Is Mexico becoming a failed state?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I think this is a question very much worth looking into. They ARE our southern neighbors and we should be far more concerned with what goes on there than everything going on elsewhere in the world.

We first of all had the rebels of Chiapas who are still around after a decade or so. Then we had “vigilantes” rising up against drug cartels taking over their towns and cities. Now we have massive demonstrations in Mexico City and the state of Guerrero. In spite of all President Nieto's promises for reform, it appears the same old greed and corruption rules.

And the people are getting tired of it. One of the reason so many have fled to the USA.

We should look into more than so-called “immigration reform” and border security. The problem will never be fixed until the USA – and Canada – work more closely with Mexico to try to overcome the ills that beset that country.

However, the one and only true solution to the problem is to remove the billions the drug cartels receive from selling drugs that are illegal in the USA!!! No market – no profit.

Read more of the article @ Is Mexico becoming a failed state Hot Air
we have too many people here who have a very negative view of i dont know how many people are going to care....
we have too many people here who have a very negative view of i dont know how many people are going to care....

Well they better start caring!

South and Central America are pots slowly boiling over. And, if we continue to ignore them, they are going to bring chaos here. It's about time _someone_ paid attention.

I think this is a question very much worth looking into. They ARE our southern neighbors and we should be far more concerned with what goes on there than everything going on elsewhere in the world.

We first of all had the rebels of Chiapas who are still around after a decade or so. Then we had “vigilantes” rising up against drug cartels taking over their towns and cities. Now we have massive demonstrations in Mexico City and the state of Guerrero. In spite of all President Nieto's promises for reform, it appears the same old greed and corruption rules.

And the people are getting tired of it. One of the reason so many have fled to the USA.

We should look into more than so-called “immigration reform” and border security. The problem will never be fixed until the USA – and Canada – work more closely with Mexico to try to overcome the ills that beset that country.

However, the one and only true solution to the problem is to remove the billions the drug cartels receive from selling drugs that are illegal in the USA!!! No market – no profit.

Read more of the article @ Is Mexico becoming a failed state Hot Air

Some good points here. I'm not sure how involved I want us to get though. I am very hesitant for the US to get involved in any kind of foreign conflict after seeing what kind of reactions we receive and also the outcome is not always what we want.
It's shocking how enthusiastic people in this country are about getting involved in matters on the complete other side of the planet in the middle east...

But Mexico is to be ignored. Crazy :cuckoo:

I think most Americans would like nothing more to have nothing to do with the Middle East, but there is the oil that we need to be concerned with. I would like nothing more than to let someone else deal with those nut jobs. We don't even get the majority of our oil from there, but it seems that the responsibility is always laid upon OUR shoulders to do something.
we have too many people here who have a very negative view of i dont know how many people are going to care....

I don't have a negative view of Mexicans, just illegal immigrants no matter where they're from. It just so happens that because Mexico is our neighbor and is apparently a really horrible place to live, most of them happen to be Mexican.
we have too many people here who have a very negative view of i dont know how many people are going to care....

I don't have a negative view of Mexicans, just illegal immigrants no matter where they're from. It just so happens that because Mexico is our neighbor and is apparently a really horrible place to live, most of them happen to be Mexican.

In reality, Mexico is a pretty decent place to live - as long as you stay away from areas controlled by drug cartels. Most people have the same as middle class Americans but with a bit less quality.

There are parts of Mexico where hi-tech companies have moved in and young Mexicans are gaining the knowledge needed to work for them. The proposed changes to the petroleum industry should help a great deal.

But, the USA cannot continue to ignore our neighbor to the south! If YOU had a neighbor who was struggling to make his property worthwhile and equal to yours - and your actions were causing part of his problem - how would you feel?
we have too many people here who have a very negative view of i dont know how many people are going to care....

I don't have a negative view of Mexicans, just illegal immigrants no matter where they're from. It just so happens that because Mexico is our neighbor and is apparently a really horrible place to live, most of them happen to be Mexican.

In reality, Mexico is a pretty decent place to live - as long as you stay away from areas controlled by drug cartels. Most people have the same as middle class Americans but with a bit less quality.

There are parts of Mexico where hi-tech companies have moved in and young Mexicans are gaining the knowledge needed to work for them. The proposed changes to the petroleum industry should help a great deal.

But, the USA cannot continue to ignore our neighbor to the south! If YOU had a neighbor who was struggling to make his property worthwhile and equal to yours - and your actions were causing part of his problem - how would you feel?

I know I wouldn't want to live there. No way. And if it's so great, why do they come here illegally? Why not stay there if things are so good?
I do think people should care more about Mexico - particularly if they oppose immigration to the US.

The best way to reduce immigration is to help fix the countries the immigrants are coming from. I suspect the US is already doing as much as it can to help break the drug cartels, but it is essential that they do so.

Mexico is a wonderful place, and certainly parts would be great to live in, but the disparity of incomes is appalling, and crime the obvious result of that.
I confess that I have wondered about Mexico-as-failed-state off-and-on throughout my lifetime, in both a historical and current context.
I confess that I have wondered about Mexico-as-failed-state off-and-on throughout my lifetime, in both a historical and current context.

I wonder how the government keeps running, where does funding come from? I know their tourism industry MUST be suffering horrible consequences due to the chaos there.
I confess that I have wondered about Mexico-as-failed-state off-and-on throughout my lifetime, in both a historical and current context.

I wonder how the government keeps running, where does funding come from? I know their tourism industry MUST be suffering horrible consequences due to the chaos there.

They keep the violence as far as they can from the tourist areas.
I know I wouldn't want to live there. No way. And if it's so great, why do they come here illegally? Why not stay there if things are so good?

There are lots of communities where Americans and Canadians live quite happily. They usually have private security and are exactly like living here. And a lot cheaper.

Not far from Wal-Marts, Mickey D's, and everything else we're accustomed to.
I confess that I have wondered about Mexico-as-failed-state off-and-on throughout my lifetime, in both a historical and current context.

I wonder how the government keeps running, where does funding come from? I know their tourism industry MUST be suffering horrible consequences due to the chaos there.

They keep the violence as far as they can from the tourist areas.

I'm sure they do, but I would still bet that tourism in Mexico has dropped significantly in recent years. Just recently there was an attack at Acapulco where some tourists were raped by armed men. I would certainly not plan a vacation there. There are plenty of other places that are just as nice and safe to go on vacation.
I know I wouldn't want to live there. No way. And if it's so great, why do they come here illegally? Why not stay there if things are so good?

There are lots of communities where Americans and Canadians live quite happily. They usually have private security and are exactly like living here. And a lot cheaper.

Not far from Wal-Marts, Mickey D's, and everything else we're accustomed to.

Canadians? Canadians aren't flocking here to escape communities and entire cities that have been taken over by drug cartels and an ineffective corrupt government. Obviously illegal Mexican immigrants are going to be much more of a problem.
I know I wouldn't want to live there. No way. And if it's so great, why do they come here illegally? Why not stay there if things are so good?

There are lots of communities where Americans and Canadians live quite happily. They usually have private security and are exactly like living here. And a lot cheaper.

Not far from Wal-Marts, Mickey D's, and everything else we're accustomed to.

There are lots of Americans work in San Diego area but live in Mexico. They do the daily commute. They even have express commuter lane.

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