Is political affiliation a protected class?

There are rare occasions when physical violence or serious workplace discrimination happens because of political beliefs.

But if "hateful rhetoric" is all that happens, so be it. If your own beliefs cannot withstand someone disliking them, then perhaps you should re-examine your beliefs.
Would you not say that your political beliefs are a part of who you are?
It isn't and it shouldn't be. You're not born with a political affiliation. It's not something you have to have and can't change.
No, you are not born with it, but is that a requirement for it to be a civil right or for it to be protected? I'm not aware of being born with something as being part of the protections a clause.
No, you are not born with it, but is that a requirement for it to be a civil right or for it to be protected? I'm not aware of being born with something as being part of the protections a clause.

Well, this isn't a right, it's a protection against people who are vulnerable because they can't change and can't decide. That's why we have hate speech laws and the like, to protect those people.

A person who decides he likes playing the piano could stop the problem by stopping doing something. A gay person can't decide to be come straight.
Well, this isn't a right, it's a protection against people who are vulnerable because they can't change and can't decide. That's why we have hate speech laws and the like, to protect those people.

A person who decides he likes playing the piano could stop the problem by stopping doing something. A gay person can't decide to be come straight.
Having political beliefs isn't a right? And yes, they are not listed among the Civil rights and protections, but, we don't call something a protected right because you are born with it and can't change it, we call them protected because society believes that you should have the fundamental right to be who you are, without fear of reprisal.

Are you suggesting that if you could change your sexual identity that it should no longer be considered a protected right?
Having political beliefs isn't a right? And yes, they are not listed among the Civil rights and protections, but, we don't call something a protected right because you are born with it and can't change it, we call them protected because society believes that you should have the fundamental right to be who you are, without fear of reprisal.

Are you suggesting that if you could change your sexual identity that it should no longer be considered a protected right?

Yes, having political beliefs is a right. There is not "right to be gay" because gay is something you are, not something you want.
The hate speech stuff fills in a hole there. You don't need a protection for political speech and belief when it's already in Constitution.
Yes, having political beliefs is a right. There is not "right to be gay" because gay is something you are, not something you want.
The hate speech stuff fills in a hole there. You don't need a protection for political speech and belief when it's already in Constitution.
But, political beliefs can be very much a part of who you are as well. People have beliefs that reflect their values, which, again, is who they are, and really, can't change either, unless you are willing to compromise your value system.
But, political beliefs can be very much a part of who you are as well. People have beliefs that reflect their values, which, again, is who they are, and really, can't change either, unless you are willing to compromise your value system.

Yes, but they're not something that can't be changed. That's the point.

Values can change all the time. Gay cannot be changed. Do you see the issue here? Someone might have values that are just wrong.

Say, for example, my "values" are that I want to kill all people who are not from "my race". Do my "values" then suddenly become something we need to protect? No. Why should they be? You want to infringe on the rights of other people.

With values we have laws. We elect lawmakers (well, with FPTP vaguely elect) and they then put the values of the voters into laws. The values of the masses would say, hopefully, that my "values" are wrong and should not be protected because they're bigoted and ridiculous.

If those are my "values" then society would demand I change those "values", and yes, society has tried, in the past, to change gay people into straight people, but it can't be done. Spot the difference.
Yes, but they're not something that can't be changed. That's the point.

Values can change all the time. Gay cannot be changed. Do you see the issue here? Someone might have values that are just wrong.

Say, for example, my "values" are that I want to kill all people who are not from "my race". Do my "values" then suddenly become something we need to protect? No. Why should they be? You want to infringe on the rights of other people.

With values we have laws. We elect lawmakers (well, with FPTP vaguely elect) and they then put the values of the voters into laws. The values of the masses would say, hopefully, that my "values" are wrong and should not be protected because they're bigoted and ridiculous.

If those are my "values" then society would demand I change those "values", and yes, society has tried, in the past, to change gay people into straight people, but it can't be done. Spot the difference.
So, your taking the worst scenario and using to underpin your point. Let's say someone's values are, they want smaller government, the ability to work and live without execcisve regulation and intrusion, the ability to vote and support someone without being labeled a terrorist, racist. Or what about supporting abortion, or gay rights, or freedom of and from region. There are many values that people have of many varieties.

Why is your answer "well, if you are being harassed and persecuted because of your values, then change your values". Why should someone have to do that? Again, what people believe are a part of who they are, and people can't just change their core beliefs, not as easily as you seem to indicate.
Its not about free choice, it's about your fundamental right to vote for, and support whom you choose, left OR right, without fear of persecution for it.

And who cares if you have a choice about it or not, your freedom to believe what you want shouldnt be fodder for hate.

Also, for some, what they believe isn't a choice either, it's just who they are, so in that sense, it is every bit as part of their personhood as gender or race.
And how is that right being violated?

You can still vote for whoever you want can't you?
But, political beliefs can be very much a part of who you are as well. People have beliefs that reflect their values, which, again, is who they are, and really, can't change either, unless you are willing to compromise your value system.

Your political beliefs are your own. Unless you are arguing politics at work, there is no issue.

If someone throws harsh words at you, do you just fold up? If you cannot defend your political beliefs, they are not worth much.
Dimm's are protected.
They have Big Tech censoring the opposition and most of MSM in their corner.
And then, there is the FBI, ......:hyper:.
Yep. The world is just stacked unfairly against you. :itsok:

Or you’re just the one who doesn’t fit in.
If it isn't, should it be? I think it should. With race, gender, sexual orientation, and others being among those listed as protected classes, why not one of the most fundamental things in this country? Your affiliation to a political party?

Why shouldn't you be protected on the basis of your ideology and whom you vote for?

Granted, USMB, and many talk shows would vanish overnight, but, would it not be worth it to be able to freely believe, and vote, without the fear of persecution, ridicule, and exclusion?
you shouldnt be protected for anything other than being a human being,,
The problem is that they are necessary at all.

Too many deplorables who can’t live and let live.
There's no law we can pass that's going to change the fact that a certain percentage of the population is going to dislike anyone or anything that's not just like them or like those they grew up with. A law can't fix ignorance which is essentially what all racism is based in.

The problem is we had a single major problem in the 60's (and for a long time prior to that). There was discrimination against black people which needed to be fixed. Instead of doing THAT we enveloped all these other groups into the same category and tried this umbrella fix. The problem with that being once it was established that any subset group which could show any amount of "discrimination" got all the protections and more importantly benefits of the Civil Rights laws it was a driver to divide the population up in to ever increasing victim groups.
There's no law we can pass that's going to change the fact that a certain percentage of the population is going to dislike anyone or anything that's not just like them or like those they grew up with. A law can't fix ignorance which is essentially what all racism is based in.

The problem is we had a single major problem in the 60's (and for a long time prior to that). There was discrimination against black people which needed to be fixed. Instead of doing THAT we enveloped all these other groups into the same category and tried this umbrella fix. The problem with that being once it was established that any subset group which could show any amount of "discrimination" got all the protections and more importantly benefits of the Civil Rights laws it was a driver to divide the population up in to ever increasing victim groups.
None of that changes my point.
There has always been discrimination against anyone who is seen to be out of the mainstream.
Ie; straight white Christian males.

Too many Archie Bunker bigots raising more bigots. Deplorables. You can see them every day here.
So, your taking the worst scenario and using to underpin your point. Let's say someone's values are, they want smaller government, the ability to work and live without execcisve regulation and intrusion, the ability to vote and support someone without being labeled a terrorist, racist. Or what about supporting abortion, or gay rights, or freedom of and from region. There are many values that people have of many varieties.

Why is your answer "well, if you are being harassed and persecuted because of your values, then change your values". Why should someone have to do that? Again, what people believe are a part of who they are, and people can't just change their core beliefs, not as easily as you seem to indicate.

Why should someone have to change their values?

Then we go to the next question which is: Why should someone have to change their gender, their race, their sexuality?

And the answer to this question is, generally, they can't.

Values can be changed. Other things can't.
Why should someone have to change their values?

Then we go to the next question which is: Why should someone have to change their gender, their race, their sexuality?

And the answer to this question is, generally, they can't.

Values can be changed. Other things can't.
You can simply value freedom and how others choose to live theirs.

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