Is the FBI investigating Bain Capital?


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
FBI response to ABCNews Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request:
About two weeks ago, the FBI evoked FOIA exemption 7(a) and denied access to all Bain Capital records on the grounds that "there is a pending or prospective law enforcement proceeding relevant to these responsive records; and that release of the information contained in these responsive records could reasonably be expected to interfere with the enforcement proceedings."
FBI Response to FOIA Re: Bain Capital

Questions can be raised whether the FBI is required to release Bain files related to an open investigation. As the FBI response shows, the answer to that question is no. However, the response also shows that the FBI is required to acknowledge the probe's existence. The only time the Bureau is allowed to claim a no records response is during an active investigation in which acknowledgment of responsive records would compromise it.

Off shore bank accounts are tools to help lessen the tax burden US citizens face. Are off shore bank accounts a bad thing? They might be if you are worth $250 million dollars, running for president and trying to connect with the average American citizen.

In 2008, the Los Angeles Times reported that Mitt Romney, as head of Bain Capital, utilized shell companies and two offshore tax havens in Bermuda and the Cayman Islands to help eligible investors avoid paying U.S. taxes. The tax-friendly jurisdictions helped attract billions of investment dollars to Bain Capital. Los Angeles Times reporter Bob Drogan spoke about this in 2008:
BOB DROGIN: "A side light of that was Bain Capital, which today has assets of about $60 billion — that’s their — the number that they officially say — and about a third of that comes from these offshore operations that Romney set up when he was still there, in particular, companies that are set up — really, they’re just mail drops, they’re mailboxes; they don’t have any staff, they don’t have any operations. The one on Grand Cayman Island is a Post Office Box 60D, I think, on Grand Cayman Island, and the ones in Bermuda are also at a lawyer’s office. But they’ve got them in other places as well. And they bring in somewhere above $25 billion a year."
"And again, it’s — these are companies — these are operations set up through various systems. They’re blocker corporations. They are investment — or rather, equity groups that are set up to attract, for the large part, foreign capital. And the reason these are set up overseas is so that foreign investors in these private companies can avoid paying U.S. taxes. Mitt Romney and his colleagues don’t get that advantage. So it’s not like they’re avoiding taxes through this. It’s simply — what happens is, they’re helping other people avoid paying U.S. taxes, and as a result they make enormous profits."

TomFlocco: ABCNews: FBI probing Bain Capital; ABC reports Romney & wife's millions in Cayman Island offshore accounts
A.G. Eric Holder is Barry's stooge and he will investigate anything that might give him another term. Holder was the guy who set up the pardon for Marc Rich who was on the FBI's 10 most wanted in exchange for a million dollar donation to Clinton's library. It's pretty ironic that the A.G. is being investigated by congress for his role in Op/Fast-Furious that sent over 2,000 illegal weapons to Mexico.
Just a Cayman Islands post office box operation.

Nothing suspicious about that......
A.G. Eric Holder is Barry's stooge and he will investigate anything that might give him another term. Holder was the guy who set up the pardon for Marc Rich who was on the FBI's 10 most wanted in exchange for a million dollar donation to Clinton's library. It's pretty ironic that the A.G. is being investigated by congress for his role in Op/Fast-Furious that sent over 2,000 illegal weapons to Mexico.

On June 22, 1977, John N. Mitchell became the first former U.S. attorney general to go to prison as he began serving a sentence for his role in the Watergate coverup; He was convicted of conspiracy, obstruction of justice and lying under oath.

When Eric Holder is found guilty of anything let us know, until then try and keep up. The Director of the FBI is Robert S. Mueller, III and was appointed by President Bush.
A.G. Eric Holder is Barry's stooge and he will investigate anything that might give him another term. Holder was the guy who set up the pardon for Marc Rich who was on the FBI's 10 most wanted in exchange for a million dollar donation to Clinton's library. It's pretty ironic that the A.G. is being investigated by congress for his role in Op/Fast-Furious that sent over 2,000 illegal weapons to Mexico.

On June 22, 1977, John N. Mitchell became the first former U.S. attorney general to go to prison as he began serving a sentence for his role in the Watergate coverup; He was convicted of conspiracy, obstruction of justice and lying under oath.

When Eric Holder is found guilty of anything let us know, until then try and keep up. The Director of the FBI is Robert S. Mueller, III and was appointed by President Bush.

What Holder is "guilty" of is setting up the pardon of a wanted fugitive in exchange for a monetary payoff. He will never go to jail for it, Catcher...but good luck trying to paint what he did in any kind of a positive light. It's sleazy politics at it's finest. It disgusts me that someone who did what Holder did would ever be considered for any post in our judicial system let alone be appointed as the Attorney General of the United States.
All sounds perfectly legal. No wonder the angst from the left.

How is hiding income from the IRS "perfectly legal"?

You have proof of illegal activity...???

They are investment — or rather, equity groups that are set up to attract, for the large part, foreign capital. And the reason these are set up overseas is so that foreign investors in these private companies can avoid paying U.S. taxes. Mitt Romney and his colleagues don’t get that advantage. So it’s not like they’re avoiding taxes through this. It’s simply — what happens is, they’re helping other people avoid paying U.S. taxes, and as a result they make enormous profits.
so with Bain in trouble and newts ex about to drop a bomb will it be Paul for pres?
A.G. Eric Holder is Barry's stooge and he will investigate anything that might give him another term. Holder was the guy who set up the pardon for Marc Rich who was on the FBI's 10 most wanted in exchange for a million dollar donation to Clinton's library. It's pretty ironic that the A.G. is being investigated by congress for his role in Op/Fast-Furious that sent over 2,000 illegal weapons to Mexico.

On June 22, 1977, John N. Mitchell became the first former U.S. attorney general to go to prison as he began serving a sentence for his role in the Watergate coverup; He was convicted of conspiracy, obstruction of justice and lying under oath.

When Eric Holder is found guilty of anything let us know, until then try and keep up. The Director of the FBI is Robert S. Mueller, III and was appointed by President Bush.

Let's see, the left is free to make allegations about a republican candidate's tax bill but we shouldn't talk about an American Border Patrol officer killed with one of the freaking weapons Holder sent to Mexico? We can dig up Tricky Dick quotes but not talk about the pardon that Holder set up for Clinton? You lefties must be living in a fantasy world.
A.G. Eric Holder is Barry's stooge and he will investigate anything that might give him another term. Holder was the guy who set up the pardon for Marc Rich who was on the FBI's 10 most wanted in exchange for a million dollar donation to Clinton's library. It's pretty ironic that the A.G. is being investigated by congress for his role in Op/Fast-Furious that sent over 2,000 illegal weapons to Mexico.

On June 22, 1977, John N. Mitchell became the first former U.S. attorney general to go to prison as he began serving a sentence for his role in the Watergate coverup; He was convicted of conspiracy, obstruction of justice and lying under oath.

When Eric Holder is found guilty of anything let us know, until then try and keep up. The Director of the FBI is Robert S. Mueller, III and was appointed by President Bush.

Let's see, the left is free to make allegations about a republican candidate's tax bill but we shouldn't talk about an American Border Patrol officer killed with one of the freaking weapons Holder sent to Mexico? We can dig up Tricky Dick quotes but not talk about the pardon that Holder set up for Clinton? You lefties must be living in a fantasy world.

Anyone is free to make an allegation they wish.

It's called the First Amendment.

But an active FBI investigation is a different animal.
So what do we have? A Rumor Mills web site that needs to hire a better site designer, and an FBI response to a request for information about Bain Capital. Curiously, we don't have the actual request, just the response.

The response does not indicate what is actually being investigated, but what the hell, let's jump to a wild conclusion and say it must have to do with Mitt Romney and an imaginary post office box in the Carribbean.

For all we know, the FBI is investigating Bain Capital's connection to the third rifleman on the grassy knoll in Dallas, but hey, that would be MAKING SHIT UP!!!

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