Is it time to start disciplining our children in school again?


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
My girlfriend went to attend an awards ceremony at a local Middle School today and the behavior of some of the children was just god awful, a couple of the girls sat in the back and kept making loud rude comments and insulting the children getting the awards and the guests that were attending the ceremony. It got so bad that one of the teachers confronted the girls and told them to be quiet but one of the girls said no I'm not going to be quiet and theres nothing you can do about it, the teacher than told her fine we are going to the office and we are going to call your mother and the girl told him fine I don't give a damn, that kind of behavior is outrageous and that girl deserved a slap across her little rude fucking mouth, I really think these kids need to be disciplined physically if it comes down to it, the attitude of alot our kids these days is atrocious, they have no damn respect for anything, what do you guys think?
My girlfriend went to attend an awards ceremony at a local Middle School today and the behavior of some of the children was just god awful, a couple of the girls sat in the back and kept making loud rude comments and insulting the children getting the awards and the guests that were attending the ceremony. It got so bad that one of the teachers confronted the girls and told them to be quiet but one of the girls said no I'm not going to be quiet and theres nothing you can do about it, the teacher than told her fine we are going to the office and we are going to call your mother and the girl told him fine I don't give a damn, that kind of behavior is outrageous and that girl deserved a slap across her little rude fucking mouth, I really think these kids need to be disciplined physically if it comes down to it, the attitude of alot our kids these days is atrocious, they have no damn respect for anything, what do you guys think?

What can you do? If you try to shame them, they will sue for emotional damage, if you try to discipline them physically, they will arrest your ass.

This all boils down to the parents, and parents today in general suck. 30 years ago (i went to catholic school) if a nun had a reason to smack you, you sure as hell didnt go running to your parents and tell them, as they would probably smack you and ask what the hell you did to deserve the smack from the nun.

Today, a large portion of parents A) are lazy, and B) see thier children as little angels, that cannot do wrong, so therefore if some authority figure has an issue with them, then the authority figure must be wrong.

As usual currently, as a society, we have overreacted to the real saddness of real child abuse, I mean asshole parents who whale on thier kids as a release from thier pathetic life, and basically made any phyiscial contact be considered "abuse." (i.e. one whack from dad's belt when you talked back to a teacher is considered the same as some drunk beating his kid for spilling his drink).
My girlfriend went to attend an awards ceremony at a local Middle School today and the behavior of some of the children was just god awful, a couple of the girls sat in the back and kept making loud rude comments and insulting the children getting the awards and the guests that were attending the ceremony. It got so bad that one of the teachers confronted the girls and told them to be quiet but one of the girls said no I'm not going to be quiet and theres nothing you can do about it, the teacher than told her fine we are going to the office and we are going to call your mother and the girl told him fine I don't give a damn, that kind of behavior is outrageous and that girl deserved a slap across her little rude fucking mouth, I really think these kids need to be disciplined physically if it comes down to it, the attitude of alot our kids these days is atrocious, they have no damn respect for anything, what do you guys think?

What can you do? If you try to shame them, they will sue for emotional damage, if you try to discipline them physically, they will arrest your ass.

This all boils down to the parents, and parents today in general suck. 30 years ago (i went to catholic school) if a nun had a reason to smack you, you sure as hell didnt go running to your parents and tell them, as they would probably smack you and ask what the hell you did to deserve the smack from the nun.

Today, a large portion of parents A) are lazy, and B) see thier children as little angels, that cannot do wrong, so therefore if some authority figure has an issue with them, then the authority figure must be wrong.

As usual currently, as a society, we have overreacted to the real saddness of real child abuse, I mean asshole parents who whale on thier kids as a release from thier pathetic life, and basically made any phyiscial contact be considered "abuse." (i.e. one whack from dad's belt when you talked back to a teacher is considered the same as some drunk beating his kid for spilling his drink).

Well I do see some parents that do discipline their children but the thing is the kids these days hold all the cards, if you hold your childs arm tightly and yell in their ear, they can call the police or CPS (Child Protective Services) and have you arrested, even though all you really did was discipline your child, I know these rules were set up to stop people from really beating the hell out of their kids but by putting these ridiculous rules in place we have effectively taken away all the power from the parents to try and discipline your kids, yelling at a child does nothing if the kid calls your bluff and knows you will do nothing, trust me.
[I can't recall the details]

but a principle took over a grade school. It was a horrendous school that boardered "the bad part of town". One day he sent a kid home, again, the next day the father showed up. He braced for a brow beating, but instead the father asked him for help discaplining his kid. He was a single father working 2 jobs. The princaple said the only thing left is the paddle. Dad said ok and signed off on the permission slip.
Short time passed, kid acted up, got the board. Word got around, parents came in to sign the permission slips.

Buy the end of the year the average GPA went up an entire grade point, teacher call outs dropped to near nothing, violence was all but gone.

Punishment works in practice, not punishing only works in theory.
[I can't recall the details]

but a principle took over a grade school. It was a horrendous school that boardered "the bad part of town". One day he sent a kid home, again, the next day the father showed up. He braced for a brow beating, but instead the father asked him for help discaplining his kid. He was a single father working 2 jobs. The princaple said the only thing left is the paddle. Dad said ok and signed off on the permission slip.
Short time passed, kid acted up, got the board. Word got around, parents came in to sign the permission slips.

Buy the end of the year the average GPA went up an entire grade point, teacher call outs dropped to near nothing, violence was all but gone.

Punishment works in practice, not punishing only works in theory.

The problem with that is with schools with absentee parents this won't work because you won't get anyone to sign the permission slip to whup their little thugged out hoochie momma asses.:evil:
My girlfriend went to attend an awards ceremony at a local Middle School today and the behavior of some of the children was just god awful, a couple of the girls sat in the back and kept making loud rude comments and insulting the children getting the awards and the guests that were attending the ceremony. It got so bad that one of the teachers confronted the girls and told them to be quiet but one of the girls said no I'm not going to be quiet and theres nothing you can do about it, the teacher than told her fine we are going to the office and we are going to call your mother and the girl told him fine I don't give a damn, that kind of behavior is outrageous and that girl deserved a slap across her little rude fucking mouth, I really think these kids need to be disciplined physically if it comes down to it, the attitude of alot our kids these days is atrocious, they have no damn respect for anything, what do you guys think?

Discipline starts at home. How kids behave in public is a pretty good indication of how they behave at home.

The problem with public schools is that they have NO power to do anything.
My girlfriend went to attend an awards ceremony at a local Middle School today and the behavior of some of the children was just god awful, a couple of the girls sat in the back and kept making loud rude comments and insulting the children getting the awards and the guests that were attending the ceremony. It got so bad that one of the teachers confronted the girls and told them to be quiet but one of the girls said no I'm not going to be quiet and theres nothing you can do about it, the teacher than told her fine we are going to the office and we are going to call your mother and the girl told him fine I don't give a damn, that kind of behavior is outrageous and that girl deserved a slap across her little rude fucking mouth, I really think these kids need to be disciplined physically if it comes down to it, the attitude of alot our kids these days is atrocious, they have no damn respect for anything, what do you guys think?

What can you do? If you try to shame them, they will sue for emotional damage, if you try to discipline them physically, they will arrest your ass.

This all boils down to the parents, and parents today in general suck. 30 years ago (i went to catholic school) if a nun had a reason to smack you, you sure as hell didnt go running to your parents and tell them, as they would probably smack you and ask what the hell you did to deserve the smack from the nun.

Today, a large portion of parents A) are lazy, and B) see thier children as little angels, that cannot do wrong, so therefore if some authority figure has an issue with them, then the authority figure must be wrong.

As usual currently, as a society, we have overreacted to the real saddness of real child abuse, I mean asshole parents who whale on thier kids as a release from thier pathetic life, and basically made any phyiscial contact be considered "abuse." (i.e. one whack from dad's belt when you talked back to a teacher is considered the same as some drunk beating his kid for spilling his drink).

Well I do see some parents that do discipline their children but the thing is the kids these days hold all the cards, if you hold your childs arm tightly and yell in their ear, they can call the police or CPS (Child Protective Services) and have you arrested, even though all you really did was discipline your child, I know these rules were set up to stop people from really beating the hell out of their kids but by putting these ridiculous rules in place we have effectively taken away all the power from the parents to try and discipline your kids, yelling at a child does nothing if the kid calls your bluff and knows you will do nothing, trust me.

The problem is caused by the inherent lazyness of the system created. It is far easier (and safer) just to brand any form of contact as "abuse", removing the need for a judgment call, and GASP, common sense.

As for screaming not working, it all depends on the screamer. My parents maybe laid a hand on me twice growing up, mostly because one of my mothers scream fits was enough to make me never want to do something stupid ever again (or at least until the next time).

Hell, excessive yelling could be considered abuse by some of the more busybody child services organizations.
What can you do? If you try to shame them, they will sue for emotional damage, if you try to discipline them physically, they will arrest your ass.

This all boils down to the parents, and parents today in general suck. 30 years ago (i went to catholic school) if a nun had a reason to smack you, you sure as hell didnt go running to your parents and tell them, as they would probably smack you and ask what the hell you did to deserve the smack from the nun.

Today, a large portion of parents A) are lazy, and B) see thier children as little angels, that cannot do wrong, so therefore if some authority figure has an issue with them, then the authority figure must be wrong.

As usual currently, as a society, we have overreacted to the real saddness of real child abuse, I mean asshole parents who whale on thier kids as a release from thier pathetic life, and basically made any phyiscial contact be considered "abuse." (i.e. one whack from dad's belt when you talked back to a teacher is considered the same as some drunk beating his kid for spilling his drink).

Well I do see some parents that do discipline their children but the thing is the kids these days hold all the cards, if you hold your childs arm tightly and yell in their ear, they can call the police or CPS (Child Protective Services) and have you arrested, even though all you really did was discipline your child, I know these rules were set up to stop people from really beating the hell out of their kids but by putting these ridiculous rules in place we have effectively taken away all the power from the parents to try and discipline your kids, yelling at a child does nothing if the kid calls your bluff and knows you will do nothing, trust me.

The problem is caused by the inherent lazyness of the system created. It is far easier (and safer) just to brand any form of contact as "abuse", removing the need for a judgment call, and GASP, common sense.

As for screaming not working, it all depends on the screamer. My parents maybe laid a hand on me twice growing up, mostly because one of my mothers scream fits was enough to make me never want to do something stupid ever again (or at least until the next time).

Hell, excessive yelling could be considered abuse by some of the more busybody child services organizations.

You are correct excessive yelling can be considered verbal abuse and can be grounds for CPS to intervene. Yelling may work at the home but in a school setting alot of the times with kids nowadays, if a teacher does yell at a child the child will call the teachers bluff because they know the teacher really has no power to do anything, the most they can do is write them or send them to the office, while they laugh in the teachers face and make a joke out of the whole situation, I have seen it myself. Kids nowadays have an untouchable attitude and think they can do whatever they want.
My girlfriend went to attend an awards ceremony at a local Middle School today and the behavior of some of the children was just god awful, a couple of the girls sat in the back and kept making loud rude comments and insulting the children getting the awards and the guests that were attending the ceremony. It got so bad that one of the teachers confronted the girls and told them to be quiet but one of the girls said no I'm not going to be quiet and theres nothing you can do about it, the teacher than told her fine we are going to the office and we are going to call your mother and the girl told him fine I don't give a damn, that kind of behavior is outrageous and that girl deserved a slap across her little rude fucking mouth, I really think these kids need to be disciplined physically if it comes down to it, the attitude of alot our kids these days is atrocious, they have no damn respect for anything, what do you guys think?

Discipline starts at home. How kids behave in public is a pretty good indication of how they behave at home.

The problem with public schools is that they have NO power to do anything.

Syrenn you nailed it, the public schools have absolutely no power and the children view their authority as a huge joke anyways.
My girlfriend went to attend an awards ceremony at a local Middle School today and the behavior of some of the children was just god awful, a couple of the girls sat in the back and kept making loud rude comments and insulting the children getting the awards and the guests that were attending the ceremony. It got so bad that one of the teachers confronted the girls and told them to be quiet but one of the girls said no I'm not going to be quiet and theres nothing you can do about it, the teacher than told her fine we are going to the office and we are going to call your mother and the girl told him fine I don't give a damn, that kind of behavior is outrageous and that girl deserved a slap across her little rude fucking mouth, I really think these kids need to be disciplined physically if it comes down to it, the attitude of alot our kids these days is atrocious, they have no damn respect for anything, what do you guys think?

Why didn't you help the teacher?............:eusa_whistle:
My girlfriend went to attend an awards ceremony at a local Middle School today and the behavior of some of the children was just god awful, a couple of the girls sat in the back and kept making loud rude comments and insulting the children getting the awards and the guests that were attending the ceremony. It got so bad that one of the teachers confronted the girls and told them to be quiet but one of the girls said no I'm not going to be quiet and theres nothing you can do about it, the teacher than told her fine we are going to the office and we are going to call your mother and the girl told him fine I don't give a damn, that kind of behavior is outrageous and that girl deserved a slap across her little rude fucking mouth, I really think these kids need to be disciplined physically if it comes down to it, the attitude of alot our kids these days is atrocious, they have no damn respect for anything, what do you guys think?

Why didn't you help the teacher?............:eusa_whistle:

I wasn't there, plus if I confronted these girls and they would have said something dumb, I probably would have lost my mind and got arrested, I don't get along well with kids.
Well I do see some parents that do discipline their children but the thing is the kids these days hold all the cards, if you hold your childs arm tightly and yell in their ear, they can call the police or CPS (Child Protective Services) and have you arrested, even though all you really did was discipline your child, I know these rules were set up to stop people from really beating the hell out of their kids but by putting these ridiculous rules in place we have effectively taken away all the power from the parents to try and discipline your kids, yelling at a child does nothing if the kid calls your bluff and knows you will do nothing, trust me.

The problem is caused by the inherent lazyness of the system created. It is far easier (and safer) just to brand any form of contact as "abuse", removing the need for a judgment call, and GASP, common sense.

As for screaming not working, it all depends on the screamer. My parents maybe laid a hand on me twice growing up, mostly because one of my mothers scream fits was enough to make me never want to do something stupid ever again (or at least until the next time).

Hell, excessive yelling could be considered abuse by some of the more busybody child services organizations.

You are correct excessive yelling can be considered verbal abuse and can be grounds for CPS to intervene. Yelling may work at the home but in a school setting alot of the times with kids nowadays, if a teacher does yell at a child the child will call the teachers bluff because they know the teacher really has no power to do anything, the most they can do is write them or send them to the office, while they laugh in the teachers face and make a joke out of the whole situation, I have seen it myself. Kids nowadays have an untouchable attitude and think they can do whatever they want.

and just think, in 10 years these idiots are going to be joining the workforce.

It again points out the weak link, the parent, who's responsibility is to wipe the self satisfied smirk off the kid's face when he/she gets home after being an asshat at school.
Discipline starts at home. How kids behave in public is a pretty good indication of how they behave at home.

The problem with public schools is that they have NO power to do anything.

You are SO right, syrenn. My father taught industrial arts on the high school and junior high level for eight and a half years in the late 1970's and early 1980's. During that time IA is where the system sent kids who didn't want to sit still in English, Math, History or Science until the kid just dropped out or flunked out. It drove my father NUTS to send these kids to the office only to see them back 20 minutes later for the next period. That's why he got out of teaching.

The night of my father's wake, a number of his former students showed up (they were all in their 40's at the time). I asked them what they remembered about him. Several of them told me.... "Your dad was the most feared teacher in the whole school. If you were in a fight he'd grab you by both by the hair and pull in opposite directions. If you resisted he'd drive you face first into the concrete block wall. NOBODY wanted to get into a fight around your dad." Do that today and you'd be fired immediately.
Some people teach their kids to be rude.

Some people teach them this by example.

Some people have no respect for others and pass that on to their children.
My girlfriend went to attend an awards ceremony at a local Middle School today and the behavior of some of the children was just god awful, a couple of the girls sat in the back and kept making loud rude comments and insulting the children getting the awards and the guests that were attending the ceremony. It got so bad that one of the teachers confronted the girls and told them to be quiet but one of the girls said no I'm not going to be quiet and theres nothing you can do about it, the teacher than told her fine we are going to the office and we are going to call your mother and the girl told him fine I don't give a damn, that kind of behavior is outrageous and that girl deserved a slap across her little rude fucking mouth, I really think these kids need to be disciplined physically if it comes down to it, the attitude of alot our kids these days is atrocious, they have no damn respect for anything, what do you guys think?

Why didn't you help the teacher?............:eusa_whistle:

I wasn't there, plus if I confronted these girls and they would have said something dumb, I probably would have lost my mind and got arrested, I don't get along well with kids.

Ah, your GF was there WITH GUESTS that were attending the ceremony.

My point is it sounds like there were many adults in the room that could have helped the teacher, but none chose to get involved. All they would have had to do is simply stand up, and walk over to where the teacher/girl was and stand next to the teacher, staring at the girl.
The problem is caused by the inherent lazyness of the system created. It is far easier (and safer) just to brand any form of contact as "abuse", removing the need for a judgment call, and GASP, common sense.

As for screaming not working, it all depends on the screamer. My parents maybe laid a hand on me twice growing up, mostly because one of my mothers scream fits was enough to make me never want to do something stupid ever again (or at least until the next time).

Hell, excessive yelling could be considered abuse by some of the more busybody child services organizations.

You are correct excessive yelling can be considered verbal abuse and can be grounds for CPS to intervene. Yelling may work at the home but in a school setting alot of the times with kids nowadays, if a teacher does yell at a child the child will call the teachers bluff because they know the teacher really has no power to do anything, the most they can do is write them or send them to the office, while they laugh in the teachers face and make a joke out of the whole situation, I have seen it myself. Kids nowadays have an untouchable attitude and think they can do whatever they want.

and just think, in 10 years these idiots are going to be joining the workforce.

It again points out the weak link, the parent, who's responsibility is to wipe the self satisfied smirk off the kid's face when he/she gets home after being an asshat at school.

You are 100% correct but the sad thing is I have a feeling it is the parents of these animals where these kids are learning to behave this way, either that or the parents are not around and these kids are raising themselves, which is equally disastrous. With these kids attitudes in 10 years the only job they will have is serving me my chicken and fries at Churchs Chicken.
Discipline starts at home. How kids behave in public is a pretty good indication of how they behave at home.

The problem with public schools is that they have NO power to do anything.

You are SO right, syrenn. My father taught industrial arts on the high school and junior high level for eight and a half years in the late 1970's and early 1980's. During that time IA is where the system sent kids who didn't want to sit still in English, Math, History or Science until the kid just dropped out or flunked out. It drove my father NUTS to send these kids to the office only to see them back 20 minutes later for the next period. That's why he got out of teaching.

The night of my father's wake, a number of his former students showed up (they were all in their 40's at the time). I asked them what they remembered about him. Several of them told me.... "Your dad was the most feared teacher in the whole school. If you were in a fight he'd grab you by both by the hair and pull in opposite directions. If you resisted he'd drive you face first into the concrete block wall. NOBODY wanted to get into a fight around your dad." Do that today and you'd be fired immediately.

Not only that but you would have charges pressed against you and be arrested for assault.
The night of my father's wake, a number of his former students showed up (they were all in their 40's at the time). I asked them what they remembered about him. Several of them told me.... "Your dad was the most feared teacher in the whole school. If you were in a fight he'd grab you by both by the hair and pull in opposite directions. If you resisted he'd drive you face first into the concrete block wall. NOBODY wanted to get into a fight around your dad." Do that today and you'd be fired immediately.

Hell yes, you would, and you should be fired.

WTF is it with people: Either they completely ignore the problem, or they think the only way to resolve it is to slap the shit out of someone?

There were other adults in the room: ONLY the TEACHER tried to resolve the issue.


Because all the other adults felt it was HER JOB.

Lemme tell ya something, when YOU are in a PUBLIC SCHOOL, then YOU can say anything YOU fucking want to say (obviously yelling "Fire" or being foul mouthed will get you in trouble).

ANY ONE of the MANY adults could have helped the teacher simply by joining her and agreeing that the girl was being annoying. Usually, middle school girls cannot tolerate more than one adult, and will comply. Common sense, for christssakes.
The night of my father's wake, a number of his former students showed up (they were all in their 40's at the time). I asked them what they remembered about him. Several of them told me.... "Your dad was the most feared teacher in the whole school. If you were in a fight he'd grab you by both by the hair and pull in opposite directions. If you resisted he'd drive you face first into the concrete block wall. NOBODY wanted to get into a fight around your dad." Do that today and you'd be fired immediately.

Hell yes, you would, and you should be fired.

WTF is it with people: Either they completely ignore the problem, or they think the only way to resolve it is to slap the shit out of someone?

There were other adults in the room: ONLY the TEACHER tried to resolve the issue.


Because all the other adults felt it was HER JOB.

Lemme tell ya something, when YOU are in a PUBLIC SCHOOL, then YOU can say anything YOU fucking want to say (obviously yelling "Fire" or being foul mouthed will get you in trouble).

ANY ONE of the MANY adults could have helped the teacher simply by joining her and agreeing that the girl was being annoying. Usually, middle school girls cannot tolerate more than one adult, and will comply. Common sense, for christssakes.

I get what your saying, I definently feel like more adults should have got involved, at the point the teacher intervened the child was already making rude comments and insulting other adults in the crowd anyways.
The night of my father's wake, a number of his former students showed up (they were all in their 40's at the time). I asked them what they remembered about him. Several of them told me.... "Your dad was the most feared teacher in the whole school. If you were in a fight he'd grab you by both by the hair and pull in opposite directions. If you resisted he'd drive you face first into the concrete block wall. NOBODY wanted to get into a fight around your dad." Do that today and you'd be fired immediately.

Hell yes, you would, and you should be fired.

WTF is it with people: Either they completely ignore the problem, or they think the only way to resolve it is to slap the shit out of someone?

There were other adults in the room: ONLY the TEACHER tried to resolve the issue.


Because all the other adults felt it was HER JOB.

Lemme tell ya something, when YOU are in a PUBLIC SCHOOL, then YOU can say anything YOU fucking want to say (obviously yelling "Fire" or being foul mouthed will get you in trouble).

ANY ONE of the MANY adults could have helped the teacher simply by joining her and agreeing that the girl was being annoying. Usually, middle school girls cannot tolerate more than one adult, and will comply. Common sense, for christssakes.

I get what your saying, I definently feel like more adults should have got involved, at the point the teacher intervened the child was already making rude comments and insulting other adults in the crowd anyways.

Even more reason to wonder why the other adults would just sit there.

The reason kids are so fucking bratty IN PUBLIC is because IT IS TOLERATED!

In many societies, the whole town, or village, or tribe is watching you, and will take action. There's nothing to prevent us from doing this too except our own apathy.

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