the Pentagon Papers—from the IRS if Mueller suspects they might contain evidence of a crime. (Source)

It was very interesting how the Pentagon Papers got found out. Mike Gravel, a Democrat.

How could Mueller not suspect a crime in Trumps taxes. I suspect Trump sent Maddow his 2005 1040.
since they refused to get them. He also said he would release them if he became Potus, so far nothing.

We can bet Mueller has them.

He might not have them, but I'd be surprised if he does not.

I suspect Mueller is following the money.
In interviews, veteran federal prosecutors and legal scholars said that Mueller, who began his investigation only last week, has clear-cut authority to obtain the president’s tax returns—perhaps the most sensitive and sought-after government documents since the Pentagon Papers—from the IRS if Mueller suspects they might contain evidence of a crime. (Source)
/----/ "they might contain evidence of a crime." You think folks report their crimes on their tax returns? IF there was a crime Trump reported why didn't he IRS act on it before he ran for president? You dolt.
View attachment 170893
/-----/ Can't refute my post can you? BWHAHAHAHAHAHA
since they refused to get them. He also said he would release them if he became Potus, so far nothing.

We can bet Mueller has them.

He might not have them, but I'd be surprised if he does not.

I suspect Mueller is following the money.
In interviews, veteran federal prosecutors and legal scholars said that Mueller, who began his investigation only last week, has clear-cut authority to obtain the president’s tax returns—perhaps the most sensitive and sought-after government documents since the Pentagon Papers—from the IRS if Mueller suspects they might contain evidence of a crime. (Source)
/----/ "they might contain evidence of a crime." You think folks report their crimes on their tax returns? IF there was a crime Trump reported why didn't he IRS act on it before he ran for president? You dolt.
View attachment 170893
/-----/ Can't refute my post can you? BWHAHAHAHAHAHA

Trump said his tax returns are under audit and then he said he'd release them after April 15th of this year, and nothing.
He might not have them, but I'd be surprised if he does not.

I suspect Mueller is following the money.
In interviews, veteran federal prosecutors and legal scholars said that Mueller, who began his investigation only last week, has clear-cut authority to obtain the president’s tax returns—perhaps the most sensitive and sought-after government documents since the Pentagon Papers—from the IRS if Mueller suspects they might contain evidence of a crime. (Source)
/----/ "they might contain evidence of a crime." You think folks report their crimes on their tax returns? IF there was a crime Trump reported why didn't he IRS act on it before he ran for president? You dolt.
View attachment 170893
/-----/ Can't refute my post can you? BWHAHAHAHAHAHA

Trump said his tax returns are under audit and then he said he'd release them after April 15th of this year, and nothing.
/----/ If Trump was as stupid as you Libs claim, he'd release his returns so the democRATS could go on a fishing expedition, drum up some minor point and blow it out of proportion. Fortunately he's too smart to fall for your trap.
since they refused to get them. He also said he would release them if he became Potus, so far nothing.

We can bet Mueller has them.

He might not have them, but I'd be surprised if he does not.

I suspect Mueller is following the money.
In interviews, veteran federal prosecutors and legal scholars said that Mueller, who began his investigation only last week, has clear-cut authority to obtain the president’s tax returns—perhaps the most sensitive and sought-after government documents since the Pentagon Papers—from the IRS if Mueller suspects they might contain evidence of a crime. (Source)

It was very interesting how the Pentagon Papers got found out. Mike Gravel, a Democrat.

How could Mueller not suspect a crime in Trumps taxes. I suspect Trump sent Maddow his 2005 1040.
How could Mueller not suspect a crime in Trumps taxes.

If there be any specific crime to be found explicitly in Trump's tax returns, it's tax fraud or tax evasion (Tax evasion is the crime of not accurately reporting the nature, extent and/or timing of transactions so as to avoid paying some or all of the tax one owes given the tax law to which a given tax return/taxpayer is subject.) What Mueller will find in Trump's tax returns is information, evidence, that supports a prosecutory assertion about either (1) actus reus -- a specific crime (other than a tax crime, which falls under the IRS' purview) they assert Trump (or perhaps someone else) committed -- or (2) mens rea -- the intent to commit a specific crime. Depending on what charge a prosecutor brings, showing that did indeed exist on the part of the accused mens rea may or may not be among the the elements of prosecutors' legal burden of proof.

AFAIK, the natures of the activity that Mueller is investigating are generally "preponderance" crimes, body of evidence crimes. That is to say, crimes for which nobody but rank amateurs and idiots will ever leave "lying around a smoking gun with their fingerprints on it;" thus prosecutors must cull information obtained from myriad sources and determine whether that information forms collectively, coherently and cogently into a sound argument for what criminal act(s) occurred and that the defendant intended to criminally commit that act(s).

There are many strict liability crimes, but it's unlikely that Trump has committed any, other perhaps than sexual assault, that Mueller is going to bother building a case pertaining to them. And I doubt Mueller is with regard to Trump and/or his campaign/WH staff pursing the sexual assault line of investigation because those prosecutions are typically left to the states.
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since they refused to get them. He also said he would release them if he became Potus, so far nothing.

We can bet Mueller has them.

He might not have them, but I'd be surprised if he does not.

I suspect Mueller is following the money.
In interviews, veteran federal prosecutors and legal scholars said that Mueller, who began his investigation only last week, has clear-cut authority to obtain the president’s tax returns—perhaps the most sensitive and sought-after government documents since the Pentagon Papers—from the IRS if Mueller suspects they might contain evidence of a crime. (Source)

It was very interesting how the Pentagon Papers got found out. Mike Gravel, a Democrat.

How could Mueller not suspect a crime in Trumps taxes. I suspect Trump sent Maddow his 2005 1040.

Just a question why do we have the IRS?

All you are telling us is the IRS is incompetent...if it takes a special prosecutor to find out about ONE person cheating on their taxes
since they refused to get them. He also said he would release them if he became Potus, so far nothing.

We can bet Mueller has them.

He might not have them, but I'd be surprised if he does not.

I suspect Mueller is following the money.
In interviews, veteran federal prosecutors and legal scholars said that Mueller, who began his investigation only last week, has clear-cut authority to obtain the president’s tax returns—perhaps the most sensitive and sought-after government documents since the Pentagon Papers—from the IRS if Mueller suspects they might contain evidence of a crime. (Source)

It was very interesting how the Pentagon Papers got found out. Mike Gravel, a Democrat.

How could Mueller not suspect a crime in Trumps taxes. I suspect Trump sent Maddow his 2005 1040.

Just a question why do we have the IRS?

All you are telling us is the IRS is incompetent...if it takes a special prosecutor to find out about ONE person cheating on their taxes

For you and me. There is a reason one has so many businesses, and I suspect the real audit is being done now.
The Great Trump Tax Mysteries: Is He Hiding Loopholes, Errors, or Something More Serious?
For you and me. There is a reason one has so many businesses, and I suspect the real audit is being done now.
The Great Trump Tax Mysteries: Is He Hiding Loopholes, Errors, or Something More Serious?
There is a reason one has so many businesses

There is; it's the same reason anyone or any entity has a holding company and myriad subsidiaries. The corporate-/business-related provisions and structure of tax code. Were business federal income taxes assessed and payable at the consolidated level, the quantity of wholly-owned subsidiaries would be dramatically fewer than they are now. What they'd have is one company with myriad divisions. (Some subsidiaries might still exist/be created as a means of minimizing state income tax liabilities.)
There would be no evidence of a crime in Trump's tax returns. The evidence of a crime - if one exists - would be in the falsehood (or lack) of corroborating documentation, not submitted with the tax returns. And given the fact that Trump is audited every year, this is just a silly, Leftist hope.

The special prosecutor statute gives Mueller a tremendous amount of leeway to pursue crimes wherever he thinks he might find them, but a fishing expedition such as this one - demanding tax returns in connection with an investigation into "Russian Collusion" would be so impolitic as to justify firing Mueller forthwith. And he knows it.

Congress cannot compel the President to expose his tax returns; he has already been elected. They can pass a law for FUTURE presidents, but even if Trump were elected again in 2020 he would probably be grandfathered and not have to comply.

The first year of Trump's presidency fully justifies his refusal to disclose his tax returns. The MSM has been positively psychotic in pursuing and publishing ANYTHING that does or might show Trump in an unfavorable light, even when the "evidence" is obviously false, made up, or partisan bullshit. Their collective brains would explode if Trump's voluminous returns were disclosed. There would be ARMIES of accountants, journalists, and lawyers pouring over every word and number in the returns, and he would be accused of everything from fraud to smoking in the boys' room.

In short: It ain't gonna happen. It is a Leftist wet dream, and will NEVER come to fruition
since they refused to get them. He also said he would release them if he became Potus, so far nothing.

We can bet Mueller has them.
I am certain Mueller has them, yes.

The order of seniority and power among the Federal agencies is:

1st place - Congress
2nd place - SCOTUS
3rd place - Homeland Security
4th place - FBI
5th place - IRS.

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