Is Sweden The Canary?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Yes, there are links:

Swedish Welfare State Collapses as Immigrants Wage War
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Tue, 2006-03-28 21:49

This is an article by Fjordman.

Last year I wrote an article about how Swedish society is disintegrating and is in danger of collapsing, at least in certain areas and regions. The country that gave us Bergman, ABBA and Volvo could become known as the Bosnia of northern Europe. The “Swedish model” would no longer refer to a stable and peaceful state with an advanced economy, but to a Eurabian horror story of utopian multiculturalism, socialist mismanagement and runaway immigration. Some thought I was exaggerating, and that talk of the possibility of a future civil war in Sweden was pure paranoia. Was it?

In a new sociological survey (pdf in Swedish, with brief English introduction) entitled “Vi krigar mot svenskarna” (“We’re waging a war against the Swedes”), young immigrants in the troubled city of Malmö have been interviewed about why they are involved in crime. Although it is not stated, most of the immigrant perpetrators are Muslims. In one of the rare instances where the Swedish media actually revealed the truth, the newspaper Aftonbladet reported several years ago that 9 out of 10 of the most criminal ethnic groups in Sweden came from Muslim countries. This must be borne in mind whilst reading the following newspaper article:

Immigrants are “waging war” against Swedes through robbery

The wave of robberies the city of Malmö has witnessed during this past year is part of a “war against the Swedes.” This is the explanation given by young robbers from immigrant backgrounds when questioned about why they only rob native Swedes, in interviews with Petra Åkesson for her thesis in sociology. “I read a report about young robbers in Stockholm and Malmö and wanted to know why they rob other youths. It usually does not involve a lot of money,” she says. She interviewed boys between 15 and 17 years old, both individually and in groups.

Almost 90% of all robberies reported to the police were committed by gangs, not individuals. “When we are in the city and robbing we are waging a war, waging a war against the Swedes.” This argument was repeated several times. “Power for me means that the Swedes shall look at me, lie down on the ground and kiss my feet.” The boys explain, laughingly, that “there is a thrilling sensation in your body when you’re robbing, you feel satisfied and happy, it feels as if you’ve succeeded, it simply feels good.” “It’s so easy to rob Swedes, so easy.” “We rob every single day, as often as we want to, whenever we want to.” The immigrant youth regard the Swedes as stupid and cowardly: “The Swedes don’t do anything, they just give us the stuff. They’re so wimpy.” The young robbers do not plan their crimes: “No, we just see some Swedes that look rich or have nice mobile phones and then we rob them.”

... Much More...
CSM said:
Sounds like the Swedes need to exercise their basic human right of gun ownership!

Kathianne said:

:) You CAN'T make me upset! You're hillarious. Sticky note to me: Don't call her Kathygun, or she'll spend her employers time trying to "get back" using internet!

...sitting here... smiling!

Links at site

The Collapse of France: Grab What You Can Get
From the desk of Paul Belien on Wed, 2006-03-29 20:31

France has 60 million inhabitants. Yesterday between one million (police figure) and three million (trade union figure) of them took to the streets in protest marches against the government’s youth employment bill (CPE). The bill, which was approved by a large parliamentary majority, allows small companies to fire workers under 26 without cause during the first two years on the job while paying them only 8% of their salary in damages. The bill applies only to young people in their first job. Nevertheless, the French trade unions joined the student protests out of principle. In France a job is virtually owned by the employee and cannot be taken from him unless the employer pays heavy damages.

Yesterday’s demonstrations were the biggest in 30 years. The current wave of student protests is often compared to the May 1968 student rebellion. The difference between then and now, however, is that then the economy was growing, while today it is contracting. Then the students were baby-boomers, who had had it better than any previous generation in Europe’s history, and who were demanding to be liberated from society’s moral constraints. Today the students are an amoral generation unwilling to make sacrifices to help the economy to grow again.

In yesterday’s article on this website Fjordman reported on the violence of immigrant thugs against native Swedes. He pointed out that this violence results from a breakdown of the welfare state system. With the money lacking to “grease” the increasing tensions between immigrants and native Europeans, the immigrants have started to grab what they consider they are entitled to.

The same thing is happening in France. Groups of immigrant youths – so-called casseurs – mugged demonstrators on the edges of the marches and stole their cash, mobile phones and other valuables. Their mentality does not differ much from that of the student protestors, who went on a rampage themselves last week. An American reader described the mentality of the French students in an email as that of serfs:

“The new serfs have sold their freedom and futures for a guaranteed bowl of porridge from the State. This is how far these young intellectuals can see – to the end of their spoons and no farther. They will take their paychecks by force, even if their economy dies.”

Today’s French (as well as Swedes and other West Europeans for that matter) feel entitled to secure 35 hour working week jobs until their retirement at age 55. In fact those retiring at 55 today were the rioting students of 1968. They set their children the bad example of egotism and of grabbing whatever you can, even to the detriment of the next generation. This brings us to another difference between then and now. Then, the older generation looked scornfully upon the rioting students. Following the May 1968 revolt, Charles De Gaulle won the French elections with the Right’s largest election victory ever. Today, it is doubtful whether this will happen again.

The French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin told his party, the UMP, that there is “no question of withdrawing” the CPE bill. However, Nicolas Sarkozy, the Interior Minister and UMP party president, at once undermined Villepin’s statement by suggesting that the recently approved bill should be put on hold.

Villepin and Sarkozy are political rivals. Both men hope to become the candidate of the Right in next year’s presidential elections. Villepin is a man of the establishment, Sarkozy is an outsider. Last year President Jacques Chirac appointed Villepin as Prime Minister in order to thwart Sarkozy’s presidential ambitions. Now, however, Sarkozy is behaving just like Villepin did last November: During the November riots, when immigrant youths went on the rampage for several weeks in the French suburbs, Sarkozy proposed a hardline “law and order” approach, while Villepin took the position of trying to “appease” the thugs. This time the two antagonists have switched roles.

Then as now, however, French president Jack Chirac was nowhere to be seen. Today there was an announcement that he will speak about the CPE “in the next few days.” If France has not imploded by then…
“The new serfs have sold their freedom and futures for a guaranteed bowl of porridge from the State. This is how far these young intellectuals can see – to the end of their spoons and no farther...".

This is one of the finest summations of liberalism's inescapable consequences I've ever read.
Just a guy said:
:) You CAN'T make me upset! You're hillarious. Sticky note to me: Don't call her Kathygun, or she'll spend her employers time trying to "get back" using internet!

...sitting here... smiling!
You haven't a clue, junior. :)
Anything you want to know about crime ratios in Sweden:

Reported crimes from 2004

Completed murder, manslaughter
and assault resulting in death (1, 2, 5, 6 §§)

count 209
up 11% since 2003
2 of 100K population
where of with firearms
count 37
down 10 % since 2003
<1 of 100K population

Attempt to commit murder or manslaughter (1, 2 §§)
count 669
down 15% since 2003
7 of 100K population

Assault (5, 6) (not resulting in death)
count 67 089
up 3% since 2003
746 of 100K population

Bicycle theft
count 70 875
down -4 % since 2003
788 of 100K population
Kathianne said:
So did you look at the study in the first post? I did look at yours. ;)

Of course you get to see mine if you showed me yours!

Actually its intresting to read about ones nation from another nations perspective. And some of the troubles we are seeing must be delt with. The sooner the better. Some new laws has popped up latley addressing voilence commited with cultural signs. Like domestic and honor-related crimes.

But there is an erie feeling of being too slow... things move fast right now.
Just a guy said:
Of course you get to see mine if you showed me yours!

Actually its intresting to read about ones nation from another nations perspective. And some of the troubles we are seeing must be delt with. The sooner the better. Some new laws has popped up latley addressing voilence commited with cultural signs. Like domestic and honor-related crimes.

But there is an erie feeling of being too slow... things move fast right now.

Why not an answer? :dunno:
Just a guy said:
Damn. I miss out sometimes! Did you mean why I didn't comment on the article?

Ok. For this and the previous post, Counselor :trolls:
Kathianne said:
Ok. For this and the previous post, Counselor :trolls:
So I'll give my opinion on the article:

This article is pretty screwed up. It does however have som factual statements that are correct and also some conclusions that I find plausible. But the scenario depicted is somewhat of a construct, propaganda-like. Since the description so overwhelmingly exaggerated I truley suspect his intentions. Maybe he is hurt in some way?
(Compare this to posts made by david200-guy - it might have some of the right words in it but as a factual and balanced view it doesn't say much).
Especially the part where he praises Sweden "before". Swedish system has always been frowned upon. In the 60:ies most people were almost communists.


Reading this carfully, it is clear that the climate around concentrated populations of immigrants has hardnend over a quite short period.

Am I a troll now!?!
Then you are a lizard.
Just a guy said:
So I'll give my opinion on the article:

This article is pretty screwed up. It does however have som factual statements that are correct and also some conclusions that I find plausible. But the scenario depicted is somewhat of a construct, propaganda-like. Since the description so overwhelmingly exaggerated I truley suspect his intentions. Maybe he is hurt in some way?
(Compare this to posts made by david200-guy - it might have some of the right words in it but as a factual and balanced view it doesn't say much).
Especially the part where he praises Sweden "before". Swedish system has always been frowned upon. In the 60:ies most people were almost communists.


Reading this carfully, it is clear that the climate around concentrated populations of immigrants has hardnend over a quite short period.

Am I a troll now!?!
Then you are a lizard.

Yes, you are still a troll, while I'm not a lizard, nor a lamb. Once again, while demanding others keep clarifying direct points, offer obtuse subjective observations, which are less than indirect. You sir, are a troll, by any definition.
Kathianne said:
Yes, you are still a troll, while I'm not a lizard, nor a lamb. Once again, while demanding others keep clarifying direct points, offer obtuse subjective observations, which are less than indirect. You sir, are a troll, by any definition.

I am truley really, really sorry.. but.. I need you to clearfy this!
To be able to discuss over matters I like to know what people mean. If you think I am unclear, ask me to clearify this or that statement.

At least give me an example of what you mean.

You really are a lizard!
I have re-read some of my posts. And yours. And others. And I think while I maybe haven't been able to express myself fully, you haven't either.

This is a practical example of your behaviour in my eyes:
You post an article under the subject "Should Gun Ownership Be A Global Right?".
In the article the writer says that he believs in guns as a human right.
You say "I think there is something to this..."

I post my opinion and a thread evolves where I post like 20 times to argument for my view, elaborate and also to take in other peoples views.

You get mad over not being answerd by me when you quote some one else.

Also you find the time to put some sort of red dot on to me.

You start a completley different topic just to "give back" or something. You still relates this new thread to the one you have abandoned.

Then you get back into the original thread just to say that you agree upon something and claims it to be what you ment in the first place.

Now I am a for some reason a troll for expressing my subjective thoughts.

At least I am clear about being subjective. The above is completley subjective and I thought you should know how I experienced it. I know you disagree, because I don't think your'e mean, I truley belive you think I am what you say. I also don't expect you to defend yourself here, I already know you disagree, this is just an example (simplified) of perception.

Well, maybe this is my fault. But I have like 100- something posts here and you have about 20000! You should know better than me? Especially as I actually trying to be constructive. Also alot of misinterpretations and you thinking that I'm just being obnoxious or something regards the fact that there is a cultural difference and a language barrier between us. Sometimes a word stick out more in a text than it was intended, or the interpretaion get wrong in a certain context. In shallow discussions this is not evident but when you really try to understand each other it gets evident. Also this is probably not in the majoritys intrest of this board, to semi-educate a forigner.

Then it strikes me! With all those postings this whole thing must be very important to you. I have my social life elsewhere and I merely thought of this as an opportunity to broaden my mind a bit. And I have read a lot of intresting things here too. But having to defend the very way I try to reason and discuss is tiresome and no fun, so I'll let you have this messageboard for your self and those who think it runs smoothly. I'm only in the way. Nice to have met you.

To utterly prove that by NO way is troll I will get back to this post. After that I think I'm done here.
Just a guy said:
I have re-read some of my posts. And yours. And others. And I think while I maybe haven't been able to express myself fully, you haven't either.

This is a practical example of your behaviour in my eyes:
You post an article under the subject "Should Gun Ownership Be A Global Right?".
In the article the writer says that he believs in guns as a human right.
You say "I think there is something to this..."

I post my opinion and a thread evolves where I post like 20 times to argument for my view, elaborate and also to take in other peoples views.

You get mad over not being answerd by me when you quote some one else.

Also you find the time to put some sort of red dot on to me.

You start a completley different topic just to "give back" or something. You still relates this new thread to the one you have abandoned.

Then you get back into the original thread just to say that you agree upon something and claims it to be what you ment in the first place.

Now I am a for some reason a troll for expressing my subjective thoughts.

At least I am clear about being subjective. The above is completley subjective and I thought you should know how I experienced it. I know you disagree, because I don't think your'e mean, I truley belive you think I am what you say. I also don't expect you to defend yourself here, I already know you disagree, this is just an example (simplified) of perception.

Well, maybe this is my fault. But I have like 100- something posts here and you have about 20000! You should know better than me? Especially as I actually trying to be constructive. Also alot of misinterpretations and you thinking that I'm just being obnoxious or something regards the fact that there is a cultural difference and a language barrier between us. Sometimes a word stick out more in a text than it was intended, or the interpretaion get wrong in a certain context. In shallow discussions this is not evident but when you really try to understand each other it gets evident. Also this is probably not in the majoritys intrest of this board, to semi-educate a forigner.

Then it strikes me! With all those postings this whole thing must be very important to you. I have my social life elsewhere and I merely thought of this as an opportunity to broaden my mind a bit. And I have read a lot of intresting things here too. But having to defend the very way I try to reason and discuss is tiresome and no fun, so I'll let you have this messageboard for your self and those who think it runs smoothly. I'm only in the way. Nice to have met you.

To utterly prove that by NO way is troll I will get back to this post. After that I think I'm done here.

Buh Bye!

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