
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

He saw Sandusky molesting a child and he did not detain him and call the police? What did he think he was doing. Stealing a candy bar? What would you do if you saw a man molesting a child? My first instinct beat the hell out of Sandusky and then call the police. McQueary had a moral duty to call the police first. Where does McQueary’s responsibility to this child began and ends? This boggles my mind. Paterno is not law enforcement?
McQueary needs to be investigated.
Is ESPN retarded? They had a tape of Sanduskys' wife talking about her husbands "problems" and they sat on it for what, eight years?

ESPN should be boycotted.
Could it possibly be that none of the people in a position to do anything about these molestations thought there was anything wrong with Sandusky's behavior?

After all, immediately after Paterno was removed weren't there near riots on the Penn State Campus in support of Paterno and Sandusky.
I just think it's ironic that the guy named Mr. McQueary is not the pervert in this story.

no but i think he will be the scape goat

Probably and maybe rightfully so. I know that if I witnessed a grown man sodomizing a child in a shower, I would have stopped it immediately! I would then have detained the man (by force if necessary) and waited for the police to arrive. That is what any normal person would have done.
If you think a citizen has the legal duty to detain a suspect you need to re-read the Constitution LOL. Think about university and big football politics. You would have to be crazy to accuse the Ass't football coach of a winning college football team in football country of sodomy even if you witnessed the crime. Like ot or not it just isn't done. You have to admire his courage today in coming forward at the risk of being called "retarded" by fools who ain't got a clue..

He saw Sandusky molesting a child and he did not detain him and call the police? What did he think he was doing. Stealing a candy bar? What would you do if you saw a man molesting a child? My first instinct beat the hell out of Sandusky and then call the police. McQueary had a moral duty to call the police first. Where does McQueary’s responsibility to this child began and ends? This boggles my mind. Paterno is not law enforcement?
McQueary needs to be investigated.

I do find it odd that Mr McQueary didn't intervene at the moment he saw it. I know I would have. I'm not a big guy, but I'd risk having my ass kicked to prevent the rape of anybody, especially a child.
If you think a citizen has the legal duty to detain a suspect you need to re-read the Constitution LOL. Think about university and big football politics. You would have to be crazy to accuse the Ass't football coach of a winning college football team in football country of sodomy even if you witnessed the crime. Like ot or not it just isn't done. You have to admire his courage today in coming forward at the risk of being called "retarded" by fools who ain't got a clue..

Constitution, politics and employment be dammed. If I saw a person being raped, I'd intervene.
If you think a citizen has the legal duty to detain a suspect you need to re-read the Constitution LOL. Think about university and big football politics. You would have to be crazy to accuse the Ass't football coach of a winning college football team in football country of sodomy even if you witnessed the crime. Like ot or not it just isn't done. You have to admire his courage today in coming forward at the risk of being called "retarded" by fools who ain't got a clue..
I don't need the Constitution to know that raping a child is wrong. to HELL with COLLEGE FOOTBALL POLITICS. :mad: I'd have stopped it - PERIOD.

He saw Sandusky molesting a child and he did not detain him and call the police? What did he think he was doing. Stealing a candy bar? What would you do if you saw a man molesting a child? My first instinct beat the hell out of Sandusky and then call the police. McQueary had a moral duty to call the police first. Where does McQueary’s responsibility to this child began and ends? This boggles my mind. Paterno is not law enforcement?
McQueary needs to be investigated.

I do find it odd that Mr McQueary didn't intervene at the moment he saw it. I know I would have. I'm not a big guy, but I'd risk having my ass kicked to prevent the rape of anybody, especially a child.

Have it your way big guy. Maybe you should cruise the showers looking for sodomites.

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