is obama the biggest whiner ever elected president?

is obama the whiniest president ever?

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Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2008
on a one way cul-de-sac
he whined about the condition the country was in when he became president, and now he's whining about campaign ads. i don't remember any president blaming the one before him, either implicitly or explicitly, and obama had no problem not disclosing his donors completely when it suited him, yet somehow it's a bad thing when the shoe is on the other foot.

other presidents have inherited bigger problems and faced worse obstacles, yet none of them whined about it publicly that i can remember.

i'm tired of it, and it's painfully clear to me that he's not fit to be president, especially at a time when the country needs real leadership. this has nothing to do with his policies, and everything to do with him as a person.

poll to follow.
Lincoln had good cause dealing with the mess he inherited.

As did Roosevelt II.

But for 0bama, it is all about me.
Not another comes close. Bill complained about the media, but they were always looking for him to be messing around. (Of course seems he didn't disappoint on that). Bush too complained about the media, neither complained about 'the people.' Certainly never denigrated them or the country as a whole, to make themselves look better.
Bush Blames Clinton Again - Truthdig

George W. Bush, retreating to familiar ground, has blamed the Clinton administration for North Korea’s nuclear arsenal. But the official who brokered the Clinton-era deal with North Korea called the idea “ludicrous,” and defended his efforts.

Pensito Review Bush Administration Blames Bill Clinton for Deficit

President Bush inherited a budget surplus of $128 billion when he took office in 2001 but has since posted a budget deficit every year.

The Bush administration has spent heavily on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and faces a large budget shortfall in tax revenue because of Bush’s tax cuts and a souring economy.

…the senior administration official says the budgetary problems stem from what is believed to be inadequate defense, intelligence and homeland security resources that were handed down from Clinton.

Article: Bush blames Clinton administration for economic slowdown.(The Dallas... | AccessMyLibrary - Promoting library advocacy

WASHINGTON _ President Bush argues that the nation's economic problems began on his predecessor's watch, but analysts say sooner or later they will all belong to him.

And while most Americans aren't blaming Bush for the stock market slide and other storm warnings, critics and supporters said that if the slowdown continues, it's just a matter of time.

Voters "don't really give a lot of credit when the economy does well, but they sure do assign blame," said Karlyn Bowman, who analyzes polls for the American Enterprise Institute.

Seeking to avoid that fate, Bush called Tuesday for speeding up a tax cut as an "immediate stimulus."

Sounds familiar doesnt it...but wait, theres a bonus from Free Republic

War with Iraq, Don't blame Bush blame Carter!

War with Iraq, Don't blame Bush blame Carter!
Blog Pimp | Wednesday, May 30, 2007 | Tumba

I'll cast my vote for Ronald Reagan. That guy was one whiny bitch.

care to offer up an example or is that too much work?

I provided examples that goes directly against the OP
i don't remember any president blaming the one before him, either implicitly or explicitly, and obama had no problem not disclosing his donors completely when it suited him, yet somehow it's a bad thing when the shoe is on the other foot.

other presidents have inherited bigger problems and faced worse obstacles, yet none of them whined about it publicly that i can remember.

Go 'head...Ignore it
I'll cast my vote for Ronald Reagan. That guy was one whiny bitch.

care to offer up an example or is that too much work?

I provided examples that goes directly against the OP
i don't remember any president blaming the one before him, either implicitly or explicitly, and obama had no problem not disclosing his donors completely when it suited him, yet somehow it's a bad thing when the shoe is on the other foot.

other presidents have inherited bigger problems and faced worse obstacles, yet none of them whined about it publicly that i can remember.

Go 'head...Ignore it

was i talking to you, fuckwit?

you've given me three opinion pieces, one of which is clearly not even close to being on topic. :lol:

keep swinging

you gonna take your ball and go home now....dam.

Don't worry you can live in the little "this never happened before in politics" bubble and stroke each others face talking, believing the sweet intellictual nothing you tell each other.

That's cute
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you gonna take your ball and go home now....dam.

Don't worry you can live in the little "this never happened before in politics" bubble and stroke each others face talking, believing the sweet intellictual nothing you tell each other.

That's cute

i haven't gone anywhere, but feel free to declare victory.

It's GW's fault. It's the banks fault. It's GW's fault. It's businesses fault. It's GW's fault. It's racism due to fear fault. It's GW's fault. It's the hicks fault. It's GW's fault. The tea parties fault. It's GW's fault. The electorate is so stupid, it's their fault. It's GW's fault. It's my advisors fault. It's GW's fault.

GW fault card is done.
Race card is done.
No one is buying the rest, well except some extreme liberals.

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