Is John Boehner gay?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Not that there is anything wrong with that..

Its just that fundamentalists like to know for sure..

I notice he tends to cry a lot. Gays have been known to cry when they get emotional.

He also spends a lot of time on his tan

Does he listen to show tunes?
being afraid to cry just shows you are afraid of the closet.

Tears might be seen as confidence in manliness, but a fear of them is a fear of being exposed for what you really are.
Not that there is anything wrong with that..

Its just that fundamentalists like to know for sure..

I notice he tends to cry a lot. Gays have been known to cry when they get emotional.

He also spends a lot of time on his tan

Does he listen to show tunes?

Well he does talk with a little bit of a lisp but I wouldn't hold that against him.
I did notice he talks about Barney Frank quite a bit

Some people equate crying with a loss of manliness. But I guess if he is the sensitive type there is nothing wrong with it
...couldn't help it. :D
Not that there is anything wrong with that..

Its just that fundamentalists like to know for sure..

I notice he tends to cry a lot. Gays have been known to cry when they get emotional.

He also spends a lot of time on his tan

Does he listen to show tunes?

I think I heard your wailing on election night....:eusa_eh:

Are you coming out????

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Geezz.. I was only kidding ... I guess RW is having an epiphany..
Boehner spent Election Eve watching "A Chorus Line" and drinking hot totties...why is that so wrong?

One. House Speaker and you can forget the rest
The only real reason you need to obsess about the sexuality of someone else is if you want some for yourself.

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