Is Republican Senator Ron Johnson Out Of His Mind?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Senator Bernie Sanders is working to help all Americans get healthcare coverage, so it is no surprise he would call for a delay in the Senateā€™s vote on the Republicansā€™ tax cut legislation for the 0.1% disguised as their healthcare bill.

But for Republican Senator Ron Johnson to call for a delay as well, this is a slap in the face to the Republican leadership, the 0.1%, and the conservatives who comprise the GOPā€™s base that vote religiously against their own best interests.

ā€œJohnson framed his call to delay the Senate vote on the American Health Care Act as a bid for transparency, arguing that it would give the public more time to see what the bill really entails.ā€ In addition, Johnson stated, " ā€˜I have a hard time believing Wisconsin constituents or even myself will have enough time to properly evaluate this, for me to vote for a motion to proceed. So I've been encouraging leadership, the White House, anybody I can talk to for quite some time, let's not rush this process. Let's have the integrity to show the American people what it is, show them the truth.ā€™ "

Is Johnson out of his mind? Integrity in the Republican Party? (That's funny, really funny.) Is he truly unaware of why this bill was written in secrecy? (He wants to show the Americans the truth, Republicans NEVER do this) Does he not know why transparency is the GOPā€™s greatest enemy? And, can he, as a devoted conservative, be willing to put his constituents ahead of his Republican obligation to the 0.1%? What is wrong with this man?

If he is successful in delaying this tax cut, he is going to find wealthy political donors unwilling to open their wallets when he next campaigns for reelection. He will have betrayed them on the highest level, and they will remember this. His only hope for reelection would be to make every Republican voter in Wisconsin believe it was all Bernie Sanderā€™s fault.

Johnson would desperately need to convince his GOP base that reports of his participation in delaying the vote was all ā€œfake newsā€. And as we all know, conservatives eat that bullsh!t up.

Republican Sen. Johnson and Independent Sen. Sanders call for health bill delay on 'Meet the Press'



All of the above.

Senator Bernie Sanders is working to help all Americans get healthcare coverage, so it is no surprise he would call for a delay in the Senateā€™s vote on the Republicansā€™ tax cut legislation for the 0.1% disguised as their healthcare bill.

But for Republican Senator Ron Johnson to call for a delay as well, this is a slap in the face to the Republican leadership, the 0.1%, and the conservatives who comprise the GOPā€™s base that vote religiously against their own best interests.

ā€œJohnson framed his call to delay the Senate vote on the American Health Care Act as a bid for transparency, arguing that it would give the public more time to see what the bill really entails.ā€ In addition, Johnson stated, " ā€˜I have a hard time believing Wisconsin constituents or even myself will have enough time to properly evaluate this, for me to vote for a motion to proceed. So I've been encouraging leadership, the White House, anybody I can talk to for quite some time, let's not rush this process. Let's have the integrity to show the American people what it is, show them the truth.ā€™ "

Is Johnson out of his mind? Integrity in the Republican Party? (That's funny, really funny.) Is he truly unaware of why this bill was written in secrecy? (He wants to show the Americans the truth, Republicans NEVER do this) Does he not know why transparency is the GOPā€™s greatest enemy? And, can he, as a devoted conservative, be willing to put his constituents ahead of his Republican obligation to the 0.1%? What is wrong with this man?

If he is successful in delaying this tax cut, he is going to find wealthy political donors unwilling to open their wallets when he next campaigns for reelection. He will have betrayed them on the highest level, and they will remember this. His only hope for reelection would be to make every Republican voter in Wisconsin believe it was all Bernie Sanderā€™s fault.

Johnson would desperately need to convince his GOP base that reports of his participation in delaying the vote was all ā€œfake newsā€. And as we all know, conservatives eat that bullsh!t up.

Republican Sen. Johnson and Independent Sen. Sanders call for health bill delay on 'Meet the Press'


View attachment 135434 View attachment 135435 View attachment 135436 View attachment 135437

All of the above.

Serious mental health issues in the white christian party
These leftist narratives are so predictable and boring, ugh.

Maybe some ugly feminist would swallow it.
The Democrats wrote it behind closed doors, too and didn't give the legislators a chance to read it. At least the GOP is giving them time to read it.

I understand why it has to be done behind closed doors. The bill would never be written if it was with both factions weighing in. The best either party could hope for is a candid review and debate on the bill, something the Democrats failed to do. This would allow Democrats adding their feedback which could make a difference in a quality bill.

Hopefully this procedure continues without partisan yankering with both sides hoping to get a good bill that both sides can live with and the people would be much further ahead...maybe even appreciative.

Then again, that may be "pie in the sky."
These leftist narratives are so predictable and boring, ugh.

Maybe some ugly feminist would swallow it.
You have no idea. I have been involved in online debates since 1998 and it never fails that any alteration to any government largess is a giveaway to the top richest people in the world. They could be talking about not spending money on patriotic bunting for official government events and they will call it a tax break for the top 0.1%.

They simply cannot think for themselves.
Is he truly unaware of why this bill was written in secrecy?

I'm sure he's not unaware of both the purpose for the bill's having been written in secrecy and why it's being rushed to vote.

Does he not know why transparency is the GOPā€™s greatest enemy?

Transparency is only one's "greatest enemy" when one hasn't a high quality deliverable to present.
Johnson is a good American and a true Republican. Good on him.

The Far Right yammering demonstrates they are their own worst enemy.
I wonder how many people have actually bothered to read HR 1628. My guess is that even though it's a short document, the overwhelming majority of Americans won't read it, yet those same people will have an opinion about it. Sad.
I wonder how many people have actually bothered to read HR 1628. My guess is that even though it's a short document, the overwhelming majority of Americans won't read it, yet those same people will have an opinion about it. Sad.
Good point. They just listen to askewed arguments by their spokesmen.
These leftist narratives are so predictable and boring, ugh.

Maybe some ugly feminist would swallow it.
You have no idea. I have been involved in online debates since 1998 and it never fails that any alteration to any government largess is a giveaway to the top richest people in the world. They could be talking about not spending money on patriotic bunting for official government events and they will call it a tax break for the top 0.1%.

They simply cannot think for themselves.

Predictable, dumb and boring.
The far right hates when a real Republican stands up for the American people.

Alt Right Tears.jpg
The far right hates when a real Republican stands up for the American people.

View attachment 135440

Ah, then you're safe, Jammie-Jake!
Thank you for admitting the AltRatRight are haters.


Another failure of America's elementary education system. Reading comprehension is no more.

Nay, Jake, you've just confessed to being a closet Socialist - if not an outright Maoist! Hey, the Chinese do like to wear clothes that resemble your pretty red Doctor Dentons!

Senator Bernie Sanders is working to help all Americans get healthcare coverage, so it is no surprise he would call for a delay in the Senateā€™s vote on the Republicansā€™ tax cut legislation for the 0.1% disguised as their healthcare bill.

But for Republican Senator Ron Johnson to call for a delay as well, this is a slap in the face to the Republican leadership, the 0.1%, and the conservatives who comprise the GOPā€™s base that vote religiously against their own best interests.

ā€œJohnson framed his call to delay the Senate vote on the American Health Care Act as a bid for transparency, arguing that it would give the public more time to see what the bill really entails.ā€ In addition, Johnson stated, " ā€˜I have a hard time believing Wisconsin constituents or even myself will have enough time to properly evaluate this, for me to vote for a motion to proceed. So I've been encouraging leadership, the White House, anybody I can talk to for quite some time, let's not rush this process. Let's have the integrity to show the American people what it is, show them the truth.ā€™ "

Is Johnson out of his mind? Integrity in the Republican Party? (That's funny, really funny.) Is he truly unaware of why this bill was written in secrecy? (He wants to show the Americans the truth, Republicans NEVER do this) Does he not know why transparency is the GOPā€™s greatest enemy? And, can he, as a devoted conservative, be willing to put his constituents ahead of his Republican obligation to the 0.1%? What is wrong with this man?

If he is successful in delaying this tax cut, he is going to find wealthy political donors unwilling to open their wallets when he next campaigns for reelection. He will have betrayed them on the highest level, and they will remember this. His only hope for reelection would be to make every Republican voter in Wisconsin believe it was all Bernie Sanderā€™s fault.

Johnson would desperately need to convince his GOP base that reports of his participation in delaying the vote was all ā€œfake newsā€. And as we all know, conservatives eat that bullsh!t up.

Republican Sen. Johnson and Independent Sen. Sanders call for health bill delay on 'Meet the Press'


View attachment 135434 View attachment 135435 View attachment 135436 View attachment 135437

All of the above.


/----- Where's the Dem plan to fix Obozocare? ????

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