Is PR exaggerating the devastation to get a bailout???


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
PR was massively in debt before Maria and since it was their own fault nobody really wanted to help them. Now they can say their problems are an act of god and america has a moral obligation to give them $100 billion .
Black and Brown countries that revolt against European influence invariably become basket cases of crime and poverty. Now they want back in just for the money, meanwhile they insult the US by not having the often obese, low IQ, often criminal, non-productive inhabitants learn English. Any money given to them will end up in the usual way with non-White countries, it gets channeled to a few warlords, criminal gang chiefs, etc. so they can get re-elected, with some coming back to democrat Swamp Rat, for the same reason.

Can you not see with your own eyes the absolute total annihilation on the island? Do you just close your eyes when the video is being shown on all the 24/7s?

They do not need to exaggerate....the CAT 5 hurricane that hit them directly, destroyed the entire island....

even if they were not in debt, the cat 5 destroyed one can pick up the pieces in those conditions...
Black and Brown countries that revolt against European influence invariably become basket cases of crime and poverty. Now they want back in just for the money, meanwhile they insult the US by not having the often obese, low IQ, often criminal, non-productive inhabitants learn English. Any money given to them will end up in the usual way with non-White countries, it gets channeled to a few warlords, criminal gang chiefs, etc. so they can get re-elected, with some coming back to democrat Swamp Rat, for the same reason.

Puerto Rico isn't a country and apparently, the majority of it's population is white.

As for the topic at hand, I don't know. Probably.
Black and Brown countries that revolt against European influence invariably become basket cases of crime and poverty. Now they want back in just for the money, meanwhile they insult the US by not having the often obese, low IQ, often criminal, non-productive inhabitants learn English. Any money given to them will end up in the usual way with non-White countries, it gets channeled to a few warlords, criminal gang chiefs, etc. so they can get re-elected, with some coming back to democrat Swamp Rat, for the same reason.

Puerto Rico isn't a country and apparently, the majority of it's population is white.

As for the topic at hand, I don't know. Probably.

Not only is it not a country, it is a territory of the United States. Puerto Ricans are natural born citizens of the US.

Someone who does not know that PR is part of the US doesn't have much credibility in talking about it or its population.
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By no means...

... one need only to take a look at the devastation...

... to see that they aren't exaggerating.

HAHAHA. You idiot. Those media clips on TV are 1/100000th of 1% of PR. THINK
Can you not see with your own eyes the absolute total annihilation on the island? Do you just close your eyes when the video is being shown on all the 24/7s?


HAHAHA. Another idiot who thinks the TV networks are showing as ALL of PR.!!!! They are showing only the worst places so they can attack Trump for not doing more.
PR was massively in debt before Maria and since it was their own fault nobody really wanted to help them. Now they can say their problems are an act of god and america has a moral obligation to give them $100 billion .

Texas has a debt of $138 billion.

Puerto Rico has debt of $70 billion.

Did Texas not get aid?
Puerto Rico isn't a country and apparently, the majority of it's population is white.

Porto Rico is a independent commonwealth voluntarily associated with the USA! According to my Encyclopedia, Porto Ricans are descendant from Spaniards mixing with Negro in addition to Arawak and Moriquen inhabitants originally from Africa and South America respectively! Spainards were desperate SOBs back in the day apparently. :p The South American "Inidian" genes are probably why no athletes come from Porto Rico. They are little fellas. :p So basically Porto Rica is like Mexico if Mexico had no USA factories. Crime, savagery, ugly ass inhabitants and low intelligence. That is not to say there are some descent people there. I am talking in generalities!
Puerto Rico isn't a country and apparently, the majority of it's population is white.

Porto Rico is a independent commonwealth voluntarily associated with the USA! According to my Encyclopedia, Porto Ricans are descendant from Spaniards mixing with Negro in addition to Arawak and Moriquen inhabitants originally from Africa and South America respectively! Spainards were desperate SOBs back in the day apparently. :p The South American "Inidian" genes are probably why no athletes come from Porto Rico. They are little fellas. :p So basically Porto Rica is like Mexico if Mexico had no USA factories. Crime, savagery, ugly ass inhabitants and low intelligence. That is not to say there are some descent people there. I am talking in generalities!

Apparently Puerto Rico, not Porto Rico which might be Portuguese or something, (though it was called that for a short time once upon a time) is a part of America, and apparently they pay Federal Taxes, and apparently they paid $3.7 billion in Federal Taxes in 2009.

Puerto Rico has a GDP of $35,000, which puts it slightly ahead of Mississippi at the bottom of the pile. Hence why it doesn't pay as much as others.
we won Puerto Rico in a war, that's why we own it, is what I read read? It's ours, lock, stock, and barrel... this is why they are citizens at birth, no?
PR was massively in debt before Maria and since it was their own fault nobody really wanted to help them. Now they can say their problems are an act of god and america has a moral obligation to give them $100 billion .

Texas has a debt of $138 billion.

Puerto Rico has debt of $70 billion.

Did Texas not get aid?
Puerto Rico has a population of 3.4 million. Texas has a population of 27.8.

get a grip
Porto Rico is a independent commonwealth voluntarily associated with the USA! According to my Encyclopedia, Porto Ricans are descendant from Spaniards mixing with Negro in addition to Arawak and Moriquen inhabitants originally from Africa and South America respectively! Spainards were desperate SOBs back in the day apparently. :p The South American "Inidian" genes are probably why no athletes come from Porto Rico. They are little fellas. :p So basically Porto Rica is like Mexico if Mexico had no USA factories. Crime, savagery, ugly ass inhabitants and low intelligence. That is not to say there are some descent people there. I am talking in generalities!

PR is a socialist sewer full of hispanic indians who are the same as our american indians. A hopeless helpless people who need the white man to take care of them.

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