is it time?


Gold Member
Apr 23, 2011
That those obese who eat alot of fast food that is toxic and driving up our healthcare costs to pay more for healthcare? As a society we are overweight and eat access sugar and sodium and wonder why we have issue a. Wake up America. Less sugar less sodium substitute veggies and fruit or PAY MORE for healthcare. Common sense...common sense. Adjusting eating habits is so so so easy.
Yes, fat people absolutely should pay more for insurance. They make smokers do it. What's the difference?
Tax I agree. But some want it BOTH ways....Jack I can eat whatever but it makes no difference. And healthcare rates climb because they can't make an EASY change.
Which means Gov't can only get more and more intrusive into our eating habits and food choices.
I once did a political comic strip graphic art joking about gov't first steping into getting involved with our use of cigs would be the start opening the can of worms to beer then soda and then sugar and ironically that has come true much to people's shock that it would ever go that far.
Just put corks at the end of our forks like that Steve Martin character in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, because the more intrusive groups in our Gov't insults our intelligence as being to stupid to care for ourselves.
I truly don't know how people can actually stomach fast food at all. Hell's bells it scares the crap out of me whenever I find out what's in certain items.

Great example. Why are there 25 ingredients in a Chicken McNugget?


25 Ingredients In McDonald's Chicken McNuggets | Care2 Healthy Living
Eating healthy is so easy..people just don't have the will power. Tax junk food.

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