Is Obama and Obamacare racist???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
For the most part which ethnic group uses tanning salons?

Which ethnic group NOW have to pay hire taxes because of this :

"For almost two years now, indoor tanners have paid an extra 10% tax on their bronzing bill.
"We haven't seen a drop in actual people coming through the door because of it," says Beach Bum Tanning CEO James Oliver, whose company has 53 locations across New York, New Jersey, Virginia and West Virginia. "We've just seen them spending less."

The measure, a small provision buried in the Affordable Care Act, had two goals: to make a dent in the reform bill's $940 billion price tag and to discourage indoor tanning for health reasons. The risk of melanoma -- one of the deadliest forms of skin cancer -- increases by 75% when people begin tanning before the age of 35, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
The tax hasn't seemed to do much on either front, though.
When the tax was implemented in 2010, the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation projected that it would raise $200 million in 2011 fiscal year and around $2.7 billion by 2019. However, the IRS only collected $36.6 million in the first half of the 2011 fiscal year, according to the Treasury's inspector general for tax administration.

Obamacare's 'tanning tax' is here to stay - Jun. 28, 2012

Now I am just pointing out a potentially racist position, i.e. I don't know MANY black people that go into tanning salons, nor Hispanics.. but the only group that sames to have to pay the taxes are caucasians. Isn't that a bit racist?

The justification was skin cancer and the costs of treating... NOW that would make it seem justified!

BUT then WHY didn't Obamacare go after lawyers that make $100 billion a year THAT according to 90% of physicians
CAUSE $600 billion a year in defensive medicine.. i.e. running duplicate tests so they won't be sued... referring to specialists.. so they won't be sued!
NOW if they can make poor little old tanning salon and white people pay 10% tanning tax..
WHY not make lawyers pay 10% of their $100 billion in income and use that money to pay the premiums for the uninsured?
Why not tie the reduction of the 10% lawyers' tax to reduction in the $600 billion, i.e. duplicate tests reduced reducing $600 billion by 10%... Lawyers tax drops!
That would give all parties incentives AND lower one of the two huge $600 billion gorilla!
Oh by the way... one of the reasons TORT reform did NOT have a major role in Obamacare was the lawyers gave Congress/Obama $300 million in 2008 alone!!

Total to these candidates: $95,185,946 (Dems 78.0% and Repubs 21.9%)
Obama, Barack $43,755,917
in 2011 to 2012 Lawyers & Lobbyists $42,887,624 Dems 67.4% GOP 32.1%

Total from 1990 to 2012 Election cycles:
Democrats received from Lawyers / Law Firms: $892,532,058 74%
Republicans received from Lawyers / Law Firms: $315,787,885 26%

Presidential Candidates: Lawyers & Lobbyists Sector Totals, 2008 Cycle | OpenSecrets
For the most part which ethnic group uses tanning salons?

Which ethnic group NOW have to pay hire taxes because of this :

"For almost two years now, indoor tanners have paid an extra 10% tax on their bronzing bill.
"We haven't seen a drop in actual people coming through the door because of it," says Beach Bum Tanning CEO James Oliver, whose company has 53 locations across New York, New Jersey, Virginia and West Virginia. "We've just seen them spending less."

The measure, a small provision buried in the Affordable Care Act, had two goals: to make a dent in the reform bill's $940 billion price tag and to discourage indoor tanning for health reasons. The risk of melanoma -- one of the deadliest forms of skin cancer -- increases by 75% when people begin tanning before the age of 35, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
The tax hasn't seemed to do much on either front, though.
When the tax was implemented in 2010, the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation projected that it would raise $200 million in 2011 fiscal year and around $2.7 billion by 2019. However, the IRS only collected $36.6 million in the first half of the 2011 fiscal year, according to the Treasury's inspector general for tax administration.

Obamacare's 'tanning tax' is here to stay - Jun. 28, 2012

Now I am just pointing out a potentially racist position, i.e. I don't know MANY black people that go into tanning salons, nor Hispanics.. but the only group that sames to have to pay the taxes are caucasians. Isn't that a bit racist?

The justification was skin cancer and the costs of treating... NOW that would make it seem justified!

BUT then WHY didn't Obamacare go after lawyers that make $100 billion a year THAT according to 90% of physicians
CAUSE $600 billion a year in defensive medicine.. i.e. running duplicate tests so they won't be sued... referring to specialists.. so they won't be sued!
NOW if they can make poor little old tanning salon and white people pay 10% tanning tax..
WHY not make lawyers pay 10% of their $100 billion in income and use that money to pay the premiums for the uninsured?
Why not tie the reduction of the 10% lawyers' tax to reduction in the $600 billion, i.e. duplicate tests reduced reducing $600 billion by 10%... Lawyers tax drops!
That would give all parties incentives AND lower one of the two huge $600 billion gorilla!
Do you agree with extra tax on cigs?
Ask the father of Obamacare - Romneycare.

Ask what? Romneycare doesn't TAX TANNING Salons and therefore is NOT racist!
Besides what better place then the 50 (Obama.. not 57 states) states to test out as they are known as laboratories for national legislation! Romneycare was Ma. state program.. not NY, Not TX.. but ONLY in MA.
So I have NO problem with Romney care in MA! Do you understand?
The Problem I have with Obamacare is THINKING one size fits ALL 50 states!

For example Obamacare NEVER in the 2,000+ pages took into consideration that the tanning tax would be more unfair for people in northern states then southern states did it?
I mean let's get really nitty gritty here as Obamacare TRIED to do!
And recognize there are more people in some states that use Tanning Salons then other states!

See ? That's the problem with jamming something so absolutely MASSIVE 13,000 pages now of rules and regulations!
$1.8 trillion a year in additional costs to businesses and individuals to comply!
Current federal regulations plus those coming under Obamacare will cost American taxpayers and businesses $1.8 trillion annually,
more than twenty times the $88 billion the administration estimates, according to a new roundup provided to Secrets from the libertarian Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Complying with Health and Human Services Department requirements alone, he revealed, costs $184 billion a year, yet regulators are still drafting the rules for the 2,400-page Obamacare law that kicks into gear in 2014.

The wave of Obama regulations has become a huge sore point in the business world with groups as large as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce down to the International Franchise Association crying for fewer rules. The administration, however, argues that the rules and regulations pushed out under the president have made products and workplaces safer.

And Obamacare NEVER considered that issue with more people in some states being unfairly taxed simply because there is more sun days in some states then others!

Now for some of you idiots criticizing my example ... if that's all you can do... IT GOES over your head!

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