Is Obama just too "smart" for his own good??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I KNOW Obama really isn't the "smartest president"
as this phony historian Michael Beschloss said:
"Yeah. Even aside from the fact of electing the first African American President and whatever one’s partisan views this is a guy whose IQ is off the charts — I mean you cannot say that he is anything but a very serious and capable leader and — you know — our system doesn’t allow those people to become President, those people meaning people THAT smart and THAT capable"
Uh. I would say it’s probably – he’s probably the smartest guy ever to become President."
Obama Is Our Smartest President? | Freedom's Wings

BUT if this is the "smartest" president
why did he NOT realize the immense stupidity of this statement:

Obama said:
"And if we are able to slow the growth of health care costs by just one-tenth of 1 percent each year -- one-tenth of 1 percent --
it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term."

So this is your brilliant smartest President who doesn't even know the difference between "DEFICIT" and national debt!

He doesn't even know simple math that it would take
1,600 years to reduce the DEBT!!!!

1/10th of 1 percent of $2.555 trillion (health care costs in 2010) is $2.5 billion.

If the $4 trillion deficit is cut by $2.5 billion how long is Obama's stated "over the long term"...
Dividing $4 trillion by $2.5 billion...
how many years is that: 1,600 years... 1,600 years!

So you see I have a real problem with the "smartest" President who can't even comprehend the stupidity of that statement and many,many MORE!
That's what happens when you read from a script and don't proof read them.

I don't find Obama smart. He's just a unbending ideologue who has put in place people who thinks like he does, and they are pulling all the stings in background.

He was elected as a mouthpiece. nothing more
That's what happens when you read from a script and don't proof read them.

I don't find Obama smart. He's just a unbending ideologue who has put in place people who thinks like he does, and they are pulling all the stings in background.

He was elected as a mouthpiece. nothing more
All he knows is running his mouth.
I can promise you that no one who has ever lived has been too smart for his own good.

See being smart isn't bad. It's when you let your intelligence make you an arogant person that causes problem. The problem is pride, not intelligence.
I NEVER considered Obama the "smartest" for several reasons and the example where he had NO IDEA of what a "Billion" or a "Trillion" constitutes i.e. taking 1,600 years to pay off a $4 trillion NATIONAL debt..NOT deficit as he said!
So he was so wrong in terms i.e. "Debt" at that time $4 trillion and "deficit" at that time
less then $300 billion!

BUT idiots who also seemingly didn't question this agreed.."smartest" president!!


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